No More Blue Sea (Tak Biru Lagi Lautku) Cover Song

in hive-148441 •  4 years ago 

In this video I cover the song TAK BIRU LAGI LAUTKU, one of the songs from the Indonesian legend musician Iwan Fals from the OPINI album released in 1982. An old song that is still fun to enjoy and still relate to the current situation.

Dalam video ini saya mengcover lagu TAK BIRU LAGI LAUTKU, salah satu lagu dari musisi legenda IndonesiaIwan Fals dari album OPINI yang dirilis pada tahun 1982. Lagu lama yang masih asyik dinikmati dan masih relate dengan situasi sekarang ini.

Here the lyrics and its translation.

Hamparan pasir Tampak putih berbuih
Kala sisa ombak merayap
Hamparan pasir Terasa panas menyengat
Di telapak kaki yang berkeringat

Expanse of sand Looks bubbly white
When the rest of the waves crept
Expanse of sand Feels hot
On the soles of sweaty feet

Camar-camar hitam Terbang rendah melayang
Di sekitar perahu nelayan
Daun kelapa Elok saat melambai
Mengikuti arah angin

Black seagulls Flying low
Around a fishing boat
Elegant coconut leaves when waving
Follow the direction of the wind

Tampak ombak Kejar-mengejar menuju karang
Menampar tubuh pencari ikan
Semilir angin berhembus Bawa dendang unggas laut
Seperti restui jala nelayan

Looks of chasing waves toward the reef
Slap the fish finder's body
A breeze blows Bring the kick of sea birds
Like the blessing of a fishing net

Gurau mereka Oh, memang akrab dengan alam
Kudengar dari kejauhan
Dan batu-batu karang Tertawa ramah bersahabat
Memaksa aku 'tuk bernyanyi

They joked Oh, indeed familiar with nature

I heard from a distance
And the Laughing rocks are friendly
Forcing me to sing

Tampak ombak Kejar-mengejar menuju karang
Menampar tubuh pencari ikan
Semilir angin berhembus bawa dendang unggas laut
Seperti restui jala nelayan

Looks of chasing waves toward the reef
Slap the fish finder's body
A breeze blows to bring of sea birds
Like the blessing of a fishing net

Itu dahulu berapa tahun yang lalu
Cerita orang tuaku
Sangat berbeda dengan apa yang ada
Tak biru lagi lautku

That was how many years ago
My parent's story
Very different from what is there now
My sea is no longer blue

Tak riuh lagi camarku
Tak rapat lagi jalamu
Tak kokoh lagi karangku
Tak buas lagi ombakmu
Tak elok lagi daun kelapaku
Tak senyum lagi nelayanku
Tak senyum lagi nelayanku

No more noisy my seagull
No more dense the fishing net
My rock is not sturdy anymore
Your waves are no longer savage
My coconut leaves no longer beautiful
No smile anymore, my fishermen
No smile anymore, my fishermen

With Love,

Reza Sofyan

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