STEEM INVESTING and POWER-UP NEWS - Five Potential New Orca and Dolphin Candidates

in hive-153970 •  3 years ago 

Silver Foil 3D Logo Mockup.jpg

Power-Up continues to grow and increase significantly since the launch of the #Club100, #club75 and #Club5050 programs by the Steemit Team some time ago. The hashtag encourages user activity to continue to turn on the STEEM they have both from rewards and investments from the exchange. This climate can encourage the growth of STEEM values ​​in the future if it continues to be a platform culture.

Today I will show 4 new Orca candidates that will be born along with the development of hashtags about Power-Up, as for the 4 accounts, namely:

NumAccountOwn SP

As for the new Dolphin Candidates, for Indonesia it has been released by @klen.civil in his post with the theme"List of 22 Potential New Dolphins On The Steemit Platform In Indonesia (According to the applicable rules)

The following is a snippet of the table of potential dolphin candidates published by him, he only protects on an Indonesian scale.

RankingAccountOwn SPDelegated SPCommitment

In general, I also publish 5 other dolphin candidates outside Indonesia, on average they already have SP above 4.950.000. Here's a list of 5 new dolphin candidates that I mean.

NumAccountOwn SP

As in the previous period, based on data obtained from, the number of Power-Ups this month continued to increase to 1,711,406.113 STEEM on November 15, 2021, while last week it was still at 1,327,351,940 STEEM. Below is the October and November 2021 Power-Up diagram.


Total Power-Ups for the period from October to November 2021 are 6,271,677.13 STEEM. I believe the Power-Up trend will continue to grow rapidly with the birth of the Steemit Team's support for Power-Up, this trend needs to be cultivated as an effort to maintain the balance of the steem economy on the stock exchange.

In general, the Community continues to campaign for #Club100, #Club75 and #Club5050 as a form of support for the Steemit Team program, as well as Steem For BetterLife Community which continues to do so, one way to stimulate members is to publish forms of admin and moderator support as Community Role Models , see the following link with the theme Admin and Moderator Profiles as Role Models for Club5050, Club75 and Community Development Campaigns

cc: @pennsif

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Assalamualaikum bang @irawandedy, Alhamdulillah saya sudah membuat naskah achievement 5 task 1, Mohon di koreksi bang mungkin ada salah dalam naskah saya, Ini adalah tautan achievement 5 taks 1 saya :

Maaf jika menggangu waktunya bang, Terima kasih bang @irawandedy

Assalamualaikum bang @irawandedy, saya sudah 3 hari menyelesaikan tugas Achievement 5.4 tapi belum diverifikasi bang . Jika ada kesalahan atau kekurangan mohon sudi kiranya untuk dikoreksi bang. Berikut tautan Achievement 5.4 milik saya :

Mohon maaf sebelumnya bang jika mengganggu waktunya . Terimakasih banyak bang @irawandedy.

Assalamualaikum bang @irawandedy, saya sudah menyelesaikan tugas achievement1mohon dikoreksi jika ada yang salah, berikut link tautannya :

Terimakasih banyak bang.

[WhereIn Android] (

Assalamu’alaikum Bang @irawandedy
Saya telah menyelesaikan Achievement 5 tugas 3, mohon untuk di tinjau apa bila masih terdapat kekeliruan dan kesalahan

Berikut saya lampiran tautan Achievement tersebut:

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya

Assalamualaikum bang, saya sudah melakukan acievemnet 2 tetapi belum diverifikasi, apakah ada kesalaha? tolong dikoreksi ya bang

Assalamualaikum bg @irawandedy, saya sudah menyelesaikan tugas Achievement 2 dan Achievement 3.
Mohon untuk diperiksa atau koreksi jika ada kesalahan.

Mohon maaf bang jika mengganggu waktunya . Terimakasih banyak bg .

Assalamualaikum bg @irawandedy
Saya sudah menyelesaikan tugas Achievement 5-4 saya, jika terdapat kalimat yang keliru mohon untuk dikoreksinya aduen..

Berikut saya kirimkan tautan Achievement 5-4 milik saya: