Covid19 world report 1ST JULY
34% Is US share of covid positive cases in the top 6 hit countries .
18,22,00,443 total cases in the world out of which 5,86,75,188
are Active cases and 11,95,78,281 recovered .
Total number of Deaths is 39,46,974
chart showing number of Death in the top 6 worst hit countries .
48,786 New COVID-19 Cases In India, 22% Higher Than Yesterday ,and 1005 Deaths .
Bar Chart showing Total Vaccine Shots given
Vaccine shots........Million
US...... ..................... 325.15
BRAZIL ............ ......... 98.83
UK...... ................. ..... 77.30
GERMANY.................. 73.75
FRANCE..................... 53.08
ITALY ......................... 51.01
TURKEY...................... 49.40
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