Philosophy of education is the estuary of ideas from various basic educational needs such as learning models and various other aspects needed to continue the scientific saga of education.
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Like philosophy in general, this philosophy also questions the various possibilities that already exist and then questions their truth in order to decide on new truths in pursuing this science.
In the past, educational philosophy was included as one of the subjects to be studied in undergraduate education study programs. However, recently this course has been abolished and is only given specifically to students pursuing postgraduate education. The reason? Because it is considered too heavy. Actually, it's not that complicated. It's just that philosophy must be done systematically.
Scientific conceptions can usually be classified by: definition, type, purpose, etc. However, since the philosophy of education is basically a branch of philosophy, the terminology and philosophical methods used must also be clear. For example, how the nature, understanding or basis of philosophy itself must be revealed through its ontological basis first.
When one searches for an ontology, all concentration dissolves; Ontology is the most difficult area of philosophy. Yet things like that usually happen and make philosophy seem more complicated. In fact, the essence of ontology is how we formulate what, why and in what form something must exist? You don't have to know in advance what an ontology is. First understand one of the basic definitions, then we can learn more.
Therefore, the discussion of the philosophy of education will begin with a general understanding first. Philosophy of education is a philosophy used in the study of educational problems. Simple isn't it? However, unfortunately in philosophy again we cannot generalize something as simple as that.
What is philosophy? What is education? What are the educational problems? We can formulate this understanding from the study of the two words that make up the phrase itself.
Philosophy is the critical study of thought that has been approved for truth. While education is an effort to realize learning that can be followed properly by students in developing their potential.
Through the description above, it can be concluded that the philosophy of education is a critical study of thoughts and attitudes that have been and/or will be carried out through the search and analysis of the most basic concepts to create better and more appropriate considerations in the scope of education that seeks to realize learning. which can be followed by students in developing their potential in terms of science, personality, and other positive values.
Through the conclusion of the understanding above, it can be concluded that something referred to in philosophy is a consideration in the scope of education. Of course, these various considerations and concepts have been determined in the world of education.
Anything? Educational goals, learning models, curriculum, etc. The above formulation states that the philosophy of education is an approach in understanding and solving fundamental problems in education, such as in determining educational goals, curriculum, learning methods, humans, society, and culture that cannot be separated from the world of education itself.
That's all I can write, hopefully useful and thank you. See you in the next post. Nice to be here with you all!