RE: Surprise!- SC01 & Kitty

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Surprise!- SC01 & Kitty

in hive-161155 •  8 months ago 

A whisper of wisdom is enough for the enlightened. Yet, I'm cognizant that my public proclamations have been prolific. Perhaps this transparency will prove perilous for me. Nevertheless, I've endured the repercussions before and shall brave them again! For I am the maestro of manifesting truth, weaving tales that transcend the mundane. My words are the warp and weft of reality itself.

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You are not alone.
I know more, they hide and only appear if it's dark.
Will I still be alive at dawn? If not the truth is revealed and more than one know being united, a new path is possibl. There's no need to stay in a 'magical' circle.
Ignorance, keeping up appearances is the used tool, tools I don't use.
I didn't see bears on the road but there are plenty of other animals.
Some can be scary.
It's not about purring cats, licking another but climbing, stabbing, monkey without aperol spritz but dirty tricks. As if gorillas fall for it.

Tomorrow is my muddy day like all days. Present but muted.
Hurray, united we step out of the dark and fight those killing fake-monsters.

Since the dawn of my quest for authentic companionship, I've traversed the desolate landscape of solitude. The serpents of deceit, masquerading as steadfast allies, struck with precision, injecting venom into the fabric of my existence. This calamitous misstep has forever altered the trajectory of my life, casting a long shadow of isolation. The tender shoots of trust, once nurtured with care, withered under the scorching sun of betrayal. As a result, my life has been stagnant. I've spent the last three years cooped up in my room, glued to my phone's screen, to catch the candles moving up & down..

Take some advice from me. You can write something good. Do not wait for others to compliment you. Most likely that will never happen. To me, that's not different than for you. The main problem is envy and greed Regina and creativity, talent, art? There's no room for it but I keep trying. Imagine a world without us? Would it still be entertaining? Would there be inventions or improvements? I don't think so. If we find one like-minded per month we will grow and be stronger but what we do have to count on is that the most creative ones are locked in a room, sit in the dark, write at night, are introverts and find creating, writing, more important than commenting and engaging. We can still support another with a few words and set a fanbase it it comes to upvoting. I'm working on that right now. Maybe it needs some changes in the nearest future but it's a start.

I don't rely on support to motivate me, I'm in the habit of posting every day or every other day. But to be honest, I've been feeling off for the past two days and could only manage to respond to comments. Today, I struggled to even create a simple drawing.

And Thanks for the very good advice! You're right, we shouldn't wait for others to appreciate our work.
Let's keep creating and supporting each other, even if it's just a few words or upvotes.

Imagine the impact we could have if we lifted each other up! I'm with you on this, let's make a difference and bring out the creativity and talent that's being hidden away.

Let's do it. If not for us I do it for you and you for me.
I set up the fanbase and will do so for the other acvounts later.
At times we have to kick our ass to keep writing. I'm behind as well and I no longer want to invest in all the fuss. It's not why I came here.

Midnight and I still didn't write.

I can understand . When your mind is a mess and you're going through tough times, it's hard to write anything. Take a break, relax, and focus on your loved ones - your kids ( family)

I will try creating account on telegram . But the problem is telegram and X social media not 🚫 working properly here in Pakistan. May be they are banned🚫.

I am not going through tough times I knew way worse and my mind isn't a mess. The 'chaotic mind' was once mentioned by a dear friend and it was a compliment. One I appreciate but the average person will not notice the difference so I keep it this way. Why not take the benefits?

If I understood it well you need VPN to access Telegram. Is X banned as well? We only see what the gov decides is save for us. This is how truth is coloured.

I have no idea if I can help you with that, let me know. ❤️🍀

No one can understand a person better than themselves. You can be whoever you want, but you should be confident. That was the purpose of my previous message.Telegram and X both are banned and I don't use VPN because it increases the risk of being flagged. I've gone through a similar situation when my trading account was restricted.

And why dont i take advantage ? That's a good question. To be honest, I always have doubts, as a Steemit friend once told me. And We're shackled from every angle, our autonomy stifled even on a platform touted as decentralized. Steemit, a bastion of freedom, now feels like a gilded cage. Our power, delegated in good faith, are dismissed as robotic echoes, our meager support suffocated. On Power up, and we're met with indifference. While on Power down, and we're branded outlaws. The fruits of our labor, poured onto the page with passion and toil, languish unseen. I scour the depths of Steemit, witnessing injustices that sear my soul, yet my voice, raised in protest, is drowned out by the void. I'm left to wonder: in a world where only the powerful are heard, can a lone cry make a difference?

Sahabat sejati idaman semua orang, semakin tinggi kesulitan mendapatkannya akan berbanding lurus dengan kualitas persahabatan. Senang membaca tulisan yang indah ini. Saya menemukan fakta bahwa di platform ini banyak penulis hebat seperti anda. Jangan berhenti untuk mencari sahabat sejati lewat tulisan yang sejati juga.

Hal yang sama juga penting bagi Anda. Bergabunglah dengan kami dan tulis cerita, bergabunglah dengan penulis gratis, ini akan memberi Anda lebih banyak ruang untuk kreativitas. Bulan ini ada kurator yang memberikan penghargaan kepada penulis bebas, penulis cerita, dan juga komentator kontes komentar saya. Saya pikir jika kita semua mengikuti kontes dan komunitas yang sama, kita akan diperhatikan dan siapa tahu bisa membuat perbedaan. Satu teman baik akan sulit ditemukan tapi kita bisa menemukan banyak teman kecil yang menjadi besar dan yang pasti kita akan merasa lebih baik jika kita berbagi semangat yang sama, kecintaan pada kata-kata, dan niche kita. Sisanya akan muncul dengan sendirinya. Saya lebih banyak ketemu dilawan, takut untuk tampil dan menulis serta presentasi di malam hari. Beberapa memiliki komunitas dan berencana untuk memulainya lagi dalam beberapa bulan. Untuk saat ini, saya katakan: berhenti bersembunyi, tidak banyak ruginya kecuali niche kita dan merasa sedih karena tidak bisa menulis.

Jadi anda tidak lagi menyelenggarakan kontes komentar di betterlife, apa karena peminatnya sedikit?

Kontes ini saya posting pada hari Selasa. Saya bertanya kepada Nailul apakah saya harus berhenti, dia bilang sebaiknya tidak. Ini adalah tugas yang berat untuk membuatnya tetap berjalan, saya bisa menggunakan 3-5 orang yang aktif untuk menjaga agar komentar tetap hidup. Saya tidak tahu mengapa amino sangat rendah. Tidak ada yang ingin Anda bagikan? Bagaimana menurut Anda? Jika Anda bertanya kepada saya, meninggalkan pesan 25 kata adalah kemenangan yang mudah. Anda mempromosikan nama Anda, Anda terlibat dan para kurator memberikan upvote, begitu juga saya dan para saksi. Rasanya bagi saya rata-rata Steemian tidak cukup pintar untuk menyadari hal itu.
Sejujurnya saya berpikir bahwa meskipun sebagian besar penulis lepas fokus dalam menulis dan introvert, mereka lebih aktif bergabung.


Saya pikir lebih baik mengembangkan komunitas penulis lepas, walaupun sedikit tapi bisa tetap aktip. Kalau hanya 10 steemian yang berpartisipasi, buat apa di komunitas yang besar.

Itulah yang saya pikirkan. Sepuluh sudah cukup untuk bacaan yang bagus

The enlightened know, turning tables is only possible if united and separate. Power comes in many ways. It's not all about the money but words, whispers spread followed by...

You are right . I will try my best, and i think this will work .

Join me

1,1 = 11 :-)

Being crazy has it's benefit so has buying yourself a way into H...
A screwed mind fits me #13 is fine too.
Thank you 😘

1,1= 11

This is a well-known concept among us, which I have numerically represented. It signifies that an individual's efforts, no matter how strenuous, have limited impact. However, when two people come together, their combined strength is equivalent to that of 11 individuals.

And I wholeheartedly acknowledge that your way of thinking is better and more unique than mine. In that sense, I am going to add +2. So, in that count, we have reached 13. :-)

I am happy with the 13, though 1+3 makes 4/2 = 2 which is more than 1,1

You bought Steem like I did or?

I am not so sure if my way of thinking is better or more unique but see it as a plus if we both can think in a different way. It makes us see, hear more and mire crestive (also if it comes to solutions).

I could ask how much is needed to not be ignored but I think it's zero, the word has power...
Over 80% tiptoes and that for what should be a hobby, social media's substitute, a fun place to be. 🤔

This is the answer why people rather stay unpaid on FB and YouTube.

You must have a lot of experience in tolerating ignorance... But i am not will learn from you . How keep calm when you are ignored :-)