Is eternal life a blessing?

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 

Greetings friends!

In mythologies of every part of the world, there are numerous stories about tireless quests for immortality. For example mythology of Hindus and Greek is full of gods, demons and other entities who wished to have an eternal life. They wanted to live forever to enjoy the fruits of life. Many demons of Hindu mythologies worshipped Supreme Gods (Shiva, Vishnu and Brahama) and pleased them to receive blessings of immortality. But, Gods always used to play some tricks to dilute the effect of their blessings so that the demons could be killed if they misuse the blessings. In the great epic Ramayana, demon king Ravana had a blessings that he cannot be killed by any God, god or goddess and other supreme deities. He was so arrogant that he ignored humans and apes. Finally killed by Rama, a human incarnation of God Vishnu. Kansa was warned by the divine voice that he would be killed by his cousin sister’s son. So, he killed her children and even killed other children within his territory. He attempted to kill lord Krishna many times, but finally killed by him. If he hadn’t tried to kill Krishna, there would have been no animosity between him and his nephew. But, he tried too hard and was killed.

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In the modern time, many rich persons wish to gain immortality. Old alchemists were trying hard to find an elixir of immortality. Many scientists are trying to find some method which may make humans immortal or at least increase the life span for a few hundred years. So, nothing has changed since old time. People always wish to live forever and enjoy all the luxuries they have. Even a person who has not much resources and whose health is very bad, wishes to stay for more times in this world. Everyone is afraid of death. But, it doesn’t change anything. Whether one is beautiful or ugly, rich or poor, intelligent or fool, religious or atheist, is destined to left this world.

An ordinary human being live maximum a hundred year long life. Turtles can live a few hundred years and trees thousands of years. Some bacteria can live for millions years if they are in suspended animation state. But, ultimately they have to end, otherwise new life forms cannot flourish. The age of the universe is billions of years and it will stay for trillions of years before it would be destroyed. In comparison to the lifespan of the universe, the period of our life is almost zero. Despite of knowing this fact, every living creature strives to extend its life a few years more. We cannot escape death. So, religions and philosophers devised the idea of spirit or soul which is eternal. According to them, our body dies, soul remains intact. In Hinduism, soul takes birth again and again before it gets nirvana or moksha. In Abrahamic religions, soul waits for the judgment day when God sends souls to heaven or hell according to their deeds in this world. Methodology may be different, tut, the essence is the same in all the religions - immortality of the soul.

But, do we really want an eternal life? Eternal life seems a great blessings only in imagination. In real world it will be the worst curse which one is condemn with. If someone is given eternal life, he would have to witness hell in his whole life. He will see his family, friends and relatives dying. He will have too much time to pass. Worldly pleasures and luxuries can give satisfaction for only a short time. Soon he will fed up with it. He would have visited all the places of the world in hundreds years. He would have seen too many things which would be impossible for him to remember. He would have a very difficult life and finally he would be so bored with himself that he would definitely beg for death. So, eternal life is the thing which would prove to be the worst curse for the person whom eternal life is given.

Therefore, death is not our enemy. It is our savior. I am not saying that we should die by committing suicide. I am just trying to say that there is no reason to be afraid of death. It can kill our body but, if there is soul inside us, it cannot be killed. If there is no soul, than it won’t hurt us at all as before our birth we were not anxious for life and after death we won’t cry for life. It is just a short span in which we are being push to live and do everything to defer the time of death.

Suicide is the most heinous crime which one can commit with oneself. But, it is also a matter of the biggest shame for the creator of us (whether it is God or nature). Suicide means the creator failed to give a reason to the person to live more. It is also a great shame for the society, humanity, politicians and the system. A person suicides only when he or she is fully dejected. Mental illness is a different thing but, if someone dies intentionally because he or she had no means to live, than it’s the responsibility of the society and the government. We have been given a limited time period to life on this planet which is the best thing as unlimited time is a curse. We can make it better for everyone if we don’t become too greedy, too selfish and too much egocentric.

Have a nice time and great health!

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