Greetings friends!
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There are many examples which prove that gaining knowledge has resulted in harm rather than benefit. Until man had the knowledge of agriculture, he lived as a hunter gatherer who had to go in search of food every day. As he did not have to collect for months, he would return after hunting within an hour or two. Due to this he used to have enough time. He had good knowledge of the behavior of the objects, plants and animals around him. Then when he got the knowledge of agriculture, he got tied up. Now all his attention started to remain on how to protect the crop from wild animals, how to save the crop from thieves, how to arrange for food in case of famine and where to arrange tax to give to the king.
After agriculture there came the knowledge of how to form a state. Policies of punishment and reward were discovered for the running of the state. Free men started being made slaves. The kings got the knowledge to create a system in which the soldiers and policemen who were recruited from the public themselves, became the servants of the kings and made the rest of the public also the servants of the kings.
Until man knew that there was some deity/God/Allah like power which was governing this world, he used to work instinctively. Then he gained the knowledge of performing sacrifices in the name of gods/God. Then great men were born and started giving various types of religious-spiritual knowledge to humans. As a result, human society disintegrated. Then the conflicts of religion and faith started. Till date the blood of crores of people has been shed but these fights are still going on.
Common Hindus did not know when to observe fasts and rituals, when was the auspicious time to observe a fast, when and how to perform the puja. Everything happened smoothly without any hassle. Then everyone became knowledgeable and today religion has become a business. Common Muslims had no knowledge of how to drink water, when to do a thing, what is haram and what is halal. Then educated Maulvis came and started imparting so much knowledge that the life of a common Muslim is spent in searching for Haram and Halal. Same is the condition of other religions as well.
Until there was knowledge of nationalism, people used to travel to any country without passport or visa. Once the knowledge of nationalism was acquired, then the condition of human beings became like that of dogs whose own brothers and sisters do not allow them to move from one street to another.
Until man had the knowledge of making weapons, he used to fight with hands and feet. Then when he gained knowledge, he started making everything from stone tools to atom bombs so that he could cause mass destruction.
Until he had the knowledge of plastic, everything from land to sea was free from plastic wrap, bottles and plastic waste. Then he got knowledge and garbage spread from the land to the sky.
A criminal did not know how to kidnap someone and demand ransom. Then literature and films taught him everything. Today mobile and internet have taught even small children to have sex at an early age.
Till the time there was no knowledge of loudspeaker, there was so much peace. Now Hindus and Muslims of India use it openly. Today's Aarti, Jagrata and Azaan are not complete without making noise. Now no marriage is complete without DJ playing.
Now along with scientists, the general public has also become knowledgeable. That's why spurious milk and mawa are being made indiscriminately. Those making fake goods are also able to make fake goods only on the basis of knowledge.
Sometimes it is very unfortunate to have knowledge. For example, a man's wife loves him very much and respects him a lot. But long ago she had an illicit relationship with someone, which was temporary. As long as the husband did not know about this, life was going very well. Then one day he came to know about it and a happy family was ruined.
In fact, this world was not created to give us knowledge and its very design is such that we will never be able to know the ultimate truth. So, knowledge can be more harmful than ignorance. It depends on which type of knowledge someone have and how he uses it.
Have a wonderful time