Why the Brahmins were not killable in the ancient time?

in hive-175254 •  2 years ago 

Greetings friends!

Ancient Indian scriptures (Hindu scriptures) are full of religious fervor and various laws which were against the basic concept of equality of mankind. In those text if was clearly mentioned that God has categorized humans in four ‘Varna’ or types, according to which Brahmins are the top and the Shudras are the lowest category of humans. Obviously, a true humanitarian and rational person can never accept this theory that some people are born superior and some are inferior.

(pixabay free image)

Varna system was not rigid in the beginning. It was just a normal categorization according to the occupation of the people, which become stubborn and very rigid later. It divided society and condemn a class of people to live a derogatory life just because of their family background. But, as mentioned earlier, this system was not rigid in the beginning. It was a normal classification, according to which Brahmin were the people who were intellectual and free of vices. They were philosophers, law makers and even the critics of the rulers. Brahmins were not supposed to have a luxurious and lavishing life. Free thinking were their motto and passion. That’s why they were also given immunity against laws.

It was mentioned that the Brahmins should not be killed. Instead they may be given other punishments like exile from the country. It seems very illogical and biased. Why a class of people was given so much advantages? Was it not against the equality of human beings?

Off course it was a discrimination. But, when we think deeply, it gives us view of another side of the coin. Brahmins were those people who were intellectual and philosophers. It was not from the birth. Perhaps, the lawmakers of ancient times wanted to give immunity to the intellectuals and philosophers so that rulers might not persecute them. It might have been a method to save the people who were against the policies of the kings.

In the modern world, we can witness lots of incidents where critics, intellectuals, humanitarians and philosophers were killed by the rulers. Not only the tyrant and the authoritarian governments did it, but even the so called democratic and liberal governments did the same. Many reporters, human right activists, intellectuals are behind the bars in many countries and many are killed every year. We can see that the modern day rulers are adopting every method to eliminate their opponents. In India, where Brahmins were immune to the capital punishment in ancient time, is now turned into a country where intellectuals are being seen as the enemy of the state. Government is labeling them as terrorists and many are in jails. In many countries reporters are being killed like as if they are mosquitoes. It has become impossible in many countries to protest against the policies of the governments. Intellectuals are afraid of the punishment while ordinary people are also not supporting them. So, we are heading towards a society where only the rulers have the voices and rest of the people have ears. In this situation, ancient doctrine of Hindu laws becomes significant under which intellectuals were free from capital punishment. Would our modern rulers allow them to criticize their policies freely? This is not going to happen as politics has become the slave of the greedy corporate mafia.

Thank you!

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