Follow the teachings of the elders, they are good in the matter of the heart.

in hive-175254 •  19 days ago 
Greetings to all fellow Steemit members, today I share this story about how by listening to the teachings of the elders you can heal wounds that you could not even see a solution for on your own.



In a small village lost among the mountains, there lived a wise old man who was known for his great wisdom and his mastery of Stoic philosophy. The villagers came to him for advice and guidance in times of trouble.

One day, a desperate young man came to the old man's door seeking help. He had lost his family in a terrible accident and felt grief and sadness consuming him completely.

The old man received him with kindness and said, "My son, life tests us in the most difficult moments. But our strength and resilience in the face of adversity is what defines our true essence as human beings."

The young man did not understand how the old man could be so calm and serene in the midst of so much suffering. But the old man explained to him that Stoic philosophy had taught him to accept circumstances he could not change and to find inner peace in the midst of chaos.

Over time, the young man began to follow the old man's teachings and gradually healed his wounded heart. He learned to accept his pain and to move forward with courage, cultivating an attitude of resignation and serenity in the face of life's adversities.

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