Energy and attitudes in business as a success factor

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

The reality is that as human beings we are energy, we cannot see it, but if we can feel it, it is like the wind, which cannot be seen, but a strong breeze we certainly perceive it. So is the energy of people, of ourselves, which can be perceived, and is contagious, is a reality.

Hasn't it happened to you that you arrive at a space where there is some problem and in a certain way you could feel that you are in tune with the protagonists of these uncomfortable realities?



You have to be very attentive to these realities so that they don't affect you. Knowing this allows us to use it to our advantage... in what way? Simply by choosing people to relate to who have interests and goals similar to yours, who are charged with Permanently good energy, and that will be beneficial in your life, not only on a personal level but in any activity you wish to perform. Some experiences I have lived in relation to this proposal, I bring one to share.

I have been working for two years with a company that distributes hardware products (pipes, aluminum, accessories, taps, etc). I have been able to meet hundreds of people, each with their own particular characteristics. But, I want to talk specifically about some partners, who between them opened two hardware stores, fortunately I managed to get them both to ask me, they are my customers now. They are literally polar opposites in terms of attitude...

But, as the months went by they broke up the partnership, basically because one of the interested parties had what I call a bad vibe, or bad energy. That's pretty much a reflection of what's going on in your mind, and if it's negative things, well, that's what you'll emanate to others.

Although both businesses are very good, the person with the better attitude has been able to stay afloat despite the current difficult situation, and his former partner, who was left with the other hardware store, located in a better commercial area, has not done so well. His attitude is a bit negative, he has rotated many times of employees, and he is currently working alone, on the other hand, the other business is advancing slowly, it is being maintained, and the employees who are since more than a year ago remain, very grateful. The energy in that business is something else, you can feel it, and that also calls the customers, who for good attention continue to come ...

This is just a small example of something that should not be neglected, it can condemn to absolute failure any undertaking, and even lead to the ruin of any business already established. The best thing is to have a good attitude, no doubt that will bring us a better result.

There are places that causes return, people who generate the pleasure of being served by them, it is not accidental, is an important point in all types of business. Have you ever come to a place and wanted to leave and not come back? Just because of what the environment feels like?

I'd like to know your opinion or if you have any experiences to comment on.

Thank you very much.

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The reality is that as human beings we are energy, we cannot see it, but if we can feel it, it is like the wind

Its true that we can not see this but if we can feel this then we have the power to do much more. There are many factors ina successful business and Energy and attitudes are certainly in the list. Great post @josevas217

@tipu curate

Thank you very much @alokkumar121
Yes, there is a lot we can do, I always try to see the human being from the social, mental or psychological and the biological, allows us to see ourselves more in an integral way.

A positive attitude is highly needed in a business, it will keep customers coming back to your business all the time even before you ask.

Yes, and it is the best thing for the workers themselves, because it allows them to have a better working environment.
Thank you for commenting @eni-ola

Out of frustration of maybe the business not going well, some people begin to exhibit different types of attitude that are not right and as such driving customers away which eventually leads to the death of the business.

YES, a chain of events that ends up taking the business to the floor, just because of a bad attitude.
It happens. Thank you for your comment.

Hello friend @josevas217

The truth is, if it has happened to me, there are people who are sincerely unbearable and we never want to see them again, but these are experiences that will remain forever. In my case, it helped me to realize that the moment I feel uncomfortable and I don't feel a good working environment, I have to go my own way. I am not a very patient person and to avoid bad moments it is often better to walk away in the best way.

Thanks for your comment @franyeligonzalez, yes, many times the best thing is to walk away before things get complicated.

Great post. If many knew this, they would be a great unch of support and source of encouragement to others. Thanks for sharing the insights.

And it's something so basic that people don't take it into consideration, and it could be something that avoids a lot of inconvenience.

Greetings, friend. Really if, the energy of the owners or employees is felt, in more than one opportunity I have arrived at businesses where it seems that they are not interested in selling, if you have doubts about the product it seems that they will bother to answer the questions, as if they only wanted you to take the product, pay and leave, of that type of business I leave and I do not return, even if the products are more economic.

I think this is really one of the reasons it is always advisable to employ workers with good moral conduct and attitude as they tend to engage more with the customers.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead


Con el apoyo de la familia.

Hola amigo @josevas217

Si he conocido unos cuantos insoportables, la verdad es que soy muy tolerante y trato de buscarle la vuelta a las malas situaciones. Pero a veces el destino nos hace cambiar de trabajos para mejorar.
Apoyado el #toptres del día. Paciencia.

Pero no me vas a decir que no te prevoca sacar un repuesto de licuadora o de cocina de los que cargas en la cartera y hacérselo llegar a la cabeza de ese insoportable je, je,je
Gracias por comentar @sacra97

Menos mal que los repuestos son pequeños si no le harían un hueco en su cabezota, ja, ja. Mira cómo te recuerdas que cargo un cuplón de licuadora oster siempre en mi cartera. @josevas217