Have you thought about your retirement?

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago 

Hello community, recently I've been more aware and thoughtful of things that 15 or 20 years ago I didn't even think about, might I be getting old?

Well, I am 37 years old, however, sometimes I have been labeled as old in my thoughts for thinking about the future differently than most people think, at least my age, this happened to me more often before, but, nevertheless, there are things I would like to comment in this post, that in a way I could think it is the thought of other people, and I would like to know through the comments if it is really so....


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I know that seeing the dollar as the main image of this post, in an image that speaks for itself, you might think that I am focusing on a specific country, and in reality I am not, because I am Venezuelan and currently live in Bogota, the Colombian capital, and I can say that concerns about getting older and being in a complicated economic situation is something I frequently see here in this country.

Old people going through the garbage looking for something to recycle and then sell for a few pesos to provide food that day or the next day, is a reality.



I also know that it is a reality in many other countries, and although I have not yet set foot on the soil of any developed country, I am afraid that in a certain way they show us the pretty face of each country and that all of them could have some similarities in this aspect.

To believe that the government can bear the burden of an entire population of "older adults" is absurd, we know that this is not possible, but in the face of this reality the only thing left is to work from now on so that one can procure a better future for oneself, without so many worries, no more than those that arise routinely, but that not having a roof to sleep under or that the scarcity of food in your home is not your future reality.

These are aspects that I had not thought about before, but now I do, perhaps because I am a migrant in another country, probably because I am getting a little older, or simply because I am facing the future, working now to ensure that what is a reality for many today is not my reality, nor is it close to it in the future.

I wish everyone a great future in the medium and long term, that they manage to consolidate as independent and that they never depend on anyone to survive.

Thank you very much for reading me.

I would like to know if you had thought about your future as elders, if you have a plan for an early retirement and to be able to enjoy a quiet life without shortages...I will read you in the comments.

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It is said that the more you focus on something the more details you can see, the same happens with a specific topic the more you think about it the more details and more understanding you have about that topic, thinking about the time we retire and Living the golden years constantly allows us to anticipate what may happen or at least allows us to make a projection of what will be the standard of living when you do not have the same forces as now, without money there is no quality of life when you are young now imagine what it is like to reach old age without money.

I agree, we have to focus, plan, organize, and work on it. There are many things that we can do now, we should not let time pass without preparing for the future.

Life survival in old is something that's a matter of concern and if proper planning is done well in advance then it can be good else things will be worse. I can see some old people around me and the kind of life they are living is not good at all But I can't help them because they have their family members who are not paying much attention to them. a proper retirement planning is something that we should be concerned and do it for a better life in old age.

@tipu curate

Everything points to the fact that we are living longer and longer, and it is a reality that will become more and more tangible, but can we imagine a world with 50% of people over the age of 60? I am not saying that this will be the reality in the future, but it could be. And I think it's good to think about it.

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Most of the people are not aware of the financial planning and retirement people just thinking about current and stuck with the current situation so that they cannot think about future. Financial planning is very important in life.

Organizing ourselves financially from the present is what will determine our future reality, if we do not think about what we want, and work from now on, we could have stability in our old age.

I believe that we will never stop reflecting and thinking about building a future for when we reach adulthood. Greetings friend and thank you for sharing this valuable reflection.

It is not just a matter of thinking, because that is what most people do, and the reality of most people is really very bad. It is a matter of acting now, to provide us with something much better.
Thank you for commenting.

The truth is that my dad is definitely gonna retire this month and because of that I've been giving him some suggestions lately about delving into Cryptocurrency and I hope he takes my advice too.

It was really nice learning from your write up about retirement and I must tell you that I really found this content more helpful.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕💓

hello @hardaeborla
I hope your father listens to you and delves into the world of cryptocurrencies, I'm sure he might find it interesting.
Thank you very much for commenting.

Hello friend, a great reflection, it is true that there are many older people here in Bogota working day and night, it is a sad situation, I think that at a certain age we should be calm as far as economy is concerned, but the reality of many is another. The education that we may have in the course of our lives I think it can have a lot to do, our past decisions are what lead us to the present and many people are largely to blame for going through great needs.

Yes, in the end there are many decisions we make in the wrong way that could lead us to bad terms, although there are also other circumstances that can escape from our hands. But the best thing to do is to work from an early age to be better off in later life.
Thank you for commenting @franyeligonalez

Hi @josevas217.
The truth previously I did not think about this issue, maybe as you say because I was younger and focused on other things. But the current situation of our country makes one worry about how we will be when it is our turn to live that moment. I have heard news about retired teachers who have had to look for help to cover medicine and food because the salary is not enough, and working in a public institution it is inevitable to think about it. But with faith we always move forward. Greetings