Project.HOPE community celebrates our FIRST BIRTHDAYsteemCreated with Sketch.

in hive-175254 •  4 years ago  (edited)




I woke up today morning and visited Steemit and Hive as I do pretty much every single morning and couldn’t help but to be curious – what another day will bring on those 2 platforms. Will we encounter another little drama or perhaps there are some good news awaiting me. Being a PH community leader has its ups and downs and you never really know what day is awaiting ahead of you.

Imagine my own surprise when I discovered that yesterday @project.hope had celebrated exactly 365 days since it’s official creation. I wasn’t even aware that it has been ONE YEAR since we launched this project and decided to go public.




For many of us, it has been a rough and difficult year. We’ve witnesses a so called “STEEM takeover” by Justin Sun, causing our favourite blockchain to split in two. We’ve witnessed the creation of HIVE, which divided the steem community even further. That in itself brought many new challenges and we went through some difficult times – especially since we’ve been trying to stay neutral during the unfolding conflict between these two chains.

Initially, this attempt to stay neutral has been obviously seen by some hostile users as a reason to be targeted and attacked. Many of us experienced personal attacks. I was even personally warned, that if we will continue our work on steem, then we will be considered to be traitors and our entire community will be “destroyed”. We’ve also witnessed some attacks towards @fucho80, @juanmolina, @gbenga and recently @adityajainxds – the level of aggression towards some of us has been insane.

Luckily, those events only made us stronger and united. It also allowed our project to get extra exposure and attract attention of a few large users. Fortunately, some of them decided to support our efforts – either by delegating their stake to PH or by following our curation trail.

Also, I’ve learned, who I can count on in case of trouble and which users simply … suddenly “disappeared” - valuable lessons for many of us. It has surely been a bumpy ride so far.



Some of you may remember my trip to Switzerland, which took place at the end of 2019. I managed to secure a contract with an existing business planning to launch their own STO (security token offering). As a future project manager, my goal was to build a network of bloggers and influencers which would help promote this STO.

I’ve focused my efforts on building a community around project.hope – assuming that it will help me reach that goal. Right at that time I’ve seen PH as a “recruiting ground”. Place where I could get to know valuable authors and learn to work with some of them. Initially I had a vision, in which I would bring this particular existing business (with yearly revenue counted in millions usd) to STEEM and secure a number of part-time jobs for many of our community members.

Unfortunately, it’s all a thing of the past. The spread of Covid-19 had a very negative impact on that particular company and my entire STO project was cancelled. My contract was also terminated – promoting me to wonder about my own personal future as well as the future of our project.hope.

Those questions are still hanging in the air and future (especially since Covid-19 became a real thing) is quite unknown. However, it’s hard not to have the impression that our project is moving in the right direction and I’m excited to see what another year will bring.



Despite all those challenges, we’ve already managed to grow bigger than I expected that we ever would. I personally consider our community to be one of the most engaging out there. Supporting many active and valuable members on both blockchains.

Bringing extra value into both blockchains

My goal for the second half of 2020 is to establish few partnerships with teams developing their own tools/software build on top of STEEM / HIVE blockchain. And to “use” our strong network to help promote some of their products. To help them reach a wider audience, get more users or simply spread the word about tools which they deliver.

I strongly believe, that there are some solid programmers and developers – often creating promising tools. However, they tend to give up because of lack of exposure to their work. We want to change that and we already gain some experience, recently promoting and

Supporting some of those developers is our attempt to bring more value into both blockchains.



Topics that are close to our hearts:

  • technology,
  • blockchain,
  • artificial intelligence
  • machine learning
  • economy,
  • business,
  • marketing, psychology, etc.

If those topics are of your interest, then SUBSCRIBE to our community on either:
b) HIVE:

Consider also joining our discord server:

I will personally welcome everyone and explain our community goals and introduce you to our project economy. You could then decide if this is something worth your participation.



I would appreciate each resteem. It would help me reach out to our PH community members.

Yours, @crypto.piotr
@project.hope founder



@accelerator, @josevas217, @the01crow
@aceh.point, @juancho10, @therising
@achim03, @juanmolina, @thethomasstories
@adechina, @karamyog, @thetimetravelerz
@adeljose, @kcherukuri, @thevpnboss
@adityajainxds, @keremcem, @tolustx
@ahmadmanga, @kgcoin, @tomlee
@ai1love, @kggymlife, @tomoyan
@ajewa, @kgsupport, @topoprobe
@akdx, @kolkamkwan, @travelwritemoney
@ale.aristeguieta, @krazypoet, @truthtrader
@alexbalan, @kryptarion, @tuborgbeer
@alexcarlos, @kryptogames, @tysler
@alokkumar121, @laloretoyya, @udow
@alquimista1501, @lammbock, @ufukun
@alvinauh, @lanzjoseg, @unbiasedwriter
@amart29, @layac13, @upme
@amestyj, @lebah, @upvotebank
@andeer, @lemon-shot, @uruguru
@andreasnil, @lenonmc21, @uyobong
@andresurrego, @leoumesh, @valchiz
@anfaenger, @levycore, @vegemitekid
@angel33, @lord-of-fire, @victorialanz
@angstgegner, @luckyali, @vlemon
@anthony2019, @machnbirdsparo, @vural
@apoloo1, @madushanka, @walterprofe
@appicsnepal, @maikuraki, @wer-gewinnt
@apsalon, @majes.tytyty, @whatageek
@aquinotyron3, @mandate, @white-cat
@arkmy, @mariusfebruary, @wilhb81
@atnep111, @maskuncoro, @wiseagent
@awah, @mauromar, @wizardofwar
@ayramis, @maxwellmarcusart, @worldcityguides
@bala41288, @meins0815, @xpilar
@banufil, @melihoy, @yameen
@beckie96830, @melone, @ydavgonzalez
@belemo, @melooo182, @yiobri
@belkisa758, @merlin7, @ylich
@ben-edom, @meteoro, @yohan2on
@benie111, @metodologiaecs, @yonnathang
@benson224, @michaelmaddof, @yurilaya
@besheda, @miguelwalter, @zacherybinx
@bewithbreath, @mikemoi, @zirky
@bhoa, @mikitaly, @zoniacb
@bigpower, @mintymile, @hardaeborla
@binkyprod, @mister-nobody, @hassanabid
@bippe, @moirailia, @hazem91
@bittern, @mojubare, @hdmed
@blind-spot, @monz122, @healthexpert
@blockchainfo, @mrdliver, @help.venezuela
@bobinson, @msphilippines, @hendersonp
@btcsam, @mtl1979, @hingsten
@busted1, @mynima, @hive-156383
@caladan, @n1hal, @hive-180870
@carlos84, @nadabrahmasounds, @hive-us
@carrieallen, @nailyourhome, @honarparvar
@cartoon-head, @nainaz.tengra, @hope.venezuela
@cektop, @nainaztengra, @hosseinrad
@ceyhan, @nalej, @hundemama
@chekohler, @nascimentoab, @hunter-man
@chensuccess, @nascimentocb, @iampz
@chesatochi, @neavvy, @iansart
@chimzycash, @netzisde, @ihal0001
@chimzysports, @newton666, @ihsansur
@chireerocks, @oberhessen, @ireti
@chrisaiki, @oguzhanon, @jack.russelle
@cieliss, @ojerinde, @jadams2k18
@cornavirus, @olasamuel, @jagged
@crazysailor, @oleg326756, @janettyanez
@creativeblue, @oluwatobiloba, @jarrel
@cristo, @oluwoleolaide, @jasonwaterfalls
@croce, @omegarojo827, @jayplayco
@cryptolohy7, @oredebby, @jeenger
@culgin, @orunar, @jenna16
@cyemela,, @jgb
@cyprianj, @papa-mensa, @joelagbo
@dacx, @paragism, @josediccus
@dailyspam, @pedrobrito2004,
@daisydem, @peerzadazeeshan, @steemflow
@darthnava, @pero1337, @steeminer4up
@dauerossi, @pervert, @steemitcentral
@davidke20, @phantasm42, @steemlatintrail
@deathcross, @phbr, @stefannikolov
@defi.campus, @phgnomo, @stepbrother
@delegate4food, @photosnap, @stevenwood
@delegate4gg, @pibyk, @stowaway
@delegate4tunes, @pisolutionsmru, @suanky
@delegate4upvot, @protoss20, @sumit71428
@delegate4upvotes, @qsyal, @supersoju
@demgu, @r1s2g3, @suzn.poudel
@demondantv, @rakison2, @sweetwitch
@dennisrobby, @ramsesuchiha, @syedumair
@denzelwash, @randomblock1, @taimoorahmad
@devann, @rbalzan79, @tangela
@discovereurovelo, @reallymoist, @tariqul.bibm
@djennyfloro, @red-rose, @taverngames
@doctorblack, @redelephant, @teach-me
@dodika, @reeta0119, @team007
@doifeellucky, @reflektor, @techken
@drags, @reinaldoverdu, @tfame3865
@drax, @resiliencia, @forykw
@dreimaldad, @reverseacid, @frankydoodle
@drmincu, @rishabh99946, @franyeligonzalez
@dumangabrielrr, @ritch, @frederickbangs
@ebargains, @ritxi, @freedomteam2019
@edacosar, @roadofrich, @frugal-fun
@edgarare1, @rocketpower, @fucho80
@eliorrios, @romanforever, @fun2learn
@ellaella, @saarlaender, @futurekr
@eloghosa, @samminator, @gamsam
@emiliomoron, @sapwood, @gandhibaba
@emmanils, @sarkash7011, @gbenga
@engrsayful, @sathyasankar, @gingeralen
@eni-ola, @schach, @gmlrecordz
@entropia, @schachoberhessen, @goodcontentbot
@epicdominic, @serienschauer, @goodcontentbot2
@equaliser, @shadow-dancer, @greendeliverence
@erarium, @shaunmza, @guchtere
@eric818, @shortsegments, @gungunkrishu
@erica005, @siggiboy81, @gunthertopp
@ericay, @simplex-world, @guruvaj
@ericwilson, @sixexgames, @haidermehdi
@face2face, @smjn, @happyvoter
@fatherfaith, @solarwarrior, @stammy
@fatihgul, @soteyapanbot, @steem-supporter
@ferrate, @sp-group, @steem.ens
@flash07, @spirajn,
@flatman, @spoke, @forcamelone
@focusnow, @fontayne, @fortunex

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I've already dropped a comment on the hive's version of this posts.
Project Hope is really amazing. Happy anniversary.

Have a Resteem

and I already read that comment :)

Happy birthday, community!

For me, it's a pleasure to be here and be part of this amazing project. Thanks, @crypto.piotr and @project.hope for inviting me. I am so thankful for this opportunity!

Best wishes.

Hi @wiseagent

I appreciate your kind and encouraging comment buddy. It's surely great to have you on board of our community :)

Have a great upcoming weekend,
Yours, Piotr

Congratulation for the anniversary. I hope PH will support all members to grow bigger in steem platform. By the way some of my posts seem lost from PH support.

Thanks @lebah for dropping by and your encouraging comment :)

Have a great upcoming weekend,
Yours, Piotr

Such an awesome project. Love the success. As I mentioned in a recent post, we have come a long way in a year.

Thanks @crypto.piotr

Congratulations to us. More achievements on the way. I just hope this virus allows us to get our lives back.

Thank you @tomlee

Congratulations @project-hope and Happy Birthday 🎈🎂🎉🎊🎁


Thank you for your wishes @shortsegments

ps. I just replied your DM on discord. Please check it out :)

Yours, Piotr

Congratulations to project hope and to everyone of us who work tirelessly to make sure the project becomes a success. Also thanks to everyone who has supported us and pushed our goal till this day..

Thank you for your encouraging comment @ben-edom :)

Truly a community full of hope, everything that is done from the heart has its reward in spite of the obstacles that have been avoided, others will still come but with more experience as you very well express it, I have been in the community for a short time but I can give testimony that you are a true leader since you allow us to interact with you, for all that has been achieved up to now my most sincere congratulations and more successes will be ahead. Thank you for your dedication to all of us.

Appreciate your encouraging comment @rbalzan79

Happy birthday @project.hope! May this initiative get great success in upcoming years and become a greatest platform of its kind. Love you!

how come I don't see you posting within PH any more @akdx? :(

Yes dear, I am not finding much time to post and for PH, I don't want any sub standard post. So, I am not posting. But, I'll post something very soon.
Thank you!

Happy birthday PH community and congrats for becoming a successful community i remember your struggle @crypto.piotr and now happy that you are successful in your mission Best wishes for more success and stay blessed

Thanks for your kind comment @moeenali

Consider joining our discord server:

I will gladly introduce you to our community and share our vision. Perhaps you will find PH worth your participation. (don't forget to subscribe:


Happy Birthday to the community and everyone is really doing great job in building this community i really appreciate it a lot.

thanks buddy :)

축하드립니다 ^^ 💙 ♩♬♬
Congrats ! 💙 ♩♬

Thank you @bluengel

ps. are you from Korea?

Fantastic, hurray... and what a joy and pleasure to be part of the community. I have only been active here for a couple of months, but it has brought much of the joy back into publishing on the platform, and also given me contact with fantastic people! Thanks, thanks and thanks!

Thank you for your encouraging comment @unbiasedwriter :)

Wow, this is a great news. Is is indeed One year of growth and impact. I am happy to be a part of this community, Certainly, the future is brighter.

Congratulations to @Project.hope and to everyone that has been apart of this move.

Great to have you on-board @uyobong

Let the haters hate. I just joined Steem coming from Hive and I see nothing wrong with it. I've got no problem with Justin Sun personally and as opinions are both pro and counter Steem, I feel like the truth about the whole situation lies somewhere in the middle.

I wish a lot of success to Project Hope and I'm happy to be here helping anyway I can, devoting time, on both chains. Happy Birthday!

Thank you for your encouraging comment @alexbalan :)

I love having you around buddy :)

Happy Birthday!

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail

join the World of Xpilar Curation Trail, info can be found here

Thanks for dropping by and your wishes :)

Happy birthday to the best community that had brought hope to me and impacted me positively on Steemit. Happy celebration


thanks buddy :)


Wow thats a great news😍😍
I will always remember the date as it is the same as of my birthday too 😍
Lots of love and may it grow stronger and stronger day by day❤❤❤
Congratulations all❤❤

Thank you for your encouraging comment @haidermehdi :)

Pleasure mine, friend ❤

Dear @crypto.piotr

It is a shame that because of COVID-19 your super project was canceled, but I want you to know that I am a deeply spiritual person and that all the good that you do in life will reward you, you are an angel in the lives of many of We, you fell from the sky and help us in these difficult times, I am sure that God will reward you with a much better project in the future when this pandemic ends.

I take the opportunity to thank you for your excellent work and leadership, if there were more people like you the success of steem and hive as a platform were unstoppable, you are a person who changed my life for the better and I want you to know that you count on me for what you need Happy birthday @project.hope I hope you will be many more years old.

Hi @ramsesuchiha

Appreciate your kind comment buddy

I want you to know that I am a deeply spiritual person and that all the good that you do in life will reward you

Hope I will be rewarded in this life (not in next one :P)

Yours, Piotr

Wooo friend, a real madness! It's been over a year now?

This whole year has been incredible, for me, walking this path with you fills me with much joy, considering where we were when all this started and analyzing how far we have come.

It has been an exciting journey, perhaps for that reason we could not realize how fast this year was, to igul that you think that there are many good things I have interesting for happening with us in this "boat" called Project HOPE.

I want to especially congratulate @crypto.piotr for the effort, you are doing excellent. Don't give up! ... I also congratulate each one of the members of the project, those who have been here from the beginning and all those who joined the journey.

Success for all, a lot of commitment and perseverance!

Success for all, a lot of commitment and perseverance!

Exactly! :)

Wow! Congratulations! It seems impossible that 1 year has passed since the creation of such a nice project @crypto.piotr I'm very happy for you and the community, this shows that we are part of a solid project with a great future. Not everyone is standing as this one has done, as you say there have been inconveniences and they have wanted to attack the members of the community but in spite of all this we have stood firm.

I have a lot of confidence in this community and in you as a leader, you have shown that you are a committed person with excellent qualities to lead. Right now the future is uncertain, but the truth is that in life everything is uncertain, the best thing we can do is go forward with the best will and the best attitude.

Once again congratulations and thanks for giving me the opportunity to be part of @project.hope

Happy Birthday Project Hope may you achieve success soon.

Thanks @monz122

I didn't see you posting in PH within 2 weeks :(

I am sorry sir due to my mom's I'll health i had to look over the house chores but now she is good and i won't disappoint you anymore

Wow. Fabulous day. Very happy birthday PH. Resteem done

Congratulations and happy birthday to you!

[WhereIn Android] (

Thanks @dses for dropping by and your kind words :)

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Happy Birthday Project hope !!🎂🍷

Today we are celebrating, is the first year of a community that is projected with great objectives on the platform steemit and hive, when the work is done in team and there is solidarity between its members is predicted èxito.

I hope that in the next 365 days, all the proposed goals will be achieved and become the reference point for what should be done in a community, I can only reiterate my congratulations and that God bless all the members of this family full of hope.

Happy birthday project hope ❤️

A great day, happy birthday!! Certainly it has been a difficult year, and covid-19 came to complicate it even more, but in problems we sometimes find opportunities, we must continue to look to the future and move forward with faith that everything will be better, my most sincere congratulations for all the work done for the community.

Happy Birthday @project.hope,

I wish you the best for the future!

Thanks @lastminuteman for dropping by :)

@project.hope wow that's nice to hear that it's a very special day today. As we are growing faster and more stronger.

Lastly I want to say together we will stand stronger in all difficulties. And we will over come all the hurdles and reach the new Highs. Three cheers for Ph.

Lastly I want to say together we will stand stronger in all difficulties

You nailed it! :)

Happy first birthday PH!

Thank you for your comment @rishabh99946 :)

Congrats @crypto.piotr
The time and energy invested in @project.hope is well worth the effort as it touches so many lives and brings them the hope of a better today & tomorrow.

Thank you for your encouraging comment :)

From here on the ride only gets more interesting. Good luck and take care buddy :)

What a Year to celebrate the first birthday!! :D

Gracias @diogosantos

I didn't see you posting and engaging within PH community in a while. Hope you're okey there.

Everything good, thanks, I just need to end my thesis, now I´m analysing the data collected and putting together some conclusions...

Hi @diogosantos

What thesis?

For my master degree in management...

This is amazing and worth celebrating, I am really excited at this great achievement even if we did not start together I am glad to be a part of this team and I am glad to have joined early enough to have noticed and witnessed some drama's on our dear community but through it all we have gained strength and the zeal to keep trying hard.

Thank you for your encouraging comment @oluwatobiloba :)

First of all, I want more people to know about this one-year completion for the PH project on the platform so I have done resteem to bring more attention on this post.

Congrats PH team for making it a fantastic one year on the Blockchain and I know this has not been easy but certainly we have done wonderful work on the platform. This is just the beginning and we are going to witness many more years together over here with the fastest-growing opportunity and I am sure with the passage of time we will turn out to be even bigger and stronger. Glad to be part of the PH family and I wish you the best.
Thank @crypto.piotr and team for the great work in this 1 year.

Thanks for dropping by @reeta0119

I hope to see you posting and engaging with PH members more often :)

Surely. I will do. Thank you.

A year of progress, literally. Of growth.
And it is true, the attacks that the community has suffered by a few has allowed PH to be much better known, and by verifying that the work and the work of the community goes much further, many have been supporting, in general the attacks have strengthened us as a community, because by withdrawing some users when there was a problem they do a great favor, because if there is no commitment, and at the least problem they move away, the best thing is that they are not... good way to help, the crises in these aspects help.

Happy first anniversary Project Hope.

Thanks @crypto.piotr for being the leader you are and thanks to all the PH team.
I feel really good about being active here.

Dear @josevas217

Wow. What a lovely (and long) comment :) Appreciate it.

I used to have an abusive father, who loved to drink. It made rest of my family united. I become obvious to me, that having common enemy is something that can break you or make you stronger :) Luckily we choosed second option :)

Cheers :)
Yours, Piotr

Happy celebration anniversary. Times flies quicker

IT surely does.

Thx buddy for your kind words

Happy birthday @projecthope

Thanks @mccoy02

I didn't see you posting and engaging within PH community in a while. Hope you're okey there.

Thanks for checking on me I'm doing real good! Just make a post today I've been busy with work these few days.

Happy first birthday PH! ;D

Thanks for dropping by @nascimentoab

Perhaps you should consider subscribing to our community ( and joining our Discord server :)

ps. did you give up on steemit?

Muy importantes los logros de la comunidad de Project Hope, felicidades por el primer año. Orgulloso y muy feliz de pertenecer a esta gran familia llamada Proyecto Esperanza.

Congratulation for the anniversary. I hope @projecthope will support all members to grow bigger in steemit.

@tipu curate