
in hive-180932 •  20 days ago 












看着这副充满童趣的树叶拼贴画。我有了个主意,让AI按照画面的编写一个童话如何?我选择了现在口碑最好claude 3.5。把图片发给它。结果还真写出一大篇。








































I mentioned earlier that leaf collage is a must-do homework for little baby's holiday. This time, we let AI draw pictures to provide us with inspiration, but the scheme of the last "Happy Forest" was still a little complicated and was not adopted in the end. Or refer to the online ready-made works, and combined with AI to create a "happy pond", in which the leaf goldfish is also a reference to AI drawing works.

WeChat photo editing _20240901171510. JPG

Picture description

This is a childlike and creative collage piece depicting a happy pond scene.

In the center of the picture is a smiling frog sitting on a large leaf. The frog's body is green, with big eyes and a wide smile.

To the left of the frog, there is an orange fish with yellow scales on its body. Both the fish's tail and fins are made of leaves, giving it a unique texture.

In the upper right corner was a brown leaf that looked like a fallen leaf floating on the water.

There are also various aquatic plants in the pond. There are little black dots on the bottom that look like tadpoles. There is a stick figure-style lotus or lotus flower in the lower left and right corners of the picture.

The whole background is light blue, with blue wavy lines to show the flow of water.

At the top of the picture, the words "Happy Pond" are written in Chinese, and there are some decorative lines around it.

On the whole, this painting adopts the collage technology and uses various materials such as leaves and paper to create, which is colorful and full of vitality and vitality, which is very in line with the characteristics of children's painting.

Look at this childlike collage of leaves. I have an idea, let the AI write a fairy tale according to the screen? I chose claude 3.5, which is now the best known. Send it pictures. And it turned out to be a big one.

Read pictures and write fairy tales "Happy Pond Adventure"

One sunny morning, the residents of Happy Pond woke up. Frog opened his big round eyes, stretched, and jumped on his favorite lotus leaf.

"Wow! Today is another beautiful day!" Flog grinned, with his trademark wide grin.

Just then his good friend Jill the goldfish swam along with his flaky tail. Good morning, Flog! And guess what? I had the strangest dream last night!"

Flog cocked his head curiously and said, "Oh? What dream is it?"

Jill said excitedly, "I dreamed that I was a flying fish! I can swim in the sky as freely as I am in the water!"

Flog laughed. "A flying fish? That's so much fun! But be careful not to hit the tree!"

While the two friends were laughing together, a maple leaf fell on the water and caught their attention.

"Hey, look at that!" Flog pointed to the maple leaf and said," Let's play a game! Whoever comes up with the coolest use for this leaf is the winner!"

Jill was immediately amused. "Good idea! I'll go first!" He swam to the maple leaf and tapped it with his tail. The leaf glided across the water like a boat. Look, it's a super boat!"

Flog clapped his hands and said, "Wow! That's great! Let me try!" He jumped up on the maple leaf and struck a handsome pose," Look, I'm a leaf surfer!"

Just then, a group of tadpoles swam over and looked at them curiously. "Brother Flog, Brother Jill, what are you playing at?" asked Tittie, the youngest tadpole.

Flog explained with a laugh :" We were imagining what interesting things this leaf could become. Try it, too!"

Titi and his friends crowded around excitedly. They came up with all kinds of ideas:

"It can be a hat!"
"Or a fan!"
"Ah, I see, it's a spaceship!"

Hearing the word "spaceship," Flog thought, "Hey guys, why don't we have an imaginary space adventure?"

All the little animals cheered excitedly. So Flog began their "journey into space ":

"Attention, passengers, our Maple Leaf spacecraft is about to take off! Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for outer space!"

The little animals put on their "seat belts".

Flog continued, "Three, two, one, take off!" He jumped hard, causing the maple leaf to ripple on the water.

"Whoaa! We're flying!" Jill exclaimed, turning in circles in the water, pretending to be weightless.

The tadpoles line up and swim behind the "spaceship" as if it were the ship's tail flame.

"Look, it's the moon!" 'said Flog, pointing to the full moon reflected in the water.

"Wow, what a big cheese!" A tadpole said innocently, causing everyone to laugh.

While they were having fun, the old resident of the pond - Grandpa turtle slowly crawled over.

"Boys, you're having a great time here!" Grandpa Turtle said kindly.

"Yes, Grandpa Turtle!" Flog said excitedly," We're exploring space! Would you like to join us?"

Grandpa Turtle shook his head, smiled and said, "Thank you for the invitation, but I am not suitable for space travel." But I can tell you an interesting story, as a break from your adventures."

The little animals immediately gathered around Grandpa Turtle and looked at him expectantly. Grandpa Turtle cleared his throat and began to tell:

"Once upon a time, in our pond, there lived a very special frog. His name is Bounce, because he can jump higher than other frogs. One day, Pingcan decided to jump to the moon......"

In this way, in the vivid and interesting story of the turtle grandpa, the imagination of the small animals is more rich. They seem to really follow the story of the bullet together, experienced a wonderful trip to the moon.

When the story was finished, the sun was almost setting. The pond was stained with a golden afterglow, just as beautiful as the goldfish in the picture.

"Well, boys," said Grandpa Turtle," it's time to end our adventure in space. Remember, whether in space or in a pond, the most important thing is to be curious and imaginative."

Flog nodded. "You're right, Grandpa Turtle! Today was so much fun!"

Jill agreed, "Yeah! Although we didn't actually go to space, we used our imagination to create an amazing adventure!"

The little animals reluctantly said goodbye and went home. Flog jumped back to his lotus leaf, and looked at the stars gradually appearing in the sky, filled with happiness and satisfaction.

"Happy Pond is a magical place," he muttered," where every day could be a new adventure. What interesting discoveries will we make tomorrow?"

With this beautiful anticipation, Flog and his friends fell into sweet dreams, looking forward to tomorrow's new adventures.

Above the happy pond, the stars blink their eyes, as if they are also smiling, guarding their dreams and happiness for this group of cute little animals.

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.


It is cool!