
in hive-180932 •  11 months ago 

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Title image: Cheva created with DALL E3 AI

Recently, I've seen some UP masters on YouTube discussing a topic. These UP owners are paying attention to China's financial dynamics, and it turns out that there is a shortage of money in the domestic banking industry. Although I don't work in the financial industry, I was also curious about it, so I went to find out.

I found that this matter can be known to the outside world because there is a professional lending market between banks. In this market, banks can borrow money from each other and pay short-term interest. These short-term loans have a term of about one day, so they are called overnight loans. The interest rate in this market is open to the public, and some people have found that not long ago, this interest rate once rose to 50% per annum, that is, it is impossible to borrow money for a day at a high interest rate of 50% per annum. This shows that banks are now very tight on liquidity.

The emergence of this news is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the stock market and property market, which have a very large demand for funds. If it doesn't plummet, it's already an anomaly, so don't expect it to reverse sharply. In fact, not plummeting means that there is no price in the market.

So, why is there such a money shortage? Many analyses point to the same reason, that is, the policy of issuing an additional 1 trillion yuan of special treasury bonds by the end of this year, which was introduced not long ago. The purpose of this special treasury bond is to make up for the debt hole of the local government, because the local government's fiscal revenue mainly depends on the land finance from land sales, and now that the real estate industry is in a depression, the land finance has dried up.

This creates a very interesting comparison: the US government, which is also the world's two largest economies, has issued a large number of government bonds, which has caused unprecedented inflation, while the Chinese government has issued an additional 1 trillion yuan of special government bonds, which has caused an unprecedented money shortage, that is, a very obvious deflationary phenomenon.

Why is there such a big difference? Again, this is different from the way the two countries digest their national debt. The largest buyer of U.S. Treasuries is the Federal Reserve, and the Federal Reserve, as the central bank of the United States, can print dollars directly. So, the more Treasury bonds the U.S. issues and the more dollars the Fed prints to buy Treasury bonds, which also creates inflation. However, the U.S. dollar has the status of a world currency that has been formed for a long time after World War II, and its inflation can be absorbed by the whole world, so doing so will not trigger a worthless hyperinflation in a short period of time in the form of the Kuomintang's gold dollar bills.

In China, if the central bank directly buys the treasury bonds of the Ministry of Finance, it is very likely that in less than a year, the farce of the gold yuan bills issued by the Kuomintang on the eve of liberation and before the Kuomintang withdrew from the mainland will be repeated. Therefore, the issuance of China's currency, the renminbi, is generally anchored by foreign exchange reserves, which are exchanged for US dollars by exporters, and the US dollars are stored in the hands of the central bank as foreign exchange reserves, and the central bank prints the equivalent amount of RMB into the market. To a certain extent, this can maintain the stability of the RMB exchange rate and form a stable foreign trade environment. In fact, the renminbi is anchored to the output value of industrial products produced in China, rather than the so-called unanchored banknote printing.

However, with the local government's financial woes in jeopardy, the central government issued a special government bond of 1 trillion yuan to fill the hole in the local government. China's financial system does not allow the central bank to print money directly to buy the special treasury bonds. In addition, China's special political system and the fact that financial enterprises are largely under the control of the state can only be subscribed to by the banking industry, which is dominated by state-owned banks, with the deposits of depositors in their hands. As a result, a huge amount of capital is occupied, and the amount of money used for loans becomes smaller, so there is a shortage of money.

However, it seems unlikely that the real estate industry will recover all at once, and it will be difficult for local governments to find alternatives to land finance in the short term. This kind of operation of relying on the issuance of special treasury bonds to fill the holes in the local government will certainly not be the only time once it begins. From now on, there is a big question mark over whether the banking system will be able to stand it. Eventually, it may still be necessary to learn from the United States, where the central bank prints money and subscribes directly to the Treasury bonds, also known as debt monetization.

And by that time, will the RMB gold dollar securitization in the mouths of some non-mainstream UP masters be realized? After all, in the era of gold yuan coupons, China experienced eight years of anti-Japanese war and three years of civil war, and the economy can be said to be a wither, and now China has the world's largest market size and the second largest economy in the world. The crux of the matter is whether the renminbi can also achieve the same kind of internationalization as the United States to a certain extent.

Recent data seems to have some positive signs, that is, if you look at the statistics in terms of commodity trade, in international trade, the use of the yuan has surpassed the euro to become the world's second largest currency. Although the US dollar is still in a monopoly position, it is mainly used in the financial market, which is the majority of the virtual economy. Therefore, even in the future, the renminbi will have to depreciate slowly as the US monetizes its debt, rather than turning it into a gold dollar overnight.

However, such an unanchored printing of money without fundamental reform is only a matter of maintaining the status of non-collapse. If a person has no purpose other than to live, then what is the value and significance of this person to human beings or society?

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