What makes one a Conspiracy Theorist And Where do you believe that term originated from? AbundanceTribe QOTW

in hive-181465 •  5 years ago 

I put this question across to my Son, as he falls into this category and I asked him what would be your response to this question and he said, let me share my views with you, and so it goes as below.

What makes one a Conspiracy Theorist?

Everyone on this planet is born curious, inquisitive & knowledge-seeking since birth (I would say they are attributes of our soul), but because of the way our world is shaped & structured, those qualities are suppressed in us, often at a very early age, from where the whole conditioning begins.

The concept & belief in Authority is deeply entrenched in people’s subconscious. Parents, family, teachers, elders often want to impose their worldviews, beliefs & programming (most often religious) on their children, & children are taught that not listening to their elders or those in Authority is immoral.
We can understand this dynamic outside the family unit as well, by looking at the attitude tyrannical leaders have towards this.

Give me a child for the first 5 years of his life & he will be mine forever - Vladimar Lenin

He alone who owns the youth, gains the future
Adolph Hitler


This phenomenon is understood by religious institutions as well, hence the encouragement to start teaching the child scripture begins at a very early age. Now the big brother state too is after getting the children into the education as early as possible, primarily for two reasons:

  • A breakdown of the family unit & taking over control & raising of children by the state (which has been a long term agenda of the state).

  • Programming the child's mind early on, with propaganda about Climate change, making them question their gender, sex education, normalizing the surveillance state with CCTVs in the classroom, normalizing the police state with police presence in schools (already happening in America), & the most important objective : making the child believe that truth always comes from authority, & that Government is a necessary force of good (when it fact it’s the exact opposite).

With the blueprints of the programming established by the family unit & the state run education system (which is a tiny range of limited perceptions within a field of infinite possibilities), it is further cemented in the persons mind as he progresses in life by peer pressure, herd mentality, & 24/7 mind control subjected to us by the elite run mainstream media, Hollywood, the entertainment industry, etc. It is in this context & background, that we need to discuss what makes someone a conspiracy “theorist”?

The system is structured in such a way, wherein those at the highest rungs of the satanic pyramid that control the world have sucked out & hoarded all the real esoteric & occult knowledge that can set us free. Using their fierce control over the sources of information we have access to, to program us with a worldview that suits their larger agenda of control & human slavery. This control over information is crucial in order to keep the sheep of society in line.

What I say is that, it does not make one a Conspiracy Theorist but rather I can say it Wakes you you up and here are the factors that can describe why people “Wake up”.

  • The condition of the world is getting worse, we are losing our freedoms by the month (sometimes even by the day), & our species overall is losing its financial sovereignty, becoming slaves to the state. This has made a lot of people question reality, as they can clearly see that a lot is wrong with the world, despite being constantly bombarded with the belief from all sides that Authority knows best & those in power are doing their best to take care of us). The more tyrannical the system gets, the more it helps people to realize the patently obvious.

  • Once a person investigates an event for themselves & finds out that they have been massively lied to (see 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, Climate change, how money is really created, WMDs in Iraq, elite paedophilia/satanism) waking up to any one of these almost certainly opens the way for a person to investigate the rest, because if those in power can so blatantly lie through their teeth about one issue, why wouldn’t they lie about the rest?

  • Many people suffer through a crisis that disrupts / devastates their life & causes them to reevaluate everything they thought they knew, making them ask the big questions about our purpose here, what is reality, what happens after death, etc. This rekindles the inner fire we all have to pursue the truth (which is truly serving God) & I can tell you from personal experience that if these existential questions are pursued with a truly open mind till the end, they will lead you to discovering the truth about why our condition is as it is, & give you an accurate understanding about the world around you along with what’s really going on within you).

  • To top all this off, there is also assistance from a shift taking place on an energetic metaphysical level of our reality, that is making it easier for people to understand what is really going on our planet. Phenomena like the hundredth monkey syndrome (written about by Rupert Sheldrake) also make it easier for more members of our species to wake up as the numbers start to increase.


Where do you believe the term Conspiracy Theorist originated from?

It is often repeated in the conspiracy / truther community that the word Conspiracy theory was coined by the CIA, but the term was highly popularized by the CIA, in order to discredit those questioning the Kennedy assassination (I mean yes you’re a crazy paranoid psycho for questioning how a bullet could be making turns mid air, among other things). Through Operation Mockingbird, major media outlets were sent dispatches telling them to discredit those questioning the event by using the terms conspiracy theory / theorist.

I have to cringe and shake my head today when I see the lamestream media along with their friends in Big tech like Youtube, Facebook, Google, etc using the same term & weaponizing it in order to dissuade people from looking into subjects that they urgently need to understand in order to safeguard our collective future. Before this event the word "conspiracy theory” was hardly used like once a year. But with time a lot of truth has been deluded under this name. These days if you see anyone who stands up for truth is believed to be a "Conspiracy Theorist".

In closing, I would strongly encourage you to become conscious about what you let inside your mind, because your beliefs determine what actions you will take in life, what you will support/ not support, challenge / not challenge, & most importantly, what elite agendas you will acquiesce to without resistance.



Some more words of advice, throw your TV out, until you’ve gained enough real knowledge to watch the news from a place where you can analyse / decode their propaganda, instead of the hypnotic way in which the TV implants beliefs in our head. And my final words of caution to those starting to question what is going on today: not everything is a conspiracy! Some of the rabbit holes people go down are dug by the very same elite who are behind the conspiracy. So truly begin to take sovereignty over your own mind & come to your own conclusions via critical thinking, don’t blindly outsource your opinions to some youtuber you have come to trust.

I see many people that portray themselves as conspiracy researchers & name call normal people as sheep, when they themselves are highly gullible individuals that will accept many theories that are alternative, which have little evidence behind them. Don’t use the label as an excuse to abandon critical thinking.

Question everything.
True spiritual awakening is a painful / highly destructive process. It tears down all that is untrue in your mind, which means that the old life you manifested with your programmed mind will undergo an upheaval because you need to align your new life with perceptions of truth. Don’t get discouraged by this process, what’s waiting on the other side are amazing people, jaw dropping synchronicities, & a deep sense of passion/purpose in life when you know you’re serving the truth. Leave behind the fear of what other people think, & connect with those who have started to see the scam.

Best of luck to you on your journey. I hope you all enjoyed reading this insightful post, which I give all credit to my son.
Please do note in future, some of the content from this post he plans to put up on his website. Anarchy For Freedom

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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Amazing. I agree with a lot that is here.

It's a label given to those who DARE to question authority, who DARE to want to break free from the molds of society and forge their own paths and DECIDE their own lives, not ask permission for existing, not feel guilty for existing. Perhaps we are all Conspiracy Theorists in some way. What we really are is AWARE.