How easy to destroy the reputation: attack against @xpilar. #IamWOX

in hive-185836 •  2 years ago 




Hello my dear Steemians,

Actually I was planning to bring up a post about an artist who I really admire, but yesterday while reading around in Steemit my attention was drawn to the fact of Blaming and threatening campaign against @xpilar.witness and of course @xpilar. That spoiled my evening, especially after having worked for last 7 days and trying to enjoy and relax while reading and commenting on Steemit it simply irritated me and proven once again how easy to spoil the Reputation of people and also how easy to influence ordinary users on Steemit.

To start with let's go to the beginning, yesterday in our WOX discord, our Moderators dropped such messages:




When then going to that account @porcelans, it was obvious that this is a specially created account just on 26/05/22. There is no posts, no comments but in Wallet you can see only this message sent to hundreds of users:


It is not clear who created this account but in the past I remember seeing this comment, that is why I th ought if this is the same user who did create an account yesterday.



Why @xpilar under attack?


In order to understand why @xpilar is under attack, you should go back in the past. @xpilar was supporting @steem-supporter and this is the main issue, many will recall the time with Autovote. In order to make it easy for you, dear readers, to understand I simply paste a link to today's post of @future.witness:


My own position in this conflict:

  • I agree with @future.witness and also think that @steem-supporter should not be a Witness, because he lost my trust and I believe the trust of many users.

  • But I do not think that @xpilar should be attacked, in my opinion he might be still naive and trust what @steem-supporter claims. I mentioned my position to @xpilar before and I am still the opinion that he should distance himself from him.


How easy to destroy a reputation of people


When I think about that it just reminds me the story about well known in German speaking countries Meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann who was blamed by him ex-girlfriend to be raped. He must undergo the whole investigation process and of course the Media was really happy to have such case. He then was acquitted but his Reputation was already spoiled, people will remember him because of that process and not because of his skills as Weather Meteorologist.


I am WOX: why I choose this community


@xpilar has created a great community World of Xpilar we have 441 active users. Therefore, I would like to call for our users to do the posts about WOX and tell us why you are here and why you chosen us


@xpilar is supporting many Projects and without him I can tell for sure I would have left Steemit long ago.

Hope you all read and Re-Steem this post so that more people can read and make their own opinion on this subject

If you like you can make a post with the topic:

I am WOX: why I choose this community

Please use the new tag #IamWOX. Depending on the post and the content you will get support of the Moderators and @booming support.

CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png



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hallo @stef1

The people of Aceh in Indonesia are very familiar with the WOX Community. Especially the one whose name is @xpilar. @xpilar has risked everything he has, to stake and defend #Steem #Promo-Steem and Help the world community. almost every idea was on his mind, as we know, years before @xpilar became @xpilar.witness, there is already a small group of cowards and agitators behind the scenes, who are trying to destroy his reputation.

@porcelans influence other people
Even though my eyes don't see it, there are only a few names that continue to complain to other people and to supporters of @xpilar - @xpilar.witness, so that @xpilar - @xpilar.witness, so it's not, in top 20.

Yes... I speak as a supporter of the Local Community in Aceh - Indonesia here. @xpilar - @xpilar.witness, a supporter of the hope of the aceh community, the entire aceh community in particular has been helped, together with by @xpilar.

I will make a post, as a continuation.

Regard to Admin and Moderator

The WORLD OF XPILAR has become a home for many. It is necessary to protect and protect it !

Thank you Alexey, you are right it is for me a home since 2018 and like it is in a real live even if attack against Xpilar I feel like this is attack against me too and the whole Community.

Lo ví también recibí ese mensaje de ataque. @stef1

Yes, there are many users got it and it is disgusting attitude of coward @porcelans.

I am sure that @xpilar's reputation is so strong that nothing really will ever destroy it @stef1 he had done many good things in the steem platform to support many users until now so I guess that these issues against him will just be ignored by members of the steem community.👍

I know what you mean but as you also know people will remember bad things and forget good very quickly. They will definitely remember such accusation like: liar, scammer and racist and this is the worst thing.

Hello friend, this community is excellent. There are ill-intentioned people who enjoy causing harm but who do not succeed because your quality and creativity prevail.
I wish you much success in everything. God bless you🙏

The dog barks - the caravan moves on. It's unfortunate when there are people involved in gossip and strife at a difficult time for STEЕM. Anonymity is a shame for the individual, this is how scammers and criminals operate.

Собака лает - караван идёт. Это печально, когда в трудное время для СТИМИТ находятся люди, занимающиеся сплетнями и раздорами. Анонимность - это позор для личности, так действуют мошенники и преступники.

Скорее всего это известный юзер но не может в лицо так сказать, а под новым аккаунтом, который только создал такое пишет. Всем сразу понятно что это не новичок, а то как новичет бы знал что на Стиме было год назад?

поэтому я и пишу о трусости. Играть надо честно или не играть вовсе.

Es injusto todo lo que has comentado, Xpilar es una gran referencia en toda Steemit y es evidente que es el único de la plataforma que ha mantenido diversos programas de apoyo junto a sus moderadores, para apoyar a muchos usuarios a crecer con su Steem Power.

Espero que pronto se pueda aclarar esta situación.

I agree with you Alexa, we all have seen many communities where the Admin came grow it up then cashed out and left but Xpilar is here in good and bad times and even despite of all the trouble he is still Upvoting and supporting people. We all have to show Unity as a Community.

Recibí el mensaje e inmediatamente vine a WORLD OF XPILAR a ver que pasaba, me parecio super extraño un ataque asi a @xpilar

Thank you for reading the post and I am glad that people start find what that means and what is happening. That is why the reason why I decided to do the post and not just simply keep a silence. If you like our COmmunity you can make a post as I mentioned in the text using #IamWOX tag

I didn't know about these attacks! Thanks for the alert and your opinion about it.

#IamWOX because this community has been one of the first where I presented my digital drawings, in which they have often supported me. It is also a community where I have been able to develop my short stories, meet the best artists and photographers on the platform. I really like this community, it is one of the largest and with good quality of Steemit. Thanks for everything! Xpilar continues strong 💪🏼 💜

Hi @carlaisl thank you for your nice words and for sharing your experience of being a part of WOX with others.

Only cowards and dishonest, hidden in anonymity try to destroy the good image of others. This should be enough to not give them credibility.

Thank you Jorge, absolutely agree with you and to show that we hold together we should keep being active WOX members.

Of course!

Hello dear friend @stef1 good afternoon
It is very true what you say, it is very easy to destroy the image when they are proposed; Therefore, in situations like these, before allowing ourselves to be influenced, we must do our own analysis; I have known @xpilar for many years and I know how much he has done for our company
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon

Thank you for your feedback and I am glad to hear that you also appreciate what @xpilar did for all of us and for Steemit in all. I hope many will join it and show what they think about it.

I also received that message and was wondering what is was all about...thx for the clarification. Oh, and of course I will not change my witness votes 😉😂

It is annoying when some people decide to play a judge and make such step, simply hate it. Especially when they hide behind anonymous account they are cowards who can't speak up openly and tell in face. For those ones, unfortunately, Internet is the best place. Thank you,

They only seek to waste time, people without a job, it is unfortunate the digital world opens the doors to many, but not everyone takes the right path, xpilar must be cared for and protected from people like that.

Thanks for the information.

Greetings and success!

That is true, some people enjoy to see that they spoil the day of others and also if they spoil the reputation of others. I am glad that Xpilar build up his reputation and he is active and open so people can see him around and also communicate directly.

Greetings dear friend, how unfortunate that your publishing plans have had to change due to such an unpleasant situation.

The WOX community and the xpilar account are among the largest on the platform, recognized and loved by all, no one can change that. I send many blessings to all of you, the team in charge of building this beautiful community and support accounts on a daily basis.

Do not be discouraged, those who act in a bad way always end up being discovered or karma comes to them. There is nothing more fulfilling than acting in a good and honest way as you do.

Greetings and hugs.

Thank youf or your supportive words, it is so important to have such people like you around. I think for our Admin it is important to have a feeling that there are people and around and they know hte good side of him, all that he did and also that they appreciate the time and efforts. he spends the most of his free time with Steemit.

Hi @stef1 certainly @xpilar is a great man and has done many things for our community and its members. We are all on his side and support him unconditionally. Regards.

Thank you Frany for your supportive words, glad that you read and left your opinion. As moderators many will be looking at us and see our reaction and we are on the side of Xpilar.

Seldom does a day goes by where I don't get some kind of spam on…steemit, hive, email, phone calls, commercials, politics, random gossip that people spew…I ignore all of it.

WoX and its community has been good to me, that's all I care about. And it's going to take a whole lot more than a BS comment from some random person or bot to change my mind :)

Thanks for bring this to my attention @stef1.

Thank you @fijimermaid, I am glad that you joined our community, you have added your special touch. We love diversity in our community and invite everyone here and welcome posts about anything. Many think that WOX is only Visual Art community, which is not true, we simply have many artists and photographers who receive support here that is why they stay with us. But to have more people who blog about anything and everything is great. I like the comments that you leave and your thoughts, this way we open ourselves and discover new interesting personalities. Thank you for supporting WOX and Xpilar.

The attack is senseless and malicious, as the WOX community is a role model for other communities. You have my full support @stef1.

Thank you Silvia for your supportive words, we are glad to have you with us.

Es increíble encontrarme con esta lamentable acción de un usuario sin oficio o con el único propósito de dañar la imagen de quien dirige objetivamente está comunidad.
Me encanta estar presente porque aquí valoran lo que hacemos todos y eso es importante.
No aguanté la curiosidad y al verificar el perfil de esa persona me di cuenta que no tiene ninguna publicación u otra acción. Pero posee steem y SP y me imagino que estos debieron haber sido transferido por alguien para que este fondo fuera destinado a las actividades de desprestigio.
Me imagino que las personas que manejan verazmente steem world podrían fácilmente saber el origen de estos fondos. Y así tomar medidas para detener está penosa actividad.

I had the same opinion, the account hat was created a day ago and has already some Steem on it and his first action is blaming campaign, nobody will start the account with that and also a newbie will not know how to send the messages to wallets. Definitely a coward who can't say in face his opinion because of consequences. Thank you for your supportive words :)

That is such a stupid kind of act as new profile created without post as doing this kind of thing is just like spammer or mentally sick person maybe who can't go up so try to snatching others leg to bring them down. I will make post about i am wox soon as hontestly once i made mind to leave steemit but i got WOX community and then continue again. I would like to join in discord too so please provide me discord link.

  ·  2 years ago Reveal Comment

Turn off the bot... turn on the brain

Like the will even pay you anyways 😂

This is an empty account, you don't have to waste time with it.


There is a real person behind an empty account and he is deluded (I hope that this is so).
Maybe he's just afraid.


Inappropriate comment