Is it easy to be a Moderator/Curator?

in hive-185836 •  3 years ago 




Hello my dear Steemians,



Yesterday while curating the posts I came across of this comment of the user who just second time posted in WOX one yesterday and another 3 months ago and previously was always posting in “Steem-bru”. He left this comment under the post of one of our Artist:




When I saw that comment then it made me very sad and to tell the truth I was upset and maybe even angry if people have such feeling that the WOX community that is known to be friendly did not visit the member.


Of course, I left this message and I will translate it for you:

Yes, we are active curators and even many of us speaking Russian Language, but time to time we do work in real life, we need some sleep and also we are busy with other important stuff in our life. As to the posts, they can be upvoted within 7 days.Moreover having more than 600 active users we not always have an opportunity to visit all of the users, therefore, I advise all newcomers to be more active. For example, looking at your blog, you have Upvoted only yourself and @marochka and have written only 2 comments. Be more active!”


“World of Xpilar” Community Moderators: our Voluntary work:


When we created this community we wanted to give a space for people to feel themselves like at home and being able to post, communicate and engage themselves.

That is a reason why we have Moderators who are coming from different countries and speaking different languages.


We are not employed of the Steemit Inc.


We are doing our Moderator tasks because we wanted to give users a feeling of good looked after.

  • daily checking the posts of users in WOX community
  • organizing Contests and giving away our own Steem
  • checking daily for Plagiarism and stop abuse within our community
  • guiding newcomers, advising what is better to be seen and trying to get them engaged in our community activities
  • encouraging commenting the users and so on…


That is why if you would like to have a feeling how the Curator/ Moderator work is looking like then try yourself:


  • Visit at least 10 - 20 people, Upvote and comment....daily
  • Get engaged in comments exchange with others
  • If you are in the community for long time you can help out newcomers through this difficult time of early stage on Steemit.


After that you can tell how does it feel to do curation.


Wish you good luck!




As always at the end it is a screenshot from @stef1 Power Up





@stef1 and @myskye



Trenner groß.png


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png



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The post makes me think back, I was brand new to steemit in 2016 and became member number 20,757
Even then, it was difficult to be seen and heard.
It seemed like all the whales and those with bigger accounts just cared about each other. (But that was not the case)

It took a while before I got comments and upvote on my posts.

So I quickly understood that if anyone is to know me, I must also communicate with the others here.
It was the beginning that I visited many posts and gave comments, and I got to know more and more people here.
So I want to say, it's about building trust and friendship here at steemit before one can expect to be rewarded.

So I want to ask the question
How will others know about you if you do not communicate with other users, but only make posts?

So I want to ask the question
How will others know about you if you do not communicate with other users, but only make posts?

maybe I want to answer a little of this question, this is about myself and other people, especially in Aceh, actually in Aceh itself there are very many active users who want to join WOX with their respective talents, moreover this community is very famous, maybe someone will come. then leave not because this community doesn't accept them, maybe it's an open secret to us, not because they don't want to introduce themselves to each other, it's because the scope is limited and don't want to be someone who is looking for opportunities to grow so it's better they keep quiet , many of them prefer to leave because of them and be more active there and get to know more people, I'm not here to blame anyone, this is a fact and many internal problems have not been resolved and as if nothing happened

Absolutely right, the same happening with the neighbors if you have next door, you maybe aware about them but if they are good or bad and if you will help them of not depends on our behavior.

Thank you for taking time and I am pleased to read your experience, I believe many of us come to this conclusion through our own experience, hope people reading that will understand and use this tip for their own progress and their future goals what they like to achieve :)

i joined steemit yesterday and all along i have been thinking i do not have to comment until i complete the new comers achievements, am greatful for this post.

I support it!!! Let's arrange such a flash mob. At least for a week to make 10 comments daily under the works you like!
This practice will benefit everyone ! And for each member and for the whole community as a whole!
I urge everyone to get involved in this work!

I think this is great idea, let's think about and we can involve Steemcurator too. Will be great to see the comment chains :)

To gain support, you need to interest a potential reader. If the author writes only to be supported by the moderator, he will be disappointed. Not enough for all moderators.

I support a very correct proposal. Once you've posted your own post, take a moment to visit other members of the community.

WOX friendly and active community

Do you see what reputation the community has gained? I completely agree with that :)

That is right, I believe in old time of Steemit, people new that there are only people around who may like or not like their posts. Nowadays we are spoiled and wait for the Curators, but people stop doing anything else, just doing post. Why it is so? Is it because some of the communities and people advertise Steemit as money making machine when doing posts?

I will tell you my own experience. When I signed up for Steemit, I started visiting different communities and analyzing what content was supported here. Of course, I was interested in those posts that had the most profit. So I found authors like udibekwe, mukada and a few others I don't remember. Their posts are complete shit, but they get good money. We all know that they just use bid bots, but at the time I didn't know they existed. My logical conclusion was to publish as many shitty posts as possible to earn more. Only later did I realize that quality is also valued on this platform.

To be honest curators are really doing a great job. It’s not easy at all . I can remember a time I engaged myself in a comment contest, I thought it was easy at first but at the long run I couldn’t keep up. All the curators and admins you all are doing a great job.

I started to do curation when "curie" project was there and I remember they paid great attention to comment organizing contest and rewarding the guys. Since then I got used to read posts and write comments and that is time consuming, especially if someone would like proper answer. I wish I could have more time but there is only 24 hours in one day :)

Yes you are right and sometimes 24hrs is no longer enough.

Me encanta la comunidad de worldofxpilar es como dices una comunidad amigable, también visitó otras y permanezco cómo curadora de almas en topfamily, así me dió por llamarme.

Hace poco hice un post preguntando si era importante los comentarios e indicando algunas ideas de lo qué debería a mí entender llevar un comentario. Dar nuestro voto es importante, comentar es lo más valioso qué tenemos. Todos somos curadores.

No es sólo un "buen post" para dejar palabras en su contenido, sino algo que cómo participante, nos haga comprender lo qué entendió el lector.

Es verdad fuera de está pantalla tenemos una vida y somos responsables de un hogar, de un trabajo y sin embargo amanecemos porqué nos encanta leer y contar nuestras historias.

Me encanta la variedad y lo creativo de los temas en mí comunidad, son 4 años aquí, tanto en las altas cómo en las bajas.

Siento no traducirlo pero estoy en el móvil y no soy muy hábil en el.
Seguimos en éste camino de mucho aprendizaje. He visto tú labor de sacar de los espacios los que plagian contenido, nada fácil de hacer, localizar, mirar y comparar.

Un abrazote @stef1

Thank you @sacra97 for your lovely comment, I remember you from the time when we created the community and I remember your post when you also like many others applied for the Moderator of WOX community. It is always a pleasure to read your thoughtful comment even if they are in Spanish, slowly but surely it became normal that we use the Goode-translator. In my opinion commenting is very important because that created bonds between us and makes us to be here and like you say waking up and read what is happening like a newspaper. Appreciate for your stopping by and nice supportive words :)

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Sí uso en traductor para mantenerme en contacto, no hay límites a la hora de apoyar con buenos comentarios a nuevos y viejos participantes. No te sientas mal por ese comentario tan desagradable, ve todas las muestras de apoyo qué tienes por aquí, por un bonito y constante trabajo. No se cuántas personas visitó pero sé que son bastantes.

Cuándo regrese a casa en Venezuela, tendré la computadora a mano y se me hace más fácil participar más.

Agradecida y siempre atenta.

Haklısınız işiniz çok zor ve insanları memnun etmekte zor. Herkesin empati yapması gerekli. Kolaylıklar dilerim.

Thank you for stopping by and glad that you are sharing our opinion.


I am proud of WOX moderator, it helps members a lot. I also know that the moderator's job is heavy. Hopefully WOX members can understand and interact well

Thank you @kakilasak for your feedback and as you say through the communication I have learnt your Travel posts with the wonderful places and parks that you are visited and also I remember the post about the Birthday of your sister. Only this way we get used to each other and that will help to keep our community connected via our users :)

Almost everyone finds it difficult in the early stages, totally agrees with you to help and point them in the right direction. But I'm very proud of the WOX moderators who are always working and looking for posts that deserve support. I received many complaints from friends in other communities that there was still a lot of nepotism, the moderators only supported those closest to them.

Thank you @adivender for your lovely comment and I am really glad to have such users like you. Every comment that you write has something from you and you never write simple short messages but there is something that made me remember you. You are one of the active members of our community and it is a pleasure to learn you :)

It's also nice to have a Moderator like you, no matter separated by distance and different races, but you give LOVE to all. Thanks @stef1!.

Many authors believe they have the right to be supported by the simple fact of publishing continuously, leaving aside the duty to visit and support other publications, thus showing the incoherence of wanting to demand from others what they do not do themselves.

World Of Xpilar is a community that has a great variety of ways to provide support to users who make life in the community, I do not think that today there is a similar one, here we can see the different support programs:

Thank you @adeljose, yes, it is sometimes feels like people simply send the post and waiting for reply. But whey not actively engaging and getting the attention of the users of the community key people. We are all around and always happy to help. I believe if people would like to get something from Steemit then they also should invest t heir time into it like in any jobs :)

You do a great job and it's sad that some people don't realize all the hard work that goes into it ; I can imagine all the time spent, having to juggle your life outside, it can't be easy.
So thanks for your daily involvement, to you and the whole team!
Wishing you a nice day. :)

Hi @pipoune, thank you for your feedback and it is true time is previous and sometimes it is a question what to do it is almost as another job, but we know that having the opportunity of supporting people and giving them chance to feel heard and supported seems to be more important. We hope we will keep doing that so long the time allows :)

In Steemit NOT all users have to be creators.
But all users "MUST" (it's a "must") be curators. :)

That is true, without curators it is an empty and silent place. We all want to be seen and heard then we have to give the same to others :)

Oh, thank you @stef1 for the great work you do for the community and for your kind and educational response to my comment. Happy and long life.

Muy buena propuesta amigo @stef1, no visito 20 pero creo que 10 o más post, leo y comento, voto, pero como no tengo mucho poder a veces no le doy nada,🤦🥺, eso me entristece. Pero te cuento que el trabajo de curador es bastante arduo porque es lo que hacen en cada comunidad más si es moderador, no descansan, imagino a los jefes, por Dios. Los felicito a todos ustedes .. No sé cómo hacen pero lo hacen muy bien, adelante y que Dios les continúe dando fuerza para seguir cada día.🤗❤️🙏

I think for those who do not have much it is important to comment and be visible for others. Well thought comment and under other active members will definitely bring more attention to your own blog :)

Oh oh, que buena y motivadora respuesta amigo, de verdad te felicito, gracias, gracias, tomaré notas a esta sugerencia. Feliz tarde.🤗❤️🙏

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Не стоит грустить по поводу всего-лишь комментария. Steemit и WOX являются срезом социума в целом. Всё как везде. Везде есть недовольные сомневающиеся люди. Их надо иметь в виду, но не стоит на них обижаться.
Многие считают, что сам факт их присутствия где-то должен быть замечен и вознаграждён. Когда подобные ожидания не оправдываются, многие не ищут причину в себе, а стараются оправдать себя.
Эти люди не понимают, что с момента посева семян до всходов и урожая обычно проходит немало времени и за посеянными семенами надо бережно и систематически ухаживать. Это ежедневный труд и мало кто к нему готов на самом деле. Я замечаю это даже в нашей программе поддержки пользователей. На время ему делегируется 50 или 250 SP и даётся ежедневная поддержка одного из постов. Кажется, вот шанс, ухаживай за своими семенами, сей новые. Но людям бывает трудно даже написать 1 пост в день.
Я предполагаю, что тот пользователь в силу каких-то причин сам получает мало поддержки и решил выразить свою ситуацию таким образом.
Но повторюсь, это не повод для модераторов расстраиваться. Я знаю эту работу изнутри и знаю сколько времени и сил она требует.
Кстати @marochka в своё время была участником программы поддержки новичков (это к сведению того комментатора)

Do not be sad about just a comment. Steemit and WOX are a cross section of society as a whole. Everything is like everywhere else. Everywhere there are dissatisfied doubting people. They must be kept in mind, but do not be offended by them.
Many believe that the mere fact of their presence somewhere should be noticed and rewarded. When such expectations are not justified, many do not look for the reason in themselves, but try to justify themselves.
These people do not understand that a lot of time usually passes from the moment of sowing seeds to germination and harvest, and the sown seeds must be carefully and systematically looked after. This is a daily work and few people are really ready for it. I notice it even in our customer support program. For a while, he is delegated 50 or 250 SP and is given daily support for one of the posts. Seems like here's a chance, take care of your seeds, these new ones. But it can be difficult for people to even write 1 post a day.
I assume that that user, for some reason, receives little support himself and decided to express his situation in this way.
But again, this is not a reason for moderators to be upset. I know this job from the inside and I know how much time and effort it requires.
By the way, @marochka used to be a member of the beginner support program (this is for the information of that commentator)

Кажется, вот шанс, ухаживай за своими семенами, сей новые. Но людям бывает трудно даже написать 1 пост в день.

А я вчера так и не написал ничего. Хотя проснулся вчера в 4:30. а лёг спать сегодня уже в 2:30, но зато и спал до 5:30. И вот сейчас хочу воробушков показать. Сколько времени уйдёт? Наверное, с час. И надо бы лечь спать сегодня хотя бы часов в 12.

Бывают причины не садиться за клаву. Это да. Но если уж ты попал в программу поддержки и тебе практически гарантированно прилетит за пост...таки, заставлять себя надо, время летит быстро))

Согласен... время летит быстро.

Абсолютно с тобой согласна, наверное время от времени нам нужно такая психотерапия чтобы мы дальше могли работать. Я просто иногда не понимаю новичков, ты сам знаешь как тяжело нам было в начале, нам никто не помогал и ничего не советовал. Но я просто не смогла сдержатся и написала свой комментарий.

Парень просто рефлексировал скорее всего, такой вот вариант переноса случился. А может гугл не совсем точно перевёл его мысль. В любом случае не повод для расстройства, хотя меня тоже царапнуло как-то. Просто у каждого свои ожидания и не всегда они совпадают с реальностью.

Я до сих пор помню помощь @blacklux и называю её "мамочкой". И это была не программа, никто не апал мои посты, но это была поддержка и мне это было важно. Что-то поменялось на этой платформе...и не всегда в лучшую сторону.
Надо будет пост про мотивацию придумать ))

Так что, не переживай, все мы разные :)

Los sabios sabemos que la opción correcta para ser un poco más felices es "vive y deja vivir"... No hagas caso a los comentarios estimado @stef1 todos somos el reflejo de lo que sentimos así que este ciudadano no es más que un Sr lleno de problemas existenciales.. Saludos...

Thank you for your lovely comment and your supportive workd. You might be new in our community as I have not seen you before :)

Si estoy Nueva en la plataforma...

  ·  3 years ago (edited)

Здравствуйте, почему вы это восприняли на себя?! Мы ни в коем случае не хотели задеть кураторов, мы знаем что ваша работа сложна. И мы от вас ничего не требуем.
Я в конце поста обращалась к читателям, что бы не просто прошли мимо, а обратили внимание и поддержали. Поэтому и комментарий был соответствующий..
Но, вы верно написали, всем не мешало бы быть по активнее.
И наверное повторюсь.. Я от кураторов ничего не требую, мне приятно делиться своими работами и своими моментами жизни. Но не буду лукавить, приятно, когда твои посты замечают.

Hello, why did you take it upon yourself?! We did not want to offend the curators in any way, we know that your work is difficult. And we don't demand anything from you.
At the end of the post, I appealed to readers not just to pass by, but to pay attention and support. Therefore, the comment was appropriate..
But, as you wrote correctly, it would not hurt for everyone to be more active.
And I will probably repeat myself.. I do not demand anything from the curators, I am pleased to share my works and my moments of life. But I won't dissemble, it's nice when your posts are noticed.

Привет Марочка, это реакция была не только из за этого комментария а просто в общем что новички которые приходят и никого не знают на думают что сразу будут замечены. Такое бывает редко. Но что человек про нашу коммунити так отозвался даже никого здесь не зная это было обидно.

Но как видешь многие откликнулись и мне даже стало приятно, у нас много хороших авторов и людей с которыми можно общатся, поэтому ты видешь почему я так среагировала.

У нас хороший коллектив и авторы и модераторы, только надо нас узнать а на это обычно требуется время. Спасибо за твой ответ. Кстати я уже перешла на “ты”, надеюсь не возражаешь.

Конечно не возражаю, можно на "ты". Не расстраивайтесь, я думаю, он просто хотел меня поддержать и не подумал о последствиях 🤗🤝

It's absolutely true what you said @stef1 , moderators' duties and responsibilities are huge coupled with real world work, 24 hours feels very short to provide support to people who really deserve support, it actually goes back to each and every one of them , how to get sympathy and they interact with everyone so that many people recognize them and stay active and give their best

I salute your hard work @stef1

Thank you @adi.pisces for your feedback and thoughtful comment, it is nice to see that you also supporting our point of view :)

you're welcome @stef1 have a nice day and keep your spirits up with your duties and responsibilities 💪

Oh wow how right you are! Visiting several publications a day, making comments, also answering questions, I think many of us do it putting a lot of our interest and heart, and this sometimes leads to sometimes emotional fatigue, because we get involved with many people, different realities and expectations.
I think we're still here because we like people, and what I can tell you is that sometimes it's those who don't know or don't know the dynamics of Steemit, who expect quick answers...
I think that here if we want to achieve in any way, we always have to give first, that's what I say to newcomers. And as for us who are on the other side, let's say, of the experience, we have to be patient, because we also have feelings and sometimes we also get tired or discouraged. So we also have to rest a little from time to time hehe.

What I can tell you is that I liked reading your perspective, and it's great that you share these things that not everyone knows.

Many greetings and blessings to you 😊🌻🌷

my 5 cents

How will others know about you if you do not communicate with other users, but only make posts?

right at her start, when this Russian-speaking user started posting, I walked thru her posts and left some comments (and: yes, they were not honey and syrup only). it was some critic, obviously intended to help her understand the local 'customs and traditions'. I dont remember exactly the numbers, but it was not too much - 4, 5, 6. The number of comments received back was about zero. Actually, thats all that in my opinion you may need to know about this user, and where dozens of comments / upvotes / followers.

Moderatör veya küratör olmak gerçekten zor. 2018 ve 2019 dönemlerinde steemitte çeşitli projelerde moderatörlük ve küratörlük yaptım. Buraya o kadar çok emek ve zaman harcadım ki neredeyse gecemi gündüzüme atıyordum. Ama maalesef herkesi mutlu etmek mümkün değil. İnsanlar yazılarını yazıp çıkıyorlar sadece. Oysa burası sosyal bir platform. Burada oluşan güzel arkadaşlıkları yorumlarla taçlandırmak gerekiyor. Maalesef herkes bunun bilincinde değil. Fark edilmek ancak yorumlarla mümkün.

Vermiş olduğunuz emek ve zamandan dolayı teşekkür ederim.wox topluluğunu seviyorum. Adminleri ve yöneticileri çok kibar. Hepinize başarılar dilerim. 🙏☺️

i like your post. I learned a lot from your posts please teach me so i can be like you

Hello friend, what you say is very true. Being a curator or moderator is not an easy job, it requires hours of work to read, review, verify, comment and select the posts. In addition, you also have to consider the interaction of the users, as you expressed in the comment conversation. Good job and success to the World of Xpilar team.