My Life in Seoul - 서울에서 나의 삶입니다

in hive-196917 •  3 years ago 

안녕하세요 여러분!

저는 고려대학교 외국인 학생 Ethan이라고 합니다. 이제 저는 4학년입니다! 저는 한국에서 5년째 살고 있습니다. 하지만 저는 한국어를 잘 못합니다. 저는 공부를 많이 하지만, 한국어는 어려워요!

I have used Steemit since 2017, but I stopped using it for a long time. Just recently I came back and I wanted to see what it is like in 2021!

영어와 한국어를 사용해도 괜찮습니까? I think there will be lots of mistakes, so I am sorry in advance!

I will try to write Korean when I can, I checked the rules and I think it is okay to use English and Korean? Anyway, I hope it's okay to use both languages. Please let me know if it's against the rules. I'll have to use Papago to help me a lot... Haha.

저는 사진 찍는 것을 좋아합니다. 오늘 저는 서울에서 찍은 사진을 보여드리고자 (show?) 합니다.



The Han River is my favourite place in Seoul. It's always such a calming place, especially when the city can be so busy and stressful at times. Even better, the Han River has some absolutely stunning sunsets!



이 사진은 2016년에 찍은 사진입니다. Even though it is very simple, there is something about it that I have always liked.



남한산성은 아름답습니다! 경치가 정말 멋져요! 나는 이 사진을 2월에 찍었습니다. I wish I visited Namhansanseong earlier though because it really is one of the best views in Seoul!



미세먼지가 많아서 날씨가 나빴어요. I really want to go back to 남한산성 one day when the weather is a bit better!



저는 매주 한 번씩 남산을 방문해요! Haha. It's a very common view, however, it's a view that I love. It's easy to reach Namsan and you can see Seoul on every side of the mountain.



The Han River is always beautiful, but I think that Ttukseom is the best place to have a picnic. It's not quite as busy as 여의도 and the view is better... Maybe? I like it anyway!



또 뚝섬입니다! 제 사진 잘 보셨기를 바랍니다 - I hope you enjoyed my photos. 저는 스팀잇을 더 많이 사용하고 한국어를 연습하고 싶습니다.

Thank you! 감사합니다!

.... 제가 실수를 많이 했다면 죄송합니다.

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사진들이 멋지네요!

감사합니다! I appreciate it :)

사진이 멋지네요~ 잘 보았습니다.

감사합니다 :D

It's a big bless you already know Steem and Cryptocurrency, I hope you get along with us well :)
한국어 잘 하시네요 ^^ 잘부탁해요 !

Thank you so much! I'll do my best :)

사진 멋져요^^

감사합니다! ^^

사진 느낌 좋아요! :D

감사합니다 :D I am really happy to hear!