Singlish 新加坡式英語 シングリッシュ | HK-JP-SG Cross-Community Challenge 跨區文化挑戰 クロスコミュニティのチャレンジ

in hkjpsg •  6 years ago  (edited)


When you traval to Singapore, you would probably notice that many (but not all) Singaporeans speak a kind of language / dialect which is not totally English - you would catch some English words, some Malay terms, some in different Chinese dialects, and probably some unknown words as well. Together with the unique intonation, it is not difficult to realize that they are speaking Singlish.

I am not going to be academic here - there can be a lot of discussion on how Singlish evolved. There could also be debates on usage of Singlish in different occasions. (I know there are Singaporeans who hate Singlish.) Here I am going to share how I view and feel about Singlish.

I personally practiced some Singlish when I stayed in a couple ASEAN countries for work years ago, and I enjoy speaking Singlish. The main reason is, Singlish can help me expressing myself more vividly. English is the common (and official in many cases) language for communication in the region. However, in daily life, it could be "clumsy" to express yourself clearly in English while you know that it can be expressed more easily and/or precisely in another language. Singlish in some way bridges the gap between English and the other languages practiced in Singapore. I don't need to use too many words to explain what I mean and tell people how I truly feel.

It would be easier to explain using an example. Let's look at the words on this T-shirt.

Photo taken by myself.

Alamak! So 'Kan Cheong' for what? Slowly lah. Don't be so 'Kiasu', can or not? Wah Piang - man, 'Terok lah' you. Relax lah!

These sentences are intended to be seen by people behind, probably in a queue, so that people behind will not try to push forward or jump the queue. Let me try to translate into English so that you can understand what they mean:

Oh my goodness! Why are you so anxious to rush forward? Slow down. Can you not be so afraid of losing out or being taken advantage by someone else? Damn - man, you are such a troublesome person. Be relax!

I have to admit that I am not "native" or fluent in speaking Singlish, and my English is not good enough to translate properly. When I read my translation, I still feel that it does not fully catch the exact meaning of some of the Singlish phrases. Nevertheless, you should be able to get a sense on how concisely it could be when expressing yourself in Singlish.

In certain degree, Singlish is a symbol of cross-cultural union. Without knowing the meaning of different phases in other languages, it is not easy to apply these phrases when you talk. When Singlish was evolved, the ethnic groups in Singapore could be trying hard to live together and work together with each other. The need of communication forced them to understand the other cultures deeper. Eventually Singlish is formed, captured and applied phrases from different languages and dialects in order to ensure precise, concise and lively communication.

In the end, I do agree that Singlish should not be used in formal occasions like in offices and academic occasions. On the other hand, I do not think Singlish should be eliminated totally. There are historical reasons on why Singlish appeared, and it is still evolving. And there is no conflict between using Singlish in daily life and using proper English in formal communication. In the same way, there is no conflict between practicing Cantonese in daily life in Hong Kong and using Mandarin to communicate with non-Cantonese Chinese. There is no need to eliminate Cantonese in South China area.

So, what do you think about Singlish? Did you have any interesting experience in understanding or even speaking in Singlish? Leave your comments under this post and share with us!

Further Readings:

Note: Japanese version is translated from Chinese or English through Google Translate and Bing Translate. Apologies if it is very difficult to understand.







Alamak! So 'Kan Cheong' for what? Slowly lah. Don't be so 'Kiasu', can or not? Wah Piang - man, 'Terok lah' you. Relax lah!


Oh my goodness! Why are you so anxious to rush forward? Slow down. Can you not be so afraid of losing out or being taken advantage by someone else? Damn - man, you are such a troublesome person. Be relax!














シングリッシュがどのように発展したかは、すでに多くの学術的議論につながる可能性があります。異なる機会にシングリッシュの使用はまた、論争の多くを引き起こす可能性があります (私はいくつかのシンガポール人がシングリッシュを嫌う知っている)。この記事では、シングリッシュに関する私の感情や意見を述べたいだけです。


なぜこのようなシングリッシュを感じているのかをみんなに理解させるためには、このT シャツでこれらの文章を見る方がいいです。


Alamak! So 'Kan Cheong' for what? Slowly lah. Don't be so 'Kiasu', can or not? Wah Piang - man, 'Terok lah' you. Relax lah!

これらの文章は、背後にある人々によって見られるように意図されている, 行列を前方に押したり、キューをジャンプしようとしないように指示します。彼らが意味することを理解できるように、私は英語に翻訳しようとしましょう:

Oh my goodness! Why are you so anxious to rush forward? Slow down. Can you not be so afraid of losing out or being taken advantage by someone else? Damn - man, you are such a troublesome person. Be relax!








Thanks to @orientalhub for organizing HK-JP-SG Cross-Community Challenge. For details, please see this post.

感謝 @orientalhub 組織了這個 HK-JP-SG 跨區文化挑戰。有關這個挑戰的詳情,請參看這篇

このHK-JP-SGの異文化間の挑戦を組織するための @orientalhub に感謝します。 この挑戦の詳細については、この記事を参照してください。

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Singaporeans and Malaysians have a flair for languages and they can nail it.

  ·  6 years ago 


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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Singlish is sooo cute and lively :) it’s the result of cultural exchange, yet I think standard (prescriptive) English is preferred during international meetings/formal situation to avoid confusion ;pp

  ·  6 years ago 


And indeed, Singlish can only be used informally mostly across Singapore and Malaysia. For international meetings, proper English should be used. Using proper English is a respect to other people in communication.

That’s right!
Haha thanks for your information! Next time go to Singapore will try to use Singlish lah! haha!

Good job😎😎😎

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks! 🙇


  ·  6 years ago 


hehe I didn't expect anyone to be writing about Singlish in this challenge so this is quite a pleasant surprise!
In the past Singlish was seen to be quite a 'negative english' in Singapore, and referred to people who were not as 'educated'. People used to always tell me to correct the way I speak, and that I should speak proper english. But how the tables have turned haha, now Singlish is being promoted as a cultural asset of Singapore, and academics have also come to figure out the technicalities of the language. So I found that quite interesting haha. Thanks for writing this! :D

  ·  6 years ago 

I am glad that you like this post! 😊

Ya when I was in Singapore, Singlish is considered as not so good. Indeed it is a cultural asset - imagine Singlish was not developed in the past, then people in Singapore would have more difficulties to communicate. That could hinder the economic growth of Singapore back then (I know this is a bit exaggerated lah... haha.) So Singlish should be well preserved - it is an unique and valuable asset.

Nice to meet you! My name is Yotaro in Japan! !
I found a post from the tag of # hkjpsg!

It was a very interesting post!

Even in Japan, the difficulty of language is.
But after all, I think that it is transmitted if the person has a strong passion!

  ·  6 years ago 

こんにちはYotaro(陽太郎?)さん! 私の方もお会いできてうれしいです! 私は興味深い投稿を見つけたことをうれしく思っています。

私は、人々が別の文化を受け入れるために開いている限り、彼らはコミュニケーションの方法を見つけるだろうと思う。 当時のシンガポール人は革新的であり、シングリッシュが創設されました。 日本人は他の文化も受け入れています! 違いは、片仮名を使用して日本語の外来語を吸収することを日本人が決めたことです。

Hello Yotaro-san! Nice to meet you too! I am glad that you found my post interesting.

I think as long as people are open to accept another culture, they will find a way to communicate. Singaporeans back then were innovative and Singlish was created. And Japanese are open to accept other culture as well! The difference is that Japanese decided to use Katakana to absorb external words into their language.


I am always curious, do you understand fully my Japanese comments, which are translated by Google Translate? I ask this because Google Translate cannot translate properly from English to Chinese.

Thank you for replying to comments!

Even if you use Google translation, I understand rough nuances, I think that there is no problem.

I am also heavily using Google translation, but I am amazed at the progress of recent translation technology.


I posted on this "hkjpsg challenge" as well! !
Thank you for your upvote!

I'm happy to have your comment on this post!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Haha.. Singlish is how we Singaporeans communicate with each other most of the time. It is a very efficient language.

  ·  6 years ago 

Yes! And that's why I like it so much! Shiok man!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


  ·  6 years ago 


  ·  6 years ago 


