in informationwar •  5 years ago 


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“If we can only live once, then let it be a daring adventure that draws on all our powers. Let out grandchildren delight to find the start of our stories in their ears but the ending all around the World in their unending eyes”- Julian Assange

Freed from confinement at the Ecuadorian embassy where he was supposedly sheltered for seven years, and now sentenced to fifty weeks in a UK high security prison.

The DOJ has charged Assange with a single count of “conspiracy to commit computer intrusion” for allegedly trying to help whistleblower Chelsea Manning to crack the password on a computer with classified material back in 2010. Gizmodo

Even though the United Nation called the sentence "Disproportionate", Assange is still locked up. The Wikileak founder was held for exposing the shady dealings of the western world and Government superpowers, some of the most powerful people around the World in Politics and Business were linked several heinous crimes and one question comes to mind, is there really True Justice in Existence?

Julian was immediately arrested by the British Police and charged to court for multiple offences with Treason as the major one. Did he betray anyone or gave voice and hope to true journalism?


Julian Assange in a security van after been sentenced on May 1st-Image source

Wikileaks has also exposed Overwatch Ops- top secrets about operations and schemes of agencies and spies from across the world, the reigning terrors of insurgencies in Nigeria, Somalia and the notable ones that always caught mainstream media’s attention.

Assange is a victim; his handling breached the “Free-speech” rights as a Journalist and as a living human, bringing important news and first class information to ordinary citizens who could access these top secrets files containing evidence of the truth involved in so many global state perpetuated atrocities is what he’s been man-handled for.

With over 10 Million classified information leaked, including the popular Emmanuel Macron’s leaked emails- The Chelsea Manning Iraq’s files, and several other high profiled top secrets that had been leaked showing the diabolical things done by the Government which is supposedly be laden with the safety of the public.

Will he ever be a free man? His life, will never remain the same again for a fact, and the utmost fear is that, will he not be another victim of Deep State Assassination like the Saudi Arabian Journalist that was murdered no so long ago?

My fears for Julian are many; he might not live long if he never walked free. I fear that being held in Captivity is the reason why he was alive for over six years, now that he has been charged to court, and the case might linger on, what would guaranty his safety, the safety of his beloved and that of other journalist around the world held in similar plots? I have had terrible dreams of him being erased, it has happened before and it is still happening. I hope my fears are just me being paranoia, and it never actualises.

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