岐阜の白川郷を思い出したらまた行きたくなってきた( ^ω^ ) When I remembered Shirakawago of Gifu, I became wanting to go again

in japanese •  7 years ago 

もう一度行ってみたい所…それは岐阜の「白川郷」( ^ω^ )



そして浴衣でいざ!温泉街にいったのね( ^ω^ )



でも、夕飯も朝ご飯もすごく美味しかったなぁ~♪飛騨牛とか、朴葉味噌(ほおばみそ)とか、川魚とか、本当に「下呂にきた~!」って感じで良かったよ( ^ω^ )

二日目は白川郷に移動したんだけど、もうすっごく豪雪地帯!スノーブーツじゃないと歩けない。合掌造りも印象的だったし、古民家みたいな所に入らせてもらって、暖をとらせてもらったり( ^ω^ )


岐阜によくボードに行くからまた白川郷まで行きたいんだけど、それでもゲレンデからけっこう距離があって(^^; なかなか遠くていけないかなー。


Where you want to go again ... It's Gifu's "Shirakawago" (^ ω ^) 


I went there two years ago? It was a very good trip! That day, I first enjoyed snowboarding in Gifu's Takashi snow park. After sliding a lot, I booked an inn for Gero Onsen, so I took a direct drive by car! 


In a hot spring in a hotel, go out from a hot spring and read a manga ← w 

And it is in a Yukata! You went to a spa town (^ ω ^) 


... But I thought that the spa town of Gero is more gorgeous, or whether it is crowded ... 


The shop is almost closed, it is dark, sometimes a picture of a small frog on the roadside ... (Because it is a gero hot spring, it is a gero) Is not the timing when I said good? 


But, both dinner and breakfast were very tasty ~ ♪ Hida beef, miso soup (hoobama miso), river fish etc, it was really good feeling "came to gero ~!" (^ Ω ^) 


The second day I moved to Shirakawago but it is already a tremendous snowy zone! I can not walk without snow boots. Prince building was also impressive, let me get into a place like an old private house, let me get warm (^ ω ^) 


I cold populated by touched the warmth of the people are (◍> ◡ <◍) ♡ in Shirakawa-go, it was a good place if there is a very tasteful ♪ 


I often go to the board in Gifu and I want to go to Shirakawago again, but still there is a far distance from the slopes (^ ^; I wonder if it can be quite far away. 


But hot springs in winter, especially hot springs entering in the snow are the best! I really like winter. Would finish soon January ... ( '; ω; `) also in February It looks to be full of delight! 

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ぜひぜひ、いってみてください!なんだか異次元にタイムスリップしたような、ステキな空間ですよ( ^ω^ )


ここも雪がすごいですね、次の旅行の候補にあげてみます( ^ω^ )