
in kr •  3 days ago 

A cute colored pencil-style illustration of canceling subscription services. The image features a pastel background with a charmingly designed computer monitor displaying small icons representing various subscription services. Next to the monitor is an adorable trash bin with a smiling face, symbolizing discarded services. In the center, a character named 'Daldal' appears slightly shy but determined, standing in front of the monitor, symbolizing a fresh start. Next to Daldal, a small speech bubble with 'Saved 160,000 KRW!' and coin icons highlights the cost savings from cancellations. Some icons on the screen have star and heart symbols, giving a playful touch. Handwritten notes in the background say 'Time to organize' to reinforce the decision to cancel unused services.

  • 오늘 2개의 구독 서비스를 해지했다. 달달이 들어가던 16만원정도의 비용 세이브, 구독 서비스 안쓰는 것들 하나하나 챙겨서 정리해야 겠다. 달달이 나가는데, 안쓰는 것들이 제법 많음.
  • 오늘 모임 하면서, 나의 호기심을 자극하는 것들이 가득. 오홍오홍. 설명하면서 모르는 것이 참 많구나를 느낀다.

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