New to steemit! 간단히 자기소개 할께요!

in kr •  7 years ago 

Hello steemians :)

I've been reading lots of steemit postings as much as possible and exploring

since steemit allowed me to sign up even though it took a whole day :( 

Anyways, very glad that i could join here.

my smeemit name is KOREATAR which means korean lady in Finnish

(not sure it has a meaning of 'beauty' in it, hope so 😗 ) 

Cause I'm korean lady(Literally) 

I would like to write some travel-related postings and everything i would like to post about Korea.

thanks to reading my very first seemit posting. 

hope we can communicate a lot !

안녕하세요 스티미언분들 :)

어제 꼬박 하루가 걸린 가입절차를 걸쳐 드디어 스티밋에 뛰어들었습니다!

그 이후에 많은 포스팅들을 읽어보며 맘껏 탐험해보았는데요

스티밋에 조인할 수 있어서 너무 기쁩니다.

스티밋 닉네임을 KOREATAR로 정했는데요, 핀란드어로 한국여인?이라는 뜻입니다만 

한국의 아름다운 여인이라는 의미일수도 있어요  ;)(희망)

포스팅 주제는 주로 여행이나 한국관련(음식이 많을것같아요)해서 쓰고자 합니다.

스티미언들 분들과 많은 교류하고 싶어요 

읽어주셔서 감사합니다 :)

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Hello @koreatar welcome!!

I'm @andyluy and I've been here for almost 2 months, and I can tell you that steemit is the most amazing thing I've ever seen at the internet so far. I'm happy seeing it grows every day!

I had some hard time on the firsts week, so I spent some time searching information to improve my experience with it, latter I've decided to make posts about those and others helpful information in order to help the new ones to have a shortcut to get deeper knowledge of steemit and its potencial.

here is some of my posts, I hope It mitght be helpful to you:

SteemBnB(this post is not mine, it is fruit of an amazing Idea from @chicosonico, but I've made a traslate to portuguese, you can find it at the comments section)
steemit awesome tools #2
Steemit-Police First official Investigator
The Randowhale

Here is a post from @hannahlicious That i think Is useful to have a look too (she is also a great source of information and high quality posts):
Randowhale is CHEAPER Now!!

I intend to keep posting useful info that I manage to gather, and in a near future some give away. Feel invited to follow me and if you have any question about steemit you can ask me in any of my last posts, I'll try my best to help.

Hello Koreatar I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community !! Nice post, Wish you much luck! Cheers! i will follow your account, please follow me !

Welcome to Steemit! I wish you a good days and inspiration to create in our community! Please follow me :)

Hi) Welcome to steemit) I follow you;)

반갑습니다~! 같이 소통해요 ~ 투표와 팔로우 하고 가요~^^

안녕하세요. 스팀잇 가입하신 것을 진심으로 환영합니다.
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