[International media] The Guardian 2024. 12.09 South Korea president banned from leaving country as ruling party accused of ‘second coup’

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image source from_The Guardian

South Korea president banned from leaving country as ruling party accused of ‘second coup’

Yoon Suk Yeol subjected to travel ban after his party’s boycott of impeachment vote condemned by opposition


여당의 탄핵안 보이콧이 야당에 의해 ‘제2의 쿠데타’로 비난받는 가운데 한국 대통령 출국금지

윤석열 대통령, 여당의 탄핵안 표결 보이콧이 야당의 비난을 받은 후 출금금지 조치 당해

"South Korea's president, Yoon Suk Yeol, has been banned from leaving the country, as opposition politicians accused his party of staging a "second coup" by refusing to impeach him over his botched declaration of martial law last week."

"윤석열 한국 대통령이 계엄령 선포 실패와 관련한 탄핵을 그의 당이 거부한 것에 대해 야당 정치인들이 '제2의 쿠데타'를 일으켰다고 비난하면서 출국이 금지되었다."

Words or terms

banned | 금지된
leaving country | 출국
ruling party | 여당
accused | 고발된, 비난받은
coup | 쿠데타
travel ban | 출국 금지
boycott | 보이콧, 거부/반대 운동
impeachment | 탄핵
impeach | 탄핵하다
opposition | 야당, 반대파
opposition politicians | 야당 정치인들
refusing | 거부하다
declaration | 선포
martial law | 계엄령

PRESS | The Guardian 2024. 12. 09

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