RE: How will the overwhelming discovery of extraterrestrial life affect our lives and beliefs?

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How will the overwhelming discovery of extraterrestrial life affect our lives and beliefs?

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

Thank you for the facts!

However, these facts are what we observed through modern-day "space observatories".

Scientist estimated, guessed, calculated that the furthest object is perhaps 6.5 billion light years away. So, if it had been a big bang and expanded at light speed, the big back would have been 6.5 billion years ago.

Note that I do not call these numbers facts. they are just "estimated, guessed, calculated".

So, whatever "facts" that we have is such a minute sample over the billion years - the sample is "needle in a haystack" by a gazillions of times.

I am a chemical engineer by education and then an IT professional for over 30 years dealing with logic - AKA Artificial Intelligence. Facts used in the logic-mathematics realm are the only prove-able means.

No, not science or scientific theories. They can only be validated to be consistent or accurate within a certain margin of errors.

So, based on my 30 years in a prove-able world, I have never seen "alien" life proven, not even any theory or a portion thereof.

There are only probability and statistics that suggest that it, the existence of aliens, is probable due to the large numbers of objects in the known universe.

However, just as many grains of sands on a beach could not produce any life as life can only come from life, this probability theory is just that.

Man, even well-known scientists, have attempted to turn lead into gold over thousands of years and more attempts will still not succeed.


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Hello @freedomshift

I see that you are a studied person (in a totally scientific career and quite difficult, I respect chemistry, you have to love it to study it) and I congratulate you for it. Rooted in the scientific method, and that's fine.

But not everything has to be measured and quantified to exist.

One of the scientists I most admire said the following

During a social gathering, someone was surprised to hear that he was deeply religious. Einstein replied, "Yes, I am. When we try to reach the secrets of nature with our limited means, we find that behind the discernible causal relationships there remains something subtle, intangible and inexplicable. My religion is to venerate that force, which is beyond what we can comprehend. In that sense I am in fact religious. And he wrote in a letter: "the laws of nature manifest the existence of a spirit enormously superior to men ... in the face of which we must feel humble".

I know how necessary facts are to discover or prove a truth, but there are truths that cannot be quantifiable or measured within this dimension. A two-dimensional being can know the depth dimension? But that does not mean that there isn't exist or isn't true? He/she will never find a tangible fact that can make him/her measure it. Do you follow me?

Therefore, this gives me to understand that it is possible that extraterrestrials do exist, that is to say, life on other planets.

It's just the opinion of this humble servant. Don't get angry

Hi @freedomshift,

Perfectly explained!

"......based on my 30 years in a prove-able world, I have never seen "alien" life proven... "

If that be the case, what about those UFO sightings recorded so far. If they weren't aliens, then what's is the UFOs are all about?

Please throw some light and enlighten me in this regard. Thanks in advance @freedomshift.

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before I went into logic and mathematics based profession, I spent 13 years in Chemical engineering and I have been a Christian for over 50 years.

I have also researched into many extraordinary theories and observed "facts" including UFO, Area 59, lizard people, Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, and dinosaurs and their extinction, how were the moon and earth formed, did God created the world in 7 earth days literally? And the list goes on to the lone-gunman, 9-11, false flags causing all world wars ...

So, It'll take a whole lot more time to respond one by one than I'll have the time to do so. One day, I'll write a book that no one will want to read but I wouldn't care.

UFO - unidentified flying object.

If we were able to communicate to times past in any way - yes, I have researched time travel also - even if just to send messages, what will people think?

many things that we have now if seen just 100 years ago, they would have called us "aliens" - flying, cell phone, tv, microwave ...

One question -

Are you or any reader willing to bet:

  • that there is no life after death so that we will RIP and not be held accountable for our actions, good or bad?
  • there is life after death but we do not need Jesus to go to Heaven? (the absence of it is included in the former point)

Choose wisely.


All the best!

“……many extraordinary theories and observed "facts" including UFO, Area 59, lizard people, Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, and dinosaurs and their extinction, how were the moon and earth formed, did God created the world in 7 earth days literally?”

Wow! Your scope of research is going beyond the scope of our mind.

“One day, I'll write a book that no one will want to read but I wouldn't care.”

Why you think like that, Sir? I sincerely expect you to write a book based on your researches soon and I also can say, for sure, that it will be filled with engaging content.

“many things that we have now if seen just 100 years ago, they would have called us "aliens" - flying, cell phone, tv, microwave ...”

Wonderful point!

“……but we do not need Jesus to go to Heaven? (the absence of it is included in the former point)”
Please clarify this point.
Thanks in advance.

you need to start from "Are you or any reader willing to bet: ... that there is life after death"
"but we do not need Jesus to go to Heaven? "


I kindly request you to explain the point, which you've emphasized. I am very much interested in reading your viewpoints.

Sorry for my inability to understand & for giving you the trouble by asking you to explain it again.

Thanks for clearing my doubt in advance.

Posted using Partiko Android

“……many extraordinary theories and observed "facts" including UFO, Area 59, lizard people, Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, and dinosaurs and their extinction, how were the moon and earth formed, did God created the world in 7 earth days literally?”

Wow! Your scope of research is going beyond the scope of our mind.

“One day, I'll write a book that no one will want to read but I wouldn't care.”

Why you think like that, Sir? I sincerely expect you to write a book based on your researches soon and I also can say, for sure, that it will be filled with engaging content.

“many things that we have now if seen just 100 years ago, they would have called us "aliens" - flying, cell phone, tv, microwave ...”

Wonderful point!

“……but we do not need Jesus to go to Heaven? (the absence of it is included in the former point)”

Please clarify this point.

Thanks in advance.

I have expanded on my “evidence” and “facts” about the existence of extra-terrestrial intelligent life in my post just now:

My belief in God and what I feel God has shown me tells me that they are not real and that my first statement was simply a "dream" or maybe even an "OOB" (out of body experience) where I was being attacked by demons. I realize I contradicted...why did you delete? It was a legit question.

Hi @bitfiend,

Oh... Sorry friend. I thought I made a mistake after posting that question. Hence deleted it.

Exquisite exchange good sirs!!