Becoming Aware Of The One Person You Really Need To Know... You!

in life •  8 years ago 

It's rather funny that of all the people we know we rarely spend any time at all getting to know the most important person in our lives... ourselves!

Many people will follow every move of certain celebrities and know even the smallest facets of their public life.

Yet, most of us don't spend any time at all looking in the mirror and trying to discover who we are... and why we do the things we do.

What I've grown to realize is that most people are programmed by our cult(ure) and aren't all that different from a programmed robot. I was one myself for most of my life.

My physical, mental and spiritual health journey has led me to realizing just how programmed I was and has also led me to things such as meditation in order to be able to identify what other things I do that are simply programmed and not something done by conscious choice or with intent.

It can lead you down a shocking rabbit hole once you begin to deprogram yourself and realize just how much of what you do wasn't a conscious choice.

And, it is only after you begin to deprogram yourself that you can "Be The Truest Most Authentic Version Of Yourself."

In what is likely my final "walk n' talk" from the streets of Las Vegas I ponder on how you can get to know that person you've spent your entire life with... you!

If all goes to plan the next time you see me on the road ranting will be alongside my five anarchodogs in Anarchapulco who I haven't seen for nearly a week.... and that is nearly a week too long for me!

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whoa. this is awesome

Nature is busy creating totally unique individuals while culture is busy trying to make everyone the same. Don't let the vortex suck you in!

so VERY well said.

🔥🔥🔥 it wants you... :v .. .on nom nom ..

Couldn't agree more.

thx 🔥🔥🔥

Thats the energy they are sucking out of the human race.I just want to jump in there and pull this dude out.Hey what a great effect! Like it.

crazy pit of doom ‼️

This is awesome.. That pit of conforming

run away, run away.. lol

Amazing GIF. =) Great words.


Really nice


thx 🔥🔥🔥

Jajaajajaj XD


right on point

🙌🏻 🙌🏻

Great GIF, if you watch it for long it feels like you're being sucked into the screen, quite disturbing!

😳 😱 very disturbing!

Waiting for someone to come along and scream "This is SPARTA" and kick the character into the hole.


👏 awesome

👏 👏 👏


Great post Jeff! I love meditation.

All so often we get programmed by society to do certain things in a certain way that we forget to take a minute, slow down, and question the purpose of the whole idea.

The traditional media and social media are constantly grabbing our attention and selling us stuff we really don't need.

Meditation does help me calm my nerves and become more mindful so I can truly find myself.

Hi there, I think you would benefit from my post about meditation:

Your awakening is something to behold and has inspired me to find more of myself on a daily basis. Thanks!

lovin this guy lately!

Yes, it is something to behold! Following you now...

Hey Jeff,
Really enjoying your 'tuning in' to your inner self posts. It's so beautiful to be giving this message out to folks.

The transition of social media onto the blockchain and out of the control of centralized media moguls will hopefully enable more people like you to be able to use their popularity to share about some of the really important things in life that actually bring about health and happiness rather than just more craving and despair!

Check my latest post on taking mini-breaks through the day - kinda like mindfulness on the move - you might enjoy it. I'm doing a series of posts on these subjects.

I am a mindfulness teacher and have been following this path for the last 15 years - so worth it, the one investment no-one can ever take away from you - an investment in your body and mind ;-)

Sending love and appreciation to you,


I agree with you :)

I really enjoy watching your new flow in these videos.

hello from Merida Yucatan, !good work

@jeffberwick KUDOS to you for realizing the true wealth of the worldly life is good health.
Keep up with it my friend and before you know it you will have your subconscious brain trained to just live a healthy life.
I've been there done that... you sounded so Deja vu.
You're a good man and definitely deserve to live a good healthy lifestyle. Goodluck!
If you find a few moments please also check out and upvote my blogs @riz-cryptonian.

It is so true. Self-awareness is so important. Many people say the people around them do not know how about them but do people really understand themselves? I am this kind of person. I do not know what I want to do , I do not know what I my talent. Because of lacking of confidence, i always afraid of exporing myself.

Yes there is a need to boost your self. You are best created by God. You can do best with your unique qualities. It is not fair just idealize others to whom you will never meet to know their real personality . i would like to promote my self and prove me better than any celebity.

Only when we find ourselves can we find others who found themselves. Then we can make the change we seek in this world.

I agree but it sounds so optimistic, i thin k the reality is not that easy archivable

Interesting quote - I reckon pain is the biggest motivator that we have and is probably the cause of the most progress that we humans have experienced. Pain forces you to search for peace and love!

Really inspiring :) thanks

Did you win the poker?

You inspire and motivate ! Wish for the best !

great post

Love following your blog and your journey. This no alcohol thing is really working out for you..nicely done! :)

It's wonderful that your sharing your journey with us. I hope you find what you're look for...peace

I enjoy watching all your videos.


In my humble opinion... You are opening Up Your Heart AND Your Inner Soul ( Your "Internal Compass" ) to the many people that view Your videos...this is generally not easy to do, especially since, as You suggested, we are ALL programmed from a relatively young age Not to BE our authentic selves.

We all tend to not only keep our authentic selves from others (especially Family, Friends & complete strangers) BUT as You suggested and much more importantly...... FROM Ourselves...

GOD knows we have ALL done or said a great number of things that we are not proud of and perhaps would like to either "rewind or completely erase" from our own memory & the memories of others.

BIG Kudos 2 You, Jeff... You are becoming a "Beacon" of Self Awareness ( enLIGHTenment ) and You are an encouraging example for many 1,000's on their own "personal path", if not the many more people that have been "positively & personally influenced" by the people that have actually watched & experienced Your "walking videos"...... with or without Your Family of Dogs... >> : ~ ))

We ALL are incredibly connected beyond our wildest imaginations to everyone & everything on this planet... this concept was embedded within the story-line of the movie, Avatar... which is why it may have internally "resonated & harmonized" with so many people on this planet.

Thank You Very Much Jeff for sharing...

         ~~~ Namaste ~~~

It's been awesome to watch your conscious and transformational growth. Props on getting off the alcohol and nicotine!

Keep doing what you are doing my man because you are on the right path.

Your show inspired me to get back to cryptocurrencies. I'd never heard of Steem until your show, and I cant thank you enough for that. I'm still working on getting to know myself more and more. I've got to get on that Detox that you and your guests were talking about.

Im doing it too. Going to start posting my progress soon.

Stay sober! Remember your life, lack regretful decisions and progress in the human experiment we call life.

Peace brother!

Jeff I respect you, but please don't say you're vegan if you are still eating cheese occasionally. You are vegetarian or mostly plant based.

Keep it up, Jeff. But your videos could be shorter.

Very inspirational, i have been following dollar vigilante and TheAnarchast for a while now... some good stuff man.

Love all you do Jeff. Keep it up, you've got a massive following and a ton of support worldwide.

We need ya big fella , stay healthy!! :)

Tip Of The Beak You Are Jeffrey! :)

Yes Jeff, It would most certainly be a good moment to reflect on oneself to be able to discover what makes each of us unique. Once achieved you've broken away from media brain washing.

Your on a really nice journey of self discovery and introspection. I'm really enjoying the walk-and-talks. Made a hella funny meme of you earlier. Take care...


Stay hydrated!! Its hot out here in Vegas!!

Agree with your thought process! It definitely fires me up to see people from all walks of life realize the BS society programs you for (school-education-job-401k) and they instead decide to blaze their own trail and go after the life they truly want, despite fear. Self awareness is key! Enjoyed the video.

Hey, Steemit!
My name is jakir. I am from Indonesia. I am a toll seller. I just got to know Steemit and tried to figure out the rope. Any tips are greatly appreciated! I hope this will be a great way to share my pulse and blog posts, I cover life, roads, and random stories.

You can find me in most Social Media @jakir.Happy to connect with community steemit

Very true! Self-awareness is quite critical in the development of ideas...

Nowadays a normal worker is so busy that he even don't have time to think by himself. Knowing ourself is good but is not easy, as Nietzsche says we need to go deep inside ourselves and that requires a lot of courage

Stop looking for your soulmate, start looking for your soul, mate!

Amazing, inspiring post. I too turned to meditation and walking to help my Bipolar, Anxiety and Depression. That and I started growing more plants than I new what to do with and selling some while keeping some for myself to keep for vegetables, which I will in turn harvest and donate seeds to my local Library seed banks and garden parks.

I'm glad to hear you have made a such a big change in your life for the better! Keep it up.

Also, I highly suggest you look into CBD oil if you have any pains from all the extra walking, it also helps anxiety. I have suggested the balm and oil to many people in my town and it has helped my local Natural food market a lot!


If you don't take care of yourself, then who will?
Always put you first. The stronger you are, the more you can contribute to society and help others break their mental chains of oppression.
You're an inspiration to us all Jeff, thanks for your powerful contributions to humanity.

A friend of mine sat in an interview for one of the most prestigious institutions in India-Indian Business School. The college is known to have students from different cultural and educational backgrounds. The institution aims to produce leaders for tomorrow.

What significant change would one year in this college bring in a person that he is ready as a leader? The answer is not much, the eligibility criteria says only people with experience can apply.

So this friend of mine prepared a lot for the interview. He was asked that what special did you do to prepare for this interview, and he said the "only thing i did was SELF INTROSPECTION,there are thousands who have cracked the exam but very few with the clarity and sense of purpose"

Self introspection helped him in his SWOT analysis which i believe is important.

Your post was a nice read and video is good.

Before i end i need to tell you that the friend cleared that interview

Cheers !!

Goood like me

So much truth. We are all products of our environment and preprogrammed for sure. I'm grateful to be tuned into a different program now. Haven't had a drink or drug in over two years and have gotten into "headspace" which is a cool meditation app. Connecting with that self more and more everyday. Seeing things I was asleep to before. Thanks for sharing Jeff. Good luck out there. Much respect. Upvoted, and following you cause you rock!

Time to head home to the fur babies.

They love you, regardless of who you thought you were.

Fantastic post, great content, following for sure! Just joined Steemit, glad I found a good Steemer early!

I agree. I think the biggest value in life is truth, and that also applies to self. I've only recently started to understand what it means to be happy and to be a good/better person. It is not easy, change is never easy, but the dividends are well worth it, in my opinion.

Love Jeffs work!

why not use TDV account ?

goes back to the saying of you can't love others until you love yourself. Shakespeare spoke of this briefly as well - about how yourself is the most important person to be true to. "to thine own self be true." my wife was just presenting this to me today, so it's kind of funny I come across this post talking about becoming familiar with yourself.

I've been following Jeff for a few weeks now. I really enjoy listening to him and he really set me straight on cryptocurrency. Gave me some excellent advice, Everybody should listen to him. Very together guy.

Don't listen to the other people and do whatever you want to do. That's the right thing and it will help you to know real you. This post is amazing and you wrote very well.

My job is to help mentally disabled people learn about themselves... I've come a long since I began that job and the work is still in progress for me ;)

We are our ego, shaped by our perceptions

Your post makes me think of these lines from Ayla Nero
"I do not show this skin for you,
I show myself to know myself,
I show for the earth from which I came,
my prayer is for you to do the same".

Thank you for walking the walk and inspire so many brothers and sisters. Healing our self and healing the masculine and feminine I believe will create so much beauty and peace on our planet.

Great video and great content
.. I have failed for sometime to consider this element of life. You have really inspired me to search more and to know more. Thanks for sharing this.

Hey jeff, love you, but i want to deprogram you from the word person. You are not a person. You are a human being. We all go be the law books. And in the law books the word person is legal fiction. When ever you see the word person on any impotant document, think of it saying corporation.This is how they trick us everyday.You have just about no rights as a person but you have all the rights as a human being. Know your strawman. Spread the word.All the best.

Yesterday I was talking to my brother in law while in route to get some good ol herbs..and we got on the topic how the monetary system has divided us. As much obesity and other obsessions everyone seems to always fulfill you would think poverty wouldn't exist. I would love to experience a day when everyone had all their needs met just for one day...that would be my DMT Trip, cheers!

A lot of true in that post ... I think I need meditate more ...

Always enjoy your posts!

great post jeff such light to enlighten others. love it

I'd rather be a hermit than lost my self in society :)

The pristine and passive awareness that we were at birth had no chance at all against the world's acculturation that begun in earnest from there on. We were promptly given a name! Not our will, choice nor intent but one that will stick to our last breath. Our pure awareness at birth is soon gone and displaced by relentless and irresistible conditioning and programming that soon produces an unthinking slave. Thus it is that man has collectively given almost all the wealth of the world to the ownership of a few heartless and criminal individuals. Perhaps the acculturation that we all go through might just be the hurdle or challenge that we need to awaken us to our true selves. To regain our pristine awareness and our true nature as birthed creatures of the Almighty. On our way there?

That's so true. So many times we try to fit in and define ourselves through someone else's eyes! Accept your own and be yourself.

so true

I like to personally thank you for all you do Jeff.
I have been listening and watching you for some time and have learned a lot from your content.
My awakening was somewhat painful, I was exactly like you described, programmed!!. I could not figure out why the deck was so badly stacked against the middle class. But after I started educating myself on these topics I started to share what i had learned with people. What i have taken from that is that people are not interested in getting involved. they want lolly pops and rainbows, how dare you disrupt my illusion. I figured i was giving people a opportunely to explore a topic that they were never told about. Now I focus on the message you stated in this post. I got to know me better and who I am. I realized I don't have to be an evangelist, people who want to know will find me and I will discuss these with like minded people.
I hope maybe next year I will make it down to Mexico to Anarchapulco.
Keep up the amazing work

I love you JEFF, I really do !


Genial como siempre @jeffberwick ! Un abrazo desde España amigo! :)

dude, how is it that you posted this 19 minutes ago and you already made $800 plus? I mean, seriously you just repost the same thing with a slight twist, and you make a grand in less than a half hour.
Somethings not right here. I am posting quality, and I am making $2 or $3 and you are killing it about, crying the same old blues.
Something seems not right. You know what I am saying.
Why am i working so hard?
Share your secret ?

because Jeff brings people with him and adds to Steemit. Wheras you have good quality thought provoking articles and that is it

Im going to make an observation that might help about something i think you may be doing without realizing Jeff. You were formerly a substance abuser with alchohol and nicotine and maybe whatever else that we dont know about. Its great that you stopped all that but i cant help but notice something. You sure have been talking a lot about cannabis lately. This is very common for drug abusers to switch from one drug to another. I know cannabis is touted as the natural mirical whatever, but it is still definatly a drug. I think a truely free and pure healthy person would require no drugs at all. So ask yourself, and really think about this and be honest, are you just trading one drug for another and still stuck in a rut of addiction?

Jeff even though people say you are a fraud.
I just wanna let U know I don't care about them.
We should DECENTRALIZE the fuck out of the system.
I'm with you and the whole crypto community to stand up against them !

Humanity is wakeing up!

Love your content

I always think about why I am living like what I am living right now. In others eyes, I am not a life winner but at least not a loser. My living right now is not what I want. I have plenty of things that I want to do but eventually I didn't go for my wish and did what others think I should do. Actually I have the right to choose my life but I am not brave enough to go for that. Because I have my family, my friends, and somebody who care me. I think it is the educations shaping us since we are small. The school and the society are shaping children to become robots. They told the children not to do this, not to do that, doing this is good, doing that is good. Eventually, all the children will think doing what they like is wrong, they will lose their passion to live. They won't do big things when they grow up. They won't become a great person. They won't live happily and finally all become robots.

The problem that the major part of the world is facing is that people instead of LOOKING INSIDE THEIR OWN COLLARS are pointing OTHER PEOPLE. Instead of knowing OUR OWNSELF we are busy knowing THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY.
Great Great Tead.
Very well composed.
Upvoted and following. Thumbs Up 👍🏻

Totally agree Jeff, thanks for posting. The idea of deep reflection on who you are is at the core of becoming a better human.


Keep the good work ....🤙🏼

You the man @jeffberwick ! I have newfound respect for you after hearing about your struggle with alcohol and cigarettes in your last video.

Nice post. I couldn't agree more.

Great post, Upvoted and followed.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Gonna watch this, always a pleasure to know how i will be after hodling. Btw @jeffberwick, what do you think about "anarchist" who vote for communist, what do you said to those people ? there is a lot of "anarchist-communist" in France. Hard to argue with them

The best you can in this world is yourself that is where you will find the best of happiness too. Great post Jeff. Still awaiting my My share of the crypto giveaway for subscribing to your TDV mailist and watch your videos. my email is [email protected].

Fantastic work, very candid, thank you.

You opened my eyes to what anarchy truly means and the mind control governments and bankers use to make us conform.

I am still trying to find my path as my mind works through this mess. It cries out "in the end we are dead!".

Death of people around me is a reminder that all of their struggles during their life amount to naught really - and so will mine! 😉

Thanks for sharing your insights.

I am an Optimistic Fatalist 😀

Completely agree Jeff.

Shedding the outer shell that used to be concerned with making everyone happy (often at the cost of your own goals) isn't a way to live.

Not saying to be a complete jerk, just being focused instead of sacrificing dreams on the altar of conformity.

I love the videos, please continue doing you!

buen post!

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Thank you good sir @jeffberwick - we can all certainly benefit by some focused introspection and stepping away from the edge ! R.O.C.K. On / STEEM On brother...

PURE Inspiration, salute to you!

Hey Jeff. I started watching you on Youtube this past week and REALLY appreciate your insights. My goal is to bring comedy to Steemit. Soon. Still learning, however. ;-)

The world can be a very noisy place and this noise serves as a distraction. The noise, if allowed can be successful in preventing us from spending quality time with ourselves, so I made a commitment to schedule time for me. I wake up early when my world is most quiet and I allow myself to connect and go within, without judgement and without fear. I have come to treasure this time that I spend with myself as it helps me to quiet the noisy world around me.

First you,then your loved ones!

The Ancient Egyptians put on their pyramids "Man/Woman Know Thyself". That was over 5,000 yrs ago and still holds true today. Knowledge of our spirit within (which is Eternal) then gives us the TRUTH to KNOW that this is the MATRIX and that we are truly FREE! Thanks Jeff!

Very interesting video awesome thanks for sharing

Nice! The focus on reflection inward is a bit spot on with a Buddha post I just shared @ectodoobie

That's true, you got to know yourself and start to pay attention to your gut feeling :)

yes the most important person to work on is our-self

yea being aware of our person is the only needed thing in our life

Breaking the self imposed chains that are our limiting factors and freeing ourselves from our personal prisons located between our ears is a lifetime commitment. Most people are ok with the status quo, to being reactive instead of responsive. CARPE DIEM

@jeffberwick youre the man

was a really good read! If anyones ever having trouble getting intouch with their inner self, may i suggest psychedelics. Obviously do your research on such things before hand. 1p legal in nearly all countrys might be a good start ;)

Is it just me or is there anyone out there who is confused. What really does it mean" to be truest authentic vrrsion of your self". How is that even possible when reality is changing all the time and we are effected by changes.

The only way to come to a conclusion is to have diffrent perspective. We must ourselves as more then what we are right now. This mean going deep to essence of who we are and why are we here(what is it we really want).

This will lead us to who is really in control.

Just some thoughts. :)

Great article focusing on the importance of one's self. We're so focused on what's popular and "cool" in the world, that we give up a little bit of ourselves in the process. We follow the trends and forget who we are and become mindless robots that follow whatever the media says without any thought of our own. The sooner we can realize that we have full control of our life, the sooner we will actually live it.

Cult(ure) nice word play, very true , thanks for contributing to the spiritual awareness of the human (being)

All human suffering comes from attachments.Attachments result of fear losing what you have or fear do not get what you whant.
Jeff your vedio invited people into conversacion and this is open door to thinking.That is EXACTLY managers do not whant.They whant OBEDIANCE.
Keep day at time.😏

such a true thought...we really are very programmed.....we need to know ourself to know others better...
keep up the good work...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

There is a state of mind that will help you through the initial states of awakening and the bliss/euphoria that is brings. In Pali it's called upekkha, equanimity, which is not the same as the western definition. My first Dharma teacher is a Buddhist monk from Korea. He stressed equanimity more than anything else while I was going through my first few years of meditation retreats. Upekkha means, to see all sensation as equal, no dullness in your mindstate or hyper happiness when you meditate, just a light state of awareness that isn't to heavy or to lax.

This mindstate will help you kick ass at the gambling table😂