Letting go: How we can reach purity by letting ourselves go with the flow

in life •  3 years ago 

It's difficult to portray joy and excitement. It's difficult to carry love. Once it touches you, the loveless heart that doesn't know what to do with it grows fatigued. The heart needs entire faith in its conviction in the whole in order to balance it, to walk through that cascade without clinging. What is it that you are trying to block the flow by holding on to your fears?

Making a raft out of the old stuff in your thoughts and the flowing water is a way to avoid feeling the water. Is it possible to leave yourself completely naked? Are you able to acquire whatever you want? Independent of everything, away from everything you've ever known, from all your masks, phobias, and everything you believe has shaped you?


Can you stop sculpting, carving, imitating what's being spoken, and turning it over? Do you dare to live your life as it is now?
Are you willing to say yes to love with your pure and porous heart when it comes?

That is why, my brother, you must put forth every effort to improve your confidence, your ability to open your arms in love and let yourself go into space. It's the act of forgetting to leave everything behind and mixing a speck of water with the word "I." It is a state of being whole to be able to say we. The art of growing to infinity, of shrinking from a speck to an iota...

Is it possible for you to stop? Which of your beliefs or fears do you believe keeps you in the world?
Can you let go of everything you know in one step, forget about your anguish in one step, and dive into the ebb and flow of emotion?

It is the hero, the hero within, who accomplishes it!
It's your inner strength, the part of you that understands you have the capacity to alter the world. Loving is a form of liberation. Is it possible for you to open your heart and allow everything in?

It is not to be carried, but to be allowed to pass.
Yes, I stated it's difficult to carry! We are conditioned to hold on because we have made up our minds about who we are in relation to the suffering and our identity. We regarded transportation as a virtue and a source of power. Are you willing to discover the power of letting go?

To flow through it, to flow through it, in endless circles, like a flower?
Turning all of its leaves to the sun in the morning, closing it in the evening, and reverting to a granule?
Do you have the ability to persevere?

Have you been thrashed enough in the furnace of your steel heart's agony? Have you done a good job of softening it, or have you frozen in the icy winds, ignoring it, ignoring it?

The metal softens when it is hammered and annealed in the fire. Did you give it a good kneading?
Did you see and feel your anguish as well?
If you answered yes, you can now enjoy the spring winds while bathing in the cool river waters. The light is seen by the one who sees the darkness.

A person who closes his eyes to the darkness will not be able to see the light approaching.
Could you take a look at your infected wound?
You're the hero, putting on a show for your own amusement... The one who is the balm is patiently waiting for him to be healed.


Now let love in, let it flow freely, let it be wild...
Without a doubt! What you've been through, what you've branded yourself with, your current state of learning to let go will teach you to flow! It will educate you to become one with everything that exists and to lose yourself in the entire!
This is the end!

You should know that this is the end of all self-obsessions. The wedding day has arrived. Because you've reached the pinnacle of your purity.
You've succeeded in becoming a nibble!

Let love reign supreme.

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