Strong Reasons Why Making Assumptions is Dangerous for Our Mood

in life •  3 years ago 

Assumptions are untested notions that are thought to be true. Acting as if they exist... What exactly are these assumptions? "What if he didn't find what I was saying interesting?" "Did I explain well?" "Did I offend you?" "Was my gesture misread?" "I was loud, he thought I was rude." We considered them.

Let me first state that assumptions have a purpose. Assumptions can help us avoid risky circumstances. But there are some restrictions... “Less decisions cause more harm.” Here, too, it's apt

People perceive and interpret situations differently. This is the result of several personalities. A circumstance that delights one person may distress another. This keeps the world from getting boring. Consider... What if the whole planet was one colour? Or suppose every garden had only daisies? What if the dinner was all pasta? Or merely day and night?

These assumptions continue to challenge us constantly. “I didn't love her enough.” “They ate because I showed up.” Your mind may be engaged by several ideas...

We often blame our personal relationship issues on personal causes. Do not unfavourable conditions need the presence of two (or more) people? Can we genuinely blame ourselves for everything?

We had our car washed on a day when it rained, but it wasn't because the cosmos disliked our car's cleanliness. Maybe they've cancelled their plans for tonight, or maybe they're just out of money. Your relationship may have ended due to causes other than weight gain. And certainly, not simply terrible weather has delayed your trip... This can help us to more reasonable conclusions and, hopefully, relax.

Our concepts are analogous to our own satellite, or moon, if we believe we are the centre of the universe. They are always around us, even when we are not conscious of it. We can blame earthquakes and floods on ourselves, yet the world maintains a balance independent of us. We must not rule out the potential of uncontrollable events.

"I failed," "I'm a failure," "I can't manage this," etc. We may have such thoughts. If we think like way, our mood can be affected all day. In his disapproval, my manager felt I was doing something wrong. "My friend didn't laugh hard enough at my joke; he thinks I'm dull." These thoughts can affect our mood throughout the day.

Consider what might have happened if a friend had said this. You may be surprised at how different you are when compared to sentences you could say to a friend in similar situations. It's a matter of perspective. We can be more objective while assessing another's position. So, instead of interpreting events from your own perspective, how about interpreting them from an outsider's? What would you say to your pal?


We shall, of course, confront traffic, rain, and people. These are universal facts, not positive or bad events. Our automatic thoughts are either positive or negative. To put it another way, our perception of a subject may be linked to the way we think about it.

Understanding our feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction in situations when we have little control is crucial. Recognizing the source of these thoughts and changing our perspective may help us feel better. Acceptance might be more helpful than forcing things to happen. While we can't change the fact that our automobile got muddy, we can rewind the day we spent in rage or despair...

Stop, ponder calmly, try to determine our true need, do breathing exercises, and imagine realistic scenarios when seeking personal accountability.

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