Finding the right path in your life with the help of your fears and instincts?

in life •  3 years ago 

"All right, I stepped beyond of my comfort zone, and my darkest fears appeared immediately after. What is the best way to discern if what I'm experiencing is fear or my intuition telling me not to go ahead with something?

Despite the fact that fear is a natural emotion, it must be dealt with before it becomes overwhelming, as you could imagine. In most cases, when you're terrified, it's an indication that you're in a situation where you have the opportunity to develop.

If your instincts are strong, on the other hand, they will not alarm you without a valid reason, and they will be there to defend you from any potential threat that may come your direction. The sensation of butterfly wings fluttering in your stomach may occasionally be experienced as a result of fright and protective instinct.

Isn't it a little confusing to you that this is happening? Let's start by untangling the tangles. When it comes down to it, there are simple ways that may aid you in selecting the most appropriate decision every single time.

"Can you tell me what message this emotion is sending me?" you might think.

The strategy of asking questions is an excellent way to communicate with your most powerful feelings, whether they be those of fear or instinct. Think about how you feel when you are outside of your comfort zone, considering what you can and cannot do. Notice whether you feel expanded and expanded or shrunken and shrunken when you anticipate an event or situation occurring.

Consider the situation you're about to decide on: you raise your shoulders and your chest in anticipation of the decision and you exclaim, "Oh my God, I have to do this!" If you're feeling strongly, it's all about 'expansion/growth' right now. I would describe it as a type of forward-moving energy experience.

"No!" you shout as your shoulders begin to slump forward and you shake your head, as if you were actually experiencing the incident or circumstance you're picturing. In the event that you're swaying left and right as if to say, "Oh my goodness, what am I going to do now?" If the sensation happens, it is caused by a phenomenon known as 'contraction/shrinking.' This necessitates the need to leave the area. In the event that you are feeling this way, your inner voice is telling you not to engage into this circumstance.

There is no such thing as worry if your sensation of well-being grows and expands with excitement while still having a tinge of fear "Go ahead and do it! You are about to embark on a new chapter in your life, and it is reasonable to be nervous about taking the first step." It communicates the notion that it is advantageous.


In my coaching sessions, I place a strong focus on this point of view. The client's skin is pale, his eyes are dark and averted to the front, and he is exhaling rapidly and urgently while discussing an issue that needs to be resolved, I know this is not the right path for him. Even when a client is scared of a particular situation, if he begins to shine, his skin lightens, his shoulders straighten, and he speaks with emotion and excitement when discussing the possibility of that event, I am confident that the situation will be beneficial to him.

If there is something you've wanted for a long time but aren't sure if it's right for you, if it's a step you should take for your personal development, or if it's good for your soul or bad, gather your trusted friends and ask them to give you feedback on your body language as you talk about it with them. You have the right to request that they give you notice. You can't accomplish it if you don't believe you can. Write to me and we'll work together to find your inner power, identify the most appropriate road, and go toward your goals.

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