Triangle Breath - Mindfulness Meditation

in lifestyle •  5 years ago  (edited)
The Triangle Breath is a great way to tune into the ever present and changing breath. It can help us relax, become more aware and maybe have a transcendental experience as we float in the hold. See how it feels for you....

#Mindfulness #Meditation #Breath #Exhale #Mindful #TriangleBreath

Ian Peric is an expert in Practical Mindfulness - guiding innovative, fun and effective ways to tune in and build clarity and focus as a natural part of your day-to-day life. Come and experience the richness of now for yourself… it’s free. :)

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very happy to have discovered you from the ecoTrain COmmunity,.,. I look forward to seeing more of your posts! Breathwork is so powerful, i call it pranayama also as i live in India .. Watchin, Subbing to your channel ;-)

Also, there is a SPiritWeb Community that i think much of your work would be so perfect for.. Theres a few nice folk there already... Please do feel free to Sub and post from to the SpiritWeb Community for all SPiritual / Esoteric Posts..

Love & Light!

Check Out SpiritWeb Here:

Thanks for the tips Alex!

Wow! I'd imagine that there are so many wise and passionate breathers in India 😃

I've subbed to SpiritWeb and will post soon 💚 🙏

Happy to hear! ThAnk u , hari om

This post has be re-posted to the SpiritWeb Community. Thank you!

An Honour and a pleasure 💚
Thank You for sharing it 💚

Following you from Thailand. :)

Wonderful, I'm glad you're enjoying it 😃
There's much more to come.
Please let me know if there's anything specific you'd like me to share. 🤗