Improve Performance With Vegetables

in loss •  3 years ago 

You can use a secret weapon to train harder, recover faster from workouts, mend injured muscles, minimize joint inflammation, and boost your energy levels. It's a feature that your competitors aren't properly utilizing. It is inexpensive. It's right there in your kitchen. Green, red, blue, yellow, orange, and white are the colors. Above all, it's still alive!

The dinner table and athletic performance are linked by vegetables. Speed and power athletes, in particular, require a large intake of fresh vegetables to counteract the chemical fuel depletion caused by hard sprinting, weight lifting, and plyometrics. Speed / power athletes can get the most out of their central nervous system, the ultimate source of speed, by consuming a wide variety of vegetables on a daily basis. Here's a simple approach to stand out from the crowd: instead of focusing on muscles, nurture your neural system. The neurological system instructs the muscles on what they should do and when they should do it. Win by feeding your nervous system. Animal protein and lipids are the main sources of nutrition for the neurological system.

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The absorption of other nutrients is aided by fresh veggies. Green leafy vegetables help to stimulate a protein-rich diet, which is necessary for any speed or power athlete. Even regular vegetable fiber consumption benefits the intestines in absorbing the nutrients found in animal protein. Vegetable intake has a vital part in the quality fats that are so crucial in the diets of speed and power athletes. In the presence of lipids, the nutrients in vegetation are best absorbed, and the roughage of vegetation supports the body in digesting the fats. All of this adds up to a longer digestion, which keeps insulin levels in check and makes you more insulin sensitive, allowing you to react quickly when insulin is released at the right time.

Athletes open bottles of pills every morning and drink a handful of vitamins, minerals, and who knows what else. Despite the considerable cost of adding all the bottles together, a large fraction unfortunately ends up in the trash. There is a simple solution to the issue. Do it the way our forefathers and mothers have done it for the past million years or more. Consume micronutrients directly from their source, which is vegetation. When all you need is a salad for dinner, don't bother with folic acid pills (vitamin B-9). Why eat vitamin C from a bottle when you can get it from fresh vegetables? Are you looking for minerals? Vegetables, go straight to the source.

A Vegetable Each Day Keeps the Vultures Away

Athletes suffer from a lack of vegetable eating. It results in muscle injury, tiredness, and poor performance. It causes the immune system to malfunction, resulting in illness and injury. In addition, high-intensity training causes the release of muscle-damaging free radicals. Natural antioxidants can fight free radicals by consuming fresh veggies on a daily basis. Antioxidants work best when they're paired with plant nutrients (phytonutrients). This combination has a significant impact on performance.

The central nervous system is stimulated by phytonutrients (CNS). They help with cellular signaling, which has an impact on how the CNS sends out messages. This CNS signaling is anti-inflammatory and promotes bodily tissue growth and repair. Speed and power athletes, who must train with brutal intensity, are particularly concerned about the dreaded post-workout DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness). Phytonutrients aid in the management of DOMS.

Power and speed Another important reason for athletes to boost their fresh vegetable consumption is to maintain their pH balance. This is a difficult problem to solve. Athletes who aren't born with one-in-a-billion skill must put in many hours of intensive training to succeed. To be able to deliver more force to the earth, the body must be continually strengthened. To fuel all of this hard labor and growth, the athlete needs a lot of protein, roughly 25% of his or her daily calorie intake.

The pH balance is dramatically shifted to the acidic side as a result of so much protein and so much strenuous activity. An acidic imbalance attracts muscle discomfort, soreness, and the onset of injury like a magnet. The acidic nature of the typical American diet adds to the problem. Acidic foods include meat and dairy, as well as the processed fats found in most of our processed foods. Rice, coffee, and condiments are all acidic foods. Fruit concentrates and juices, in particular, are acidic. Millions of people suffer from stomach acids as a result of our too acidic food, and then naively follow the multibillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry's advice to take "anti-acid." The magic drugs, on the other hand, do almost nothing. You can minimize your cholesterol levels by eating a lot of fresh vegetables.

The remedy is to consume a variety of vegetables to shift an acidic pH balance to an alkaline level. Remember that intensive activity causes an acidic pH, so to shift the pH balance to the alkaline side, every intense training athlete must consume an exceptionally large amount of vegetables. Other factors also play a role. Wild honey is alkaline, which is surprising. Many alkaline beta alinine supplements are used by speed training athletes.

Calcium is abundant in a high alkaline diet, thanks to the green leafy vegetables. Calcium is best absorbed in an alkaline environment, therefore don't use calcium supplements when eating an acidic diet. Calcium is important for speed training athletes since it helps to prevent inflammation and muscle stiffness. The calcium in green leafy vegetables can help to relieve sore joints after lifting weights. It also strengthens the immune system, lowering the risk of developing a cold.

The "internal broom" system is another important aspect of eating a diet rich in fresh veggies. The fiber in vegetables tends to sweep and clean the intestines when consumed regularly. This permits more nutrients to come into contact with the gut surface, facilitating digestion. The inside surface remains stimulated, making it more able to process food. The body then reaps the benefits of a plethora of additional nutrients. Fresh vegetables have substantially more fiber than whole wheat or oats. Oatmeal contains 4 grams of fiber per cup. Avocados have 11 grams per cup, carrots have 7, vegetable soup has 7, and broccoli has 6.

The 4-S Solution

Salad Soup Sauce Slices

It makes no difference whether you like or dislike vegetables. You're already eating them, so the trick is to get more down your mouth as quickly as possible. Get a simple solution to the challenge of eating more vegetables. This is accomplished by dividing your vegetables into sections.

Begin with a salad. Every night, eat a large salad first before anything else for dinner. Make sure the salad contains a variety of vegetables rather than just lettuce (the least nutritious green leafy vegetable.) Add olives, carrots, parsley, sprouts, and nearly any other vegetable that comes to mind. For nutrition and flavor, use an olive oil and vinegar dressing with herbs. On other occasions, make a Caesar salad, a Greek salad, or an Olive Garden-style salad. Dinner salad should be regarded a must-have.

Next, make it a habit to eat a large bowl of vegetable-based soup at least once a week. A large pot of homemade soup, seasoned with chicken or ham bone, is ideal. Try a variety of soups, but make sure you double the amount of vegetables in each recipe. It tastes better the longer it cooks. The leftovers can be frozen and eaten later.

If you already use ketchup, why not increase your consumption of this vegetarian sauce? Make a variety of vegetable sauces and serve them with healthy chips or over your dinner. Make a habit of having celery or carrot slices on hand to serve as a dipping. Make a large batch of homemade salsa and guacamole using avocado. Make a tasty vegetable sauce similar to ketchup to serve on top of meat dishes. Juicing is another excellent way to consume liquefied vegetables. Learn how to make vegetable juice with a lot of pulp left over. Even the most averse to vegetables will be blown away by the flavor.

Eat the slice vegetables. Serve them steamed with a cheese sauce, butter sauce, or a touch of fresh lemon. Serve with fresh tomato slices, cucumber slices, and a variety of vegetable slices. Most importantly, make eating vegetables a habit.

Last but not least, go organic. Many hazardous pesticides are found in common grocery store veggies, and they have a devastating influence on responses, which are what speed is composed of. Pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and preservatives can dull or harm nerves in just a few parts per million. In the presence of Chlorpyrifos and Dimethoate, two prevalent commercial pesticides, signals from the CNS to muscles (particularly fast twitch muscles) are slower and less intense, according to Cornell University toxicology studies.

Many grocery store vegetables, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), contain high levels of contaminants. Bell peppers, celery, cucumbers, green beans, lettuce, spinach, and tomatoes are among the poisonous commercial veggies. Avocado, broccoli, cabbage, onion, and sweet peas from the grocery store, on the other hand, get a thumbs up from the EWG.

Most grocery stores have a wide selection of organic vegetables. If not, then head to a farmers market or roadside vegetable stand. If all else fails, go to Whole Foods.

Eat your vegetables, make sure they are organic, and work like a madman.

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