How to deal with a loved one attempting to overdose.

in mentalhealth •  7 years ago 

When you care for someone with a serious mental health illness preventing this happening is part of your life whenever their mood is low.
Keeping them away from the medication they are on becomes a cat and mouse game as their illness can place destructive thoughts in their head that grow in power. Keeping medicines safe within a lock box and ensuring they take their medicines each day is vital so you watch them take each one so you know they're not stocking them to take all at once.

This week I learned a new lesson in being a carer in having the key to the lock box with all your other keys isn't enough, you need to hide it somewhere safe.


When I discovered that Mrs Alienbutt had taken my keys out of my jeans pocket while I slept my first response was anger, it's a natural reaction. I was bloody mad with her.

In truth I was mad with myself for not thinking she'd do this and in fact it wasn't her that did it but her illness.

Mrs Alienbutt can be two different people, she's my Mrs and then at time her illness takes over and she does daft things to take away the feeling she has as she fights to survive her illness.

Rides in ambulances with the lights flashing can seem exciting but the hours in Accident and Emergency arn't but it gives you time to talk as her befuddled brain comes back to some semblance of working.

It seemed she had taken the keys because she couldn't sleep, to get one of her sleeping tablets but once confronted with the unlocked box of tablets she found herself like a kid in a sweetshop unable to stop herself.

All's well as she's home and safe and I've learned a new lesson in looking after her but the underlying problem of her illness is still here so it's time to kick up a fuss and demand she gets more help so I've got an appoinment with our doctor for today and with his help that is what we're going to do.

So the point of this post is to warn you that mental illness is a sneaky bastard that is always looking to get around the protections you put in place. Don't get mad or blame yourself when things like this happen but learn the lesson and get back to looking after your loved one.

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I'm sorry for everything that happened..Depression makes people think and feel like they're a waste of oxygen. Remind her of her positive qualities. Remind her she is capable of amazing things. Remind her she is not worthless.

Thank you, I've spent almost 10 years giving her that sort of emotional support as it's as vital as the medication she has to take.

God protect her and help you.

I am sorry you had to go through this. Living with mental illness takes its toll on the person suffering and the person's caretaker. It can be sneaky, conniving and devious. Just when you think you know it all, something else surfaces. I know I have worked with it and lived with it (brothers). Hang in there. She needs you to advocate on her behalf. Raise that fuss.

I did and we had the mental health crisis team around yesterday and should hear back from them later today on what they can do to help my wife.

I hope they can offer some relief for you and offer some extra help for your wife. My thoughts are with you during this troubled time.

A really fantastic post and reminder that the mental health concerns have no schedule, they have no plan and they sneak up on us. As you mentioned sometimes we can get upset and angry but letting empathy and care shine threw instead is an amazing effort when it can be so relentless. Sometimes we forget that its also very difficult not just for those with a mental illness but also those who love and care for them. Wish you all the best with Mrs Alienbutt. She sounds like she's lucky to have someone like you. Great work!

Maybe there will be a day without medications, therapists and days. Just trust God to shine through all the broken places so people can see your love in her eyes.

Please send mrs alienbutt hugs from us xx

Thanks Dani, i will.

I've been where Mrs. Alienbutt is, it's difficult for both sides. My heart literally breaks for the both of you. Just hold on to the good days, I pray she comes back to you whole ❤️

Thank you, we got the ball rolling yesterday to get a crisis worker to come and see her so hopefully things will move forward.

I know while I was in the black hole my loved ones kept shining their light on me, I was just in to deep to see it, and it took them taking me to the right people to finally bring me back. In pieces, but still better than not at all. The caretaker takes the worst of it in my opinion, at least there is help for the likes of us, not much for the likes of you and my family. Sad really.

But we get the best reward when our loved ones return to us.

The love you have for Mrs. Alienbutt is amazing and carries your whole family through so much - and I know it takes a huge toll on you as well. It's heartbreaking to know how difficult it is to get the support for both of you that you so desperately need. Please know that you and yours are always in my thoughts and heart. (((hugs))) xox

Thanks, we should have some help coming in over the next few days.

Sorry to hear this. I was a psychiatric nurse for 10 years , so know how hard it can be for carers, and how little support they get too. Sending positive thoughts to you and your wife. Stay strong, man.

It seems sometimes that only our GP is on our side and even then he is hitting his head against a brick wall in trying to get us help.

Is there no Crisis Intervention Team or Home Treatment Team in your area (you live in UK, right?). I imagine services are pretty overworked these days (we were 10 years ago, and funding was better - crap, but better- then). There might be a carers group who can help advocate for you. Good you have supportive gp.

We got the Crisis team in a couple of years ago and she had a few months as a day patient at a local facility so wanting to try and get her back there.

Good luck. If you are having trouble contact your MP. It sounds odd, but amazing what can be done with right pressure

Interesting post.

Am not a rehabilitator, but I know how this feel, keep up the faith and put in more effort, you will come out victorious in this

Thank you so much for giving us important trick , with a loved one attempting to overdose.It is my new experience.

very nice

intersting post about medicines

nice post. i like it

You like the fact my wife could have died? That explains why your reputation here is down to 2.


I really like this post, I can not do this, so I can just take a look at the picture and read how people express themselves about this amazing place.Thanks for sharing this with us @ alienbutt
I always wait for your next post @ alienbutt
because your post is always a motivation for me. I will always be your loyal followers in every post you @ alienbutt