Some humor borders on mental health issues.

in mentalhealth •  6 years ago 

Back in about 2008, Michael Savage commented that some children that were diagagnosed as having Autisim did not need to be taking medication. Some people became mad at the comment, I felt that I understood what was being said. The truth of the matter is that many 'autistic behaviors' are also preformed by geniuses. I have a feeling that if Albert Einstein were alive/a child in today's enviroment he would be considered as having autisim and placed on mind altering medication. I realize that some people have an imbalance that medication helps to correct. I am stating that that like the Bible says in Romans 12:4

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function,....

I am not stating that everybody has been regenerated by the Blood of CHRIST, rather I am just trying to point out that everybody does not have the same job function. Just like if society would have tried to alter the mind of Albert Einstein then we may have missed out on learning what Einstein had to teach us.

I have a theory that says that many years ago lived this guy by the name of 'Normal'. Normal was a cool guy and almost everyone wanted to be like him. After awhile Normal became the 'new standered' (like blue jean jackets are not as mainstream as they once were...why...because somebody stopped wearing a blue jean jacket and the jackets are no longer in vogue) After awhile the guy named 'Normal' died, but Normal's followers kept on trying to be like Normal.

I know a guy that I would call a genious, but the guy is a poor test taker. When the guy was in school he realy did not get super good grades. If grades were the only measurment of inteligence then the guy was not on the top of the intelect pile...what I am pointing out is that some members of society want to only give one 'test' and based on that test they want to catagorize people. Say that there is 6 'tests' to determin if someone has Autisim, then a genious and a person with Autism might be the same in 5 of thoes 6 tests.

Now, as for the headline...say a 'normal' person is said to be able to pass these 30 or 40 tests. If you score high on the 40 tests then we will call you exceptionly bright however if you score low then you will be clasified as dim whitted of course the avrage person will score about the same as Mr. Normal, of course no one has talked to Mr. Normal in the last 100 years...but we are certain that not much has changed.

That person that is considered a 'normal' citizen, he/she might be able to pass 40 of the avrage person tests but that does not mean that all 'normal' people act the same.

People might rember that in about 2017 a 'disturbed' individual thought that it would be funny to pretend like they were holding up the bloody head of the President of the United States. In recent years many in the msm (main stream media) have displayed sick humor.

Recently I learned that the new york slime (the new york times newspaper) is trying to show a connection between Russia and President Trump using hamburgers (this might be an obsured funny spoof but thoes people are trying to ruin a mans reputation) You might say, who am I to impose my own set of tests on people to which I would like to point out that these are not my tests. You might wonder why we even need tests? Well tests often go by another name, that other name is 'rules'. You as an individual might be okay to live without 'tests' but without tests a society will crumble.

You might like the freedom to run around naked, and you are free to run naked...but you are not free to run naked around me! Your freedom stops (you fail the test) when you violate my freedoms and my freedoms stop as soon as I step on your freedoms.

What we need is a standardedized set of rules that clearly explains what freedoms that you have and what freedoms that I have. The set of rules should not be based on some guy named 'Normal'. The talked about set of rules exist, but some people want to ignore this rule book.

I want to tell you guys about something that I call the pocket Bible (Because in my mind it is a pocket sized biblical teaching) Mark 12:30-31

30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

So according to me, the pocket biblical teaching can be summed up with four words, and these words are: 'Love GOD, and Love mankind'

So when I am saying that certain people have a sick sense of humor, what I mean is that persons humor is in violation of the pocket sized biblical teaching.

I am certain that at times my style of humor rubs against the 'pocket Bible' and I should try to gague my actions based on Love.

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