The Crisis of The Mind

in mentalhealth •  5 years ago 

Harmony LOWRES.jpgCrisis of The Mind

So one of the most preposterous tribulations humanity faces is hubris and false beliefs and false thoughts. At times it seems that the mind faces a feature of reality that it refuses to recognize or things that a person refuses to define accurately due to a number of factors. The mind is afflicted with stubborn beliefs and cultural habits and norms.

Denial is a terrible force all on its own. The mind is faced with truth but the mind refuses to recognize it. And in a conversation people will often completely fail to recognize the truth in another’s words. The mind can project the judgement of “falsehood” upon things that are not actually false. If a mind is not open to learning then for the most part very little learning will transpire. If a person is not ready to learn something it can be difficult for them to learn it.

And so people may say, “this or that is a threat facing the world and humanity”… and someone else can stand there and go “uh uh, no its not”. And even if you present evidence, people can still stand there and deny.
So I must deny all of your denial before we can work on a solution?
What a nightmare!

People are free to believe whatever they want. If they want to believe that the color blue takes preternatural cruises in the ocean of notions and that blue is the president of an invisible nation called “Azurburg”, then no one can go into their mind to remove or alter that belief.

If people believe the earth is flat, and not only refuse to falsify their own claim, but also refuse to acknowledge the evidence to the contrary, then no one can tell them otherwise.

Its wild how deeply people can believe things. I always question the reasons for the beliefs of myself and others.

So what is the nature of this stubbornness?
The mind believes it's experience and it's learning.
A false belief. 0% to 100% True thoughts.
A mind being blind to its own blindspot?

What is the nature of this mental blindspot
that stubbornly refuses its own education?

It all results in Hypocrisy. Saying one thing and doing another. This is the inevitable result of one’s false beliefs encountering reality. How well does a person cope with being wrong? If someone is wrong and yells and shouts you down if you try to tell them so, then what chance is there that a person will correct their perspective? And in the meanwhile we will need to accommodate people who retain false beliefs even in light of evidence to the contrary.

And so how can false beliefs arise? Or incorrect beliefs?
Incorrect according to who?

If we use The Bible as a measure for what is right action and what is wrong action anything that contradicts that formula will be interpreted as wrong. If we use The Quran, The Vedas, The Tibetan Book of The Dead, or any other set of beliefs, a person will believe that people contradicting the instructions in their scripture are wrong.

If we use The Law in America as the standard then the consequences for violating the law will ensue if a person breaks the law.
“That is punishable!” People will cry.

If I try to fly but I do not know how to fly I will not be able to fly.
If I try to build a computer but I do not know how to build a computer then I will fail in my endeavor.
If I try to build a house but I do not know how to build a house it will likely not be well made.

So there is “the right way to accomplish a given feat”. Failing to do what is required results in a person recognizing that they must have gone about the task in the wrong way. Especially in the case that a person has undertaken a task that has been accomplished by other people in the past.
So we say, "right and wrong in a functional context".

And so we can decide that if the task is “attaining happiness and living a satisfying life attaining the actual goals of our soul”, than many people appear to be failing in this endeavor.

If someone does not recognize a poison as a poison, then they are being harmed without their knowledge. If a person has a poisonous habit to their mind, body, emotion, or spirit then they are being harmed either consciously or unconsciously.

There does not seem to be a solid consensus on what the actual model of health is or what the actual physics of the mechanisms of life are. Some people glut on dead carcass of animals, other people choose to eat only plants. Some people eat anything and everything and other people are very concerned with their intakes. The relative health of the mind is also apparently a guessing game and nearly purely speculative.

Who was the healthiest mind? What is the model of health for the mind?
Is a healthy mind a theist, otheist, or atheist?
Is a healthy mind a materialist or a renunciate or a bodhisattva walking the middle path?
Is a healthy mind a warrior or a pacifist?
Is it right to fight and kill over your ideals or not?

The mind cannot be healthy when the biology is so polluted. The crisis of the mind is also a crisis of the body. A diseased body lends to a diseased mind. A person sunk into a sick society reflects that sickness and so there is a karmic holding pattern of the social formation.

A healthy individual is a product of a healthy society. And it is questionable if it is possible to be healthy as an individual much at all if one is immersed in a sick society.

The sick mind results in all these shootings and stabbings and car attacks.

The system of money is so broken that it has formed a quagmire for the ordinary man and woman. Money is not life and it has become decoupled from the life system so making money the center of our lives has not rendered up healthy life. All the money in the world exists and yet all the problems in the world persist, so money must not actually be able to solve the problems that humanity is facing.

Money needs to have integrity in order for the money to have value.
The fraud of fractional reserve banking has rendered money essentially valueless. A docket backed by a promise of an organization that has broken every treaty they ever made.

Somehow the monetary system needs to be healed of its brokenness in order for this American nation to be psychically healthy and also for the rest of the world who is forced to accept our lead.

Initially the money was a receipt for gold being held for safe keeping in a bank. It has always been a tool to insure the wealth of the wealthy. The bank then begins to conduct a fraudulent practice of issuing more receipts then there is gold, and then everything is fine as long as everyone doesn’t make a run on the bank at the same time.
This was not acceptable in the medieval world and the practice was punished heavily.
But in this modern age, it has been made the general custom. In fact, now they issue as many tickets as they want and they back it with nothing but the illusion that they have the capital to back it.

There is no cap on inflation and there is no way to keep the lowest rung on the ladder from rising higher and higher leaving more and more people to starve and die.

The system is not designed with compassion at its center and this is one of the most severe flaws to how things are conducted in this country. Even the Government Systems of welfare are ultimately paid for by the taxation on the wages of the as of yet unborn. As such, it does not represent actual charity but rather it constitutes a loan accumulating interest for the generations of children who have not even been born yet to pay.

There is no accounting for the general benevolence and abundance of nature in this process. There is nothing done for free. There is no accounting for the general wealth of Nature in the moment and how that should be utilized in a healthy society to provide for the general needs of the people.

The Government should pay the farmers for certain.
And they should pay a lot of them.

As it is, they make it seem like we are operating in perpetual debt, when in actuality there is no shortage of the general products needed for healthy happy human life provided with just a little coaxing from the soil. Every season there is a massive production of the products needed for human life by nature.

The key then is to maximize our capacity to assist Nature to provide for the people.

Whenever anyone speaks of the Government providing welfare for the people in the form of food, water, health care and education there is a chorus of moronic voices that rise up and mutter about the “cost”. Yet there is no accounting of the cost of desperation to society on a daily basis, nor is anyone contemplating how much we could save by eliminating need in society by implementing efficient systems of distribution of the products of nature.

To withhold shelter, food, healthcare, and education from the people creates violence, theft, crime, hatred, depression, violence, gangs, spread and transmission of diseases, and general lack of peace in society. This happens because people desperate for animal needs do animalistic things to provide for them. We want a society, but we cannot have a society of developed human beings if a large percentage of the people are existing in a degraded state.

The measure of a society can be taken by observing the condition of life for the lowest rungs of that society. How does a culture treat the poor? Do they even have “the poor” because they have sufficiently dealt with the everpresent onsets of human needs? That is the intelligent course of action for any society.

And the stark disregard that the rich and influential evidence for the desperate sick poor and dying sections of the societies they have created shows the extent of the extravagance they have attained. They fancy themselves immune to the rot of the social environment that they themselves are responsible for maintaining. All the sins of a culture are attributed to the ruler.

This society has normalized wickedness and degraded behavior, and this was done by the rulers in hopes that we the people will remain complacent in allowing the wickedness of the rulers out of shame and sympathy.

And so the minds and bodies of everyone are being polluted in an endeavor to reduce our capacity to resist their blitzkrieg.

We are to look at an organ of the body and try to ascertain the relative health of that organ, but we cannot determine the actual state of the organ without considering the state of the entire being.

For the people who are not cognizant of the conspiracy situation it might be possible to live a healthy normal happy life from beginning to end here in America. If one does not ponder after what is actually wrong with the system then they simply adapt.

For me however I have a much deeper problem. I see the suffering of the living creatures and I sympathize with them. I fret for their suffering. My mind is consumed with the nature of the injustices and inequities of this world. It is depressing, saddening, angering, and at times it exhausts the psyche to apathy. It can seem very hopeless and it is difficult to avoid succumbing to despair.

Never the less… I am endeavoring towards the challenges of correcting the ultra corrupt system.

There are people who are gaining various technological advantages over everyone else and the day will come when some of these people gain the Crown and the Throne and they are after world domination.
It could be that ultimately the Corpratocracy as The Emperor has already been well attained and achieved. It appears that some of these Corporations already have dominion over much of the planet.

It seems that in order for people to be healthy they need enough love and good food and creative encouragement in pursuing their dreams. People need to feel like they belong and that they are part of a process that matters. People need to feel important. People need a wholesome nourishing atmosphere.

The fear of global catastrophe is also very damaging to people’s psyches. It plugs right into the existential crisis part of the human mind. To fear Global Warming and Nuclear Annihilation and Financial Collapse are all very stressful and difficult to properly prepare for.

And it is also difficult to defend the mind against the onslaught of media lies. The false news story is causing people to be infected with false thoughts and beliefs. The Spin Doctors of Media are always there spinning the story to fit the narrative the Corporations that own the news want to portray.

It is a stranglehold on the minds of the people. Media and News creates the climate of life that people experience. We have never been more aware of the violence in society because now news is created every second via people’s smart phones. We see the prepared narrative. The pressure on the psyche to believe given information is now so extreme. The mind is being forced to accept or reject so much information, and there is not an unbiased sort of news other than civilian reporting on the scene.

And then the mind of the reporter is called into question. What is the intention behind the reporting of information. There is hardly a cure for the misinformation other than keeping issues open and doing lots of research. However too much research and reporting can be hazardous to the health.

A lot of information has the potential to be dangerous. It could be potentially completely catastrophic for the maintenance of the systems of mind control and it could disrupt the lies that the system controllers need everyone to believe in order for the mind control to work.

Add into the whole equation the terrible reliability of eye witness testimony. People don’t notice what they are not paying attention to. What a person perceives is filtered through the imperfectness the human senses and stored incompletely and impermanently in the mind for later recovery.
Of course some memories are better than others.
Some people have photographic recall.

The dialog must remain open and the truth of the healthy mind must become globally recognized.
I pray that we can progress.

Thank you for your time!

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