Heart always knows

in mindfulness •  8 years ago 

People change for two reasons. Either they learn enough that they want to, or they've been hurt enough that they have to.

To change is not an easy task. The purpose is often noted as the most important part of change. But it is the decision that is the most pertinent. It starts in the heart, which isn't just a tireless pump, but also your best friend whom you can always ask for an advice. You can ask it whether something is good for you and it will answer with a pleasant or an uncomfortable feeling.

Ask the universe something, lay your hand on your heart and listen for an answer. Heart always knows!

People often ask themselves if they should listen to their heart or their reason. The answer is always: the heart. It is the source of love. Intellect is under the influence of programs and subconsciousness. Heart is free and is constantly asking itself what would love do in this situation?

Isn't this more reasonable than reason?

"Before the decision - think.
After the decision - stop thinking."

Thank you for reading.

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Soul food in this article, short and very sweet! Namaste :)


The heart knows. The heart always knows.

I believe in that so much.

And that line alone was heavily imprinted in me from reading a fictional book on wizards.

Yeah. It is a powerful line.
Have a nice day!

I agree wholeheartedly. Nice post.

Excellent food for thought.


very nice post, we very often forget to listen to our hearts.

what in painting the one-eyed Dajjal