The Questions Everyone Should Be Asking About The Las Vegas Shooting What The Fuck Happened?steemCreated with Sketch.

in news •  7 years ago  (edited)

Stephen Paddock, 64, discharged hundreds of bullets using semi automatic weapons modified with bump stock attachments into a festival of people killing 59 individuals and wounding 500+ others, in the U.S.'s most massive shooting in history, before turning the gun on himself. At least that's the official narrative but there are more questions than answers being thrown around since Monday morning's bizarre shooting leaving many readers' confused.

The horror all unfolded at the Route 91 Harvest Festival, a three-day country music event.

Starting out let's ask the question how the hell did this man smuggle 23 firearms into his hotel room past hotel security to the 32nd floor and where is the security camera footage?

If 23 weapons were found then why are multiple shooters seemingly being ruled out of the equation so fast? One man can not utilize 23 weapons especially since 20 were rifles at once and rather than there be ridicule there should be further investigation that there might be a shooter or shooters still on the loose.

Third, where in the hell did he get all the weapons? Even Stephen Paddock's own brother Eric Paddock is seeking that answer.

"He wasn't a big gun guy at all, the fact that he had those types of weapons is where the hell did he get automatic weapons," Eric said.

According to Christopher  Sullivan, general manager of Guns & Guitars, a gun shop in  Mesquite, Nevada, Paddock bought three guns at his  shop — a handgun and two rifles — within the last year. All the purchases were legal and cleared routine federal screening, Sullivan said.“The man does not have a criminal history." New York Times reported.

Even so fully automatic rifles are almost impossible for “civilians” to acquire. Although, some pre-1986 full auto weapons are available for sale, they require extensive ATF documentation, background checks and extremely long wait  times approaching one year. Plus, they tend to cost $25,000 or more,  and they’re extremely rare.

While the suspect undoubtedly had enough money to purchase one purchasing 20 different firearms would be a very expensive venture.

There are also multiple witnesses that state a still unidentified woman pushed her way to the front of the crowd and warned/threatened the crowd that they "were going to die tonight." Although, according to one eye witness this was after getting into a fight so this might have been just heat of anger never the less this should still be investigated since there are now 59 people who did die that night at the time of this report.

This woman described as Hispanic and her accompanying boyfriend were allegedly escorted out by security so the next question is why the hell security didn't shut the festival down immediately after a threat like that unless they didn't know but I find that hard to believe given they kicked her out according to a female witness.

Finally, there are the conflicting reports which could be due to the effect known as "fog of war," but regardless I feel it's important to highlight the information that contradicts each other which was presented as facts.

Was the shooter killed or did he kill himself? Reports indicate that the shooter was killed according to Las Vegas Sheriff Joseph Lombardo who stated Paddock was neutralized in a hotel room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel. Police later said that 23 guns had been found in the hotel room including some with scopes, while another 19 guns and explosives were found at the man's house in Nevada 80 miles away, The Independent reported.

However, other reports stated that the shooter had killed himself and was found dead by police.

The local news channel NBC Las Vegas's Nathan O'Neal stated witnesses were convinced there was "multiple shooters", based on the sound of the gunfire and the fact "hundreds" of bullets were shot, Huffington Post reported.

This seems to be plausible since additionally to add on to the sound of gun fire and the amount of ammo sprayed into the crowd, two windows of the hotel were broken out and there was more than enough weaponry for one single man.

Are these broken windows from the same hotel room or are they from two adjacent rooms? If the latter it suggests the likelihood of more than one shooter. It's since been confirmed that the shooter purchased two 2 room suite.

Taxi video (BELOW IN A TWEET) and police audio also corroborates that there may have been at least one other shooter. The video shows a taxi driver driving by looking for the shooter when she looks up at what appears to be muzzle flashes from another floor that are in sync with the sound heard firing from the gun. 

Although, this might be a flickering light inside the building as some have suggested still the police audio suggest another suspect may have been involved in the mass shooting.

An officer in another scanner audio also indicates a strobe light is flashing from Mandalay (at 14:20). “I haven’t seen any flashes from Mandalay but if it is coming from  Mandalay there is a strobe light coming from one of the windows on the  east side,” the officer is heard saying. 

"There may be another suspect on the 4th floor a white male with a grey backpack firing at multiple hotels," the audio stated. Although, again this might be due to the strobe light.

Additionally, earlier reports by police alluded to there being multiple gunmen as well there was several false reports made of other shootings.

"According to police scanners, one suspect in Mandalay Bay has been  subdued and taken into custody. Reports of multiple gunmen at Tropicana,  New York New York, and Aria have all been confirmed false. Bellagio and  Caesar’s was still being investigated," wrote at the time.

However, authorities now deny that information and have stated that Paddock was a "lone gunman." Despite that none of this adds up and would make more sense if at least one other individual was factored into the narrative. Since the shooter had more than enough weaponry for multiple people.

Often when there are so many questions left unanswered and confusing things being pushed leaving holes that don't add up it rings off alarm bells as a potential falseflag operation for a political aim/agenda.

While no official motive has been given by authorities the underlying hidden key fact is this shooting happened right before passing of "The Sportsmen Heritage & Recreational Enhancement Act" which would have legalized the sale of silencers.

Then there is the claim by ISIS that the shooter converted to Islam  was “a Soldier of the Islamic State,” but the group failed to provide any evidence for its claim and as the NYTimes points out has falsely claimed responsibility before during previous tragedies.  The claim has also been denied by the FBI who said there was no immediate evidence of a connection. It is however worth noting that ISIS threatened Las Vegas in May, The Washington Times reported.

So the shooting in my opinion is either A) a deepstate CIA/MOSSAD falseflag styled Gladio operation or B) an ISIS attack being covered up under the pretense of National Security to not incite panic. I can't see this being a lone gunman, there is way too much going on here.

And I don't believe we are even being given enough information at the current time to determine which one it is yet.

The shooting reportedly lasted five to fifteen minutes, though estimates vary according to the Washington Post.

In conclusion nothing is adding up, these questions are not crazy to ask in fact any rational reporter should be asking them to understand what happened but journalism is dead in this country, because if you ask the right questions you'll end up dead journalism is a dangerous job that has been cooped by a paycheck.

However, it's a needed profession because without real investigative reporting we are at a loss. These questions need to be answered and the way to answer majority of them is to add "multiple shooters" into the narrative. Therefore lack there of makes the story have more holes in it than Swiss cheese. 

On a side note people actually died these bull shit quick to jump the gun accusations that every shooting is a "crisis actor staged event" harms the fact that crisis actors could be used to stage a massive fake event broadcast as real that was actually a drill, as was demonstrated in London last year for the largest crisis drill in history. 

As well as it is completely disrespectful to families who lost someone being told their family member didn't die and the funeral didn't exist.

Also, consider that "crisis actors" or paid actors could be implanted into after tragedy press events to push a political agenda through propaganda.

One thing is emphatically clear every time an event like this happens Americans' compassion comes out so whether this was a deepstate falseflag event or terrorism organized by ISIS or simply a lone gunman we are stronger and we will prevail.

My heart and prayers go out to all those killed or injured in the Las Vegas shooting rest in peace to those who lost their lives simply because they wanted to enjoy what became the last moments of their life at a concert.

Paddock was an avid big time gambler and worked from 1985 to 1988, at a predecessor company of Lockheed Martin as an "internal auditor," he also worked in real estate public records showed, NBC reported.

Police are now looking for Paddock's girl friend Marilou Danley since he just wired $100,000 to the Philippines days before his massacre, the Telegraph reported

 "We anticipate some information from her shortly," Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo said. "She is currently a person of interest." 

While the brother of the shooter has stated that he believes the money was to take care of Danley.

"One hundred thousand dollars isn't that huge amount of money," he said. "Condemn Steve for gambling. Steve took care of the people he loved. He made me and my family wealthy." 

Its not currently known whether the money was intended as a gift to her, or if  he thought hed be able to flee there, or if the cash transferred was to someone else. 


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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great points all around AK.

For me, these horrific mass shootings tend to dominate the media cycle and are predominately sensationalized.

No doubt, the media will be hyper-focused on this and people will be reporting on the event and the 'lone gunman' for several few weeks.

Determining what happened is undoubtably very important but at the same time I like to ask:

  • What else is going on? What other important issues are being over shadowed and we're not paying attention to?

The media is very good at directing our attention towards the stories it wants people talking about (media circus) while deflecting attention away from others.

A couple things @anonknowledge failed to touch on have earlier activated my spidey sense; @sgtreport showed a pic of Paddock at an anti-Trump rally wearing a pussy hat, and Infowars reported that an 'anonymous LEO source' revealed he had Antifa propaganda on the scene.

Also, if there was a shooter on the 4th floor there should be a broken window there.

Where is the video of Paddock lugging 23 guns and ammunition to the room? That would weigh well over 100 pounds (~45 kilos - and he kept shooting fully auto for at least 5 minutes, which is thousands of rounds, again, over 100 pounds) which would be quite a strain, even for a strong man. Full auto weapons run to the tens of thousands of dollars. Why would a lone gunman bring 23 weapons, risking blowing his cover, to a terrorist attack where he could only shoot one at a time? The number of weapons suggests multiple shooters, particularly in combination with multiple shooting platforms, and the danger of being discovered if one man packed them all in at once.

Also, IF Paddock had been recruited by ISIS, what does that tell us? Who funds, arms, and supplies ISIS with intel? If Paddock had been recruited, armed, and sent to do this job by his ISIS handlers, then it's a false flag op, as ISIS is mercenaries used by the USG (deep state) to create Hegelian Dialectic conflicts.

HRC jumped immediately on the silencers on Twaddle, and that's beginning to look like motive to me, along with other targets of opportunity, like switching the news from Catalonia to Vegas, and just generally using terror to increase fear and offer to keep us safer (from them) if we will only allow them to track our movements better, submit to random searches, metal detectors at events, hotels, etc., and all that security theater.

Also, wasn't the Awan investigation gathering steam? We won't be hearing anything about the massive spy ring DWS and Huma/Weiner were running for over a decade anytime soon. Kinda like Kosovo news when Monica Lewinsky sprung that she had a blue dress in a safety deposit box with presidential issue on it.

Plenty of motive, if Alex Jones isn't making the Antifa report up or being misinformed, for an Antifa/deep state propaganda move to prevent suppressors from becoming legal, and protecting Americans' hearing at gun ranges, while distracting us from Catalonia.

Either way, lone gunmen isn't CIA style. Fire teams are. Multiple shooting platforms were demonstrably used, if the broken windows are shooting platforms.

Also, I recall one witness/crisis actor giving an interview in which he stated something like 'we need to take greater security precautions in every aspect of our lives', which is pure propaganda. So lotsa questions, no video of the suspect lugging heavy steel and lead guns and ammo into the hotel, no reports of broken windows on the 4th floor, or at other hotels. No clarification yet as to whether Paddock suicided (or was patsied), or was subdued by police, and reports of both.

Edit: I forgot one of the strongest evidences of a false flag... @sgtreports showed a statement regarding an anti-terror drill that Vegas was to begin Monday, just like the London 7/7 bombings, 9/11, and Sandy Hook.

Perfectly stated.

I also find that when all else fails, and the truth has a real chance to come out, a large amount of incorrect information is flooded out to confuse people until they can attempt another misdirection.

Great work as always AK.

I am adding this steemit post to the open source investigation I have going into this. I plan to make a polished documentary once I have all the sources, links and information I can gather.

Up-voting and re-steeming this.

I put a bunch of links and info here that I have been gathering from around the web, please feel free to utilize it to aid in the unraveling of this mystery:

This whole thing stinks to high heavens. Sadly, the 'bought and paid for' media will not be asking any of those questions.

I just found this video, an article came online the day BEFORE the shooting took place:


How did he get all those guns into the hotel? Didn't the hotel have any security?

First I'd like to say I feel truly awful for the lost souls and their loved ones.

This story stinks to high heaven as many of these mass shooting events do. It's still early days but there are a few things that disturb me with the story we've been told. Isn't this always the case? Multiple shooters, dead suspect, conflicting accounts. We've seen this so many times before.
It stinks of a conspiracy and the 'gun grab' brigade were out immediately which drove up gun sales as always. Makes you wonder who benefits the most from these tragic events?
I'll be interested to see if there are any pictures released in the coming days and weeks showing crisis acting, it wouldn't be the first time.
Good post buddy.

Lost souls at the Harvest concert take of that what you will I found it an interesting coincidence.

.."would've legalized the sale of silencers.." so this may explain Hillary's seemingly out of place tweet regarding silencers... she should know a lot about "silencers..."

I'm sure her rolodex is full of them.

Ask the feds and cia they loved these game. Maybe they just frame this poor guy for their motives. I think the government it brewing something big. They just set peoples mind.

According to the police, shooting was conducted from 32 floors of a skyscraper to 20,000 people gathered at a concert of country music, with more than 50 people dead, more than 400 injured (apparently, after the first shots, a crush and panic began). The number of victims of random fire is staggering. I recall that the same Breivik at the time shot more than 50 people, moving on the ground and finishing the wounded. If you look at the picture below, it becomes clear that there is no question of any aiming from automatic weapons.

Initially, the police believed that there were several shooters.

There was a certain woman with the murderer who was not his girlfriend (the gunman was in another place and had already been questioned by the police). Who she is currently unknown.

Stephen Paddock, who is accused of jesting, for 64 years of life did not get in the field of view of the police, his only sins before the law - fines for speeding. Paddock's relatives are currently in a state of shock and can not believe in what happened.

Extremely strange statement of terrorists from IGIL, who took responsibility for what happened. Meanwhile, on available photos Paddock does not look like a Muslim at all: he took pictures with women and alcohol with pleasure.
All this is very, very strange.
I'm certainly not a criminalist, but I foresee the outcome of this incident a lot of questions that will form the basis of new conspiracy theories.

"...who is accused of jesting..."

I am unaware he was accused of making jokes.

Also, the woman he was with was in another place, the Philippines, and she was questioned by police.

I am pretty sure Paddock is no more than a patsy in this event, as a 64 year old man who's worked as a professional for the defense industry as a career is incapable of lugging hundreds of pounds of guns and ammo into a hotel where they aren't allowed without being detected.

He may have been a 'useful idiot', as I have seen a picture of him wearing a pussy hat at an anti-Trump rally, and is reported to have had reams of Antifa literature in his hotel room. He may have been recruited to rent that particular room, and even bring his personal firearms (two or three, that he did own, if they turn up amongst his effects), but then a fire team used him as cover for the actual terror attack.

At least, that's what the evidence indicates is most likely.

Cui Bono? Who Benefits?

Paddock looks like a Manchurian candidate. No ties to religion or anything really besides gambling. No clear motives either. i guess we'll never know the truth. But the lone nut theory is getting kinda old.

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Whoever he was, and from where ever he bought the weapons, the incidence is a tragic one and the loss is unbearable. May God give strength to bear the loss. Ameen

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All very justifiable questionsofficial story stinks...

This is a bit of a tough subject.

First of all, I'm so sorry for the loss of anyone who died in this absolutely horrific crime. Its a tragedy.

My issue with this it that America still allows it citizens guns. The Right to bear arms. Such an outdated load of constitutional crap. When will the US learn?

I live in the UK. Our crime rate involving guns is low. Why? Because ordinary people are not allowed guns without special licenses. In the US, it appears you can get guns round every corner. Yes, if they outlawed guns, the black markets would increase dramatically but at least some of the gun crime would be curbed. What will it take for this to be dealt with? Pro gun groups are the ones stamping their feet all the time. My question is, Why do you need guns? YOU DON'T.

America ( a country I love btw and have friends and family there) needs to get its house in order. STOP worrying about North Korea ( they won't attack you unless you attack them), and get your own country under control. Anytime I see a gun massacre on the news, its in the US.

PLEASE sort your country out. Its bad enough having a jackass President who causes you embarrassment every single day. I'll also point out that our country needs to get sorted as well - all this Brexit crap is annoying. I voted Remain btw.

Every thoughts and prayers to those lost in the Vegas shootings and to their families. It's another dark week for the US.

No, thanks anyway. We are not subjects to a queen. Free people are armed and retain the weapons of resistance. If it wasn't a gun, it would be a knife, vehicle, or bomb.

"...America still allows it citizens guns."

After America defeated the most powerful army in the world with privately owned firearms to gain it's independence, the elephant in the room was those private arms, and how they were the only reason the new States weren't just as abject as other crown colonies.

This remains true today.

The Constitution is a restriction on the powers of government, which is allowed it's authority by the sovereign people - not the government allowing people to be free. Government is an agreement, and has no rights. People are the source of authority to wield force, and it is fallacious to argue that government has the authority to prevent people from exercising their rights, even if powerful gangs that corrupt governments and wield anti-gun propaganda with delicate subtlety convince many peoples to give up their rights for the supposed safety of the protection of the gangs.

These aren't mere talking points, or opinions. The Queen doesn't grant you rights. You, theoretically, grant the Queen authority. If you succumb to the doublethink that you can grant the crown the authority to take away your rights, with which she is granted that authority, you are clearly not thinking reasonably.

The blinkers are fully on and encouraged to stay on. The UK government has never wanted American ideas to catch on, naturally enough, and most people think they are being somehow 'progressive' or 'humanist' by joining in the condemnation America's firearms laws. Total doublethink.

You still need a firearm license in the U.S. for guns and I touched on that point on Twitter that if we ban guns black market sales would sky rocket and people wouldn't have protection from real criminals.

Then a lot more needs to be done. The US can't keep going on like this. There has to be answer to this. The law needs to crack down more harshly on gun crime. Longer prison sentences for gun crime. I'm not in favour of the death penalty so I won't comment on that. Less reasonable access to guns = less gun crime. I know its easier said than done, I really do but again, this needs sorting.

You're really hitting all the talking points of the gun ban crowd, and appear to have never heard of the fact that Americans use firearms to legally PREVENT millions of crimes. Have at a search engine for information about it.

Also, how's England doing with the knife ban? They gonna ban spoons next? Rocks and sticks? How many gun crimes in America are committed by NRA members?


All the crime committed with guns is committed by armed criminals - who we need to protect ourselves against, as the police only show up after the crimes have been committed.

Have a look at rape statistics in Florida, where the law was changed to encourage women to carry firearms after a spate of rapes. The rapes ended.

Also, how reasonable is it to ban something I can PRINT at home?

When a government fears it's citizens, they are free. When the citizens fear the government, they are slaves.

Lotsa slaves in this world, and taking guns from Americans would dramatically increase them.

In England the government has cameras in the LIVING ROOMS of parents of truant children.

Don't try that here.

I must admit, you're absolutely right. The UK is getting bad for banning things. Even schools ban kids from having fun! It's crazy really.

In regards to guns and knives, if I'm honest, I'd rather take my chances against someone with a knife than someone who can stand metres away and take aim.

The sad thing is, all these gun arguments comes after events such as these. It's the victims and their families I think about. As for the politic side of things.. I really don't know what would be the best thing, and I would never pretend to. I just wish everyone could get along. But then, I'm sure everyone thinks the same thing!

How about doctors stop prescribing mind altering drugs? How about people on those drugs not being allowed to keep their guns perhaps? You get a prescription for said drug, and you don't get the drug until you turn in your weapons. Even that doesn't work though. How about we ban predators and sociopaths? Nope. That doesn't work either. We can remove them from society though. That does work.

Guns in the hands of potential victims is the best way to remove those predators from society.

Better yet, predators tend not to attack armed victims. This is why rapes declined so precipitously in Florida after women there were encouraged to carry concealed firearms. It's also why unions exist in America.

This, @l5taylor, is what everyone bangs on about in the UK, and I think they just don't get the fact that America is literally built on the principle of gun ownership, amongst other things, of course. Blandly telling Americans to tighten up their gun laws is like trying to tell someone to take their shoes off whilst keeping both feet flat on the floor, or trying to tell a bear not to sh*t in the woods. People in the UK don't seem to get that it is incompatible with being American and the concept of America as a place. Well, the UK did lose against them in the War for Independence, so perhaps it's not unreasonable that they still don't understand. It is said that "A well armed populace is the best defence against tyranny.", and, after some consideration, I think this is a good point.

Wow, you really get it. Following you. People don't realize why the Constitution and our border security remains intact. The Second Amendment.

We are not even encouraged to think about it in the UK. The whole thing is presented as barely worthy of debate - literally bordering on insane. Hah, ha, you know Americans, they're crazy, with their crazy gun laws. That's it, that's as far as most people ever go. The whys and wherefores are completely ignored. Hell, great swathes of American academia is studiously ignored too - some of the greatest thinking and reasoning the world has ever seen. Don't even get me started about the music. It's a disgrace. Brits don't know what a great friend we really have got in America.

I'm a voluntaryist who would gladly see even state governments go away, but Virginia's Declaration of Rights, written well before the US Constitution, explains it very well:

Section 13. That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

It's almost funny, as someone who obviously was just brought up with this narrative to finally come to understand it - thanks for the elucidation. I honestly think that the official line from the powers-that-be over here has always been something like "Those crazy Yanks!". Over here we are thoroughly brainwashed into the idea of America as a zany but somehow flawed place. It has been surprising, over and over again, for me, to find elements of American culture displaying wisdom and understanding that is up there with any culture the old world has to offer. This approach to freedom, when looked at closely, is clearly the only mature route. And yet, like I said, in the UK people rarely, if ever, seem to say anything about it other than, as I have said, "Oh Americans and their crazy gun laws". We are like the farmyard dog that laughs at the free wolf because it has no collar and has to hunt its own food. We are kinda cute, but, ultimately, kinda domesticated. Not saying that's necessarily a bad thing. Depends how you feel about calling someone else "Master" I suppose. We claim to have given up on the "Divine Right of Kings" and yet there the Royal Family are and there is "Her Majesty's Government".

And people like you highlights exactly why things won't ever get better. Same mindset and same ' Americans beat the Uk' crap. It's a boring argument. All due respect of course. It will get to the point where other countries, not just the UK will stop having sympathy for a country that doesn't at least attempt to kerb these massacres.

Thank you for the due respect and I apologise if I came across as rude or ignorant. I am from the UK, never even visited the US but I have studied US culture as much as I have been able. For much of my life I assumed that things were as simple as most people in the UK seem to believe i.e. the Americans just need to sort out their 'crazy' gun laws. Time and experience have gone some way to convince me that it is not that simple. I'm going to leave it there because my wife has pointed out that it is poor taste to debate such things in the immediate aftermath of such horror, regardless of ones political views, and I think she's right. My apologies if I have offended you or anyone else on this thread. It's a bad business, I think we can agree on that at least.

Not at all. You didn’t offend me whatsoever. I appreciate the reply. Not everyone has the same idea as everyone else. Makes life more interesting. It’s defintely a bad business as you say. As your wife says, it’s in poor taste to debate such things but what are we seeing online at this exact moment... people saying the same things. And it is always after one of these atrocities. It’s just a shame that lessons are never learnt again and again. All the best!

I’ll just add.. I have spent time in the US with friends and family and never in my life have I seen guns more in real life than when I go there.

In my opinion guns are one of the worst inventions of man next to nuclear bombs but you can't ban them now because they exist as a tool for protection or aggression. Sure you can you make them harder to have access to yes but in the U.S. we are protected under the 2nd Amendment the right to bear arms so it's a constitutional issue and can't be debated. The constitution rules the land of America, what needs to be done is stopping the surveillance state on innocent Americans and further stopping rouge deepstate agents who want to harm innocent Americans. And oh the enemy that same deepstate created YES ISIS which ultimately is a CIA creation through years of destabilizing the middle east. Then eventually arming them when they sent cargos of weapons to the FSA. Who is known to have Al-Nusra/Alqaeda ties in Syria. Anyway going off topic but the U.S. has a lot of problems but so does the UK with Brexit curious why u voted to remain in the European Union when its been robbing you guys blind for years? I'm not in favor of the death penalty unless it's for rape, murder or pedophiles. If we had a death penalty for severe crimes wouldn't they be more discouraged? Most people can follow the easy rules don't rape, murder or be a pedophile right? So why not? I agree with the longer sentences that would deter some crime. As for this particular situation, you can't stop armed terrorists from doing something horrific like this. There is now news $100,000 was just sent to Philipeans which is facing an ISIS takeover in parts. But ultimately I am a peaceful anarchist and believe that all forms of government are Satan.

Just a few points :) the US Constitution can be changed...that’s what the amendments are; updates from the original laws. As for the death penalty, it clearly doesn’t work. People get murdered/robbed/abused regardless. Plus it takes years and years for a sentence to get carried out. I think I’d rather see more prisons and harsher sentences. But since I live in the Uk, it’s irrelevant what I think. Have a great day anyway!

Agreed, documents can change, but the principles behind why they were written do not. Free people are armed. I am not a subject. Royalty disgusts me. The idea that some people are born to rule others is also disgusting. Double standards, special protections, and monopolies on force need to go away. Get rid of the control systems.

...people are bad, so we need a government (rulers) made up of...

Nope. No thanks!

Yes, the US Constitution can be changed, but few people understand the background behind the Second Amendment. Want to know it? Do the research. Better yet, simply read:

Section 13. That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

That makes it pretty clear. Our government doesn't like mentioning that text however. They what people thinking 2A was about sportsmanship or hunting. LOL No, it was meant to maintain the ability to resist tyrannical forces, in or out of your nation. Militias work contrary to popular MSM belief. They are local people who care about each other, and they function as a defensive force only.

They cannot be corrupted by outside forces or rulers either.

That's simply not true. The millions of guns in America on a day to day basis usually do no one harm. Sure, they are used in suicides here more, but that's to be expected. If you want to off yourself, go right ahead too. It's your meat suit. Just don't be a coward and take out others with you.

Do you honestly think having harsher sentences for guns is really gonna stop somebody that wants to commit the crime of murder let alone mass murder. By your failed logic we should have harsher sentences than the death penalty.

Not in Nevada. There are certain weapons, such as the ones used in this massacre, that do require liscensing in all 50 states. Each state has it's own laws, and they vary.

It is false you do not need a license for any semi-auto rifle or handgun in any state in US. You only have to pass the background check that is require by federal law by any FFA dealer selling or transferring a gun. Full auto rifles are something totally different. Here are the steps to get the license to buy a full auto weapon.

Fantastic read. Logical and to the point, while approaching all possibilities objectively.

That is the point of unbiased journalism that not a lot of journalist can do. Hope you have been well my friend A hates me now for some reason.

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The questions about how he got those guns in the room, and where is the footage of that is my number 1 question. Sketchy as hell.

He supposedly live streamed himself. Where's that footage? If not live streamed, where's the video? I want to see it. Will we ever see it? I highly doubt it...

Seems to me like an easy answer. He had several days to bring the weapons in. Not to mention high rollers are treated very well. He could have easily had a bell boy cart the guns up to the room.

Each time these kind of mass shootings happens, the top government officials and lawmakers will write or make condolence speeches and in few weeks later, we all move on and pretend it will be the last. Enough of the talks, its time for congress to act and put more restrictions that will make it harder for evil minded individual and mentally derailed person to acquire a gun.

Keep up with the good post.

What criteria would he have failed? He was a Bernie supporter is that it? If better screening is the answer than why are there kids carrying guns? The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is to have a good guy stop him, usually with a gun. If you take guns away from them, then what? Does anyone ever consider that we may need less restrictions to curb these behaviors? Maybe if we had people carrying Ar's and AK's in meetings like that it would go better.

The police took 72 minutes to respond. That's usual and not surprising too. Cops usually hide behind their cars and wait for SWAT. SWAT waits until they have the advantage. While all that waiting is going on, people are dying. People, therefore, should not depend on government agents to protect them. History proves doing so is a very bad idea. One of their mottos is wanting to go home safely at the end of their shift after all.

I prefer WE have guns before Police do. I can't stand the logic that Americans should not have arms, but then those that argue that say Police should have guns. We are a heavily armed nation, there is no way to put it back in the genie bottle. I honestly believe if we had more LIBERAL guns laws (as in less restrictive) this would have ended quicker.

I don't understand why it took almost two hours to knock his door down. By that time he was supposedly already dead too. They didn't go in until it was safe for them in other words.

I wouldn't be surprised to see this mentioned when armed drones are mentioned in the future.

We need them for our security. har har

another day another shooting, or maybe I have just become desensitized to it. Something needs to change, there is just no easy solution. Would love to get an open forum on the matter

Well written and thanks for posting this. I posted about this topic too, but my post is more about how to respond when an active shooter or other similar incident occurs as a security professional. The videos of people just laying around are maddening. People need to drop, take cover, and get out of the kill zone. Seeing people just standing there drives me insane. They just don't know what to do, so I posted to teach them.

Insane absolutely insane.. and this smells like an ISIS attack or a coordinated falseflag I am leaning towards ISIS I just have this gut feeling.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The wire transfer to the Philippines, his roommate going there shortly before, and him traveling there in the past makes it more probably too. "ISIS" is operating there. Just keep in mind who runs it. ;-)

very tragic incident indeed @an0kn0wledge

Upvoted and also resteemed!

Thank you.

No reliable information yet. Is everyone here afraid to consider the possibility that the greedy, dark hearted, compassionless people that won't stop yammering may be behind this incident? It is a scary thought, but one that may indeed be true.

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Wow this post ist really good! Personally I think it really could be ISIS that planned and executed this attack, but as you said maybe the government wants to avoid panic.
For me it is really weird that the attacker (or the attackers) shot for such a long time and nobody stopped him/them.

Over 50 peopel are killed and over 500 people are injured that's really terrible. I hope that we soon will know more about what actually happened.

I can't believe how people just stood/laid there in the open too. Get up and take cover damn it! I posted about this incident and specifically how to respond to one. People need to know what to do when it happens again because it will.

The guns weren't "fully automatic" just modified - something that is easy and legal to do.

No one has to carry all 23 guns and ammo to their room at once. Never seen anyone wheel a golf cart or long bag to a hotel room before?

And if you did some research that rapid fire of an assault rifle causes it to heat rapidly - there's video you can easily find of them glowing red-hot and actually catching fire. So if you want to actually handle them and not hurt yourself accidentally you fire a magazine, drop it, pick up the next one.

And how did he buy them all? The US government makes it remarkably easy and legal plus the guy had millions of dollars to spend. Just because his brother didn't know about his issues and gun fetish doesn't mean shit.

Remember correlation is not causation.