Rain Impression Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

in ntopaz •  5 years ago  (edited)


I was cowering on my balcony when I took this shot. Finally I had very hard rain with decent light, and I wanted to catch it.

My first two entries for the @ntopaz AUTUMN SCENERY Contest showed you what the storms this time of year are like as they come in and cover the sky. You can see them on the last cople of days on my blog.

This third and final entry shows you what the storm is like when it makes landfall.

The tree branches on the left are slamming back and forth and you can see the pretty green these daily storms bring. You can see two bushes on the pavement lower down - sort of.

The rain is coming almost straight down and look how big the drops are!

The whitish look on the pavement is wind blowing rain over and over again as it falls. The high rise buildings here make this effect more intense.

Not shown is the flashing of lightning every minute or so. Not heard is the booming and cracking thunder directly overhead.

I always like to say that I am an impressionist, not a realist. I feel like this shot is me in a nutshell. I have the phone wedged in a place to hold it stable. The blur is because it cannot see through the rain.

You can enter your autumn photos to @ntopaz too. The contest runs until November 15, so you have plenty of time to post your great shots.

I used my HMNOTE 1LTE mobile phone for this photo, and got a bit wet taking it.

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What do you do with the water? 🤔

Or am I understand it wrong and you were talking about the shot opportunity? 🤦‍♂️

Hmm... I am not sure what you are asking, @trincowski. You have to let me know where I was unclear.

As soon as the storm goes it all drains away. They build things here so we do not have pooling water or mosquitoes.

Nevermind. I thought you were going to catch the rain water (to water plants or something like it.) My mistake.

Haha! I am a nomad, not a gardener! With this kind of daily downpour we do not need to water here anyway ;)

Over here, we water the grass even when it's raining. 🤦‍♂️


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