The Non-Aggression Principle // Part 1

in peaceacademy •  7 years ago 

The Non-Aggression Principle // Part 1

The goal of the Peace Academy is to find ways to bring Peace, Abundance, and Liberty into our lives and our communities. Nearly all aspects of state don't teach these principles. So, not only do we have to learn to walk a different path, but we're challenged to unlearn what we're encountering as well.

One of the places to start so that we can do that is by exploring the concept of the Non-Aggression Principle.

The basic idea of the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) is individual freedom combined with personal responsibility.
NAP uses a moral and ethical compass that helps us to live in peace and liberty.
The idea is that all individuals are free to live as they want as long as they cause no harm or threat of harm to another individual or their property.
This naturally includes rules against murder, rape, and theft.
It also includes rules against involuntary servitude such as taxation.
For me this stems from a spiritual and philosophic space. We're all fractals of the same eternal essence. We're all woven together. Harm done to another is harm done to ourselves. Separation consciousness makes that difficult to see, but it doesn't change that causing other harm does harm to us.

NAP employs the basic motto of
"Do no harm, but take no shit"
Defending oneself against acts of aggression is completely acceptable, unless innocent people would be harmed in the process.

The Non-Aggression Principle views Governments that use violence or the threat of force while falsely claiming to protect individual rights as completely unnecessary and against the principles of peace and liberty.

Instead, the free exchange of goods and services as well as individual rights and freedoms are seen as a natural result of applying Non-Aggression Principle.

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The Non-Aggression Principle is the heart of a truly sane society. One that I hope we see soon. Perhaps growing from the seeds being planted around us at Steemit. Great post.

So many good seeds being planted on this platform! People are amazing!

You are right @naquoya non aggressive principle is the heart of a truly sane society. Just Upvoted you and hope you help Upvote my post
Thanks and God bless as you read and Upvote.

Haha... I soo much love the motto do not harm, but take no shit

Reminds me of a slogan i once championed

Respect all and fear none, but when they fuck with you, disconnect and spare none

Give freedom to principle citizenship for their own capability, it's the way to occupy peace @aggroed

Yes, more of this. Followed.

@aggroed Occupy Peace, All WARS are BANKSTER WARS........

As long as the earth gets the same rights as an individual, then I suppose you wouldn’t need environmental regulations. The one regulation is that you are not aggressive towards the earth, which would include polluting more to save money. Not sure if that’s a commonly held belief or not. I’m not exactly a libertarian myself, but I do find a lot of it to be quite intriguing.

I really hope there will be more peace in the future ! Sadly i think its getting even worst. I am keep seeing on the news police aggression and also people keep fighting. I dont know for me the main reason for all this are the money. Everyone goes over the limit just for that. I really like for now the steem community and how positive and friendly it is. I hope more people join it soon and spread the word. About the govorments that use violence idk how that could be changed anytime soon sadly...

we are instead, the free exchange of goods and services as well as individual rights and freedoms are seen as a natural result of applying Non-Aggression are right are graet post sharing........

well presented

NAP employs the basic motto of
"Do no harm, but take no shit"

exactly the Non-aggression Principle as you have put it shouldn't put other people at a disadvantage.
People shouldn't take advantage of the loyal ones to this Nap and oppress them.
There is always room for not giving a shit.
Amazing observation in the society.

NAP is one of the core concept of Ethics and Personality management. You beautifully described it already;

The idea is that all individuals are free to live as they want as long as they cause no harm or threat of harm to another individual or their property.

No doubt sanctions in the form of Rules & Regulations are their to account the human behavior, To bring solidarity within a society. I do believe Legislators do play their role functionally in NAP.

Moto is yelling at intolerance and giving a clear message

"Do no harm, but take no shit"

Thanks for discussing this concept in detail and in fact thanks to Peace Academy which is working to bring Peace and Harmony in the Community.

By the way @wwf and I had a detailed discussion upon this very topic in his one of previous posts.

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

This is really informative and educative, I gained more knowledge from the post. Thank you for sharing.

Wow!! Non aggressive principle.. Well explain and organized.. This is really educative and understanding.. Will RESTREEM your post to my blog so people can also learn.. Just Upvoted you post.. I think I have a post you will like and help Upvote for me. Thanks and God bless as you Upvote

Thanks so much @aggroed

DQmavEYxhkcSJ1NZknoGKdQtmihXwBj15iufN3cH4aW3Fhm (1).gif

Now this is a principle to live by!
Resteemed :)

Hey, @Aggroed. Interesting concept that you've laid out here.

"The idea is that all individuals are free to live as they want as long as they cause no harm or threat of harm to another individual or their property."

I think this is a pretty good starting point for any kind of discussion surrounding the ideal of peace. The tricky part emerges when we decide what constitutes "harm" or "threat of harm" to another individual and their property. I imagine you and others you've discussed this with are already aware of how difficult that can be to discern.

For example, if I am free to engage in economic enterprise without any limitations on my freedom, I could harm other people in doing so (through environmental damage, soaking up too many of the economic opportunities for one's self, etc.). However, there would be some camps that argue that it would be unreasonable to place restrictions on anyone's economic activity.

I'm on board with the non-aggression principle, but I get a little lost in what constitutes aggression and harm in the first place. You pointed out the biggies like murder and theft, and of course that makes sense. I think once we step into the gray area, it gets murky pretty quick.

But hey, this isn't about absolutely air-tight solutions, right?

This naturally includes rules against murder, rape, and theft.
It also includes rules against involuntary servitude such as taxation.

But then how can we afford to enforce the rules against murder, rape, and theft?

great like your job!

Hi. am a lover of your post and this is epic I'm true sence. I must say that I like your post and it am inspired.good job , thumbs up, keep up the good work

beautiful~~interesting post @aggroed thanks """""


This pic says it all...

Non-Aggression Principle very interesting

Crime can happen anytime and anywhere.

Very interesting principle, one that I fully agree with. Aggression that can be harmful to others is dangerous and should not be carried out.

Thanks for sharing this type of content, it is very interesting to learn about this area!

We need to ne more tolerate more patience with each other, only in this way our world will be a peacefull place.

I wish everyone understood this principle and lived by it, just think how wonderful the world would be?

"Do no harm, but take no shit"

In trying not to take a shit, things easily get escalated and ugly soon.
The best way to attain peace is knowing when to flea from the temptation of "Do no harm, but take no shit".

Wow,this gives me UTOPIA vibes!It would be amazing if we could live by the Non-Aggression Principle:)

Is that simple! Live and let live w/o doing any harm to others!


The idea is that all individuals are free to live as they want as long as they cause no harm or threat of harm to another individual or their property. This naturally includes rules against murder, rape, and theft.

As you will be aware, the problem is that the enforcement of those core rules needs a entity that uses violence. But once you create such an entity, you have to live with the possibility that this entity misuses its power, so you need to set up controls, the seperation of justice, executive, and legislative and all the other characteristics of a state.

And of course if you don't create such an entity one will arise on its own as people seek protection from one another in agencies.

the principle of non-aggression is the idea that no matter how disgusting, immoral, or not worth the acts, you have no right to use the power to stop a person of doing the Act, except that Act itself involves the initiation of violence against others. principle is simple, is one of violence against another person or group of people. this is not meant as a doctrine passive or peace, is really is allowed to use the power in response to the power, in order to protect or defend one person or property, enforce the contract, or punish someone to failure to comply with the requirements of the contract.thanks

I learnt another way for peaceful resolutions of dispute today.... Thanks #aggroed

interesting post @aggroed thanks for Nice post beautiful presented and explained.

So many people choose to live their lives blindly, choosing not to see. Thanks for a great post.

I really like the Peace Abundance Liberty discord, but i have been unable to join. I really like the idea.

This you are talking about is one of the fundamental principles of any libertarian society.

Are you libertarian @aggroed?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

congrats my friend. I love your story and your ideas

The NAP sounds great in theory. It reminds me of indigenous societies who exist in harmony with the natural world. There is a book out there called Original Wisdom: Stories of an Ancient way of knowing (Robert Wolff, 2001) - which I fully admit I have not gotten around to reading - that talks about how indigenous societies are built on trust, patience, and joy rather than anxiety, hurry, and acquisition. Unfortunately Western (American) society is not only disconnected from nature, but from one another. Additionally, our culture seems to have a tendency to breed sociopaths. So long as a culture lives under the principle of hyper-individualism and, as you stated, separation consciousness, and devalues collectivism (the healthy kind of collectivism [as you stated "We're all fractals of the same eternal essence. We're all woven together"] – not hyper-collectivism) I do not believe that this principal could be put into actual practice. Small steps I suppose – a good place to start would be the Steemit community.

I like the direction this is heading, I just think there are some things that need to be fleshed out or resolved.

Assuming that we all partake of the same consciousness, and thus harm done to another is harm done to ourselves, how can we justify self defense? Do we have to assume that an ignorant (and violent) individual has separated themselves from a cosmic unity, or are they still inevitably part of the whole?

Is unity a choice, or is the presence of division merely an illusion?

A noble post. I've seen a lot of negativity on steem the past few days and its refreshing to see something like this instead. Keep the dream alive!

The goal of the Peace Academy is to find ways to bring Peace, Abundance, and Liberty into our lives and our communities. Nearly all aspects of state don't teach these principles. So, not only do we have to learn to walk a different path, but we're challenged to unlearn what we're encountering as well.

Important work you doin, i feel the goverment has failed in a lot of social aspects and people dont know how to teach them selfs anymore.

"Do no harm, but take no shit"
Defending oneself against acts of aggression is completely acceptable, unless innocent people would be harmed in the process.

A lot of people dont know the differnce, it´s one thing to be nice, but they have to say no at some point!

Your post remembers me on a german youtube video:

It´s about the law of nature, truth and some major questions