Plagiarist of the Week ~ 4.18.2018

in plagiarism •  7 years ago  (edited)

As we get more of the community involved in this project there is going to be a lot more covered as there are more eyes on the prize

Rewarding real artist

We are still a small account completely being funded by one person so far, so any help flagging the plagiarist is appreciated

They are all unverified repostings from youtube

The Plagiarist of the week post is brought to us by @anonimous

He has caught quite a few this week and they all appear to be the same person or small group of people based off of the posting times on steemit

autor - @wrayca

steemit post

youtube link

Please help us clean steemit up

This week feature is by community submission

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My post all go to my website but I do post to other media. I'm new to steemit and really want to be a part of its community, unfortunately, my first experience with Steemit was haveing one of its members, "monir120288", blatantly plagiarize one of my posts (You Have the Capability to Be Successful - Here's How...). I, like many others, spend a lot of time on research, writing, editing...editing...editing. I would like to see this individual along with all othe plagiarists call out and banned from ever posting on Steemit again. I still don't know where or how I go about flagging such "losers", if you do please message me and let me know how.