Participating in a Plant Exchange Market / 植物の交換会に参加しましたsteemCreated with Sketch.

in planthub •  6 years ago 


Around one month ago I wrote my idea to promote PlantHub at my favorite plant exchange in Berlin.

An idea to promote PlantHub at a plant exchange market in Berlin / 植物交換会でSteemitベースのPlantHubを紹介したい

The application deadline was on 22 April. I didn't apply for a table this time. One reason was my Shiso were too small. I'm not sure it was because of the temperature, soil, seeds or other things. Three days before the deadline the Shiso cell tray looked like this:


Instead I asked for a table at a plant exchange in Leipzig. Thanks to @muscara's comment with a URL to the list of plant related events in Leipzig, I could find this event. Moreover it was free!

I was too busy to explain about plants and seeds I brought in my elementary level German, I couldn't mention my crypto PlantHub idea at all ... But I enjoyed talking about plants especially Japanese ones. Also it was nice to have free German lessons :)

Ten Shiso pots left to new owners. Seeds were given by donation. I had some pocket money in the end. I'll go to see a bit deep containers for tall plants I will sow seeds after cold days such as Okra and Sword Beans.

Next time I will make "Crypto Donation Possible" sign with Bitcoin or Steem QR code so that crypto people can find me a crypto fan and I have chance to talk about crypto PlantHub or dPlantHub. I learn many things by doing.

The plant exchange took place at a small nice garden. As it was a relaxed event I had fun time seeing flowers in the garden with my daughter when there were no one around my table.



I'm happy to be back to the event next year (and the Berlin one with better preparation ...)

ひと月ほど前にPlantHubの宣伝も兼ねてベルリンの植物交換会に参加しようかなと投稿しました。・・・が、締め切り間際にあまりの紫蘇の育っていなさに諦めました ;)


小さな紫蘇の苗を持って、家にあった種を置いて、行き交う人に拙いドイツ語で紫蘇や日本の植物について説明しました。みなさんいい方でなんとかコミュニケーションをとろうとしてくれて、用意した紫蘇11個のうち10個が買われて行き、種もドネーションベースでもらっていかれました。交換が主かと思ったら「いくら?」と聞かれて慌てて値段をつけました。準備不足 w

準備不足といえば、ドイツ語で話すのにいっぱいいっぱいで、分散型PlantHubの構想を話をする余裕はゼロでした。次回は「仮想通貨での寄付もOK」とQRコードを貼ってみようかな ;) 反省点いっぱいです。


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It sounds as if it was good rehearsal :)
The garden is lovely!

It was a wonderful atmosphere. More stands could be nice but ya that's right it was a good rehearsal. I also liked a neighbor who was from bio garden a bit outside of the city. I would like to have such a garden or a small farm in the future.

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Thank you eSteem App! I appreciate to your support :)



値段を聞かれて、そっか www 値段がない w と。もうちょっとプロフェッショナルに来年は用意したいなと思いました・・・・・・と数年前も他の交換会で思ったんですよね w

周りのブースを見る時間もありましたよ!5つだけだったというのもあり。特にお隣さんのビオファームの女性にはいろいろ教えていただいて、特にイラクサと水だけから肥料が作れて、彼女たちはそれだけでトマトの苗を200種類育てていると聞き、夢のような世界だ〜〜と :D そんな農場がほしくなりました。