Let Your Truth Consume Your Pain

in psychology •  7 years ago 

A student just sent me this image, and even though the humor is dark, I had to laugh. I am always telling people to write stuff and burn it. This student was no exception. And since I specialize in writing through trauma for release and recovery, the context of this gave me a good chuckle.


We all feel this way sometimes: angry and over it. Ready for the people who’ve hurt us to be gone for good. But putting harm out into the world doesn’t solve the problem. Putting the truth out there does.

So, even if you’re not up for a public confessional of grief, write your story and release those words into the fire. Write to destroy—not those who have harmed you, but any pain you are carrying.

The student who sent me this has done so. I hope you do too.



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That picture gave me a nice laugh.

But i love your spin on it:

Write to destroy—not those who have harmed you, but any pain you are carrying.

Writing has been a really important piece of my journey. Yes, difficult, and sloppy, and frustrating at times, but healing nonetheless.

I am so glad you've found healing through writing. Also that you got a good laugh out of this. :)

What a funny pic, forgiving those who have wronged us frees us from feelings of anger, hate, holding grudges or seeking revenge. .... You must forgive if you want to live in peace and harmony. do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

I definitely like to practice gratitude for what I have learned from difficult situations. It supports my heart.

Writing is a wonderful therapy. And like you say, even if it's not for public release, still do it. For me it seems to help free up stuck energy and emotions. Perhaps put an internal spotlight on areas that have remained unnoticed.

Stream of consciousness writing is a big one for me too. It doesn't always come out in a usable way, but when it does, I'm always left amazed at the how beneficial a technique it is.

Thanks for the post, and your constant encouragement in these areas.

It sounds like you are an expressive writing pro, @naquoya! It's also my favorite form of release. There are so many proven benefits to using writing this way. <3

In this universe forgiveness heals us from spiritual pain,physical pain, emotional
pain, and mental pain. You feel a great sense of self relief when you have clear
Conscience and are in peace with everyone. Forgiveness shield us from people who
have negative thoughts about us. Forgiveness brings peace to us and revenge brings
war. We need to forgive always because there is a power in forgiveness. @shawnamawna.

I think another way to define forgiveness is reclaiming your power after being hurt. This need not be a violent act. It can simply be a refusal to allow a person to hold a negative space in your heart/mind/energy. And it's quite lovely.

Brilliant image - I am particularly fond of sarcasm and jokes when dealing with bad feelings about myself or others. Writing definitely helps! I've been mulling over a letter I need to write and have needed to write for a while, to an old friend I haven't spoken to in a long time before it's too late. I need to write to figure out why I'm stalling, if I want to revive this friendship or not and if not, why not...I feel bad, but I have bad feelings and ambivalent feelings and prideful feelings, and even some shameful ones...ugh. I keep hoping it will all just go away, but alas. I might need to burn a few pages before I get something I can use!

I am intimate with this not knowing whether a friendship should be revived. Sometimes our feelings get stuck and we just need to let go. Other times getting unstuck means moving through. I wish you the best with this @orangina!

I need to save this post somewhere. I just commented on one of your other posts about research I've been reading lately, and here you go again with knowing this stuff naturally. It is such a natural feeling to want to harm those who have harmed us, but it really does no good, especially to us. In fact, it can cause us greater harm.

Letting out the truth does feel so good. The hard part is that those who have done me harm often try to suppress it, even though I never identify them. Besides, if they want that truth to stop hurting, they need to let it out as well.

I'm going to comment again that I learned this the hard way, @swmseeks. If I hadn't grown up experiencing the radically negative power of reactivity, I would not have bothered to do the same thing you've been doing: learn about the shit of it and where to plant seeds.