Thank you Putin.
My country the Philippines still has a diplomatic relations to Russia and even China which the latter helped with my countries trade needs and infrastructure projects. So if you would look upon who has contracts to do such infrastructure contracts to help with my country's development it is not the US but China.
Now this news about a talk set to be held this coming week about helping my country to deal with its oil supply by our newly elected president Mr. Bong-bong Marcos and the Russian diplomat will indeed cause a relief to my country. We really can't afford to suffer with an increased fuel prices because we only have a limited resources to balance the impact of sanctions, no oil but a big chunk of dollars coming abroad from remittances of overseas Filipino workers (OFW) to hold our economy and not make it collapse.
Hear Russia's Ambassador statements:
It could be that they might help Philippines to source oil (or their other energy resource) exploration and or development since PH has a well-known natural gas reserves in its west part of Luzon main island plus geothermal and hydroelectric powerplants, but what is important now is the oil/fuel needs of the country.
That is why OFW's are said to be unsung heroes because they are the ones that really support this country, if not for their dollar remittances then my country would have collapsed a long time ago. Many of the citizens of this country tries to work abroad because for one thing there is not enough opportunities for them here, the pay is low if they will exercise their professions.
Anyway I am expecting a relief about this coming talks between Russia and my country. If shit hits the fan more I really do not want my country to get affected for a war that we do not have any business or other interests with. So if Russia wants to help my country why not? we just needed all the help that we can get just for the benefit of every citizens who are just trying to survive everyday from a world that has gotten crazy over the course of months.
I personally still have no clue on what assistance Russia will give for the Philippines but either which of those for energy needs like oil export to PH or assistance for oil drilling or whatever it is a great news for us here because it will then ease the hardships of my fellow citizens so we wouldn't suffer as much as other countries.
We all needed oil to survive.