RE: What some people don't get about sexuality

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What some people don't get about sexuality

in sex •  9 years ago  (edited)

Cogliostro,you can have your bigot views,there is freedom of speech. But they have no basis in rationality or science,and please don´t bother gay people with them. Sex is not about reproduction. Reproduction is a biological function. Sex is an act,and I don´t care why I have a sex drive. You can make the argument that we have the sex drive for the evolutionary purpose of reproduction,but to go from there and claim that sex SHOULD be about reproduction,is just a random dogma.
I have a child,and I am not planning to have more. I still enjoy sex. Mostly with women,but I´ve had experiences with men as well, and it´s all great!
Sex is pleasure,but can also be a deep connection, something spiritual even.
Your views are obviously based on religion. Religion is just stories for children.

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Kooshikoo, as you have aptly demonstrated, you have no higher principle than the pleasure-of-the-moment principle. Unfortunately this is the case. A true observation from my original post that we cannot hand-wave away. You are a good little luciferian enabler, and would be applauded any day on television.

But 98% of the rest of humankind do not share the degenerate western views. Unlike you and I, they are not living in Sodom & Gomorrah yet. They rightly see you and I as abominable.

I did not claim that sex SHOULD be for reproduction - I pointed out that it already IS for reproduction.

And you, the lil luciferian rebel, "don't care". You want your "freedom" to ignore reality. OK! You're allowed to ignore reality if you want to; but remember that you will not be able to avoid the consequences of ignoring reality. Your lands are being depopulated, and your main concern is "how can I be more libertarded than the next guy and show my support for the less-than-1% of freaks out there, as if they were the normal ones and straight man-woman pairings were oppressive, backwards, and outdated". Naturally this is a position of deep-rooted sexual helplessness and maliciously inverted values, which probably infected you through the education system & TV. To your great credit, you certainly did not come up with what you believe by yourself.

So I would put it to you that someone like you, for now a docile prisoner of the unexamined life and unexamined belief system, has no business telling a man like myself anything about rationality. Rationality, especially the kind that goes against the grain of the "zeitgeist" is only for the strong and for the truly free.

Religion is just stories for children.

Oh, but science is also not on your side...