5 Things to keep in mind once you start to run

in sport •  8 years ago 

This is part 2 to a pre­vi­ous arti­cle about the ben­e­fits run­ning brings you

(1) Drink plenty of water

On a hot day or dur­ing a long run your body can loose up to 2L of water an hour, so drink plenty of water before you run. If your body is dehy­drated your per­for­mance will fall dras­ti­cally and it will take the fun out of run­ning. I sug­gest a big glass of roomtem­per­a­ture water before each run. Drink­ing water there is to cold might make your stom­ach cramp.

(2) Start off easy

Run­ning for 20–35 min­utes 2 or 3 times a week will be more than enough to improve the shape your in and also make run­ning seem fun. Remem­ber to be real­is­tic, lower your ambi­tions. If you’re not used to run­ning, than for­get every­thing about par­tic­i­pat­ing in any longer runs or marathons for the first year. It can take years before your body gets used to run­ning long dis­tances, lis­ten to what your body tells you, pain is a sign of some­thing is wrong. The eas­ier you start off the less likely you will be to get injured.


(3) Make it a habit

As a begin­ner the most impor­tant part of run­ning is mak­ing it a habit. It’s much eas­ier to make it a habit if you write down 2–3 days in your weekly cal­en­dar where you’re going to run, in that way you don’t risk for­get­ting about hav­ing to run because some­thing else came up and it will help you to get out the door on days where you might not feel like run­ning. On days where the moti­va­tion is lack­ing I like to think of all the ben­e­fits run­ning brings me. Once you got past the first 4–6 weeks of train­ing you’ll start to enjoy run­ning much more and even find your­self start­ing to look for­ward to your next run. I know I am.

(4) Vari­a­tion is impor­tant

Keep­ing your train­ing var­ied is an impor­tant part of you train­ing, vari­a­tion not only keeps you moti­vated but it also helps you to improve. Try mix­ing thing up by some­time run­ning shorter and faster runs or some­times run longer than you use to, run­ning your nor­mal route in reverse or even bet­ter run­ning gives you a change to explore you neigh­bour­hood and see some of the thing you nor­mally just drive by, oth­er­wise its like hav­ing the same food for din­ner every­day within a week or two I’ll get tired of it. I remem­ber read­ing about a gut who kept grow­ing more and more fond of the neigh­bour­hood he lived in because every time he went out for a run he would go explor­ing and every time he would find some­thing new he liked. 


(5) Make sure to stretch your legs before and after you run

This helps to pre­vent injuries and helps the mus­cles relax. You legs will also feel a lot bet­ter the fol­low­ing day.


Be care­ful, if you push your­self to hard its going to have a bad effect on your body, your body needs to rest and reset. If you feel any­thing start­ing to hurt in a bad way go see a doc­tor, the ten­dons and lig­a­ments in your legs are very frag­ile so be careful.


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Hello and thanks for this article. Good and sound advices all over :)

And welcome from another runner. Do check #runeveryday. Maybe you'll join us.

I wish you many happy runs :)

Thank you very much for your comments and interesting information. I am very interested in this topic!

You forgot to mention to run on an empty stomach. In this way you maximize fat-burning, while making running easier.

It's really very effective. But this method is not suitable for everyone. I can not run when I'm hungry, I'm dizzy. Thanks for the comment!

Hi. 1. Do not drink too much because you get upset. something important. Preheat before running
2. You can run marathon Have to prepare Make a training plan and you will see the results.
3 It is advisable to eat after training. Eating an orange or milkshake or a banana..
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These are very important and useful recommendations. Thank you for your attention to my post! Following!