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nice i love this soo much,i have been trianing for next year marathon on nigeria and i have been able to cove 35km in 1hr 45mins 32secs. i must say i really love this tips .wanna try its tonight.

Good info! Thanks. @ironshield

Thanks for the info. After the Marine Corps my knees are shot. Lol.

And they definitely don't teach you proper running techniques there. lol.

Thank you for useful information. I'll follow the steps shown on the video.

Thanks for the tip on stride length - I have been running on and off all my life but over the last 3-4 years I have been having a lot of problems with my Achilles Tendons so anything that could help this is welcome. Keep up the good work @fitexercise - following you now. Please check out my latest post on Minnows - I think you'll like it!

Thanks, I always come to aware that running is actually for professional but it comes to so many newbie who will do running first and everything else later. the order should be in reverse.