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@ranchorlaxo look like a noob whale but given how inactive he's been with his stake I think he deserve some patience and respect.

AFAIK this initiative is jumping the gun assuming bad faith or collusion.

I'm personally not a fan of technical analysis but no doubt people might believe in it given the insane global bull trend that's been happening in all alts.

IMO predicting 28$ SBD knowing the underlying fundamentals of the peg is irresponsible if not borderline criminal.

Like saying USDT will pump to 2.00 USD... No amount of technical analysis will make that sound remotely sane.

Looking a bit at this, I'm tentatively inclined to agree with you @transisto.

In looking at a sampling of @haejin's posts from about a week ago and earlier, what I see is this:
A prolific crypto analysis poster.
5300 followers... but only follows a few hundred (pretty normal for a content creator)
Average rewards in the $20-35 range.
Typically about 200-250 upvotes per post.
Typically about 10-20 comments per post.
Typically about 3000+ views per post.... whoa... hang on... 3000+ views???

Hardly ANYBODY on Steemit averages 3000 views per post.

Anyway, if we just leave that alone, it's the posting profile of a busy Steemian with a well-developed following. As a content creator, if each of my posts brought 3000 views here, I'd damn well hope I'd be getting $25-35 a post!

Has a web site; has a very active twitter with 9,500 followers. Posts all his Steemit posts to his twitter feed (external promotion of Steemit).

ONLY THING that has changed is the sudden 100% upvotes from an account with 1.3 million SP starting 3 days ago. An account that doesn't upvote a damn thing, otherwise. And has been largely dormant for months. That part is a bit suspect.

Other than that, we know very little. Aside from the fact that rancho's SP came from blocktrades. Most everything else is speculation.

Could we call this "rewards pool rape?" Sure. But maybe @haejin is merely a bystander who got some inadvertent good fortune at the hands of this "unknown" whale. My point: the damage is really being done by the person doing the VOTING, not by the recipient.

Now that make sense.

The truth is always in the data and not in opinion.

Well said Transisto first half. Well sorry but he's right so far about SBD. Seems the peg is flawed. Re USDT it's more likely to hit 0.5 that 2 but that's another story - ps how's does it feel to Be flagged Into grey by BS! Robots?

@transisto, we now have proof Haejin controls the Ranchorelaxo account.

I just shit myself, too @themarkymark... because that would also suggest that 6% of the collective voting power applied as FLAGS would be needed to bring this back to even a reasonable level.

that's 6.7% after it has already been flagged pretty heavily by @grumpycat, it was higher prior.

amazing, good job

Sometimes, usually when someone gets the last slice of turkey on Thanksgiving.

lol... me 2

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

I'm not laughing, I really do get jealous when someone gets the last slice of turkey. I look forward to Thanksgiving every year.

That is the best response I have ever read. Keep doing you Mark.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Good point Sir! I prefer not...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Seriously? You just flagged a really old post of mine (this post) but didn't leave a comment at all. I actually think @haejin is your own account, but you refer to it in the third person; Guess you are also not very honest. I don't want to mix myself in any other war happening here, but you also seem to lack respect with the language you use in the comment just above.

maybe everybody who disagees with your opinion is an account originally owned (and controlled) by @haejin and its all a giant conspiracy with the single goal to keep you busy while we all (maybe we are all @haejin and there is no Internet community at all) take the rewards that actually you deserve?
And dont forget: this account is also originally owned and controlled by @haejin, because all this guy does is create accounts and spent all day ever day in front of the computer, just to downvote you, because @haejin is really controlled by your insane ex-wife looking for revenge ;)

Not sure why you spend the time writing this comment, without further looking into it (I simply dont care), you seem to be flagged looking at your rep being below 25. You also become very perosnall while not knowing me at all; Do I have an ex-wife? BTW, flagging someone means also explaining why the flag was placed; That this user didn't do at all. And BTW, flagging an post older than 7 days doesnt mean anything at Steemit. Anyways, wish you a happy upplaying of all those who gets flagged, and downplaying of all those who try to get some honesty and foremost respect back into our community. Happy X-Mas.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

wow your great with math....your a genius.....


Im jealous when someone takes the last turkey leg ! Mm mm delicious !😋😋😋😋🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗🍗
This Turkey really knows how to Twerk !!😂

Hahha, Hilarious!

Thanks ! LOL ! I love this Twerky Turkey !!😂😂😂

lol xD

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

It is showing wrong rewards. The actual was about 2% and after grumpycat and adm downed, it became about 1.2~ of total reward pool.

Yeah, I noticed that's bugged. Last time I checked it became 1,200% of the reward pool.

Given that you and others were irate about one person raking 6% of the reward pool now shown to be just over 1% I have 2 questions.

Was there ever a target to knock @haejin down to when 6% was deemed too high?
With the revelation of his take being 1.2% how low is low enough?

It's already revealed to be about one fifth the original estimate meaning the flaggers are not satisfied with an 80% reduction from the original alarming number.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

wow ..1 guy ...6% of the rewardpool? That cant be right..

He deserves it if that's what he's getting. nobody was saying anything when his posts were making $5 or $20, then he got a whale behind him and now they are worth hundreds each. Haejin has not changed his behavior and has not done anything wrong, why should he be penalized? He is educating people and making them a lot of money.

I must admit that I agree with your above statement. It's clear that Haejin is making quality content and he deserves to be rewarded. I also think it's good that this is out in the open and we're having critical discussion about it. That's indicative of a healthy ecosystem. Unfortunately, I'm not sure how best to solve this problem. Or maybe it is not a problem at all?

Unfortunately this is not a critical discussion - the way I see it is that some people are jealous of Haejin getting higher rewards than them. If they really wanted to address a problem, they shouldn't blame on Haejin for abusing the ecosystem of steem. He hasn't broken any rule and that says it all. If the ecosystem needs a change - well, that's another discussion and I believe it is needed. But simply castigating and shouting loudly that Haejin is doing something wrong while he isn't, shows a very low level of morality. Yeah, I am talking about you, berniesanders and your crowd of hate-infested trolls.

Where is the critical discussion?? All I see are hidden posts

Eh, well it wasn't like this last night. And this thread does bring up some good points of which I personally wasn't previously aware.

dont care how much he make. I care about that its 6% of the rewardpool?


Well, could there be something built in that once you hit a threshold for posts within a 24 hour period that you then can't get payouts for posts beyond the limit?

Flagging @haejin just seems wrong. He's really not doing anything wrong and if people have a problem with what's happening, it seems to me that it's a greater issue with Steemit and rewards and voting in general.

And he is an extremely valuable person in the Steemit community and has really created tremendous positive change for a lot of people, including myself.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

thanks for your reply.

I also dont see him doing anything wrong its just again One person gets 6% of the rewardpool? I thought we are here with 30k active users? That can not be okay if you ask me..

Flagging @haejin just seems wrong.

Agree, people just need to stop give him massive upvotes. No flags needed :)

Value is in the eye of the beholder.. He is not the only one giving value to this platform 2. It would be cool if other people can benefit form the rewardpool. Although i can not complain with the current SBD prices :)

Time to smoke


Well, steemit is more of a capitalist than a communinist ecosystem. Therefore, I don't think that we need strict rules such as ''you may or may not up vote that person'' - this is the definition of a police state which is one step closer to a dictatorship.

''Value is in the eye of the beholder.. He is not the only one giving value to this platform 2. It would be cool if other people can benefit form the rewardpool.''
While I agree with you on this one, I will add that these people need better posts and/or marketing in order to benefit from the rewardpool. Again, capitalism works this way. If you need a communist ecosystem then rules need to be changed (I quite like the idea of anarchysalis where each user has some threshold).

I try to figure out what exactly is going on here and who is right. You post seems to make sense. I first need more information about how steem exactly work to know what side to follow.

agreed. unless there's foul play involved.. he's just a guy with a lot of support. i might be wrong because 6% does seem a little high. i would love to see someone post exactly how any one person can get there. rather than flagging just because he's getting rich..

And what have you done?

Where are you finding this information?,, and

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

!!!!!!! 48,000 in rewards? ?!?!?!!?!?!? that is insane man seriously that's a year salery senior position in whatever.. man that's unreal

@themarkymark I just pulled my witness vote from you. Just because you don't find value in Haejin's content doesn't mean that it isn't valuable.

I never said it wasn't, but it certainly isn't $200,000+ /week valuable (and far more once the weekly average kick in, that was 7-day average but only 2 days of real votes), the real number is going to be in the hundreds of thousands.

If you think one person should be getting that many rewards by spamming 10+ posts a day and getting $250 upvotes, I'm ok with losing that vote.

He's already up to 56K+/week and will be around 300K/week once he has received 7 days worth of votes.

You may be ok with that, but 99.9% of Steem isn't likely.

I am no expert on how Steemit works but this seems to be more of a problem of @rancherorelaxo abusing their power/vote rather than a problem with Haejin. I have no idea who that account represents but there is a community of users who have come to Steemit solely to read Haejin's material.

This also highlights the problem that we have in society at large where more money leads to more influence. If Steemit wants to be a more egalitarian place then perhaps there should be a change made where voting power peaks after some amount of SP and then only increases at a much reduced rate. How many of those people in Power would willingly vote to give up some of their power to create a fairer system?

First off, I didn't flag him. I only presented data I dug up.
Second, flagging is a tool like upvotes, the community decides the value of a payout. If something is too high, people can flag it (really downvote) if it is too low, people can upvote it. That's how Steemit was designed.

One person getting 300,000 USD/week from one person for posting charts seems a bit out of whack. I have no idea how good or bad his material is, but posting 10+ times a day for $250+ is not something Steemit community is favorable to.

I also have the question if it is the same person doing the voting. I find it difficult to believe someone with 3M USD stake decides to reward on and only one person all his rewards.

Again, I just presented the information and my opinion, all your buddies decided to downvote me and threaten my life and threaten to dox me. Sounds like real winners.

I appreciate you putting the data out there. I have no affiliation with anyone who makes threatening comments. Violence is not my way.

So if i understand right, this "whale" give 300K a week to him for posting charts? If its the money of this whale, where exactly is the problem? I not get it...

We all share a reward pool, and one person getting 8%+ of it isn't healthy. Especially for low effort content being boosted by one person. If I started to use my 2M SP to just pump my content to $450 posts 10+ times a day, people would be pissed.

Kilama gesao hinsa dasa.

Vote for @haejinn Muchas <3

Can you explain what the graphs above represents?

The graphs are pie charts of 3 different posts and who gave how much reward breakdown.

Who the hell is @ranchorelaxo? 3 million USD of Steem has a lot of power, apparently.
Two posts and 1 comment in 7 months. @ned seems to have taken notice.

I see i must learn a lot more about how steem works...

sad, just sad

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Nah, I'm good thanks.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hahaha! Your responses are killing me! And that double t individual, where do these people come from? Actually, based on the biblical comment (where I just got an education on the order of things- first comes jealousy, then comes adultery, then comes sin, lol) he's either noganoo or noganoo's twin.

That made me lol, I needed that after getting all pissed off over this latest reward pool rapist. Thanks @themarkymark

PS - I'm a huge Mel fan too

I thought she hadn't had anything betwixt her nethers that hadn't been powered by batteries. The way she smelled that strawberry.....

Lol, this place truly is a great place to find a good laughter.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Both me and my roommate ONLY joined Steemit because of @Haejin and his valuable trading tutorials and daily updates!
I think everybody should go watch his videos and posts, because their value is obvious, he actually helps us learn and profit!

LOVE @haejin, we support you!

Hmmm, heheh

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Sorry to intrude, but it clearly says this when you click at the "flag"

(Disagreement on rewards)
Anyway, there are no real rules here, including flagging rules.. just rules set forth by stakeholders through voting.. and that includes upvotes and downvotes.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks for informing @tt-dogg

The grammar errors were hurting my head. Do you have a tl;dr version?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Ohh and since you do not know much about the blockchain...ALL OF YOUR OLD POSTS ARE BELONG TO ME... they dont get deleted when you put creepy clown fasces on them.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Just in case you wanted to see what he keeps deleting!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sweet. Waste of time....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

@berniesanders since this guy is such a big guy, it is obvious for the sake of Steem that you will have to continue to flag this dude, hence "forcing" him to follow through with this threats and Power UP.

This is rich! lol

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Your next tough guy. Sucks to be poor doesn’t it lmao

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

edit: having my doubts, i'm walking away.

starting to think berniesanders just starts shitstorms and walks away. so i am walking away, this isn't my fight, he doesn't even stand here and fight.

fuck this. sorry all. i'll only ever support that which i fully understand.

go watch 'the red pill' .. it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

Lol organized group ? @Haejin's army ? I came to Steem because of his youtube videos . I have only been here for two or three days , you people are organized people here . Look at @Haejin's previous post , he used to get $20 - $30 , Just recently he got $200 . He is 47 year old analyst and far knowledgeable than your group . If you people had problem with him , you guys could have contacted him instead of flagging him . He even tried to contact some flagger from your group yesterday, you guys could have talked it out but , what you people did only made him more popular .

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

Same kind of story here, following him about a month then decided to open a steemit account to upvote him because I learned so much.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

he would make maybe 10 dollars from youtube, here he is gaming the system for $250 per post, that aren't even videos

You people need to be careful with your ignorant comments. It shows you dont even understand how the valuable of content is derived. Haejin's content is very much valuable to his followers.

Ofcourse, you may not be a forex or cryptotrader and thus understand almost nothing he has posted and so will not find his content interesting or valuable. His followers may have something different to sau. I make less than $1 on content that I had put much effort into and don't go complaining about other people's gain; especially those who got it by growing their followers organically.

I understand the need to regulate or cap rewards but to start making outrageous unfounded claims about haejin is outright wrong! Is he supposed to decline payout? Would you?

There are better ways to approach these issues instead of calling someone out for something they are not.

He could simply have been flagged to adjust his rewards and a note sent to him stating that exact reason, and that's it.

Haejin is not gaming the system. The system is the problem!

agreed. i'm never listening to this berniesanders guy again.

i am very sorry, i've removed my flags and comments have all been changed or will be to reflect that.

Great stuff sir!

Really? lol

You're a star to say this Klevn..... A real man! :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I would like to add something..
Check this @cryptoriddler
All these bots have himin Common as the first follower they have

time to call the calvalry.......pew pew pew

Cant believe I am saying this but well done @berniesanders found new respect for you. Although I dont agree at times the way you go about things I knew deep down you had a good intention for the blockchain. I noticed this account earlier today but am currently refueling VP. Good work on the community effort Bernie.

Awesome. Seeing you join in is a relief.

My sentiments exactly.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

For all those posting that @haejin deserves everything he gets... he certainly appears to be gaming the system. Instead of those little short posts multiple times a day, he could do maybe a morning and evening report sharing the same info.

Then that big upvote may seem more justified than the 8 or 10 times a day they are going on now. Interesting that his benefactor bought in six months ago, stays pretty much inactive in all that time and then suddenly in the last few days starts upvoting just @haejin who also seemed to increase his posting rate.

There in lie the problems and why the flags are hitting.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

starting to think berniesanders just starts shitstorms and walks away. so i am walking away, this isn't my fight, he doesn't even stand here and fight.

fuck this. sorry all. i'll only ever support that which i fully understand.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)


only BIG MEN say sorry. Priceless. Do me a favour and send Haejin a Thumbs up... he'd appreciate it. what he's calling. He just got the BTS rise down to a 30 min window. It might not be your game but he's genius.

i did go to one of his posts and apologize, congratulated him on not being negative himself. If he is right, I hope he wins out. I don't feel I have the right to judge, and well, I just felt bad this morning when I woke up. Jumping on bandwagons is bad.

...but HE is, that's the point. I'm just another guy that set up an account here to follow his posts. Still learning everything this platform has to offer, and so far it's great. Reward may seem large, but know that he is bringing people to the platform and even if they don't contribute "value" as you put it, people they know might.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

We are not zombies but genuine followers. The point of steemit is having as much blogs as possible and as much people as possible, haejin is just taking thousands of people from twitter/youtube here. Wait some time and his followers will begin to post too, maybe even about other subjects and that will be a really valuable effect on steemit. Think before going to war or you could lose it. And again, not the fault of haejin if he has made one the most interresting and valuable blog of steemit ...

i hear you. i am sorry. i will never follow berniesanders again. this man doesn't even stand here and fight. he just leads witch hunts and destroys, never seen him build.

Guess who also joined 6 months ago?

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

i think i made a mistake, i'm removing my downvotes.

explain to me what this berniesanders builds, not what he destroys.

and all he has done is remove upvotes from legit users, downvotes drain your resource pool.

No he could not because then WE, his followers would find it extremely difficult to find the posts/cryptos that we need to reference when it is time to sell.
@haejins blog is a library that many followers use every day, and so It MUST BE SEPARATED in different posts for each crypto analysis! Sorry.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Stop fucking spamming.

I have upvote you, now it you're turn.

jk, haha

Ok, I'll give you a vote for that. :)

I know I should downvote you just for asking an upvote, but I do not know how to do it ... You are lucky :-)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Many people came to steemit directly for his analysis. I've been far more interested in steemit because of his analysis.

Yes, many people who have never posted, bought any steem, or powered anything up. Until today. Seems to me like this is nothing but a huge shill factory. I'd call you a shill, but you're too ignorant.

Can we bring back the n2 now?
There was definitely less self voting,...
And a 50mvest upper limit?
On the honor system?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

A sigmoid reward curve would be interesting, too. That made self-voting less attractive but would also prevent extremely high payouts because it is getting flat in the end again.

Apart from that 'diminishing returns' would make self-voting less attractive as well.

Stinc, et al, doesnt care, that i can tell.

Been going on from the beginning.


I reckon he's a toy analyst - he just makes ridiculous EW "calls" in bull markets. If he's done so well, he doesn't need jack from the rewards pool. Simple.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

To those that still dont understand what is going on here:

so, 400 views * 0,01? 4 right?
now, 4 * 10 posts a day? 40 right?
now do this for 6 months: 40 * 30 * 6 = 7200 SBD
Now, use that 7200 to buy around 36k STEEM + the rewards you get from your true followers + some money you have to put on the game, what you get?

Transfer it all to a second account you created around the same time (@ranchorelaxo) Boom! you have a second account that have 1,304,013.214 SP, that can give you 200 SBD per vote, and you make 200*10 posts =2k in rewards EVERY DAY. thats 20k dollars a day (and fuck the community).

You get your money back in a few days, and take the rewards from the people who play fair (like you and me)

If things like this goes by, and become normal what you think will happen to steemit?

The people that work hard to provide good content wil go elsewhere, and the small and blind guys will stay hostage to these unfair accounts.

Also, no normal good content account gets 400 views/votes per page. That gives visibility and more and more real blind people follow and upvote someone who is not playing fair.

Btw, if he is actually that good at trading why would he need to use bots to upvote his post? Wouldnt his content talk about itself?

Just think a bit beyond what you see at first glance...

I trade often and Haejin has had a huge influence on me. I know people have made a ton of money just following his blogs. I think he deserves everything good and is a huge reason I use steemit.

If that's possible, then it's a serious flaw in Steemit, one that lots of users are going to abuse now that it's become publicly known.

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

i think i made a mistake, i'm removing my downvotes.

explain to me what this berniesanders builds, not what he destroys.

and all he has done is remove upvotes from legit users, downvotes drain your resource pool.

I would like to know what made you change your mind.
I may also be wrong and change my mind, but i need arguments, since i only made my decision after doing some doing my own resarch on the matter...

I woke up feeling bad about it. I realize I don't know enough about his posts to judge the quality. The shear number of upvotes. The fact he does in fact have a huge following on youtube. Of course his followers would come here and support him. What if he is giving valuable information that is making others better informed and that is really 'the problem' jealous users are trying to destroy.

made a blog post why I changed my mind

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I see... So basically people who can not offer any interesting content are ganging up on Haejin who is offering invaluable info on a daily basis. This is basically a blog! Not some company where you get money just by doing nothing because you have a lot of shares! Get your asses up and create some interesting content instead of ganging up on people!

Well Said!

So someone with 12 followers is lecturing @BernieSanders with 4000+ followers, @themarkymark with 1300+ follower and myself @randystiefer with 1300+ follower about creating "interesting content".

Sit the fuck down little man. #micdrop

Welcome to Steemit :)

bout 2100 here....... ;) hey could do a count list on here and add it up, just a thought

do your research next time sheep or your next....words have meaning ...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


basically what bernie is doing is stopping the drain from an exploiter so that those many many people who work hard on here and do actual quality posts get a fair share of the reward pool.

I have come to Steem to follow Haejin. I have no intention to become a blogger so felt this platform is not for me. But after being here for a while I started considering buying steem as well just that my interactions have more of an effect. If you guys want to form a private boys club and hope that it will also to become a functional and lucrative Blog, well good luck with it. New comers will come, see whats up with this place and if they like it they stay and become a functional member of the community. What you fail to understand is People like Haejin are drawing enormous number of new people here! Thanks to that and his hard work, he is benefiting the greatest, but you guys will benefit from that in the short to mid term as well. But as long as the atmosphere you create here is toxic (claiming all newcomers are bots, name calling etc.) and trying to lynch someone who happened to get a bigger share of the cake... The cake will be small and dry as it is now.

the bottom line is if @haejin or anyone else is okay with the huge upvote by one whale, then he needs to be just as okay with counter votes bringing the payout down. That is the way the system balances itself out.

those multiple posts per day getting huge upvotes each was bound to draw attention. That is also how the system works to maintain balance.

There are several ways the downvotes could end. They depend on behaviour being modified to contribute to balance in the community.

You may be right, you may not be cut out for this platform.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The funny thing is that you all were using this whales money for a half a year and nobody chuckled. And now, when this person finally gave his vote to the content creator that is valuable for him, all the parasites are screaming that it is not fair.

We were using his money? You think STEEM is a bank?

STEEM is created through content creation. He made an investment just like buying any other other crypto. When the value of STEEM rises, do does the investment. Likewise when it falls, down it goes.

He used his investment to upvote someone he presumably liked and bernie and others used their investment to counter that vote because they disagreed. Each acted as they chose.

Like I said earlier if @haejin is fine with the upvotes, he has to be likewise accepting of the downvotes. Doesn't appear to be bothering him as much as the shills behind him.

If anything he's again stepped up his posting rate. When I look this morning and see him putting up posts 3 minutes apart, it appears he will keep up his behaviour and will have to take the response to it.

I know that your mafia is very strong and you have ton of bots that do the dirty job for you. This if fine with me.

steemit bots

You just can not imagine that there are enough smart people on the other side as well. And if they start to use the same technique against you? With the money they have earned with the knowledge they got from the content they read, I am sure you gonna be down really soon.

But we use all the resources to do no harm. I wish you good luck with your fights. 🙏

my mafia is very strong? and I have a ton of bots?

You're funny... a moron .. but funny.

When you get an actual clue.. let me know.

i'm having my doubts. what if what he is really doing is preventing upvotes by sucking all the steempower here right before christmas, poisoning the water of the new users, making them think steemit sucks.

so i look this morning and he's posted two posts three minutes apart and then another less than an hour later... you really think any thought goes into creating that content?

Looks more and more like someone on a mission to milk all he can.

no different that the vote sellers. both abuses need to be addressed. all that will happen with this downvote brigade is less upvotes from good hearted people that want to do what is right.

this issue needs to be address in another way.

you keep missing the point that those with stake have as much right to downvote as they do to upvote.

I'm not familiar with vote sellers... heard they are around but not something i have contact with.

You are doing an apples and oranges thing here.

He did that because the 3 posts were 3 different cryptos, and it look him a few minutes to chart and analyse each, and then he made them immediately available to his followers so that they could buy before it was too late! What is wrong with that?

He makes it easy for his followers to find what they need by keeping it simple, one post = one analysis.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Third time you made that comment. Just go already. We know you really like that movie and what it is about.

i changed my previous comment to that. sorry if it bothers you.

Can you stop posting this same thing over and over?

i didn't have anything else to say, i changed my previous comment to that, I want to disengage myself, and that was the best way I could see. sorry.


Some of his posts have hundreds of votes. Unless they’re all bot votes I’d say a large/rich portion of the community agreed to payout a HUGE sum.

I’m not saying the posts deserve the payout but considering this post is valued at OVER $2,000 I can’t really say anyone involved is getting any more/less than other popular users.

The votes are both up and down. He doesn't get anything until payout. That is the way it works.

True, I’m just saying it might be a system wise issue we need to address. Honestly though I’d rather have not enough content and too much money since we can find good content with the right funding!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

shit, i hate when i'm wrong, but i'm out of this downvote bullshit.

So it’s just an upvote group?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

starting to think berniesanders just starts shitstorms and walks away. so i am walking away, this isn't my fight, he doesn't even stand here and fight.

fuck this. sorry all. i'll only ever support that which i fully understand.

You forgot me ... People create account on steemit JUST FOR HAEJIN. That's why.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.


If he famous?

Oh. You mean to tell me those shit posts aren't actually valuable?
Huh....who woulda thunk it.

Well, as an artist and entertainer here, it's probably best I just go back to

working my fucking ass off for no apparent reason.

I'm sick of this shit.


Based on what was said below, I have reason to believe this group does not give a crap about Steemit or the community. The rewards pool abuse is there for all to see, and so are the attitude problems. If artists pull the plug here, those rewards they stole from us will be worth far less than what one billion flags would ever take away. If that's what they want, they're doing a fine job of getting it.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Hi! You're currently speaking to one of Steemit's most popular and successful artists!(moron)

All our lines are busy at the moment but your bullshit is important to us!

If you would like a speedier response, please remove that flag from my comment and jam it directly up your ass.


Nobody who is in the right would have someone like YOU, acting the way YOU'RE acting, defend them.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

You shall be met with silence.

Wow. There are some assholes in this comment section, but I think you win the trophy.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

That does seem a bit excessive.

Yeah that's substantially more than the USD value quoted above - it's closer to 60K and would have been 80K yesterday.


5707 SBD is already a lot, but 5707 times 14 => oh just an easy 80k USD. Nothing serious ..

That is also true @rocannon!

Lol no, this is what happens when you deliberately game the system for absurd payouts. He is posting way to often to be receiving those kinds of rewards each time.

And we should believe you because you're an anonymous person on the internet and there is money on the line.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

i want to invest money on steem but now i think peoplelike him will take away all the money by self voting and posting 50 post a day...

Is someone gonna post any evidence that he is self voting?

I don't care if he's masterbating with the blood of baby seals. He doesn't deserve 6+% of the reward pool. Who does he think he is? Kasey FUCKING Neistat?

But if he isn't self voting - then what?


Flagging because you disagree with the size of a reward is the primary reason for flagging. It's the very first reason listed. No single person should get 6+% of the reward pool.

Let me explain it this way. Have just 17 people receive that level of rewards and there are no rewards left for anyone else. That is how you kill Steemit.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

yup, i'm out. sorry, i got irrational, never following berniesanders again.

Your a witch hunt will only find angels!

right, because nobody ever lied before.

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

i think i made a mistake, i'm removing my downvotes.

explain to me what this berniesanders builds, not what he destroys.

and all he has done is remove upvotes from legit users, downvotes drain your resource pool.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

some of us take seriously the quality of content, and don't enjoy seeing the gaming of the system.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am here on steemit just for haejin, I follow his blog for about a month, bought the books he advised and try to trade on demo account. Not commented his post because I'm just beginning learning his stuff,and I do not have anything intelligent to say there, but I feel obligated to reply to your false statement . Not saying I'm not suspicious, of course I am. Not saying Haejin's posts are not suspicious, he's always claiming about MASSIVE PROFIT. The point is that this is true, he can make us a lot of profit and he explain how. Sometimes things seems soooo suspicious that IT is suspicious. Please try to understand his posts, he's just an edge that steemit need against others socials networks if you want to put it that way. Do not know how to prove you I'm real ... Think a bit, if a instagram/twitter/youtube star makes an account on steemit they will bring a lot of followers too, imagine Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie or Beyonce making a blog here, they will bring all their fans too. And you will have the same 'new account that do not post but just follow/comment' phenomenon.

never following berniesanders again. sorry.

he triggered me, and i'm a fool. damnit, i thought i was above this, but i was thinking irrationally.

best of luck to you, i'm removing my flags, changing my comments, and walking away. perhaps i should learn more about the guy, perhaps he deserves to be a force here.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

if you know someone with a 4 million dollar account that will upvote everything for you. would they?

Why has he been blogging for months, but that account just started upvoting him? Probably because he is making tons of money off of @haejins trading advice.

maybe the bigger question is why did the guy buy 1mil of steem six months ago... sits and does nothing until the price of steem goes up and then suddenly discovers @haejins who just as suddenly accelerates his rate of posting so he can get large 100% votes?

Something be rotten in denmark

It may be because SBD has significantly increased in value and therefore everyone posting activity has increased. The value in $$ at this moment does not matter. I don't think people would be making such a fus if sbd was still at 1USD. It seems to have run everybody mad! People can no longer think clearly.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

whales can have favorites absolutely. seems excessive though that out of 500000 accounts one account is earning 7% of the reward pool. doesnt seem like any other whales have such hardons for anyone person it just doesnt happen.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I wouldn't put any money into this system. It's been going on for years since I've been watching and it never stops. Steemit is a scam.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Amen sister:)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Who earns $600,000 USD per month blogging? I'm willing to look at an equivalent blogger if you can show me one. Then we can compare and contrast, assuming they haven't been indicted for anything unrelated.

He doesn't! Look in his wallet! Don't believ what you read, esp by this Bernie Sanders wirh a short man complex!


"do no harm" is Haejin's motto, doesn't sound like it's yours.

maybe if you did more than upvote/comment on haejin's post your opinion would be more valuable.

your account looks insanely similiar to hippos

I first discovered Haejin doing a youtube search for "elliott wave analysis bitshares". He is a wise and gracious man who can take the fear, caos and negative greed out of crypto trading. If you're not afraid to succeed he can help you greatly to become wealthy. Because of Haejin I’m getting closer to being able to support my recently widowed mother who was left with little savings. I even spoke about bitshares with a 68 year old homeless real-liberal, he trusted me with $200 he earned doing odd jobs and I bet it on Haejin Lee and now my friend has an account worth $1600 and more importantly hope, because of Haejin Lee. I learned of STEEM coin through him and then so I signed up here to follow and support Haejin and to use the STEEM wallet here. I did never intend to offend anyone by not following anyone else, to by honest I'm not a social media type person and I haven't had the time to poke around much here though I'm sure there's lots of other valuable content which I may explore at some point. I haven’t read enough of these posts to really understand this conspiracy theory and it’s not that interesting to me really, but I do know that I am not a bot and I feel like I’ve watched enough videos of Haejin to determine that Haejin is what we call in New Hampshire where I’m originally from, “the finest kind”, who provides real life impacting value. What have you done today? Do no harm. I wish you massive wealth if you want it.

i am sorry. I'm removing and changing all my comments.

i should know better than to follow berniesanders. i've always had my doubts, yet this seemed to be legit.

best to support what you love and leave the rest.

take care, i'm removing my flags and editing all my comments.

Did you ever think that maybe people follow Haejin and upvote him because it is good content. I think his vids are very good. Also, many people may only follow his posts because he is the one who brought them to Steemit in the first place? Some of us dont have time to read every post. Just the valuable ones. Also, many like me are new to the platform. So I would expect that many people would not have a ton of posts or comments. I know i dont have a lot of posts and I have never met Haejin or anyone in you list of "army members".

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

under no circumstances do i see his little posts being worth $240 each, and 10 times a day.

if he was getting $5-$10 for each, i'd have no problem.

these people aren't helping to bring good content to steemit that enriches the community as a whole. and it certainly isn't worth 6% of the entire content of steemit as his payout would have been.

"do no harm" is Haejin's motto.....

Mine is more like "Go fuck your Mother"

and we climbing, I estimate when he has a full 7 days of upvotes, it will be more like $300K/week.

A lot of people here are perfectly fine with it judging by all the hate I'm getting.

I've been flowing Haejin from the start and he's brilliant and what he does. He's highly generous. He deserves every cent unlike the unfounded rubbish in this article. BTW People Bernie Sanders also began

No one deserves 600k/month. That's obscene. Period.

LOOK at his wallet. 600K a month? No way. He had a very good day today, Ruined by B.S. mob. Someones multiplied one days earnings by 30 it seems. He was given the money by people who follow And understand the value of his posts. Shame you don't burn it gives you (in my mind) no right to lower his payout. The system here on Steemit's Is flawed by allowing such behaviour and this Post proves the weakness More than any I've seen.

haejin was not given money. It was taken from the reward pool by ranchorelax who is obviously haejin.

It's not their money to give and you obviously don't understand how steemit works. They upvoted him. It's not his money till payout.

Dear Randy. I understand very well how Steemit works. I simply don't agree as ive tried to make very clear in personal previous posts.

FALSE allegation Skerm. If it's obvious, proove it.

prove rancho is not haejin then... should be easy enough then dipshit.

If you make an allegation, its for you to prove it. Otherwise it seems your just huffing and puffing.

If he was so generous, I feel that he should have upvoted his commenters significantly more. He's given some free training to people who upvoted him, but not many upvotes at all. I've barely seen him upvote any of his commenters after watching for months.

I think his posts initially started off with the right approach, but I think he's smart enough to know that posting so many times a day is far more profitable than posting 2 or 3 times a day with consolidated recaps. The pumping nature and language also took away from the backbone of unemotional TA (which I thought was the premise).

If a whale wants to support him, then that's fine, but pull back on the post volume and increase the information per post to not call attention to yourself while cashing SBD out as fast as it shows up. I think his mission was genuine, but greed took over when the easy money started coming in.

HE worked as hard for $2-3 a post. It might appear pumping talk but thats because Alts are kicking off after several months in the doldrums. Regarding his quantity of words he work works wirh quality instead. Less is more.

"Your subjective opinion
that a poster seems to have spent only minutes on his/her post while others spend hours perfecting their posts but are paid nothing is NOT A REASON TO FLAG. It IS a reason to not upvote. If many others do upvote, then the world does not see things the way you do. Accept that with humility as you try to persuade the World to see things your way."

There is also a lot about jealousy flagging there.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

i think i made a mistake, i'm removing my downvotes.

explain to me what this berniesanders builds, not what he destroys.

and all he has done is remove upvotes from legit users, downvotes drain your resource pool.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Everyone on the platform is allowed to vote (or flag) with their stake however they like. Some people reserve their flags for scams/abuse, others do it because they feel the rewards that a post is getting arent justified, and still others just do it to be a dick.

If you are willing to accept upvotes from the community as judgement on what your post is worth you have to be willing to accept the flags as well. Both are just ways of people deciding how valuable your content is.

guess his price updates on crypto are worth 375k a year? or almost 7% of the entire steem platform reward pool?seems a little high to me.

If you take his last 2 days of votes and extend them out throughout the year that may be true. Many of us were following @haejin 2 months ago when he was at $10 per post.

But that's not what flagging was created for!

This whole "let's team up and punish him, because my gut tells me something's wrong" defeats whole purpose of community content curation. It's just witch hunts.

The idea itself makes me sick. Even more since I'm haejins follower and I know the value of his work.

"Flagging a post can remove rewards and make this material less visible. Some common reasons to flag

  • Disagreement on rewards
  • Fraud or Plagiarism
  • Hate Speech or Internet Trolling
  • Intentional miss-categorized content or Spam "

Flagging was created for this.

You're right oxva, I stand corrected. Don't have to agree with this reason, but I acknowledge it's there.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

the idea that you do nothing but comment/upvote haejin's posts... and now your here defending him.... is extremely suspicious.

Imagine that. Followers that really respect someone feel obliged to defend him. Don't worry, one day, if You work really hard and lose this "I don't succeed because of others" attitude, You may have that kind of followers too. I honestly wish You that.

go watch 'the red pill' it is basically exactly about how feminism does this to the men's rights movement.

i think i made a mistake, i'm removing my downvotes.

explain to me what this berniesanders builds, not what he destroys.

and all he has done is remove upvotes from legit users, downvotes drain your resource pool.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

No, and if you keep posting comments like this someone less kind than I am will eventually begin flagging you

Hm - it's always difficult to decide what is worth to upvote and what is not. Not sure what I think about this situation.

Great point!

Wait, you're not sure if a blogger should earn $600,000 per month? I'm not sure if we're on the same planet.

Having said that, I'm willing to look at any precedence you might have.

No - what I. meant was that I'm not sure what I think about this witch-hunt.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

That's not how price discovery works.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Actually, price discovery involves haggling. You can't just have a bunch of asking prices without bids. Otherwise, the price runs away to high heaven. The asks and bids meet in the middle and you have an agreed price.

Likewise, if you just had bids alone, the price would collapse to zero. You don't want that either. Combined, you reach an equilibrium.

I have wondered too when i saw, but just crosscheck some facts, and make your decision.
Use the statistic tools (top left menu, sSteemit app center) related to the users, and decide for your self.
Start here: and see the voting patterns, and wich accounts are voting him in 2sec timeframes

Many people read several posts on a blog and then afterwards go to upvote those that they found valuable, I do this a lot!
We all have different patterns of behavior both online and in real life. My behavior is not suspicious just because I don´t act like you...

Also I waited a long time to get my account on Steemit, and when I finally joined i upvoted all the posts that I had read and enjoyed before I got my account.

Again, totally normal behavior...

So i guess you didnt check account stats, voting patterns, whale activity, the other accounts that were recently mass created and only do one line comments and vote on haejin posts?
No? well, no problem... its your choice to be a blind sheep that believe on whoever make the most amazing promisse....
But when when you defend a position is usually good to have some data and real facts (not somebody told me facts). That give something called credibility
But what can i do. There will always be blind sheep that follow the wolf. I am so glad i am not one of them...

PS: The magic of the good scam artist is to make the scammed believe he is recieve something good. Also, google can do wonders to increase your knowledge...

If it a scam then it is really well done, because @haejins followers are getting rich.. Most scammers are not highly qualified analysts who help others profit...

Damn I am writing daily that much information about cryptos that my fingers are in pain and earn like nothing without using bots and that dude is earning a lot with 3 sentences this is so unfair and demotivating.
:( :( :(

He has built his reputation and following over months.

he is scamming the platform. sbd isnt going to be worth shit when he starts cashing out 50k a week.

Something is wrong with the system if ONE PERSON cashing out will crash it.

Just watched in a minute your posts, you're making news, he make technical analysis, not the same thing. Just ask your followers to talk about you, you will gain in visibility.

I think you don't need to tell me how to gain visibility and I think you don't understand how steemit works if there are 15 more people like him getting 6% of the reward pool every day what do you think will happen to steemit? I don't have a problem with someone making good money on his posts even it is a short written crypto analysis which you can find over all in the net. But we can see that he is abusing his position if he would do one or two posts per day I am okay with it but he is doing 5 or more posts and that looks very greedy and selfish to me Btw I do every Sunday a BTC analysis for the week in my news and I have wrote a lot of articles which explain things like the lightning network or other complex crypto stuff. If you are just here on steemit because of him that tells me that you are at the wrong place we are a community here and not just a one man show but I can see on your reputation that your not very welcome here.

His followers are begging him to do more in every comment section of his blog, and he is giving the people what they want.

And NO, you cannot put 10 coins into one blog post, because then the blog will be impossible for his followers to reference. I go to his blog, scroll down quite far, and then search the page for my coin e.g. "verge", and then I get all posts related to that coin, this structure is important to his followers!

Wow, a several hundred dollar post every hour? And they're just bullshit analysts!

What about the ten people that have been giving 25+% of the pool to their favorites every day, for months?

Thanks for the visibility! That's all I want so more can be helped by my blogs. I'm rich and don't care about the money you downvote.

Your call to downvote me has give me 1,000+ NEW FOLLOWERS!!


This is exactly what I was thinking. He just gave you free publicity out of his jealousy. Keep up the good work! I started following you yesterday and have learned a lot.

Teaching is the main motive of @haejin. I had learnt alot from him and that too free. He is a wonderful teacher.

If someone has problem with his blogging style, it's their choice. Haejin's regular followers like his style and are used to his thought process.

Please leave a little on the table for those of us not as fortunate, or talented?

We have already had to deal with the circle jerk at the top for over a year.

Hey @berniesanders. I agree with you that there is abuse taking place on the platform and I for one am not happy about it but with the power you appear to have on the platform I would think you could be a more positive influence and example for others to follow if you chose to be.

I have no idea if @haejin or @ranchorelaxo are abusing the system and at this point I have no desire to find out since, if they are, they are simply two examples among many.

I'm not as familiar with you as perhaps I could be but I am led to believe that it is yourself who is behind @randowhale, which many view as a positive initiative but which I myself would say was abuse. This is all a matter of perspective of course and we are all free to do as we choose but I would urge you if this is the case to re-think the offering of this service and also to consider a more positive strategy of reversing the current trend of abuse across the platform as a whole, as it would appear from the little I've seen that you do seem to care about the platform and as I said you have more power than most to effect change.

Cheers mate.

Hope your day is going well.

It's his sp, if he wants to reward shitposts for cash, that is on him.
The one's that get my goat are the ones teaming up to reward the few at the expense of the many.

I agree mate. It's definitely his choice how he uses his SP but as a community, if we don't agree with someones behaviour and believe it is having a negative effect on the community, as Bernie did in his post here, I think we all have the personal responsibility to let them know we don't agree and that we think they should reconsider their actions for the good of all.

I also agree with you in regard to the second part of your comment. There are a lot of ways of dressing abuse up as something that is good for the 'community' but that simply enable some to share the wealth between themselves more readily while ignoring the vast majority of others on the site. Lots of little 'gangs' forming around the community. :(

Hope your day is going well mate.

you gotta start somewhere. claiming a defeatist attitude will only allow it to grow.

Sorry @klevn. I must not have expressed my sentiments well enough but I don't have a defeatist attitude. My comment was simply an attempt to appeal to the good nature of the man who quite clearly cares about the platform in some way yet continues to sell his power of influence to others while throwing stones.

I understand there is some sort of war going on between those at the top of the steemit power structure of which Bernie is one but I think he has the power and also the respect of a lot of users and could put those two to better use for the good of us all.

I don't really know what the fuck I'm talking about though. It just appears to me that between us all, we are fucking up a good thing. :(

agreed. I've removed my downvotes. I no longer feel I can support anything berniesanders does. even by others admissions his comments are witty and not constructive in nature.

I watched 'The Red Pill' just last night... it was all about how feminist where turned against The Men's Rights Movement with huge claims of fraud when in fact a legit case can be made that men rights is an issue, are seen as success objects, disposable, and screwed in child custody.

pretty interesting that I saw it just last night, and then this. I woke up feeling horrible, I should know better, but I was triggered. I have been reading his posts lately, and this haejin guy is not fighting back, has strong support, and more and more reasonable sounding users.

So i've changed all my comments, apologized and backing out.

I still think circlejerking needs to be addressed, but I don't think that is the case here.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Hey @phgnomo. I appreciate your reply to my comment but who is the good man doing nothing that you refer to? :)

" I have no desire to find out since, if they are, they are simply two examples among many."
This that you said is what made sendo you the quote.
I am not saying what you should do in this particular matter, but doing nothing and not caring is what you definetly shouldnt do.
That is, If you Care about what happenes with this platform.

A look through my blog will show that I care about what happens on this platform. In saying what I did, I was trying to say that we shouldn't just highlight individual abuses when we have an axe to grind against that particular person or as a proxy for our dislike of someone else but should look at the abuse taking place on the platform as a whole, as well as our own behaviour.

I get your point, and these are inherent flaws If the platform. But If you see something that is definetly unfair with others membros of the community, dont you think some action should bem taken for the good of the community?
It is a philosohical matter, and both position lead to different resulta, but think about this:
In the past, there were several rules that were unfair(apartheid as an example) do you think things would improve If no one standed up to solve those system issues?

I definitely do. If you would like a better understanding of my position and views, you can read this little post I wrote last week.

It should give you a better understanding of my stance on the subject and should answer your question. :)

Or this one a few days later to propose a solution. :)

As with the real world though, no-one wants to be the first to stand up for fear that no-one else will have their backs so we all keep our mouths shut and let society go to shit around us. :(

I think that ...

  • the restriction to four full paid posts per day was very reasonable.
  • diminishing returns would make it less attractive to upvote oneself or certain other accounts again and again.
  • a sigmoid reward curve would be interesting as it makes self-voting less attractive (it starts flat), but also prevents extreme rewards for single posts (as it ends flat as well).

Give away for promoting @berniesanders

I actually found Steemit through a haejin vid I was sent by a friend. I also know of one other personally. I would bet they're are many others. I think Haejin provides value to the users and the platform. Trying to punish someone based on a speculation isnt exactly going to benefit the community.

Thanks a lot @haejin you piece of shit you just fucked my steemit account for the week :(

Why did he do that?

Do you even know who he is or the analysis he provides?

Obviously not since you decided to get on the bandwagon to slam him when he was providing EW analysis for months on here. Recently a whale decided to get on board with him and so now he is getting blasted for it?

Wow....what is ironic is @haejin's is right more than he is wrong with his technical analysis.

He called 44 cent bitshares at 5 cents..
He also called $4 STEEM.

Perhaps you will want to investigate someone before you pile on board in the slamming brigade.

Perhaps you need to focus on you. Posting 20 posts a day worth hundreds of dollars each is enough for me to "jump on the bandwagon"

You can go upvote him if you like his scamalysis so much

Honestly @hendrix22...are you really doing this?

scamalysis? I presume you write that with at thorough knowledge of EW and realized the drawbacks to it.

Where is the caring and compassion of jumping on the bandwagon without facts?

Maybe this guy is rigging the system but to conclude that one has to make some assumptions starting with his "scamalysis".

I wrote scamalysis because it's hilarious. I don't really care what he writes or doesn't write or how valuable it even is or isn't.

I have a downvote button and I use it on people who make 20 posts a day. Regardless of the amount of money generated per post it is excessive posting with the intention to abuse the rewards pool.

Perhaps he could have compiled several analysis posts together and made only 4 posts a day and I wouldn't be interested in participating in flagging these posts.

I do have to give you props on the scamalysis...that was pretty creative.

I agree with excessive downright gets annoying to start...especially if it is on my feed. The thing I know about @haejin is he posts a lot when there is a lot of activity with price moves...and is quiet when it isnt.

Personally I will read his stuff on the 4 or 5 coins I am in and I ignore his posts on the ones I dont care about or am even thinking of looking I do appreciate him not putting multitude of coins in his posts.

On this we will just agree we have our views...I respect you for what you did even if I dont agree with it....and leave it at that.

No need to cause anomosity (cant spell it) over something like this...

It is all good my friend.

Cheers! Perhaps I jumped the gun as well. More research could have been completed on my end.

Just excessive posting grinds my gears. I can't spell animosity either but my iPhone just did lol

We all have our pet peeves.

Mine is when someone posts a comment in on of my articles, upvotes his own comment, but doesnt upvote the post....especially when it is a positive comment.

I am like WTF...

Drives me nuts.

Which day has he posted 20 times?

Perhaps none? I believe I said 10-20 so you are welcome to count and if you find it was only 13 or 15 or 19 please let me know

its usually 6-8. His followers wish he would post much more

Each post has a purpose and is usually about different coin so different chart. Non sense to make one big post. And if you do not like it, just do the same. You can talk about sport and make a post/match ...

if you care about the platform do something about this abuse...grumpy cat is gaming the reward pool

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I think people's main issue is that all his posts look like spam. For example:

"A Gift Horse Cometh Bearing Gifts of PROFITS, PROFITS and PROFITS!!"

"TIERION (TNT) is a Gift Horse...don't stare at on on the mouth. The below chart, once the handle formation is complete will become a shooting star! Look how sexy the rounded bottom is of the Cup & Handle to be pattern! "

Sounds like a bad horoscope.

And what Spam is sthere? What is he selling? What did he ever try get people to send him money for?

Isnt that what spammers do?

Hey, if one doesnt feel EW or TA is valid, that is their choice and open to a valid discussion.

The simple fact is most, including @hendrix22, down voting this guy without having any clue about the situation.

Then to top it off, @hendrix22 blames @haejin for fucking up his voting power for a week? Who told him to jump on the bandwagon and down vote? Was it @haejin?

As I said, if one goes back through his calls over the few months, he has been right a lot more than he is wrong.

I bet half the people on here who own Bitshares (and are profiting nicely) are in it because of @haejin's analysis of it.

Great points, @taskmaster4450.

I dislike @haejin content because it's paper thin. If most of his posts were in-depth, I wouldn't have a problem.

But when someone is constantly posting thin content to game the system, then I do have a problem.

Thanks for the reply @abijahchristros.

Having an issue with his content is is an issue with his entire analysis approach. EW is a debateable subject as is TA in general. There are minds a lot smarter than me debating both sides of the issue.

That said, I do have to say that @haejin's analysis has not changed from what I can see. EW is a pattern recognition technique which tends to be evolutionary over time....each of his posts (within a token) follow the last post.

He has been doing the same thing since he was getting $1.25 a post...over the last month he became popular (with this bull run, people are making money with his calls) and now he gets blasted.

Perhaps he is gaming the system and he had a plan all along. Perhaps he is ranchorlaxo...I have no idea.

That is all my point is.

if you care about the platform do something about this abuse...grumpy cat is gaming the reward pool

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

@tt-dogg, I saw paper-thin content filled with lots of hype words, unclear phrasing, missing words, etc. It looked like spam so I flagged it.

That's not abuse of power.

If I read his content, disagreed with the message, and then flagged it... that would be abuse of power.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

As I said, if one goes back through his calls over the few months, he has been right a lot more than he is wrong.

I bet half the people on here who own Bitshares (and are profiting nicely) are in it because of @haejin's analysis of it.

This post did not age well at all.

Turned out, it's not hard to be right in the BTC bull market. It happened in 2013. It happened in 2017. lol

You're obviously not understanding my words. I'll keep it simple and short. In my opinion 1-4 posts per day is acceptable 10-20 is not.

I don't need a chart wizard to tell me that bitshares @ $0.05 is a good buy lol

He posts 5-10 times a day. Usually 1-2 of those have a video explaining his analysis. The short ones are usually follow up posts since his thousands of followers are constantly asking him for updates. They don't require as much content.

Make some more posts too. There are no rule about number of posts, so if you want one just make a post about it :-p

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I see you went on a flag frenzy on my posts. He has done something wrong hence this post! I will refrain from name calling back :)

You deserve all you get

That's true. But the point is that he is more than 80% accurate, and when he is not it's just a matter of time (some correction not finished) before it is ...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

@tt-dogg, why do you keep threatening me?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

So sad to see mob hysteria like this. I really suggest you look into Haejin. He's a very clever and generous with his talent.

So why did you downvote him ? Thats' just stupid. Maybe you should have read some of his posts and try to understand it ...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

It just seems unfair that the moment some one makes some heavy dough on here the "whale club" tries to crush them so they can maintain a strangle hold on the platform...

"Switch to a linear rewards curve" everybody said.

"Democratize payouts" everybody said.

What could ever go wrong?

Bring back the n2, a 50mv limit on an honor system and let the bottom feed, imo.

Not to mention the guy posts every friggin hour!

Expanding the truth a little are we?

THAT IS WHAT WE WANT AS FOLLOWERS !!! Update about major coins and TA about unknown coins.

I don't have a lot of SP to help (2000) but I do have 1300+ followers so here goes a resteem.

Okay, I flagged the oldest post that was about to pay out at 100%. I will donate one 100% flag a day to the cause.

Please dude, your blog is just some news and personal advice, its' ok if you do it well and can be interresting, but you can't beat a technical analyst that know his stuff, he's like a faculty proffessor giving knowledge for free. It's like trying to beat the New York Times with Reuters news ...

It's not like I'm trying to beat anyone. My area of expertise isn't in economics and I don't care if his advice is the greatest thing since you learned to used the big boy potty. I do care that he's raping the reward pool for 6+% because that is simply not sustainable.

PS - I was an adjunct Professor. The term Faculty is never used. You're either adjunct or tenured.

@miti you may want to see this

Hi @imacryptorick... thanks for report. There is little I can do about that.. my SP isn't enought in a situations like this...
Maybe in the future, with some delegation I will be on the frontline in this situations too

@berniesanders, Please run a bot where we can delegate any amount of SP dedicated to flag all posts made by this profit maniac user.

Let us unite to combat this greedy act and the rest of his allies. Let the Steemit war begins!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Nice comment! Very great information I up voted you because very helpful to us.

if you care about the platform do something about this abuse...grumpy cat is gaming the reward pool

I'm new to Steemit, but I have really no idea how this works really. Gotta take some time to read over the welcome info. How does one person abuse the system that way?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Shill account farm in China. Steemit can be gamed like Facebook.

Picked on much as a kid? You have issues!

Please waste your time flagging me you pompous ass!

Haejin's posts started out getting almost no money. He has organically grown into where he is now because he is providing a great service to the community. You are helping no one. this is not a racket nor a conspiracy. The upvoter probably made hundreds of thousands on Haejins calls and is rewarding him. Bernie Sanders, you must be so bored. Go do something constructive instead of picking on good people.

Fuck what an asshole. I am always seeing abusers and scammers all the time. Is 50% of Steemit a scammer or what. I'm flagging this dude now!

So becuase @haejin is making quality content that is making others money and gaining recognition we should stop it?

I feel like these post are just haterz that are pissed off they didn't take his advice. He's making a ton of ppl money. IF steemit punishes him for that, then this website is a farce.

Never heard of @ranchorelaxo, but man that is a lot of steem power. From history of his/her wallet ned knows the account holder. Guess when you are worth over $1 million on steemit you get noticed. :/

This post has received a 15.14 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @nextgencrypto. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.

To support our daily curation initiative, please vote on my owner, @themarkymark, as a Steem Witness

Oh my Jesus!!!!! What the hell is this? 6.7% of total pool is a hell lot of money for anyone. How can one account get so much money? Is it a ponzi?

Very disappointing, @ned you should act upon this please!

Have gone thru your post, I agree with you, but Come to think of it, you just posted this post 46min ago n you'v had up to $119.34 and 135 votes at the time of write this post, What will be you responds if I ask if you are not in the same category with them?

bS uses his own fake profile bots

119 on a post warning about an abuser getting 47k in payouts next week? i hope bernie earns atleast 250 on this. as he is pointing out someone that could ruin steem for everyone.

Bernie posts a few times a week, not a few times a day.

Again, a few times a day is needed to follow the charts. You're blaming someone just because he's better than you ...

Bullshit. He could do a daily market report like @penguinpablo

Of course that would mean he's here to help the community and not rape the reward pool. Pretty sure it's clear which one he's here to do.

Very Nice Post!

wowww omggg

And me here getting few cents per post..

You got a 11.46% upvote from @upme requested by: @nextgencrypto.
Send at least 1.5 SBD to @upme with a post link in the memo field to receive upvote next round.
To support our activity, please vote for my master @suggeelson, as a STEEM Witness

i don't understand how people are abusing the steemit system

The only abuse is by Bernie Sanders

and yet you ignore that 90% of his commenters are the same people, and they make the same pointless comments repeatedly. not sure i was on board with bernie, but it appears he is pointing out a true problem.

But isn't that more an issue with social media. It seems what happens on Twitter happens on Steemit, and the same on Reddit. It's just this has a financial feedback component.
It seems like his is popular with a specific group of people.
We could accuse Kim Kardashian of the same thing on Twitter

indeed, if a popularity contest is what we wanted, that is what we have. in the end it becomes up to the users, and if they are idiots, then we will have idiotic content.

Very few things on the Web end up as they were originally envisaged. The crowd has a tendency to grab it and run down the road, laughing maniacally.
Human beings do not behave rationally.

put 100,000 dollars in the system. then upvote all your friends posts. rinse, repeat.

it becomes obvious when that is all they do.

i call it a circle jerk, I've seen it other places as well.

I've argued with the globe earthers. there is another circle jerk, a group of people that only argue against the flat earth. It is very frustrating to have honest conversation when you have a group organized against it.

it only becomes obvious when you get into contentious topics.

so there are two types, those with an agenda to block conversation. and those that are just upvoting their friends posts regardless of content quality.

HE is set to gain another 1000 voters in just over a week. Boy he has a lot of friends!

his peon friends aren't an issue, if they just follow and circle jerk him, that would only amount to like $5 dollars per post. seems clear he is abusing the system.

And where in this beautiful mind of Yours is place for a real success. Someone that really, thanks only to his work, attract people and because of this earns money. At the end of the day Steemit was built for it.

It seems You don't even believe it's possible, so You try to quash every success, putting it without any real research to the same bag labeled "scam".

In the long run, when this kind behaviour win, the only active group that stays in play are those self proclaimed sheriffs.

It doesn't matter what we say. You have a pattern. Big earner + content You perceive as not good + the earner is not You = scam. Everything You see, even us defending Haejin, fits right into this pattern. I wish You more reflection for the next year.

you are right. i am walking away. i am sorry.

i'll never follow this berniesanders again.

6% of reward pool for one person !!! That is not right for sure.

Fake news

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


I guess by definition all the big bloggers here comments are filled within similar comments from a stable following. Fake news? It's B.S's BS again... last time I came a across his little army of downvoting robots it was against Dan Larimer

sorry. i listened to berniesanders. i got irrational. i'm walking away, changing my comments, and never do it again.

take care.

flagged away!

How is this doable and why would anybody do it if they could. It seems kinda rotten, knowing everybody can see it, why lose respect and following for a big swipe. Are you very, very sure this is true?

just go to one of Haejins post and see what people are saying. This flagging call is nonsense, rotten and cheap!

I follow him and have a great respect, not only for his work, but because he is extremely responsive to questions and goes to great lengths to explain. That is why this I question the validity. The problem with any kind of censoring on an emotional basis, is there but for fortune go you and I. Thanks for replying.

The problem here is not his content, but the abuse of the system.
check here who votes him, and how often, and tell me if there is nothing weird going on.
make sure to check the voters account activity, and when they were created.

A lot of people like me just created an account and upvoted him instead of his twitter account. That is not abusing the system, THIS IS the system. Steemit need big bloggers with big stuff, and again big stuff does not mean to tell everybody why Mc donald is better than burger king, it's learning stuff that really help people. Anything else will make steemit equal to a random social network, so a big BS.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

starting to think berniesanders just starts shitstorms and walks away. so i am walking away, this isn't my fight, he doesn't even stand here and fight.

fuck this. sorry all. i'll only ever support that which i fully understand.

I'm on that list. I've been here since July and have a reputation of 58. I auto upvote haejin because his content is more valuable to me than anything else on steem. Although I do upvote other peoples posts as well.

So why the lies?

i am sorry. he triggered me, i thought I saw something. it was much to early to make such a call. I'm walking away.

Thank you for reconsidering @klevn. You are a good guy.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

it isn't worth 6% of the payout of steemit, there are much more valuable content out there, it is abuse.

don't think anyone would notice if it was otherwise.

What are they ? Give examples ! You got thousands of new users thanks to haejin, make big profit of them by telling us what kind of valuable stuff we can find here.

i'm sorry. never throw your weight behind something you don't understand.

this bernie sanders guys gets people to do that, and damnit I swore i'd never do it again.

he just burns people down, he never builds anything.

yeah, i'm having my doubts. i'm sorry.

i'll never throw my weight behind something i don't understand fully myself.

starting to think berniesanders is the real problem.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

i did. they were short blurbs, it took him 5 minutes to compose.

not worth 6% of the steemit payout, there is far more interesting stuff here.

Then take your mob and go upvote that stuff.

yup, i'm out. sorry.

Read Elliot Wave principle and try to apply it, seems easy but it's not. Maybe 6min to explain but obviously took him a lot more time to make all the alternate counts. Anyway that kind of 6 min would cost a lot more if you want to learn the same stuff in a MBA.

yup, i'm out. sorry. he triggered me, i'm a fool for doing it.

don't flag shit unless it actually is spam, this guy berniesanders triggered me, got me to act irractionally. i decided to go to bed, wake up and i feel bad about it.

i'm removing all my comments and never doing such a thing again.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

hippo is defending him here and literally just posts comments to heijen posts. He is all over this post...

Why not add a coordinated "bombpicture" under this guy.

But Steemit is a great site and not broken at all. You should put your money into it! Especially when they introduce tokens - because everyone is going to want their own bot infested overrun by spam site!

I was looking at his stuff and I was like really. Over 200 bucks for this?

thank to that STUFF I made 20k in a week dude. it only shows you don`t know what you are talking about!

Same Here, Thanks to Haejin, I've gained over 50k in the last 2 weeks. Really do not understand the hatred right now.

They don't understand what they are missing so all they can do is hate.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

This post has received gratitude of 14.24 % from @appreciator thanks to: @nextgencrypto.

For all we know, this could be the site owner using bots. You would never know. Steemit is a scam. I'm done with it.

That's a little excessive. The whole point of the system is to be able to balance out stuff like this with flags, that's why I am calling on the community to help restore the balance.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

this post should not get 400$ as well ... this is a joke ... this guy is just trolling and getting paid. WTF

My post from yesterday fits in nicely with this! If you're interested. Although I didn't find ranchorelaxo to be suspicious because he was curating and I didn't go that far to see who he was upvoting all the time.

I'm sorry, but as a newbie it looks like 1.) you are either jealous of his wealth - hence the marxist name "berniesanders" or 2.) someone has figured out how to game the system.
If it is 2.) then guess what - you should have thought of that BEFORE you flipped the switch!
Did the steem developers really think nobody would try to game the system?

Wow! this is actually crazy

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I can get behind this...though my limited voting power won't be much help. It all comes down to how much a post is worth when compared to other posts in the same subject matter. So far, the posts I've seen from this guy seems to be worth about .02. Resteeming.

Then again, I think more value will come from me doing what I do to help grow the platform. I will support this effort, but probably wont upvote too often.

pathetic move mr sanders, instead of getting butthurt learn to post better quality contents.

''WOW! Look at all of those BRAND NEW, shill accounts come out in defense of this swindler!! Thank you for the flags, I'll return the favor 50-fold.''
Go ahead, I don't really care. I just wonder how much lower are you going to go? Because morally you are at the very bottom now -you are not just a jealous, but also a pretty vengeful individual. I'm disgusted by people like you!

Güzel konu ellerine sağlık

I'm riding with you bro. This could be great if piglets don't become pigs

Hello . I live in Myanmar Country
I like your post

I like his content though

He seems to post really good content. He drew me to follow based on his content. I think he has really good analysis and is supported. But i am new to this. So what does this post mean?

Its not about the content, but about abusing the system with bots and another fake account to inflate his reward

Regular people can auto upvote too. @haejin helped me to make over $10k last week. The least I can do is give him my $0.7 upvote.

Hey lads @themarkymark @berniesanders is that USD value already accounting for actual SBD value? Or are we talking close to half a mil here?

that's factoring in SBD price. It's the end USD.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Understated though, seems to use an SBDUSD rate ~9:1 - 7 day ma on closes is 20% more than that

I think it’s is because of flags, I didn’t calculate it all.

Whatever tool that is would prob just use an average of exchange prices - as deposits/withdrawals were off at Polo, SBD pump was much smaller, dragging down any quote based on an multi-exchange average.

Congratulations @berniesanders!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:

  • Comments - Ranked 1 with 520 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 5 with $ 311,15

Abusing the reward pool? How is that even possible, and how did haejin do this? The reason is not apparent from the post and therefore I will give haejin the benefit of the doubt. Also I will give you a downvote for potentially spreading false rumors.

In the future, make your case VERY clear instead of assuming that everyone is going to be on your side as default.

48,000 in rewards that is crazy

I would also like to make so that the rich Pinocchio. Screenshot (1).png
But... Until that bend over backwards write stories upload photos and earn pennies.Invest in Steem you say.So there is no money.All my wealth is my content.Which unfairly undervalued.

Thank fu%k that you will sort this shit trash spam out.
Really appreciate it! :-)

I've made a suggestion on utopian to deal with the whole rewardpoolrape issue, I'm posting it here because:
A: it's relevant to this post.
B: because capable coders might see it and hopefully develop it.

But I can delete this comment, if you feel that it's intrusive.

This is awesome! 🙌 We did it! 👊

Let's make the rocket to fly. 🚀

oh my that is a lot... and isn't that account rich enough ? these things has to stop.. well done.. I mean a small self upper for smallies is legit, why not... but this is just wrong.. how does he get that much of steem btw... sponsored by the steemit priveleged circle that got the chance to mine before all others ? why ? why is there so much unfaireness here going on? one thing is for sure...we need more whales like you @berniesanders. good call..

Wow, much novel, idk who are those two but it's not their fault, this is the system's bug so anyone could abuse it without a problem. I don't even know how things work in here but, a system says we appreciate good content and voila! there are bots everywhere, human pools, they organise and pump each other with the mods contol. Is this how you promote good content and make them shine, kek.

Well it's obvious that no man can create some good content one on another. Why there is no time limit on posting? Every creator can gather their content and could make a weekly post or w/e they can choose one video from their youtube garbage and post it here, or if someone gives daily cooking recipes, they might choose the best one for the week idk..

We already looking for topics we interested in, so why there isn't more anonymity on the posts? Like why you creating your own phenomenons if you seeking for good content.

Or I guess like in this example, every whale can create their own whales. Why there is no decremental points when a whale keep liking same person's content. Like we get it he is creating good content but you don't need to stick it into my eyes right.

Hope this kind of questions will fade away soon over steemit strat., and decentralized internet works for hooman good.

This guy has a youtube channel and he analyzes cryptocurrencies.
He did announced that a lot of his content would go to his Stemmit account.

Even if we have the case that followers from his channel only came to Stemit to support him, I don't think he could have made all this money so quickly.
We have bigger Youtubers on the platform that would not make such amount of money. Talk to the guy, contact him. Let's figure this out.

More posts on steemit. Period.

All this while you steal the same payout he gets legit.

Holy fuck... 6% is fucking huge to be going to one person... I'm glad that everything is open and transparent on the blockchain otherwise this shit could go on indefinitely.. also glad there are people willing to stand up for what's right.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the attention Bernie, now he's getting paid even more! Our plan worked perfectly buddy! Don't worry, we will pay you off the blockchain as usual.

@ranchorelaxo is voting over $200 so we should be aware and give flag to @harjin

Sigh. Things that happen like this on SteemIt Make me really sad. I just see like 10 of his post in the trending section. I'm sure there is other content that is better than what he up here -_-

What a waste of reward pool. Great authors and community members are either waiting for angels or depending on bots for upvotes but here we have two people making a complete fool of the system by depleting the reward pool. This abuse should be stopped and punished. It should also be brought to public notice so I am resteeming this post.

Make valuable blogs. The most valuable one get the most of it. Stop talking about your life or giving advice about something you do not really understand and do some real usefull stuff. There steemit will crush twitter/facebook etc. with valuable contents that teach people.

I try to help buddy. I’ve delegated most of my SP to communities to spread some Xmas cheers but I hate fuckers that rip off the system. Ain’t no bastard ever given me consistent massive posts like that.

A very great publication and a great effort that merits further voting
Happy to try my way here
Greetings to you


My big question is: should we punish the whales, the people who buy support from the whales, or both?

both. I'm considering that we need a way to watch voting habits and watching for patterns. It is the non-random voting patterns that concern me.

None, just make a good blog.

There is less incentive to do this when people abuse the rewards system. The system relies on fair rewards distribution.

But who decides what is fair? And, was the system "fair" before @haejins blog became so profitable?

I'd consider it fair if all of his major sources of upvotes were from real people with real contributing accounts. The fact is that his top reason for getting rewards is from these whales. I wouldn't begrudge him that but the reality is that only so many people can take 6% of the entire pot before there's nothing left for the rest of us or new people who want to enter the ecosystem.

I really do understand the problem, but again, who should decide what is "deserving" if not the votes. @haejin did not invent using bots (if he even uses them).

Platform changes coming in 2018, lets all hope that they include something which can make up come together in stead of fighting over money.

Happy Christmas! :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Then you all go to my page and down vote all my content? Wtf?

I'm new to steem I have no power. Yall seem ruthless and resentful. Unfortunate that this platform allows for such a level of abuse.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

That's a damn lie.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Why it is so hard to believe that good content can attract people to steemit. People that come here to read and comment on what haejin does. I use other platforms to do other things. I'm amazed I have a few followers. Must have got them because of my comments. Never made a blog post, never will. Not my thing.

You're all so amazed that someone can truly succeed in attracting new people, not only to his work, but to steemit also.

Why all the new communities like steemit tend to implode after some time? Solely because of groups like this forming. Kids with sticks thinking they are doing good.

Look into him deeply. He's brilliant. Posting the same link s to tutorials is his generosity and clarity of communication - he deserves every one of his upvotes.

His top up votes are bots with no posts but a ton of steem power. It's disappointing.

Re: bots - how do you feel about B.S.'s use of about 40 plus fake profile and to downvote decent discussion? Have a peek at the greyed out comment see the power of the B.S.'s fury

His top voters are people like me who use the bot to give a vote to someone who deserves it. The bot saves me time. I read nearly all the posts on the fly. I don't be comment unless I have something constructive to say.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment