I'm glad it may be amicable, but for the first time feel serious concern for the future. I think everyone will agree that we'd love to hear some open communication and get to know the current development team better.
Should be a Social Media person! It is always a sad day when a key person leaves an organisation such as this. Thank you Dan for what you have created here. I hope that this will be just a 'till then' rather than a 'goodbye'!
I get your point @ebryans - not knowing the INC structure but having worked 20 years in marketing and comms I think there needs to be someone in the area of CMO who takes care of communications internally and externally - think @ned as CEO can cover Financial / Investor and Sales Topics very well but needs to have someone steering comms. This is an issue all tech startups have in the beginning - and in social media in particular the paying sites, it was an issue at tsu, 3tags, the 8app etc.
Steem has a lot great tech guys, dev - tons of crypto experts, marvellous content creators (writers and artists) but moving forward we need well thought and focused marketing (incl. better comms) - my 2 cents. @hilarski would be my choice for CMO
Dan was the CTO so it would have to be someone with similar qualifications. I doubt there is a "social media" person who can fit the bill and has the same knowledge of the technology.
3 months later, I found this post, and looking at the registration numbers, I'd say the grass root ground troops are finally arriving! I'm one of them, and I will evangilize this platform, currency and eco-system until either it or I die. I've waited my entire 30+ years in tech for this to arrive. Thank goodness, it's finally here. Sorry to realize @dan is moving on. I once left a CTO position on a product I helped architect too, and well, it's never easy to kiss your baby goodbye, but sometimes the call of the wild overcomes you. Or maybe you just had differences that led to it feeling less fun and more like being a tethered to that organization. Who knows. Good luck to @dan, I think he left prematurely, but none of my business. As for those of us who remain and who are yet to come? Full Steem Ahead!
The problem is Dan Larimer had the vision, was the technical brilliance and main problem solver. Without him who is in charge? Ned?
But Ned cannot provide the technical leadership needed to make Steem competitive with Dash, Ethereum, Rchain, Synereo, or any of the other major projects. I think this could be the decline for Steem and I'm regretfully forced to power down at a time when I wouldn't want to. So much opportunity exists for Steem right now and it might be gone.
Their roles were different. @ned was the CEO, and this one won't change. @dan was the CTO, and now Steemit, inc. has to appoint the new CTO. Dan commented that Steemit, inc.'s future is more dependent on web development than Steem blockchain development (he is right when we speak about the organization, not the technology). As far as I know @sneak is the boss at webdev, so maybe... but better if we would wait for the press release.
Dan invented the concept of "blockchain company". In these kinds of companies in my opinion the CTO is most important at least during the early stages. CEOs build partnerships but you need a fully functioning technology first.
Even if what you say is true I'm not seeing a lot of success on the building partnerships front. Who has Steemit partnered with? I see no partnerships with ad companies or other social media companies or with universities. I have seen some people try to use Steemit API and develop on top of it but the fact that Steemit isn't open source could be a problem.
It is what it is, but for the most part I think Dan was important because he wasn't just a developer but he was principled. Lately Steemit seems to have been focused on making a quick buck with no long term vision and I saw it happen when they first changed from 2 years in the contract to accelerate the power down.
I don't think there is any CTO who will be better than Dan Larimer, who will know the code base better, who will be as trusted, or who has the right principles. He was irreplaceable for this particular vision and without him then if he leaves a lot of people will follow him who share his vision.
Steemit will survive, just like Ethereum could survive without VItalik, but it's a major loss.
While I am not competent to comment on @ned's tech chops, these platform issues need immediate attention:
• Being writer, content producer friendly. At least WordPress or Medium level, if not better.
• An Steemit Inc app at least for the App & Play stores
• Marketing, branding, communication: The better widget does not necessarily sell the most. Macintosh v PC?
Ah! @smooth
Been missing you.
Pray indulge me with your infinite wisdom on why I am honoured with a -4% flag on this comment. It's still a lovely day, isn't it?
This version's for you.
Partially disagreeing with the exaggerated reward value due to other higher power whale votes in order to promote greater system balance overall. Nothing wrong with your comment, and since these counterbalances are being applied system-wide the reward on your comment probably didn't change much either way (reduced by the 4% downvote but increased by other posts and comments getting partial downvotes too). Steem on.
thats actually a pretty good job getting the al haig reference. (the im in control here after the assassination attempt was exactly what i was referring to)
When on the college quiz team
Tomes read me ream by ream
O Berners-Lee, Brin, Kahn & Page
Even Master Yoda wont he to say,
Hillary sans e-mail,
She too one sagacious sage.
You get to hold the bag with the rest of us while whale power down begins. I mean look, at least the power down can happen faster due to the new code changes.
Yes it is always us smaller fish that lose out. Live and learn I suppose and this will be a valuable lesson. I will stick around even if nobody else does.
I'll be here with you. To quote the man I admire most in this world (my husband ;) "If just one person posts and one other comments, steemit is still alive". And from some of the posts I've read today, I think it's safe to say there will be many more than two of us.
kind of a different topic, I have no idea why my upvote strength is so different.
Today, my upvote is worth .35 but it usually is .........05. Any idea why?
Yes the whales (or at least most of them) have stopped voting as part of an experiment to give those lower down the food chain more influence. Has been a lot of controversy over it. My vote is now worth 16 cents!
Of course dan had to retire. Just following the bitcoin playbook. Didn't yall read the roadmap. BTC INVENTED this type of controversy. Blockchain is a WORLD OF CONTROVERSY. Now you will have no one to blame but yourself. Dan retiring is a feature, not a bug.
Steemit needs Dan Larimer to survive. Dan Larimer had the credibility and develop skill to bring Steem to where it is. Dan Larimer had the vision and when you lose your visionary you lose it all. What happened to Apple when it lost Steve Jobs or Microsoft when it lost Bill Gates?
When Apple lost Steve Jobs the first time it was a disaster but this was only one of many bad decisions by management. However, since Jobs died Apple has been as successful as ever if arguably less innovative. Microsoft is still very successful though arguably not as dominant but I think that would have happened with or without Gates. Point being, companies rarely die based on one person and if it the type of company that is dependent on one person it probably isn't one you want to invest time and money in anyway.
Given that you have been quite consistent on defending life, liberty, and property, I'm guessing you are not going to stop blockchain development? Or at least I hope so because you are truly one of the best blockchain designers out there.
@xeroc how many times did Dan took time to talk with you in 3 years ? i'm curious..
i've been involved in Steem everyday for almost a year, i havent talked to him once
..cant think about other old BTS guys like you
@dan is a good tech guy and great philosofer for sure but he does not believe in communication, and talking to other ppl (taking inputs, debating etc.), i'm quite surprised that after everything he made for Steem and all the attacks, he's just leaving us like that.
btw Leaving Steemit Inc is not stopping you from any further development on Steem (blockchain/ecosystem)
In the years, I have learned to give Dan the freedom he needs to build his blockchains. Of course, I would wish he took a more communicative approach but I don't blame him for being heads down on the technology.
I guess that he's dedicating himself fully to his priority. He has achieved a lot. Words fly away but code remain.
I totally didn't expect Dan's resignation but I'm sure he's doing it because he thinks its the best decision for everyone.
As you said @ekitcho Dan's resignation doesn't stop him from further developing Steem nor did he said he would and even if he said he would I doubt he'd do it. There must be such a thing as ghost coding.
His deleted post mentioned that he won't write code that isn't MIT or BSD license ever again, so I doubt he will work on Steem unless the license is changed.
I don't blame @dan for sticking to his principles. And I don't think his leaving is a nail in the coffin for Steem either. Bitshares has its fair share of development now... long after @dan stopped contributing. Sad to see this end so abruptly.
You are the Best of the Best @dan and I respect your decision. You brough to all of us great opporunities and we can dream. Bitshares is building and more start-up are coming onboard. We are having a stress test today and the result will be amaze to show the Blockchain industry what Bitshares can do. Steem is out there and people are building on top. As of today, Graphene is the best blockchain tool box out there. Bitshares and Steem community acknowledge it and that's why other will continue the mission. No body is perfect and I wish you the best in your next venture. The mission is ON and we will continue as we did with Bitshares. We have a strong community here (Bitshares, Steem, Golos, PeerPlays) and a having a strong community is a valuable asset.
@abit how is this a positive thing? @dan good luck in your future brother. Thank you for the opportunity here. I am not sure what is wrong but I hope everything works out on your end as well.
You have to admit steem in its current state is fairly federal bank esque at the moment considering the devs have almost all the steem and rewards for the time being
I meant posts about cryptocurrency, blockchain tech, economics, politics, etc - the kind of posts you wrote from the @dantheman account. I found your posts about the technology behind blockchain particularly informative, and I'm sure many others did as well.
Nothing to do with Steem, of course, I understand your choice there. All the best, again!
@dan we would not even be here without you, your voice carry enormous weight and now you know how it feels like to be God, dealing with free-willed people who do not see you as an equal to them but instead an authority.
I have because of your skills and the tech you have built become a Dan Larimer fan, and I wish you the best. I wish you all the best and nothing but the best!
Nothing you post reflects poorly on steem, well maybe a quick resignation does, but nobody wants to see you go anywhere man, even those who fight with you now and then and criticize everything you do/say. Steemit is not the same without Dantheman, I feel like cracking a bottle of JOHNNIE WALKER black label open right now and offer you a double on the rocks, that will cool things down a bit.
But controversial is a good thing, the whole point of a platform like this one is its diversity, not for it to become some kind of borg. A place where everyone agrees on everything...that's like the premise of a dystopian nightmare scenario. Without questioning and debating, how does something evolve?
I have not agreed with your analysis of the personal issues that you posted, but I admired your transparency, integrity & honesty, even then. In no way did I ever even consider that it refelected badly on Steem, Steemit or Steemit , Inc.
You have educated me through your blog posts on crypto, anarchy & voluntarism.
Here's hoping for all the best to you. @dan
Fuck that. Your thoughts have always been valuable and important. I think you may have more confidence and trust your own judgement. I never noticed any of the sorts.
Yes, I know.
I've written that I would kill the curation rewards. Now bots stopped voting on my posts. However, I won't change my mind because of that. Never will.
I cannot remember a single post that I've read from @dan where he wasn't attacked because 'he is a boss at Steemit, he shouldn't do this or that'. It doesn't seem to be fun. I see why he won't post under the known names (if I were he, I would post under an alt account to have fun on what I've built).
It took lots of things to change my mind about steemit-- not about Dan. Somehow he doesn't strike me as a guy who's bullshitting. And when you're not-bullshitting, phew!
I think he doesn't want to be a target for every fail that happens in an organization he isn't working for, plus blamed by the organization to speak against their decisions.
By the way, I know what you are talking about. You have paid your price to show minnows what they always crying about ('everything is shit because the whale votes'), just to be the enemy and hear more cries, loose witness positions, etc. I've seen your comments here and there about many topics, and always wondered how well you handle conflicts. Cold blood is a very good skill, you have a fixed position on my witness list, and I care who gets my vote despite my tiny influence.
People's reactions are not about numbers, laws, logic, etc. Humans are fucked up algorithms, couldn't be fixed. I don't think @dan will ever used to it. IMO, that's (a part of) why he doesn't communicate much.
Also, he is an idealist, he chases his dreams (I respect him for that), and I think he sees that this platform was a step for that, it cannot fixed by him to be the goal anymore. It doesn't matter he will know the solution or not, he doesn't have enough power to get through it. (politics)
It sounds like Investors take all the fun out of growing a company. I'm just a content creator, very insignificant in my creating, but without people like me the investors and Steemit inc would be nothing, nada, zilch...
I agree with you 100%, but I have to take that into account I was never a big investor, nor a company shareholder to think otherwise. Maybe I never will, I don't like 'playing the adult'. It beat the fun out of humans.
Thank you so much for being such a pivotal part of the Steemit journey. It is with great sadness that I bid you farewell and wish you all the best for your future endeavours, which I am sure are waiting for your talents to make some impact.
Although it is sad to see you leave what has now become a home for me, I believe that people such as yourself constantly strive to make disruptive changes in the pursuit of a better society and for that I will always be grateful for your contribution to humanity.
I will no doubt be following you as you embark on your new journey and I do hope that on whatever level, we will be able to cross paths once again.
It has been an honour to have interacted with you, even if it's just a little reply or a vote, I hold these chance interactions very dearly. Most of all, it's been a pleasure to read and hear your vision of a better free market society which I can only assume is the driving force for your choice to pursue this great cause elsewhere.
All the best to you too @dan. Much thanks for the great piece of tech and I hope to see more of your works and writings around the crypto-space, including Steem.
Edit: As much as I it's very likely that this wouldn't be your last appearance on the platform, where would be best to keep up to date with your next next works @dan? The bytemaster blog seems to have been inactive for quite some time.
@dan i think you should still post and vote - especially that you quit Steemit INC. Now you are just an user like rest of us but with big stake. Until you make other project/coin and even after - still Steem is a great platform to share news/posts.
People of Steemit, take a look how the captain is leaving. Wishing you all the best, nothing more. The project is still in beta and not even officially launched and he's done with it. No explanation, nothing. No wonder Steemit is doing so bad.
Did the same thing happen with Bitshares? Will the same thing happen with next project from Dan? Grand vision, big promises and quick exit after the money is pocketed. Dan, I'm sure you could do better.
Ned's the captain. I'm the engineer. I build ships for others to sail. Steemits future depends on web development more than anything else and that is not my skill.
After 2 years of trading at the very bottom it's finally rising few cents? Compare the price action to other alts. Though I'd buy some bitshares now, who knows, maybe it could really blossom.
I'm quite disappointed. I thought things would be different here and this was a long term endeavor. I believed in Dan's world domination dream. Now... I feel like a sucker. Without Dan working on the code... bummer. I'm just going to go to bed. This makes me so sad.
You and I both. Steem is dominated by politics beyond my ability to control or fix. The code is in good hands, the team is more than capable of implementing any thing the community desires. lets hope the community choses wisely.
I don't think you need to control or fix anything. It's human nature. What we're playing is social media, the place where people interact with each other. Not like any other cryptocurrencies where people interact with machines or code only. You have the best technical skills, if you don't like to play with people, just let them play by themselves, by ignoring them you can do much better.
This, for me, was so much bigger than politics and petty arguments. It was about a platform which actually had the potential to provide freedom from government. Without your vision and philosophy fighting for that, I doubt very much it will happen here.
I'm truly sorry you couldn't stay in the fight. I need to go to bed before I say too much I'll regret.
For what it's worth, thank you Dan. You gave me so much hope while it lasted.
You know you have many options... don't you?
I for one am happy for you to get out of the DayJob
and join the Open Source Movement! Pay should not be a problem.
I appreciate the work you've done. Thank you.
Now everyone is concerned with the future of the platform, which is something everyone here is used to live with.
But I want to say special thanks to you, man. No matter what would happen, You are great!
Assuming all individuals can communicate and have incentive to live in the truth then truth will prevail. If there is incentive to believe a lie, then the lie will prevail. This applies even on an individual basis. @dan[1]
I'm very grateful for what you brought in my life and I feel like this is only the beginning. Thank you!
Ooh you'll have fun with google. I just typed 'Dan leaving steemit' when I first came across an article mentioning it, wasn't around at the time yet. You'll get TONS of recommended reads! Choose one that takes your fancy.
Here is one for a starter: http://www.razor-forex.com/2017/03/steemit-lead-developer-dan-larimer.html?m=1
Too bad, sad to see you go. You have brilliant ideas, and I hope you will find something that suits you better in the future; I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do next.
It is consistent with my overall current practice of downvoting strong whale votes (in this case I believe his own, but I didn't look carefully). When I did so it hadn't yet been downvoted by others, so my downvote was merely a reduction of the rewards generated by the whale voting in combination with the extreme superlinear reward curve.
I don't believe an "I quit!" post is adding value.
I have to admit. I powered up this account to specifically be an annoyance to you and your downvotes. Then an annoying bug mushed me and I had to be a bigger bug in order to speak.
You have won me over. People are getting bigger rewards from smaller fish.
Best of luck to you @dan, you are one of a kind and an unique mind. You created Bitshares and Steemit, both platforms have had impact in the life of so many people and businesses that have been created around both of them.
If Steemit is not perfect is because people are not perfect, we could tweak it and change it all we want, there will always be someone trying to take advantage of the system... but you should be damm proud of yourself for what you accomplished here.
I have learned a lot from you and will for sure follow you on your future endeavours.
Dan wanted to open licence of Steem (anyone could then fork Steem without a permission of Steemit Inc.) - that would allow test many assumptions much faster, like every other altcoin is testing new approaches for bitcoin. Unfortunately other guys in Steemit Inc. do not share vision of Dan.
I think the way the license is in it's current form actually protects stakeholders, because making it illegal to fork STEEM by writing so directly into the software license means that the social giants (Facebook for instance) can not simply fork and use the same underlying code without potential litigation.
That being said, I know @dan is a man of principles and I could see his argument for wanting to make the Steem block chain fully open source.
I just wish if this was the beef, that they could have compromised in some way to keep the leadership team of Steemit, Inc. together. I don't think this marks the end of the Steem experiment but certainly it is the end of an era.
It doesn't protect from Google or Facebook. If they want, they hire the best devs and write a similar or even better software in no time. They have 'endless' resources.
@robrigo Steemit loose that small advantages by alienating free minded users and devs. Loosing value by being way slower than with parallel chain development. Loosing users or raise tension by forcing the minority to accept the decisions of the majority (which could be a few big stake holder) without making available alternatives. This is vendor lock-in by a monopoly.
the problem is... that witnesses (chosen by community) cannot chose to run hardfork not approved by Steemit Inc. So if someone would came up with an idea, which will be great for Steem community, but bad for Steemit Inc., then those changes would never be implemented.
@tibonova I don't disagree they can start from scratch and compete, certainly. It's not a panacea but it gives the Steem network a small advantage vs. their endless resources.
I have had an incredible amount of fun here. Thanks for everything you have done to make this a reality. I would have never written anything without steemit. Good luck in your next adventures.
Thks @Dan for all what you have done till now. I've follow you since Bitshares and you always keep to your mission no manner of the difficulties. I've always admire your mission: "find free market solution to secure life, liberty & prosperity" and you have not only deliver it, but also interpret it in your work. Since I discover Bitshares and got the powerfull idea around it, I bought this mission and the technology that interpret it at the best. Entrepreneurial & business venture could be challenging. I don't know the reason of your resignation, but i wish you all the best in all what you will be doing in the upcoming month. To all Steemit.com user, don't forget Steemit Inc. is a company and will still have a protocol that have been build. Entrepreneurs will come up to continue the adventure. We've seen it in Bitshares, another Dan's baby. We have a tool box to build what even we want with Graphene Technology build by Dan and his team. I look forward to see him build something on Steem Blockchain and bring a product that 1 billion people will benefit. I'm looking to see a low cost insurance product build on Steem for developing country.
Best success to all and again all the best for @Dan
You will be missed, @dan. Thank you for all you have done for the new steemians on Steemit. You can be proud of what you have created. The best to all your new adventures and projects. Bye bye, for now, Dan... until your next exciting enterprise.
Dan, I am really sorry to hear that. Anyway if you feel that is the best for you I wish you much luck and success on your further way. Hopefully you will be a hidden asset for steemit if they need your experitse and advice.
Although I never met you, and you don't know me, I wish you all the best. You've created a wonderful platform that gave many of us an environment to express ourselves, to challenge us, to move us in new directions and more. Thank You!
Thank you for all that you have done here Dan. I am disappointed and shocked to hear you leaving like this... One of the major selling points for me personally of getting involved with Steem and Steemit was getting on board with something that had such a visionary leading it...
Now that visionary is gone...
Judging by some of your comments in this thread is it safe to say that you also will not be working on the steem blockchain any longer?
As a user who has held you in high esteem for making this possible, I do expect more than this cryptic post on why you are leaving. Steemit is being polarised and I want to know why. But whatever happens, I will watch out for your works in the future and know this, that you have a supporter, always.
Bye Dan, best of luck for the future.
Literally just read all the current comments one by one. This is my first time writing you. Without your founding help, steemit would have never been here, so I thank you for your contribution.
Aside from all the negative backlash and feedback and responses, your father and you know, as Christians, that our God, Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ commanded us not to put faith into any man, therefore, such faith is in God alone and remains a constant, reliable and unwavering rock of support to ground us.
I'm not privy to what went wrong in your team, who was involved, who fell short of expectations, who didn't deliver what was promised, or the politics involved that swayed your resignation into manifestation, such is just general speculation, but I wish you all the best as well for any of your future endeavors. Put God first and you can't lose.
I hope not too, but after the last few days I'm not encouraged. Comments and replies are down to almost nonexistent for me. I've had one post in the last 9 days with fair interaction. I don't make money, so if there is no social interaction, what's left?
Steem/it, in my humble opinion, is vastly superior to Bitcoin. I hope it works out. I don't see any openings blogging or socializing for Bitcoin.
Just near my house on the way to the store. I have a subconscious subroutine that looks for quarters and paper money. Since I learned how to do it, I find a surprising amount of money.
not sure what you mean by don't make money because i do see $ rewards for your posts over the past few days? I don't think i have an accurate gauge of the usual commentary activity so it is hard to tell if it has declined that much or not, it seems like there are a lot more new users and more daily posts? although aren't things usually slow over the weekend? sure hope it's uphill from here! :)
Don't get me wrong, I don't do this for the money or I would have been gone long ago, but I've actually found more change on the sidewalk, than I have been rewarded here, in the last week.
I'm here for my friends and followers, and lots of those are leaving. I hope my posts are still benefiting people, but I don't know how many autovotes and bot votes I'm getting. If I'm here, talking to myself, making a quarter a post, I know I can help more people than that.
I hope so. I also hope Steemit can recover more than a third of the passengers currently embroiled in the Titanic/Facebook catastrophe. I don't think the crew of the Carpathia were jumping ship.
Got it, but what would the Enterprise be without Mr. Scott, chief engineer? Oh, I'm sure they'd muddle through, and maybe more than just that, given the rest of a fantastic crew, but with something obvious missing.
I wish you all the best. I'm quite certain your next big thing is around the corner. However, I don't like they way you leave. You drop us two sentences and that's it. You gave us this ship and we never really saw you. It's sad because i have much respect to you
Please don't leave. We've been dreaming about next Steemfest to meet you and @ned and properly say thank you for what you've done here for the community. You just don't know what you've done in our life. Extremely sad. :'(
With all the respect I hold for the people behind Steemit, I think it's immature to receive mixed messages of one sentence like "I quit" or "let's do an experiment". We all count on you guys. Maybe just a little more communication among all the fish in the see would be great.
Good luck.
Dan. You are like a sheep without a Shepherd. Blockchain isnt going to save the world. But the word of God will. Remember forgiveness and know that the better of 2 men will forgive when the other will remain stubborn. We need you like a Shepherd needs all of his sheep and all of his sheep need the Shepherd.
Luke 15:4
"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?"
You're far more than just the 'engineer of the ship.' Just from your writings here it is clear that you are at the very least a co-captain, with vision and the skill to execute that vision.
Wait a minute, say what? Care to elaborate a bit? I'm sure you can understand how just saying something like that out of the blue can alarm a great many people. Not saying we need to know everything that's going on behind the scenes, but anything you can share publicly would be appreciated.
I find it interesting that when presented with facts straight from the mouths of the experiment creators themselves, you abandon our previous conversation on this thread, find me here and begin again, without ever addressing the facts presented you in the last thread.
If you continue to follow me around and spam my comments I will have to flag these comments in the future. I ask you respectfully to stop.
Every post I read I see your rants about the experiment, are you really that butthurt that you have to go around and whine everywhere like a cry baby..
I stopped the conversation because it wasn't productive,I am not interested in engaging with people who have no foresight and vision for steem.
I worked hard to earn the trust of those (even powerful NON WHALES) who put their bots on me. Now their say in my content's value is being destroyed because of a few misguided whales and their disorganized "experiment."
You are trying to protect your own interests by pushing the 'newbies are upset' narrative.
So many people concerned about newbies recently, not sure what happened../s
Well, to be fair, you could look at this as "why should we give money to him for leaving and not interacting with the community anymore?" After all, his Steem Power holdings are a plenty decent "severance package" anyway...
Start a normal profile like the rest of us. Come in with Starting SteemPower and privileges... Call it an "Experiment."
Start a CULT... Remain a personality ; )
But good luck on you endeavors either way and THANK YOU,
for the work on THIS Platform.
Kind regards.
I wish there was something to be done, I'm sure I've could've done better to let you know how much I appreciated you. As many, many of us do.
I'm sad I waited until now, I'm sad it may be too late now.
I hope you know that I always appreciated you and you are one of the people I respect the most.
I have a thousands thanks to give you! I wish that whatever you do next you would be inspired and encouraged, surrounded by people who support you, because you have the spark and the genius to create beautiful things.
Whatever you do next I wish you the best, I wish I'll learn about it because I know it will be amazing and If I could do anything to help, I would.
Seriously though .. this is sickening. STEEMIT Inc. .. y'all better learn how to write press releases .. and flood the planet with excessively positive announcements every 3 days for the next 3 months!
@dan couldn't write much, he isn't the part of Steemit, inc. anymore, and he would be attacked for every extra word that 'you fuck up the price, it's bad for Steem'.
I like the way he did it. That's @ned job as a CEO (or the one's he has delegated it) to organize a press release, the sooner the better. I agree with you that it must be fucking good, professional and confident after all.
@dan Take a break for a few weeks if you want to, but don't leave. You built this, you drew us here. We appreciate your insight and commentary and although we may not see eye to eye on everything, i think I speak for everyone when I say. We're your friends. Don't turn your back on your friends like that.
Step down from Steemit Inc or whatever, but don't suddenly shut everyone out.
Dan, there have been so many times at work when people have been leaving and everyone gathers around and ensues an awkward speech from their boss.
Its feels so strange that I have never met you, I have only seen one youtube video of you giving an interview yet what you have created has affected me and I feel like I know you.
I find it fitting I have heard about your leaving on something that you have been instrumental in creating (Steemit). What you have helped start and shape will live on and I wish you the best in your future endeavours. I would love if you continue to update us maybe with more regular posts on what your up to on Steemit. We would love to hear.
Dan, you helped build something so awesome and so revolutionary that never in a million years would I have thought possible.
Steemit is helping loads of people out there in various different ways and it just won't be the same without you. Personally, it saved me from a really dark place and I will remain forever indebted to you for that.
Thank you @dan for what you created. Like Satoshi Nakamoto, your an inventor, a visionary, a genius ! I can't wait to read you further on http://bytemaster.github.io/ ! Make us dream of a better society again !
That's all ? Just a few words and good bye without any explanation ? Oh well, I am truly sad for such news and wish you the best. I enjoyed reading your insight since June 2016
Good luck @dan. Thank you for your efforts. Your work will never be forgotten.
You'll find a new challenge soon. You'll make a difference anywhere so just keep doing your thing.
@Dan, Thank you for your service, You have brilliant ideas, and I hope you will find something that suits you better in the future .Dont ever give up dude :D
Thank you so much Dan for all the work you have put into Steemit. I been around since the beginning of Steemit and learned a lot about this platform throught the months. My whole account is dedicated to writing Guides & Tutorials about this platforms, i received plenty of recognition from you and Ned.
I did my fair research about Steemit and your background, particularly have seen a lot of Videos about you. All i can say is that, i do feel in good your hands because you seem like down-to earth guy with big dreams
Your one of the most recognized blockchain experts out there, i have much to learn from you!
I think you're busy with a lot other things happening life, so i don't blame you
Stay Positive, our existence is short so you should not care about what the world thinks about you from time-to-time. Look forward to the next following decades when your legacy will be written books or made into a film
Appreciate all the good work, you have done so far. I know you would always offer a helping hand when Ned most needs it!
I do not know why this decision to resign. But I hope that before making the decision to be taken enough time to think. My friend, I wish you all the best. But it can be far from the resignation use this account
Best of luck for your future, Dan. I don't know you personally, but everything I've read about / from you makes me believe you are a great one.
When the father leaves his baby without saying a word, then things are worse than we might believe. You've created something outstanding, and without you it won't be the same. There is no doubt about that.
Whichever your motivations are, it has surely not been an easy decision. However, it's your life and your journey. You leave us with a broken house of cards, but who knows maybe there are some magicians amoung us who may know how to rebuild it...
Again, best of luck and thanks for the ride! You're still "the man".
That's was obvious from the beginning. That's what he does. He will always find the way to screw up investors.
At the end thank you for downvoting my Steemit bilboard. You are the man.
Steemit, Inc could empower the masses with delegated power that can be revoked if a user misbehaves. Collectively, these masses of ordinary users would outweigh any single group of whales.
from @dantheman's last comment.
Anyhow, we are all deeply indebted to you for creating this place in crypto history. thank you and all the best!
Sorry to hear about you resigning. As a new comer to the Steemit Platform that you helped create, I want to say THANK YOU for what it's worth. By reading all these Admirable comments your friends and colleagues posted, you shall NOT be forgotten.
Over the past week or two I have been feeling a little despondent at the cracks appearing in the Steemit community (especially at the top) ... At the risk of being accused of negativity I have to conclude that the cracks have just torn into a schism.
Anyway, what is done is done. Thanks for a great concept @Dan and all the best for the future.
Dan, you are the biggest piece of shit of them all. You and your group of scam artists that instamined this trash during the beginning and then gave yourselves even more money by upvoting your own plagiarized/invented content. FUCK YOU! Not to mention that you even changed the power-down cool-down just so you and your group could exit from this shitcoin at a faster rate. I'm ashamed to have contributed with my work during the bitshares development days. Enjoy your millions, scum. You will not be missed.
Anyone who didn't see this shit coming more then 6 months ago shouldn't be engaging in investing in crypto currencies. The whole system was built to make the few creators/newcomers rich by creating money from thin air through hype bubble and speculation. The whole power and benefits were given to creators - no power was given content creators who arrived later. And Dan new it all the time that money can't be sucked out of thin air forever. And it was amazing how openly he changed the core features of the (immutable) system to get his part of riches out and then disappear.
That's right @dan. Everything has always a sweet beginning and then a cloying ending.. sometimes!! Sugar apart, good luck buddy.. to whatever you dare to sugarcoat from now on. :)
Dan, thank you for your service. You are quite amazing. Good luck with everything you do.
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I'm glad it may be amicable, but for the first time feel serious concern for the future. I think everyone will agree that we'd love to hear some open communication and get to know the current development team better.
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I agree and will update the community as soon as possible.
*here is the update: https://steemit.com/steemit/@ned/my-announcement-march-15-2017
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Wow. Will someone be replacing Dan?
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Should be a Social Media person! It is always a sad day when a key person leaves an organisation such as this. Thank you Dan for what you have created here. I hope that this will be just a 'till then' rather than a 'goodbye'!
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I get your point @ebryans - not knowing the INC structure but having worked 20 years in marketing and comms I think there needs to be someone in the area of CMO who takes care of communications internally and externally - think @ned as CEO can cover Financial / Investor and Sales Topics very well but needs to have someone steering comms. This is an issue all tech startups have in the beginning - and in social media in particular the paying sites, it was an issue at tsu, 3tags, the 8app etc.
Steem has a lot great tech guys, dev - tons of crypto experts, marvellous content creators (writers and artists) but moving forward we need well thought and focused marketing (incl. better comms) - my 2 cents. @hilarski would be my choice for CMO
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Dan was the CTO so it would have to be someone with similar qualifications. I doubt there is a "social media" person who can fit the bill and has the same knowledge of the technology.
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I'm pretty sure Dan will be working on something that will indirectly benefit Steem anyway.
Thank you Dan, wish you all the best
Stick to your vision
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Dan is irreplacable, someone might fill his role but thats as good as we will get
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Everyone is replaceable is what I learned in business throughout the last 20 years
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Definitely. Well said
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The community is behind you @ned!! @mindhunter got your back!!

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We just need a mindhunter!
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No. We need EVERYONE balls to bone to back this platform like their life depended on it!!
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3 months later, I found this post, and looking at the registration numbers, I'd say the grass root ground troops are finally arriving! I'm one of them, and I will evangilize this platform, currency and eco-system until either it or I die. I've waited my entire 30+ years in tech for this to arrive. Thank goodness, it's finally here. Sorry to realize @dan is moving on. I once left a CTO position on a product I helped architect too, and well, it's never easy to kiss your baby goodbye, but sometimes the call of the wild overcomes you. Or maybe you just had differences that led to it feeling less fun and more like being a tethered to that organization. Who knows. Good luck to @dan, I think he left prematurely, but none of my business. As for those of us who remain and who are yet to come? Full Steem Ahead!
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Thanks for your moving tribute to @dantheman @sircork! Steem on my good friend :)
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I hope that the updates be good. Thank you to all the developers to improve
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Ned, will you join the voice channel on Discord? A few of the community members would like to hear from you.
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https://discord.gg/PXa8BZ5 Join us on Discord to discuss Dan's resignation.
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https://discord.gg/7vjCSk7 (directly to voice, see pairmike's link to jump into text-only)
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And now, after 3 months of his departure, the future of Steemit is still green :-)
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Who runs @Steemit now?
Would help if there is clarity from you, @ned on:
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The problem is Dan Larimer had the vision, was the technical brilliance and main problem solver. Without him who is in charge? Ned?
But Ned cannot provide the technical leadership needed to make Steem competitive with Dash, Ethereum, Rchain, Synereo, or any of the other major projects. I think this could be the decline for Steem and I'm regretfully forced to power down at a time when I wouldn't want to. So much opportunity exists for Steem right now and it might be gone.
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Their roles were different.
@ned was the CEO, and this one won't change.
@dan was the CTO, and now Steemit, inc. has to appoint the new CTO. Dan commented that Steemit, inc.'s future is more dependent on web development than Steem blockchain development (he is right when we speak about the organization, not the technology). As far as I know @sneak is the boss at webdev, so maybe... but better if we would wait for the press release.
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Dan invented the concept of "blockchain company". In these kinds of companies in my opinion the CTO is most important at least during the early stages. CEOs build partnerships but you need a fully functioning technology first.
Even if what you say is true I'm not seeing a lot of success on the building partnerships front. Who has Steemit partnered with? I see no partnerships with ad companies or other social media companies or with universities. I have seen some people try to use Steemit API and develop on top of it but the fact that Steemit isn't open source could be a problem.
It is what it is, but for the most part I think Dan was important because he wasn't just a developer but he was principled. Lately Steemit seems to have been focused on making a quick buck with no long term vision and I saw it happen when they first changed from 2 years in the contract to accelerate the power down.
I don't think there is any CTO who will be better than Dan Larimer, who will know the code base better, who will be as trusted, or who has the right principles. He was irreplaceable for this particular vision and without him then if he leaves a lot of people will follow him who share his vision.
Steemit will survive, just like Ethereum could survive without VItalik, but it's a major loss.
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Exactly as you say.
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While I am not competent to comment on @ned's tech chops, these platform issues need immediate attention:
• Being writer, content producer friendly. At least WordPress or Medium level, if not better.
• An Steemit Inc app at least for the App & Play stores
• Marketing, branding, communication: The better widget does not necessarily sell the most. Macintosh v PC?
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Ah! @smooth
Been missing you.
Pray indulge me with your infinite wisdom on why I am honoured with a -4% flag on this comment.
It's still a lovely day, isn't it?
This version's for you.
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Partially disagreeing with the exaggerated reward value due to other higher power whale votes in order to promote greater system balance overall. Nothing wrong with your comment, and since these counterbalances are being applied system-wide the reward on your comment probably didn't change much either way (reduced by the 4% downvote but increased by other posts and comments getting partial downvotes too). Steem on.
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And I have Steemit sticker on my rally car and being downvoted (yesterday)?! https://steemit.com/sports/@ssekulji/my-first-rally-in-four-seasons
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I don't see downvotes on your post.
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This is fun @smooth
One upvote from @smooth-e. Is @smooth-e your bot?
One downvote from @fede93g on your comment.
Salve! @fede9g
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smooth-e is one of my bots that upvotes my comments when they get downvoted, by the minimum amount necessary to keep them visible
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lol guys - keep smiling @smooth @nigelmarkdias
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And hello, @smooth-e
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no one does. the whales do. the guilds do, we do.
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Sounds like the dictatorship of the proletariat, @solarguy or Pontius Pilate governance.
At whose desk does the buck stop?
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I'm 100% on board with this
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Yes! Full Disclosure Now Absolutely Required!
and .. who the f*** is @freedom!? ;-)
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Just keep writing! That the way to honour @dan effort.
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That's a given, @happyphoenix
Writers have to write. 😊
One not about @dantheman, @ned, whale, or flagging post coming up. 🙂
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As you said, @happyphoenix
New post: no dan, no ned, no whale: no flagging.
Thank you for your encouragement & support.
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Valid questions.
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@ned is like god! he creates Steemit! (help to create steemit).
Who's who? we are the who!
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I wish, @em3di
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al haig?
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With some midichlorian help from Darth Plageuis, of course. @sigmajin
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thats actually a pretty good job getting the al haig reference. (the im in control here after the assassination attempt was exactly what i was referring to)
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When on the college quiz team
Tomes read me ream by ream
O Berners-Lee, Brin, Kahn & Page
Even Master Yoda wont he to say,
Hillary sans e-mail,
She too one sagacious sage.
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Behind you all the way @ned, reach out if you need help with reorganizing graphene devs
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r u toast? still alive....LOL
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i am... LOL
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Hope @ned looks your way Nikolai, he could use someone of your caliber to right this steemship and keep the crew focused.
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I can't help but feel incredibly disappointed about this and a little betrayed.
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You get to hold the bag with the rest of us while whale power down begins. I mean look, at least the power down can happen faster due to the new code changes.
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Yes it is always us smaller fish that lose out. Live and learn I suppose and this will be a valuable lesson. I will stick around even if nobody else does.
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I'll be here with you. To quote the man I admire most in this world (my husband ;) "If just one person posts and one other comments, steemit is still alive". And from some of the posts I've read today, I think it's safe to say there will be many more than two of us.
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you make me happy. calmer! We will stick around: https://steemit.com/steemit/@surpassinggoogle/hahaha-i-wish-i-knew-dan-more-overall-it-is-apparent-that-i-knew-more-of-ned-how-come
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You and me both...
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Welcome to the new bagholder club.
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Well we can choose to be bagholders resigned to failure or we can choose to move things forward.
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kind of a different topic, I have no idea why my upvote strength is so different.
Today, my upvote is worth .35 but it usually is .........05. Any idea why?
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Yes the whales (or at least most of them) have stopped voting as part of an experiment to give those lower down the food chain more influence. Has been a lot of controversy over it. My vote is now worth 16 cents!
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It's never been .35
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Actually just noticed mine is 17 now!
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Somebody put out this fire!
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The timing could not be worse. This is a critical time for Steem and I'm not convinced Steem can survive without Dan Larimer. Now what happens Ned?
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May love and light walk with you all the days if your life @dan.
Thank you both for giving me chance at something greater.
I am here 'til the hubs rub because I believe in this world you helped create.
Its just me a little fish in a bountiful sea.
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Of course dan had to retire. Just following the bitcoin playbook. Didn't yall read the roadmap. BTC INVENTED this type of controversy. Blockchain is a WORLD OF CONTROVERSY. Now you will have no one to blame but yourself. Dan retiring is a feature, not a bug.
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YES, Tone Vays was 100% sure Dan would quit, and he did
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Steemit needs Dan Larimer to survive. Dan Larimer had the credibility and develop skill to bring Steem to where it is. Dan Larimer had the vision and when you lose your visionary you lose it all. What happened to Apple when it lost Steve Jobs or Microsoft when it lost Bill Gates?
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When Apple lost Steve Jobs the first time it was a disaster but this was only one of many bad decisions by management. However, since Jobs died Apple has been as successful as ever if arguably less innovative. Microsoft is still very successful though arguably not as dominant but I think that would have happened with or without Gates. Point being, companies rarely die based on one person and if it the type of company that is dependent on one person it probably isn't one you want to invest time and money in anyway.
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Comparing apple to a company with a bus factor of 3 ... isn't helping much.
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Why dan resigned?
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Given that you have been quite consistent on defending life, liberty, and property, I'm guessing you are not going to stop blockchain development? Or at least I hope so because you are truly one of the best blockchain designers out there.
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I never give up.
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You have no idea how glad I am to see this :D
I'll give my best to support you like I did in the last 3+ years!
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@xeroc how many times did Dan took time to talk with you in 3 years ? i'm curious..
i've been involved in Steem everyday for almost a year, i havent talked to him once
..cant think about other old BTS guys like you
@dan is a good tech guy and great philosofer for sure but he does not believe in communication, and talking to other ppl (taking inputs, debating etc.), i'm quite surprised that after everything he made for Steem and all the attacks, he's just leaving us like that.
btw Leaving Steemit Inc is not stopping you from any further development on Steem (blockchain/ecosystem)
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In the years, I have learned to give Dan the freedom he needs to build his blockchains. Of course, I would wish he took a more communicative approach but I don't blame him for being heads down on the technology.
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Dan doesnt reply often but he does reply when needed
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I guess that he's dedicating himself fully to his priority. He has achieved a lot. Words fly away but code remain.
I totally didn't expect Dan's resignation but I'm sure he's doing it because he thinks its the best decision for everyone.
As you said @ekitcho Dan's resignation doesn't stop him from further developing Steem nor did he said he would and even if he said he would I doubt he'd do it. There must be such a thing as ghost coding.
See you around @dan!
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His deleted post mentioned that he won't write code that isn't MIT or BSD license ever again, so I doubt he will work on Steem unless the license is changed.
I don't blame @dan for sticking to his principles. And I don't think his leaving is a nail in the coffin for Steem either. Bitshares has its fair share of development now... long after @dan stopped contributing. Sad to see this end so abruptly.
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i share your thoughts. https://steemit.com/steemit/@surpassinggoogle/hahaha-i-wish-i-knew-dan-more-overall-it-is-apparent-that-i-knew-more-of-ned-how-come
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You are the Best of the Best @dan and I respect your decision. You brough to all of us great opporunities and we can dream. Bitshares is building and more start-up are coming onboard. We are having a stress test today and the result will be amaze to show the Blockchain industry what Bitshares can do. Steem is out there and people are building on top. As of today, Graphene is the best blockchain tool box out there. Bitshares and Steem community acknowledge it and that's why other will continue the mission. No body is perfect and I wish you the best in your next venture. The mission is ON and we will continue as we did with Bitshares. We have a strong community here (Bitshares, Steem, Golos, PeerPlays) and a having a strong community is a valuable asset.
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Knock it out of the park, @dan.
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sure. like this one :D
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Just let me know when you need help with a new project! I'll be there!
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Hey Dan, sorry to hear your Steem(it) journey has ended. Looking forward to hearing more news of your next endeavor.
PS. Does that mean you won't be coming to Steemfest II?
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what when is that? :))
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No word so far but he said he missed the 1st one and he will come to the 2nd one. I guess that is off the table :)
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This is positive.
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@abit how is this a positive thing? @dan good luck in your future brother. Thank you for the opportunity here. I am not sure what is wrong but I hope everything works out on your end as well.
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@dan will continue to do what he does best, without the public scrutiny of steemit, this is good for the steem blockchain. It's positive
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Alright @craig-grant. Thank you for your insight brother.
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You can't spin this as positive for Steemit. Maybe positive for blockchain as an industry but not for Steemit.
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I hope that was a very bad joke.
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You have to admit steem in its current state is fairly federal bank esque at the moment considering the devs have almost all the steem and rewards for the time being
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according to this post i was right on the money https://steemit.com/steem/@dantheman/making-steem-really-open-source
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Nazi bullshit isn't welcome on steemit. We have a tolerant community here.
To everyone else: this is what the flag button is for.
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stop taking things literally
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You are a visionary and have amazing talent. Thanks for all you have done. We will miss you and wish you the best.
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You don't need to part of Steemit, Inc. to vote and post on Steem/it. I hope this remains your platform of choice to voice your opinion.
Thanks for all your hard work and all the best for your future endeavours. I hope you'll continue contributing to Steem outside of Steemit, Inc.
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I will refrain from posting so that Ned can lead. My every action is controversial.
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I meant posts about cryptocurrency, blockchain tech, economics, politics, etc - the kind of posts you wrote from the @dantheman account. I found your posts about the technology behind blockchain particularly informative, and I'm sure many others did as well.
Nothing to do with Steem, of course, I understand your choice there. All the best, again!
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You wouldn't believe how often I post something I think is ok only to be told it reflects poorly on steem.
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@dan we would not even be here without you, your voice carry enormous weight and now you know how it feels like to be God, dealing with free-willed people who do not see you as an equal to them but instead an authority.
I have because of your skills and the tech you have built become a Dan Larimer fan, and I wish you the best. I wish you all the best and nothing but the best!
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Nothing you post reflects poorly on steem, well maybe a quick resignation does, but nobody wants to see you go anywhere man, even those who fight with you now and then and criticize everything you do/say. Steemit is not the same without Dantheman, I feel like cracking a bottle of JOHNNIE WALKER black label open right now and offer you a double on the rocks, that will cool things down a bit.
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Keep walking.. ive cracked one open lol
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That is a bloody shame .. you were the only one saying 'anything', and it was all VERY interesting!
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But controversial is a good thing, the whole point of a platform like this one is its diversity, not for it to become some kind of borg. A place where everyone agrees on everything...that's like the premise of a dystopian nightmare scenario. Without questioning and debating, how does something evolve?
Edit: You will be missed.
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I have not agreed with your analysis of the personal issues that you posted, but I admired your transparency, integrity & honesty, even then. In no way did I ever even consider that it refelected badly on Steem, Steemit or Steemit , Inc.
You have educated me through your blog posts on crypto, anarchy & voluntarism.
Here's hoping for all the best to you. @dan
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Yea, can't really do your job if your actions are rejected and considered controversial all the time.
I personally don't have much trust if you're not involved.
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It is necessary for companies to manage communication. Ned is doing his best and it is something I asked him to do.
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@dan I understand. I just wish we could of at least tried more of your ideas. Your ideas is what led to Steemit, so thank you for that.
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you could always make a new account and not tell anybody lol
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Fuck that. Your thoughts have always been valuable and important. I think you may have more confidence and trust your own judgement. I never noticed any of the sorts.
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That was my thought when I've posted the second part of this scene for another comment:
You cannot express yourself freely when you are important and responsible for a group. Not writing freely on a blockchain is...
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Well, you can, but it can frequently be problematic.
Just sayin :/.
Yeah, I speak my mind, as well. :/
Can't all be perfect.
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Yes, I know.
I've written that I would kill the curation rewards. Now bots stopped voting on my posts. However, I won't change my mind because of that. Never will.
I cannot remember a single post that I've read from @dan where he wasn't attacked because 'he is a boss at Steemit, he shouldn't do this or that'. It doesn't seem to be fun. I see why he won't post under the known names (if I were he, I would post under an alt account to have fun on what I've built).
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Oh, that wasn't what changed my mind.
It took lots of things to change my mind about steemit-- not about Dan. Somehow he doesn't strike me as a guy who's bullshitting. And when you're not-bullshitting, phew!
It gets real tiring.
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@abit (nesting limit)
He will with stop posting.
I think he doesn't want to be a target for every fail that happens in an organization he isn't working for, plus blamed by the organization to speak against their decisions.
By the way, I know what you are talking about. You have paid your price to show minnows what they always crying about ('everything is shit because the whale votes'), just to be the enemy and hear more cries, loose witness positions, etc. I've seen your comments here and there about many topics, and always wondered how well you handle conflicts. Cold blood is a very good skill, you have a fixed position on my witness list, and I care who gets my vote despite my tiny influence.
People's reactions are not about numbers, laws, logic, etc. Humans are fucked up algorithms, couldn't be fixed. I don't think @dan will ever used to it. IMO, that's (a part of) why he doesn't communicate much.
Also, he is an idealist, he chases his dreams (I respect him for that), and I think he sees that this platform was a step for that, it cannot fixed by him to be the goal anymore. It doesn't matter he will know the solution or not, he doesn't have enough power to get through it. (politics)
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Same for the US president. He 'should' get over it.
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Jeez. I didn't see this coming.
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Lol...truth distilled. Bottle that up. :D
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Controversy is a good thing, it stimulates growth @dan.
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Tell that Steemit, inc. and the investors, lol.
BTW, I like controversy, debate and anything that has a passion in it, but it's just little ol' me.
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It sounds like Investors take all the fun out of growing a company. I'm just a content creator, very insignificant in my creating, but without people like me the investors and Steemit inc would be nothing, nada, zilch...
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I agree with you 100%, but I have to take that into account I was never a big investor, nor a company shareholder to think otherwise. Maybe I never will, I don't like 'playing the adult'. It beat the fun out of humans.
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I agree, well said!
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^ what he said
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^ what they said ...
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Thank you so much for being such a pivotal part of the Steemit journey. It is with great sadness that I bid you farewell and wish you all the best for your future endeavours, which I am sure are waiting for your talents to make some impact.
Although it is sad to see you leave what has now become a home for me, I believe that people such as yourself constantly strive to make disruptive changes in the pursuit of a better society and for that I will always be grateful for your contribution to humanity.
I will no doubt be following you as you embark on your new journey and I do hope that on whatever level, we will be able to cross paths once again.
It has been an honour to have interacted with you, even if it's just a little reply or a vote, I hold these chance interactions very dearly. Most of all, it's been a pleasure to read and hear your vision of a better free market society which I can only assume is the driving force for your choice to pursue this great cause elsewhere.
Dan, I believe in you and your decision.
Good luck !
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All the best to you too @dan. Much thanks for the great piece of tech and I hope to see more of your works and writings around the crypto-space, including Steem.
Edit: As much as I it's very likely that this wouldn't be your last appearance on the platform, where would be best to keep up to date with your next next works @dan? The bytemaster blog seems to have been inactive for quite some time.
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I still believe here is the best time for him to communicate with us. Just don't try to control or fix us :)
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@dan i think you should still post and vote - especially that you quit Steemit INC. Now you are just an user like rest of us but with big stake. Until you make other project/coin and even after - still Steem is a great platform to share news/posts.
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Wonders never cease. Oh the places you'll go! Dan, I can't wait to see what's next for you... It's going to be epic, no doubt.
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People of Steemit, take a look how the captain is leaving. Wishing you all the best, nothing more. The project is still in beta and not even officially launched and he's done with it. No explanation, nothing. No wonder Steemit is doing so bad.
Did the same thing happen with Bitshares? Will the same thing happen with next project from Dan? Grand vision, big promises and quick exit after the money is pocketed. Dan, I'm sure you could do better.
I wish you all the best, Dan.
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Ned's the captain. I'm the engineer. I build ships for others to sail. Steemits future depends on web development more than anything else and that is not my skill.
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Thank you dan for all you did. From my perspective you did a great job in creating the steem blockchain. All the best to you.
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So, my question is, what are some of the other ships you are working on so we can get on board too?! ;)
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I agree, would be great to see a two-fold web dev hire @sneak
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That's a great analogy. I hope you enjoy your next construction project.
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Bitshares is blossoming nicely.
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After 2 years of trading at the very bottom it's finally rising few cents? Compare the price action to other alts. Though I'd buy some bitshares now, who knows, maybe it could really blossom.
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The price isn't perfectly correlated with the growth.
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I'm quite disappointed. I thought things would be different here and this was a long term endeavor. I believed in Dan's world domination dream. Now... I feel like a sucker. Without Dan working on the code... bummer. I'm just going to go to bed. This makes me so sad.
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You and I both. Steem is dominated by politics beyond my ability to control or fix. The code is in good hands, the team is more than capable of implementing any thing the community desires. lets hope the community choses wisely.
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I don't think you need to control or fix anything. It's human nature. What we're playing is social media, the place where people interact with each other. Not like any other cryptocurrencies where people interact with machines or code only. You have the best technical skills, if you don't like to play with people, just let them play by themselves, by ignoring them you can do much better.
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Thank you for replying. I'm still hurt. I wrote out my thoughts here.
This, for me, was so much bigger than politics and petty arguments. It was about a platform which actually had the potential to provide freedom from government. Without your vision and philosophy fighting for that, I doubt very much it will happen here.
I'm truly sorry you couldn't stay in the fight. I need to go to bed before I say too much I'll regret.
For what it's worth, thank you Dan. You gave me so much hope while it lasted.
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You know you have many options... don't you?

I for one am happy for you to get out of the DayJob
and join the Open Source Movement! Pay should not be a problem.
I appreciate the work you've done. Thank you.
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Now everyone is concerned with the future of the platform, which is something everyone here is used to live with.
But I want to say special thanks to you, man. No matter what would happen, You are great!
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I think we already seen how the community(concentrated power) chooses...
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I'm very grateful for what you brought in my life and I feel like this is only the beginning. Thank you!
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I feel lucky that I have gone to bed earlier.
IMHO it's better if dan can code. But it's not too bad if he won't.
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Yes. This is really disappointing.
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But why?
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I think dan will no longer be able to see this, but lots of articles out there on why. Hinting on management disagreement...
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He still have a huge power steem. Why he s not helping comunity
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For personal reasons, he isn't engaged in steemit anymore, as far as my understanding is. You may want to check some articles about it :)
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Can you link me a good one? Thanks.
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Ooh you'll have fun with google. I just typed 'Dan leaving steemit' when I first came across an article mentioning it, wasn't around at the time yet. You'll get TONS of recommended reads! Choose one that takes your fancy.
Here is one for a starter:
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I wish you well too. You've got great talent. I wish you will stick with Steem despite the disputes over this and that. Its potential is not gone.
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Hey @dan - thanks for giving us this amazing platform. It will be interesting to see where the community takes it from here.
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Yes, @dan
Thank you for giving us the @Steemit opportunity. 🎖
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Too bad, sad to see you go. You have brilliant ideas, and I hope you will find something that suits you better in the future; I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do next.
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I wish you the best in wherever life takes you.
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Then stop downvoting his post.
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Stop telling him what to do with his steem power
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Stop telling him what he can say from his own account.
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Just stop
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Imagine it with 216 nesting limit
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Don't tell people what to do!.. danm.....i did it again...why is communicating so dang hard! Damn you STEEM!
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That is free market and liberty at its best. @pfunk's MC Hammer only makes it better.
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Stop telling me what I can say from my own account.
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kinda, yeah.
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out of curiosity - why you flagged this post of Dan?
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It is consistent with my overall current practice of downvoting strong whale votes (in this case I believe his own, but I didn't look carefully). When I did so it hadn't yet been downvoted by others, so my downvote was merely a reduction of the rewards generated by the whale voting in combination with the extreme superlinear reward curve.
I don't believe an "I quit!" post is adding value.
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I have to admit. I powered up this account to specifically be an annoyance to you and your downvotes. Then an annoying bug mushed me and I had to be a bigger bug in order to speak.
You have won me over. People are getting bigger rewards from smaller fish.
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Best of luck to you @dan, you are one of a kind and an unique mind. You created Bitshares and Steemit, both platforms have had impact in the life of so many people and businesses that have been created around both of them.
If Steemit is not perfect is because people are not perfect, we could tweak it and change it all we want, there will always be someone trying to take advantage of the system... but you should be damm proud of yourself for what you accomplished here.
I have learned a lot from you and will for sure follow you on your future endeavours.
J. Chitty
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I remember the first slack message you sent to me 8 months ago. Thanks for creating this, @dan. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
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Thank you for all that you have done here, and for the opportunity that it gave so many of us. Best wishes in the future @dan! (still the man!)
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Goodbye Dan.

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My first reaction: Why!?!?
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It looks like this is the reason: https://github.com/steemit/steem/pull/936
Dan wanted to open licence of Steem (anyone could then fork Steem without a permission of Steemit Inc.) - that would allow test many assumptions much faster, like every other altcoin is testing new approaches for bitcoin. Unfortunately other guys in Steemit Inc. do not share vision of Dan.
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Comment 1 and Comment 2
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Oh..the original content is also available... https://phist.steemdata.com/history?identifier=https%3A%2F%2Fsteemit.com%2Fsteemit%2F%40berniesanders%2Fwhy-did-ned-lie-to-the-steem-community
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I would be careful drawing conclusions from limited data.
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So please give us more data. We are shareholders of Steem, which codebase is controlled by Steemit Inc. We would like to know more.
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It is very possible/likely that his decision to leave was not directly related to this specific issue. To say that is the 'reason' is assuming a lot.
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I think the way the license is in it's current form actually protects stakeholders, because making it illegal to fork STEEM by writing so directly into the software license means that the social giants (Facebook for instance) can not simply fork and use the same underlying code without potential litigation.
That being said, I know @dan is a man of principles and I could see his argument for wanting to make the Steem block chain fully open source.
I just wish if this was the beef, that they could have compromised in some way to keep the leadership team of Steemit, Inc. together. I don't think this marks the end of the Steem experiment but certainly it is the end of an era.
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It doesn't protect from Google or Facebook. If they want, they hire the best devs and write a similar or even better software in no time. They have 'endless' resources.
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@robrigo Steemit loose that small advantages by alienating free minded users and devs. Loosing value by being way slower than with parallel chain development. Loosing users or raise tension by forcing the minority to accept the decisions of the majority (which could be a few big stake holder) without making available alternatives. This is vendor lock-in by a monopoly.
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the problem is... that witnesses (chosen by community) cannot chose to run hardfork not approved by Steemit Inc. So if someone would came up with an idea, which will be great for Steem community, but bad for Steemit Inc., then those changes would never be implemented.
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@tibonova I don't disagree they can start from scratch and compete, certainly. It's not a panacea but it gives the Steem network a small advantage vs. their endless resources.
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Good advice.
@noisy here's some more data https://steemd.com/tx/3b205c4416376e13722ddea0fb26a10aa83ecfdc
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It seems to me that there isn't just one reason but many over time.
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Sad to hear. Good luck at whatever you do next! I hope we still get to watch your brain in action.
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I have had an incredible amount of fun here. Thanks for everything you have done to make this a reality. I would have never written anything without steemit. Good luck in your next adventures.
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Sorry to hear that. All the best with whatever you do
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Thks @Dan for all what you have done till now. I've follow you since Bitshares and you always keep to your mission no manner of the difficulties. I've always admire your mission: "find free market solution to secure life, liberty & prosperity" and you have not only deliver it, but also interpret it in your work. Since I discover Bitshares and got the powerfull idea around it, I bought this mission and the technology that interpret it at the best. Entrepreneurial & business venture could be challenging. I don't know the reason of your resignation, but i wish you all the best in all what you will be doing in the upcoming month. To all Steemit.com user, don't forget Steemit Inc. is a company and will still have a protocol that have been build. Entrepreneurs will come up to continue the adventure. We've seen it in Bitshares, another Dan's baby. We have a tool box to build what even we want with Graphene Technology build by Dan and his team. I look forward to see him build something on Steem Blockchain and bring a product that 1 billion people will benefit. I'm looking to see a low cost insurance product build on Steem for developing country.
Best success to all and again all the best for @Dan
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You will be missed, @dan. Thank you for all you have done for the new steemians on Steemit. You can be proud of what you have created. The best to all your new adventures and projects. Bye bye, for now, Dan... until your next exciting enterprise.

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Best possible wishes for your future, Dan. Thanks for all you've done.

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Gracias por todo amigo, le deseo mucha suerte en lo que se proponga. Lamento mucho que deje esta comunidad.
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Let's keep steem on to honour dan.
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Thank you! For your effort and time to developed this platform. I will use this social media platform wisely to honour you. Sallute!
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Dan, I am really sorry to hear that. Anyway if you feel that is the best for you I wish you much luck and success on your further way. Hopefully you will be a hidden asset for steemit if they need your experitse and advice.
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Although I never met you, and you don't know me, I wish you all the best. You've created a wonderful platform that gave many of us an environment to express ourselves, to challenge us, to move us in new directions and more. Thank You!
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@dan's showing something to us with his last post:
15 words ==> 209 comments and 595 views
Short contents could have enormous value.
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April fools?
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Wrong month...
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I thought it was a spoof at first too. I feel like the last few days have hurt Steem really badly, and now this... Sigh.
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Yes very surprising
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Ides of March.
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Et tu smoothie? Then fall Caesar.
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Lol nice
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I wish, @goldmatters
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Thank you for all that you have done here Dan. I am disappointed and shocked to hear you leaving like this... One of the major selling points for me personally of getting involved with Steem and Steemit was getting on board with something that had such a visionary leading it...
Now that visionary is gone...
Judging by some of your comments in this thread is it safe to say that you also will not be working on the steem blockchain any longer?
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As a user who has held you in high esteem for making this possible, I do expect more than this cryptic post on why you are leaving. Steemit is being polarised and I want to know why. But whatever happens, I will watch out for your works in the future and know this, that you have a supporter, always.
Bye Dan, best of luck for the future.
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Cryptic posts are probably the best he can do.
I empathize.
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Hey @dan,
Literally just read all the current comments one by one. This is my first time writing you. Without your founding help, steemit would have never been here, so I thank you for your contribution.
Aside from all the negative backlash and feedback and responses, your father and you know, as Christians, that our God, Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ commanded us not to put faith into any man, therefore, such faith is in God alone and remains a constant, reliable and unwavering rock of support to ground us.
I'm not privy to what went wrong in your team, who was involved, who fell short of expectations, who didn't deliver what was promised, or the politics involved that swayed your resignation into manifestation, such is just general speculation, but I wish you all the best as well for any of your future endeavors. Put God first and you can't lose.
God bless,
Verbal D
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but why?
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I guess the captain doesn't go down with the ship, anymore.
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i don't think steemit is going down?? :( sure hope not! can't wait to see what ned says in his update
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I hope not too, but after the last few days I'm not encouraged. Comments and replies are down to almost nonexistent for me. I've had one post in the last 9 days with fair interaction. I don't make money, so if there is no social interaction, what's left?
Steem/it, in my humble opinion, is vastly superior to Bitcoin. I hope it works out. I don't see any openings blogging or socializing for Bitcoin.
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and agreed! steem is vastly superior to many altcoins i feel
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It's impossible with the fees Bitcoin has.
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what sidewalks have you been walking down?!?! lol !
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Just near my house on the way to the store. I have a subconscious subroutine that looks for quarters and paper money. Since I learned how to do it, I find a surprising amount of money.
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not sure what you mean by don't make money because i do see $ rewards for your posts over the past few days? I don't think i have an accurate gauge of the usual commentary activity so it is hard to tell if it has declined that much or not, it seems like there are a lot more new users and more daily posts? although aren't things usually slow over the weekend? sure hope it's uphill from here! :)
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Don't get me wrong, I don't do this for the money or I would have been gone long ago, but I've actually found more change on the sidewalk, than I have been rewarded here, in the last week.
I'm here for my friends and followers, and lots of those are leaving. I hope my posts are still benefiting people, but I don't know how many autovotes and bot votes I'm getting. If I'm here, talking to myself, making a quarter a post, I know I can help more people than that.
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And the price ???:(
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yep, was up earlier today. Down hard now.
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@Steemit is more RMS Carpathia than RMS Titanic, @lifeworship
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I hope so. I also hope Steemit can recover more than a third of the passengers currently embroiled in the Titanic/Facebook catastrophe. I don't think the crew of the Carpathia were jumping ship.
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As Dan said, he's not the captain, but the engineer.
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Got it, but what would the Enterprise be without Mr. Scott, chief engineer? Oh, I'm sure they'd muddle through, and maybe more than just that, given the rest of a fantastic crew, but with something obvious missing.
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I wish you all the best. I'm quite certain your next big thing is around the corner. However, I don't like they way you leave. You drop us two sentences and that's it. You gave us this ship and we never really saw you. It's sad because i have much respect to you
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Can you share what specifically caused you to leave?
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New opportunities to pursue my vision of free market solutions to secure life liberty and property.
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Looking forward to your new projects. I do care a lot with life liberty and property!
Thanks for building Steemit, the best social network I know so far. Wish you all the best!
Regards from Portugal :)
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Please don't leave. We've been dreaming about next Steemfest to meet you and @ned and properly say thank you for what you've done here for the community. You just don't know what you've done in our life. Extremely sad. :'(
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Nice to hear that, the reason i am into BTC and Altcoin from the start.
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come back to share with us under an alias, will ya? (say yes but don't answer).
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Keep me posted on your new endeavors. Count me in!
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Good to know.
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With all the respect I hold for the people behind Steemit, I think it's immature to receive mixed messages of one sentence like "I quit" or "let's do an experiment". We all count on you guys. Maybe just a little more communication among all the fish in the see would be great.
Good luck.
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Dan. You are like a sheep without a Shepherd. Blockchain isnt going to save the world. But the word of God will. Remember forgiveness and know that the better of 2 men will forgive when the other will remain stubborn. We need you like a Shepherd needs all of his sheep and all of his sheep need the Shepherd.
Luke 15:4
"Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn't he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?"
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Why does this mean you have to stop posting and voting?
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If he replies to anything, I'd like to know just this.
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For this? (a little humor in the panic)
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WTF is this not a death sentence for steem?what happenend here?
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Not a death sentence for Steem. It's built, it's running, there's still development.
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Not a death sentence. Dan's got a whole lot of thoughts in his head.
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BTS could need a little bump right now.
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If I may ask - why?
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Sincerely wish you the best in future endeavours.
You're far more than just the 'engineer of the ship.' Just from your writings here it is clear that you are at the very least a co-captain, with vision and the skill to execute that vision.
We will miss your steady hand on the tiller.
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Wait a minute, say what? Care to elaborate a bit? I'm sure you can understand how just saying something like that out of the blue can alarm a great many people. Not saying we need to know everything that's going on behind the scenes, but anything you can share publicly would be appreciated.
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So I pretty much learned to code because of you. I mean indirect and whatever, but still. Respect isn't constant agreement, ya know?
Pick your target, and knock it right out of the ballpark. You're worthy of the spotlight, you know. Baroque encryption scheme and all (I was wrong.)
Good luck, have fun!
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And even this post gets flagged by the "experiment" Communists. Jeeze.
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OMG get over it!
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I find it interesting that when presented with facts straight from the mouths of the experiment creators themselves, you abandon our previous conversation on this thread, find me here and begin again, without ever addressing the facts presented you in the last thread.
If you continue to follow me around and spam my comments I will have to flag these comments in the future. I ask you respectfully to stop.
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Every post I read I see your rants about the experiment, are you really that butthurt that you have to go around and whine everywhere like a cry baby..
I stopped the conversation because it wasn't productive,I am not interested in engaging with people who have no foresight and vision for steem.
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If factual information about the issue is "not productive" then I agree this exchange is not worth our time.
You say I have "no vision for the platform."
I am "butt hurt."
Thank you for your opinion. I disagree. My very reason for making so much noise is in fact because I care immensely.
If it is a waste of time for you, then fair enough. Thanks for the chat. I wish you the best.
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This is what you care about
You are trying to protect your own interests by pushing the 'newbies are upset' narrative.
So many people concerned about newbies recently, not sure what happened../s
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Well, to be fair, you could look at this as "why should we give money to him for leaving and not interacting with the community anymore?" After all, his Steem Power holdings are a plenty decent "severance package" anyway...
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It looks like it is @smooth and his flag bots continuing their "upvote countering."
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All the Best @dan, thanks for everything you have done for steemit. Good luck with your future endeavours.
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Start a normal profile like the rest of us. Come in with Starting SteemPower and privileges... Call it an "Experiment."
Start a CULT... Remain a personality ; )
But good luck on you endeavors either way and THANK YOU,

for the work on THIS Platform.
Kind regards.
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This makes me very, very sad.
I wish there was something to be done, I'm sure I've could've done better to let you know how much I appreciated you. As many, many of us do.
I'm sad I waited until now, I'm sad it may be too late now.
I hope you know that I always appreciated you and you are one of the people I respect the most.
I have a thousands thanks to give you! I wish that whatever you do next you would be inspired and encouraged, surrounded by people who support you, because you have the spark and the genius to create beautiful things.
Whatever you do next I wish you the best, I wish I'll learn about it because I know it will be amazing and If I could do anything to help, I would.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you Dan!
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And I wish the same to you Dan.
Good luck and godspeed!
[email protected]
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Wow so much bucks for resignation, seems like I have to do the same 😈
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I'm new on Steem and this makes me feel very "uncertain".
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(Hands out popcorn, it's going to be ok)
Just blog and have fun!
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Damn. You were the libertarian whale man.
Thanks for everything.
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Seriously though .. this is sickening. STEEMIT Inc. .. y'all better learn how to write press releases .. and flood the planet with excessively positive announcements every 3 days for the next 3 months!
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@dan couldn't write much, he isn't the part of Steemit, inc. anymore, and he would be attacked for every extra word that 'you fuck up the price, it's bad for Steem'.
I like the way he did it. That's @ned job as a CEO (or the one's he has delegated it) to organize a press release, the sooner the better. I agree with you that it must be fucking good, professional and confident after all.
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I'm not sure noise can drown out the sorrow :|
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@dan Take a break for a few weeks if you want to, but don't leave. You built this, you drew us here. We appreciate your insight and commentary and although we may not see eye to eye on everything, i think I speak for everyone when I say. We're your friends. Don't turn your back on your friends like that.
Step down from Steemit Inc or whatever, but don't suddenly shut everyone out.
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What is going on @ned?
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Dan, there have been so many times at work when people have been leaving and everyone gathers around and ensues an awkward speech from their boss.
Its feels so strange that I have never met you, I have only seen one youtube video of you giving an interview yet what you have created has affected me and I feel like I know you.
I find it fitting I have heard about your leaving on something that you have been instrumental in creating (Steemit). What you have helped start and shape will live on and I wish you the best in your future endeavours. I would love if you continue to update us maybe with more regular posts on what your up to on Steemit. We would love to hear.
Thank you again.
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Petition to open source Steem:
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Houston, we have a problem...
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Funny...sorry LOL
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Dan, you helped build something so awesome and so revolutionary that never in a million years would I have thought possible.
Steemit is helping loads of people out there in various different ways and it just won't be the same without you. Personally, it saved me from a really dark place and I will remain forever indebted to you for that.
I wish you all the success for your future. :)
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No explanation?
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I feel great sadness at reading this news. Best wishes for your future.
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Thank you @dan for what you created. Like Satoshi Nakamoto, your an inventor, a visionary, a genius ! I can't wait to read you further on http://bytemaster.github.io/ ! Make us dream of a better society again !
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That's all ? Just a few words and good bye without any explanation ? Oh well, I am truly sad for such news and wish you the best. I enjoyed reading your insight since June 2016
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Thank you Dan. You are a legend.
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Nooooooo ! Say it isnt sooo ! Am I dreaming , someone pinch me !!!!
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It is sad to see you go, but I will be looking out for your next project.
Good Luck :)
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Is it because I said you look kinda creepy without the beard? :)
Be well! Your work is appreciated!
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Good luck @dan. Thank you for your efforts. Your work will never be forgotten.
You'll find a new challenge soon. You'll make a difference anywhere so just keep doing your thing.
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Thanks for your visionary insights and hard work for this platform. I am still following you and expecting your future works!
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@Dan, Thank you for your service, You have brilliant ideas, and I hope you will find something that suits you better in the future .Dont ever give up dude :D
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De l'audace, encore de l'audace, toujours de l'audace!
Keep the spirit alive! Thank you, Dan!
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that would be applauds, aye , aye
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Thank you so much Dan for all the work you have put into Steemit. I been around since the beginning of Steemit and learned a lot about this platform throught the months. My whole account is dedicated to writing Guides & Tutorials about this platforms, i received plenty of recognition from you and Ned.
I did my fair research about Steemit and your background, particularly have seen a lot of Videos about you. All i can say is that, i do feel in good your hands because you seem like down-to earth guy with big dreams
Your one of the most recognized blockchain experts out there, i have much to learn from you!
I think you're busy with a lot other things happening life, so i don't blame you
Stay Positive, our existence is short so you should not care about what the world thinks about you from time-to-time. Look forward to the next following decades when your legacy will be written books or made into a film
Appreciate all the good work, you have done so far. I know you would always offer a helping hand when Ned most needs it!
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There goes the neighborhood...
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I do not know why this decision to resign. But I hope that before making the decision to be taken enough time to think. My friend, I wish you all the best. But it can be far from the resignation use this account
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Best of luck for your future, Dan. I don't know you personally, but everything I've read about / from you makes me believe you are a great one.
When the father leaves his baby without saying a word, then things are worse than we might believe. You've created something outstanding, and without you it won't be the same. There is no doubt about that.
Whichever your motivations are, it has surely not been an easy decision. However, it's your life and your journey. You leave us with a broken house of cards, but who knows maybe there are some magicians amoung us who may know how to rebuild it...
Again, best of luck and thanks for the ride! You're still "the man".
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Shocking post. Why is everybody leaving??? Are we sinking?
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Not unless everyone acts as cattle from here on.
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did someone downvote ur ham?
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That's was obvious from the beginning. That's what he does. He will always find the way to screw up investors.
At the end thank you for downvoting my Steemit bilboard. You are the man.
Greeting from AGS investor.
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That is sad to read but good luck for the future - you will be missed! Thanks for a great platform - and cheers!
Sure you will turn up soon with something awesome!
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Consider joining US @phibetaiota

You're an inspiration to the General of the Open Source Movement...
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THIS is actually a REALLY Great Idea...

Not gonna lie!
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One could see it as a bad thing, and other as serial entrepreneurship.
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shocking... will this be your final remarks?
from @dantheman's last comment.
Anyhow, we are all deeply indebted to you for creating this place in crypto history. thank you and all the best!
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Sorry to hear about you resigning. As a new comer to the Steemit Platform that you helped create, I want to say THANK YOU for what it's worth. By reading all these Admirable comments your friends and colleagues posted, you shall NOT be forgotten.
Best Wishes @dan @dantheman
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It's been great having you're services @dan. I wish you a great future, hopefully still in the crypto space, and if not, still just as great.
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I just got here.
Damnit, Dan.
We were going to go places. See things.
You woke me from my Hibernation Pod and just fly out into space?
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I was surprised with your decision sir @dan but I believe you have a good reason. Thank you for everything that you have done for us.
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Over the past week or two I have been feeling a little despondent at the cracks appearing in the Steemit community (especially at the top) ... At the risk of being accused of negativity I have to conclude that the cracks have just torn into a schism.
Anyway, what is done is done. Thanks for a great concept @Dan and all the best for the future.
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A sad day when a visionary with integrity leaves the thing you believe and are invested in.
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If you need a job the Empire is always looking for talent.

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Dan, you are the biggest piece of shit of them all. You and your group of scam artists that instamined this trash during the beginning and then gave yourselves even more money by upvoting your own plagiarized/invented content. FUCK YOU! Not to mention that you even changed the power-down cool-down just so you and your group could exit from this shitcoin at a faster rate. I'm ashamed to have contributed with my work during the bitshares development days. Enjoy your millions, scum. You will not be missed.
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Anyone who didn't see this shit coming more then 6 months ago shouldn't be engaging in investing in crypto currencies. The whole system was built to make the few creators/newcomers rich by creating money from thin air through hype bubble and speculation. The whole power and benefits were given to creators - no power was given content creators who arrived later. And Dan new it all the time that money can't be sucked out of thin air forever. And it was amazing how openly he changed the core features of the (immutable) system to get his part of riches out and then disappear.
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That's right @dan. Everything has always a sweet beginning and then a cloying ending.. sometimes!!

Sugar apart, good luck buddy.. to whatever you dare to sugarcoat from now on. :)
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Why are you leaving the platform @dan.
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