안녕하십니까 스티미언 여러분!!!
Hello, all Steemians!!!
이건뭐 연재할려면 1년도 더 걸릴 만큼 많던데... 알고들 계셨나요???? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그래서 일단 리스트업부터 시작하고 다는 못할 것 같고 한번씩 써보면서 뉴비분들께서 유용하게 쓸만한 것들만 추려서 연재 하려고 하니 많은 관심 부탁 드립니다!! :)
말씀 드렸다시피 “뉴비가 뉴비에게” 인 관계로 많이들 쓰고 계시는 스팀헌트나 테이스팀 비지 등도 포함 될 예정이니 헌비분들께서 이해해주세요. :)
그럼 일단 카테고리별로 프로젝트 목록부터 보시죠. (좀 길테니 넘기실 분들은 넘기시고... ㅋㅋㅋ)
목록중 일부는 진행중인 프로젝트도 있네요. 암튼 전부 프로젝트 웹사이트 또는 발표공지 포스팅으로 링크 걸어 두었습니다.. 그리고 unknown/abandoned/broken 등 안좋게 표시되어 있는 것들은 스팀프로젝트
사이트로 링크 걸어놓았습니다. 내가 왜 이 노가다를 하는 지는 모르겠지만....ㅋㅋㅋ
직접 보고 싶으신 분들을 위해 아래 프로젝트 정리해 놓은 웹사이트 링크 걸어 놓습니다.
While I was searching those, I got shocked... It would take a year or more... lol Did you guys know that there were hundreds of STEEM projects?
So I decided to list up them first, and just Intorduce few of them which will be helpful for newbies.
Please note that I will include some well-known platforms like busy, steemhunt, tasteem etc. because it is for super newbies.
Let me list up them by categories first. (NOTE: it’s gonna be quite long.... lol)
Some of them are still working or in beta version. Anyway, I linked all the lists below to the project websites or the announcement post. Also, I linked some projects that is shown as unknown/abandoned/broken to the steemprojects website. I don't know why I am doing this crazy work, but I did it... lol
Just in case, for people want to visit their website, here is the link below.
Account Creation Tools
- AnonSteem
- CNsteem.io
- Get On Steem!
- QuickSteem
- Steem account creator
- SteemCreate
- Steemfounders
- Steemit Account Creator Tool
Block Explorers
- Account Blacklist Flagger
- AssHatHunter.js
- Checky
- CN-Malaysia Bot
- Community Bot
- contestBot
- Curatear
- Curiosity
- Curobot
- Deutschbot
- DiscoSteem
- Donation Vote Bot
- Dorabot
- Dr.Otto
- Dr. Phil
- Dtube Community Support
- espoem_facts
- Fairlotto
- Freakazoid
- frontrunbot
- frontrunresteem
- GINA-General Instant Notification Automaton
- Lottobot
- LuckyBet
- MinnowBooster Delegation Manager
- Noteefi
- Post Promoter
- @powerbot
- @promoted
- ptbot
- RandoWhale
- @remind-me
- Self Voter Flagger
- Slotto
- statBot
- Steemally
- steemanywhere_bot
- SteemAuto
- SteemDM
- Steem FOSSbot
- SteemiTag
- SteemitPostNotifyBot
- SteemitWechatBot
- Steem Reward Manager
- steem-trailbot
- Steemule
- Steem Watchdog
- Stephard
- Tagbot
- thanks
- The Seeress
- Tippy
- tipu
- TrufflePig
- turbot
- Tweem
- Utopian-1UP.com
- utopy
- Vooby.js
- Votezy STEEM Bot
Browser extensions
- Curator Pro Feed
- SteemContext
- Steemed Phish Extension
- Steem Enhancer
- Steemifier
- Steemit CountDown
- Steemit EasyEdit
- Steemit FloatVote
- Steemit GoToBlog
- Steemit More Info
- Steemit Notifications
- Steemit Random
- Steemit Sidebar
- SteemIt Smile!
- Steemit <—> Steemd
- SteemPlus
- Steem Upvote Bot
- Accusta
- AskSteem
- Catch a Whale
- Dead Followers
- Lightsteem
- Mentions tool
- MicroSteemit
- My Steemit Friends
- My Steemit Profile
- phist
- Polish Steem Community Guide
- sbd.ninja
- Spectacles
- Steem Activity
- SteemB
- Steem Bot Tracker
- SteemChallenge.com
- SteemChallenger - Advanced Payout Calculator
- steem.cool
- SteemDown
- STeem-Flow
- SteemFollowers
- SteemForThe.Win
- SteemHater
- SteemitBoard
- Steemit Bubbles
- Steemit-Estimator
- Steemitlabs.com - Tools for Creators
- SteemitMETA
- Steemit Pond
- SteemitTools.XYZ
- SteemitX
- steem-market
- SteemMVP
- SteemNow
- Steem Ocean
- Steem o graph
- SteemPoll
- Steem Prices
- Steem Private Messages (SPM)
- steempunks
- Steemr
- SteemRateIt
- Steem Reports
- SteemStars
- SteemStats
- SteemStats Mobile Webapp
- SteemStream
- Steem.Supply
- Steem Tag Search
- Steem Tag Viewer
- SteemTracked
- Steemverse
- SteemViz
- SteemWatch
- SteemWeight
- SteemWhales
- SteemWinner
- SteemWorld
- UpVoters
- WhaleSonar
- WhatTags
- Mark Steem Down
- PowerPost
- Steeditor
- SteemEditor
- SteemPower.org
- SteemStyle
- Steem Ultimate Editor
- SteemWrite
- SteemWriter
Programming Tools
- asyncsteem
- asyncsteem3
- beem
- BusyIMG
- Cryptography.ECDSA
- Ditch (C#)
- django_steemconnect
- dsteem playground
- dsteem (TypeScript)
- EasySteem
- Golos/Steem PHP Event Listener
- go-steem/rpc
- Interactive Steem API
- krang
- LightRPC: PHP JSON-RPC 2 Client
- OpenSteem
- PHP Graphene Node Client
- piston-cli
- piston-lib
- python-social-auth-steemconnect
- Radiator
- sc2py
- Steem API Explorer
- steembench
- steemcli
- SteemConnect
- steemconnect-firebase-functions
- steemconnect-python-client
- SteemConnect SDK for PHP
- SteemData
- SteemDevs Discord Server
- Steem Docs
- Steemduino
- Steemex
- SteemJ
- SteemJ-Image-Upload
- SteemJS
- SteemJS (steemjs-lib)
- steem-lib (JS)
- SteemNews
- SteemOC
- steemphp (by davidk)
- steemphp (by jesta)
- steemRdata
- steem-rpc
- Steem Ruby
- Steem Servers
- SteemSnippets
- Steem Testnet
- steem.ws
- Streemian/app-account
- TestNET Condenser
- VueSteemConnect
Steem Interfaces
- Blockchan
- bSteem
- busy
- chainBB
- Columns for Steem
- coogger
- DBooks
- DecentMemes
- dlike
- dMania
- DNGO Books
- dPixify
- D.Sound
- eSteem
- ESTEEM8 Application
- Esteem.Life
- Fast-reply
- Finally Comments
- Framesia
- Fundition
- Glasnost
- Głodni Wiedzy
- hexo-steem
- insteem
- KnackSteem
- Let’s Eat
- Mangosteem
- Mapala.net
- Memeit.LOL
- Musing
- OnePlace
- Parley
- Partiko
- piston-web
- reprint
- SelfSteem
- Squeek
- steembin
- steemblr
- SteemCodeIt
- SteemDash
- Steemgigs
- Steemhunt
- Steemia
- Steemify
- Steemit.com
- Steemit Feed for Joomla
- Steemit Feed for Wordpress
- Steemiz.io
- SteemKitties
- SteemKR.com
- SteemLine
- Steemlinked
- SteemMakers
- Steem Messenger
- Steem News
- SteemNotify
- SteemPeak
- SteemPi
- SteemPress.io
- steem.rocks
- SteemRoll
- SteemThink
- Steemy
- steepshot
- Strimi
- Super Steemian
- The Creative Crypto
- Traders & Investors Mentor Market
- Ulogs
- Utopian.io
- Vapor
- What Q&A
- WordPress Steem
- Zappl
Video Platform
Witness Tools
- Conductor
- Pricesnatcher.js
- Steemfeed-JS
- Steem-in-a-box
- Steem Monitor
- Steem-Supply
- steem witness failover script
- Witness Price Feed
- Witness Server Sentry
- witness-setup
- Witness Stats
- Air-Clinic
- Another Steempress
- AutoSteem
- BeScouted
- Blinkit
- Comprendre-Steem.fr
- Cosgrove
- Crowdini
- DCR Tools
- Escrow GUI
- Followers Reward
- Ganymede
- Gator
- How to Steemit
- IPFS.pictures
- Listen to Steem
- Lucksacks Steem Poker League
- Minnow Support Project
- Now Playing
- Oracle-D
- Pick
- Power Down Wealth Checker
- Promo price
- Q-Filter
- Radio Steem
- Raid Ponzi Steemit
- Rating
- Reblog Reward
- Rewards Share app
- Sherwood Forest
- slider.mysteemit.xyz
- Steem Automated
- SteemBlog
- SteemBoost
- Steem Buddy
- Steem.Center
- SteemChallenges
- Steem.Chat
- Steem.City
- SteemData Notify
- SteemDice
- Steemee
- SteemFest mobile app
- SteemFighter
- SteemFiles
- Steemfilter
- SteemFollower
- SteemFriends
- Steemgar
- Steemgg
- Steem.Global
- SteemHQ.com - Community Witness
- Steem Ideas
- SteemImg
- SteemInvite
- Steemir
- Steemistry
- steemit.chat
- SteemitDesign.com
- steemit-earnings
- SteemitHelp
- SteemitPhotoChallenge.com
- Steemit.Pics
- Steemit Vote Weight Calculator
- Steemit Widgets
- SteemLeak
- Steemlets
- steem.link
- Steemlookup
- Steem Loto
- Steem.ly
- Steem Mentions
- SteemNova
- Steem on Telegram
- SteemPacman
- SteemPixels.com
- SteemPort
- Steempress
- Steem Projects
- SteemRollers
- Steem Share
- Steemshelves
- Steem Speak
- SteemSpot
- SteemStory
- Steemticker for MacOS
- SteemTime
- SteemTipper
- SteemTools
- SteemURL
- SteemUserStats
- SteemVerify
- steemwho
- Steemy or Not?
- Steemian
- Team Work app
- The Magic Frog
- Zteem.io
혹시 목록에도 없고 아래 제가 알고있는 목록외에도 또다른 프로젝트 알고 계신것 있으면 댓글에 달아주세요. 수정하겠습니다. :)
In case, you know any other projects that are not on the list above and below, please drop the comment, so I can update. :)
- actifit
- artisteem
- intersteem
- sndbox (이건 스팀만의 프로젝트는 아닌듯 하네요. / This looks not for only steem project.)
- steemshop (이건 영문은 없나요?/Not sure there are English version.)
- steempayco
- steemitshop
- steem.shop
- steeme
- steemit.com Enhancer
- tasteem
- voting calculator/보팅계산기
그런 의미에서 이 연재를 시작하는 이유를 잠깐 말씀 드리자면
첫째 혼자하는 스팀잇 공부입니다. ㅋㅋㅋ
둘째 개발자는 아니지만 공부해보면서 팀을 꾸려 어떤 프로젝트 하나 해보고싶어서... 가능할진 모르겠지만..ㅋㅋ
셋째 저는 스팀잇이 무한한 가능성이 있다 생각합니다.
넷째 무한한 가능성은 네드와 스팀잇 팀도 그들 나름대로 열심히 일하겠지만 (다만... 많은 분들이 크게 와닿지 않는 선에서....ㅋ) 스팀 블록체인 위의 이 수많은 프로젝트들 때문이라 생각하고 많은 뉴비분들이 이 사실을 알았으면 하는 마음에..... :)
다섯째 이 수많은 프로젝트는 왜 생기는 걸까? 생각해보니, 첫째는 물론 돈이겠지요. 근데 과연 가상화폐가 이렇게 곤두박질 치는 상황속에 돈만을 바라고 하는 건 아니라는 생각이... 스티미언들의 “주인의식”이 아닐까 싶습니다.
마지막으로 저는 스팀잇을 무지하게 사랑합니다. ㅋㅋㅋ
하루종일 스팀잇만 보고 앉았네요... 이러다가 @lucky2 님 처럼 자칭 스팀잇직원 또는 전업 스티미언 되는거 아닌가 모르겠습니다. ㅋㅋㅋ
하루 최소 한가지씩은 연재하도록 “노력” 해보겠습니다.
많은 관심과 리스팀 및 응원 부탁 드리겠습니다. :)
Let me explain some reasons I still want to do this series.
First, self-study about the steemit
Second, I want to make the small team to start my own project even I am not a developer...(not sure it will be possible or not... lol)
Third, I think steemit has infinite potential to grow.
Fourth, the potential of steemit is not only from @ned and teams (even a lot of people says they are not working hard enough even they are doing.... lol) but also from these hundreds of projects. I want newbies recognize this fact.
Fifth, Steemians ownership. I was thinking why there are so many projects. Maybe because of money. But now the cryptocurrency value is plunging. I don’t think money is not the only matter for them in this situation.
Lastly, I love Steemit So much. :D
I am watching and studying Steemit allllllll day... Wondering that I am gonna be full time Steemian soon enough.. lol
I will “try” to write this series a post a day.
Please me your interest by reply and resteem to support this series. :)
Very usefull, thank you!
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Thank you for your reply :)
I hope it will be useful for all steemians :)
Start following you now :)
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이제 봤네요.. 이 좋은글을!! ㅎ
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ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 감사합니다!!! :)
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Congratulations @jisoooh0202! You have completed the following achievement on Steemit and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
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좋은 정보 감사합니다
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방문해주시고 댓글도 남겨주셔서 감사합니다!!!
팔로우하고 방문하러 갑니다~ :)
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정리하느라 고생하셨어요~ 스팀잇 프로젝트가 저렇게나 많았군요. 연재가 기대됩니다.^^
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오오오 감사합니다!!! 저도 많은 줄은 알았는데 정리하다보니까 너무 많네요...ㅋㅋㅋ 눈빠지는 줄... 손목아프고...ㅋㅋㅋ
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너무 많아서 정말로 눈이 빠지겠어요
그래도 하나씩 알아가면 재미있을 것 같아요 ㅎㅎ
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보시고 재밌으실 만한거는 뺏어가셔서 리뷰해주세요. 저는 코딩쪽은 전혀 모르니 코딩 관련된 프로젝트들은 저는 절대 손 못대니까...ㅋㅋㅋ
언급한대로 뉴비가 뉴비에게 스팀잇과 함께 쓰면 유용할만한 것만 소개 할라니까..ㅋㅋㅋ 시간 되시면 부탁 드립니다~~~!! :)
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시간날때 열심히 정리해주신 목록에서 한번 살펴봐야겠어요. 그런데 리뷰까지는 어렵네용 ㅎㅎ
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리뷰는 그냥 말씀드린거예요~ 신경 안쓰셔도 되요 ㅎㅎㅎ
그렇게 말씀해주시니 정리해논 보람이 있네요 :)
감사합니다!! :)
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ㅍ 로젝트가 진짜 많네요 ㅎㅎ 1년도 더걸릴듯 ㅋㅋㅋ
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뭐 연재하다보면 1년씩 계속 늘것 같아서 그냥 유용한것들 많이 쓰는 것들만 하려고요 ㅎㅎㅎ 정리한다고 힘들었습니다...ㅋ.ㅋㅋㅋ
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ㅎㅎㅎ 정리하신다고 진짜 고생 하셨네요
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와. 엄청 많네요.
이거 다 어떻게 정리하셨어요?
앞으로도 걱정이시겠어요.
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식당일하면서 틈틈히 링크거는데 3일 걸렸습니다.. 덕분에 소통 못하고 요러고 있었네요....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
앞으로는 뭐.... 그냥 천천히.......ㅋㅋㅋ
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어디든지 쓸수 있을듯하여 리스팀해놓고 볼께요.
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오!!!! 감사합니다~~~ :) 뿌듯하네요 리스팀당하니까 :)
팔로우도 하고 방문하러 갑니다. :)
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걷기 어플 소개해주십시옹 !!
기다리구 있습니닷 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
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ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 안그래도 1빠로 소개하면서 소환 했습니다~!!!! 늦어서 죄송합니다~ 하루내에 한다캤는데 할라고 찾다보니까 엄청난 프로젝트들 양에 정리해놓고 해야겠다 싶어서 많이 늦었습니다...ㅋㅋㅋ
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이렇게나 많았네요.
정리의 여왕이군요.^^
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ㅋㅋㅋ 이름은 여자 이름이지만 남자 입니닷!!! :)
방문 감사합니다~~ :)
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이런! 정리의 제왕이셨군요ㅎㅎ
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일 키우셨네요 ^^
리스팀 하고 갑니다 ^^
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ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 키워도 감당 못할만큼 키운 것 같네요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
방문도 모자라 리스팀까지 해주시고.. 감사합니다~~!! :)
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와 저걸 링크를 다 달으신 건가요? ㄷㄷ 대단하십니다...
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그냥..... 왜 그랬나 싶네요...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
뭐에 홀렸는지.......ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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스팀잇에 대한 훌륭한 열정으로 완성하신 것 같습니다ㅋㅋㅋ 굳입니다
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좋게 봐주셔서 감사합니다!!! :)
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이걸 하나하나 다 정리하시다니... 대단하십니다.
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글로리님보다도 더 빠져있나 봅니다.... 이런짓까지 하는거 보면...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
방문 감사합니다. :)
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모아 놓으신 걸 보니 어마어마하군요-_-;;;
그나저나 노력도 어마어마하셨네요. 저걸 일일이 링크를 다.ㅠㅠ
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눈 빠지는 줄 알았습니다... 지금도 손목 얼얼하고요....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
그냥 목록만 나열할라다가 설명까지 넣기는 안그래도 긴 글 너무 길어질것 같고 다 보지도 않을 것 같애서 그냥 궁금해서 보고싶은 분들 있으실까봐 죄다 링크 걸었네요...ㅋㅋㅋ
그 덕에 제 스팀잇 인생에서 제일 많은 리스팀 당하고 있는 중인듯...ㅎㅎㅎ
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