RE: As Steem grows, so does the presence of the trolls

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As Steem grows, so does the presence of the trolls

in steem •  8 years ago 

Didn't you just say that in the last post, and in the one before and in the 17 before? I have to go eat sweetie. Do you mind if we pick this up later? I can wait if you don't want me to go. I feel like if you're left alone you might hurt yourself, and I'd feel really guilty and somewhat responsible. Ever try Tinder or Give it a it for you, for me...for us.

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Why are you telling me all that, what are you trying to prove or imply? Don't you think it's odd that people on the internet harm you with flags and you expect only positive reactions to the content you post because you deserve only positive reactions, because flags are evil.

I'm telling you all that because I care about you and our relationship. I treasure our relationship and will forever hold it close to my heart.

Hey guess what, this isn't about you or me, this is about your whining, insults and petty threats amidst your rage being captured for ever on the blockchain, for the benefit of everyone else.

Oh there you are! We were getting worried about you. OH NOOOOOOOO...captured on the blockchain forever (which is 1 word btw) for everyone to see? Oh. My. God. What am I going to do. What is going to become of me when in days, or weeks, or years from now, someone sees what I've posted on the blockchain?!?! I could give two fucks about anyone who is scouring the blockchain looking for posts to be honest. Literally, I couldn't care less. Rage huh?! LMFAO. You obviously don't know what rage is. The only thing I've done wrong is probably just fucking with a little kid who has a below average level of intelligence. I think we can both agree on're not very bright, and I shouldn't be taking advantage of that fact. So for that...I apologize

You can deny rage flagging me, it was evident. The internet hurt you after all and I pointed how you get your self worth from what people curate your content as.

Oh no no no. Like you said, it's just the internet, and you can't actually see me. I assure you it wasn't rage as it was just out of sheer enjoyment and pleasure I got out of flagging your dumb posts. I was actually smiling when I was doing it. It was quite fun. If anything it was the opposite of I guess bliss!

Either way you are exemplified hypocrite, crying that flagging hurts and then hurling flags around. The internet curated my content as crap, now I have to cry censorship and removing rewards, I am entitled to people responding only with supportive mumbling, least they point out that you're claiming the internet harmed you.'s "lest" they point out, not "least" they point out. You really need some education

BUT...I applaud you for your attempt at making big words. All you're doing now is just saying the exact same thing over and over and over again. Literally, are you just copying and pasting that same sentence? It's making me thing you are actually either retarded or have Downs Syndrome. I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm right, and you actually are retarded, then I apologize for making fun of you

You are hurt by the internet, because you disagree with what people consider crap content, and you cry and whine call it censorship because you're a victim of the internet, because the internet is removing your rewards, because you don't deserve any bad opinions or negative curation, because it hurts your feelings, this internet.

Oh no sweetie..just no...not at all. I did mention I couldn't care less about the what...$10 that was removed? I'm not hurting for money. I was merely expressing my opinion about my investment in a coin, which is Steem. If I'm investing in something, I want to believe in it...when things can be as easily manipulated as what I've seen from this pyramid scheme called Steemit, then I start realizing I made a bad decision with my investment. I doubt I'll pull my money out, but I was considering throwing another 20k in after listening to jerry banfield talk about it....I won't be doing that now. If it makes you feel better though, which I think you need that reassurance since obviously your self esteem is quite low...then got me on everything you said. You got me real good.

Yeah you did, I'm sure that this makes sense:

then I start realizing I made a bad decision with my investment. I doubt I'll pull my money out.

Probably because it's such a bad decision.

I did mention I couldn't care less about the what...$10 that was removed?

Yeah, that was implied in "the internet harmed me and removed my rewards"

I'm not hurting for money. I was merely expressing my opinion about my investment in a coin, which is Steem.

Good one, we will just have to take your word for it, you're not trying to convince us or make us believe your narrative of "I don't care, I'm just expressing my lack of care".

If I'm investing in something, I want to believe in it...when things can be as easily manipulated as what I've seen from this pyramid scheme called Steemit, then I start realizing I made a bad decision with my investment.

Great, still doesn't relate to "the internet is harming me with flags".

..I won't be doing that now. If it makes you feel better though, which I think you need that reassurance since obviously your self esteem is quite low...then got me on everything you said. You got me real good.

Obviously since you keep denying it, No, no no not at all, you just contradicted yourself. If only my self esteem was tied into how people vote for the content I create, then yes, if only I was reduced to making euphemistic threatening remarks of "we'll have a nice chat" because of how people curated my content, without explaining themselves even! If only I was that individual who is a hypocrite that cries flags hurt and hurls flags with glee, and talks shit and makes trollish remarks, because the internet is making too much sense and I look like an idiot" did you even look at the accounts" ad hominem and so forth. Again, this isn't for your benefit, this is for the spectators, so telling us that you don't care, only reinforces that thought that you are desperatly trying to convince of what a great, rich, sophisticated (I made a bad decision with my investment. I doubt I'll pull my money out) and innocent creature you are. And you have a girlfriend. Did I mention you're reduced to someone who cares what people on the internet curate his content as?

How is me saying we'll have a nice chat threatening? If we ever met, and I do believe we will one day, I do believe we would in fact have a nice chat.....we will have a nice chat when we do meet. Is "curate" your favorite word? You like to use big words and form big sentences and give your big opinion, so obviously you care quite a bit what people...well no, just what I think of you on the internet, otherwise you wouldn't keep writing stupid ass things to me that just make me laugh and feel sorry for you. Oh, and dipshit....caring what people think is a pretty normal's part of being human. If you deny you care what people think, then you'd be lying, or you wouldn't be human...I'm starting to think the latter might be true. You might not be human, but might in fact be an actual piece of shit that can somehow talk?

Again, this isn't about you, this is about the spectators and the people who read this discourse in the future. Your pretend worry aside you can keep crying that the internet hurt you and say people are censoring you, that is always sensible and engaging.