Steemit Update [Sep 15th, 2022]: Community Curators for October - Applications Open

in steem •  2 years ago  (edited)

We hope you are all enjoying this rather different month of the Community Curators.

From what we have observed so far the new freestyle Community Curation appears to be going well.

We will therefore be continuing with the same approach for October.

So if you would like to have a chance of being selected for a Community Curation team for next month, now is the time to make your application.

The Community Curators for October

For October, we are again inviting individuals to apply, if they would like to be Community Curators.

From the individual applications, we will select six teams as we did for September.

The teams may be of varying size - anywhere from one to seven - depending on the number and quality of applications.

Again, there will be no specific themes allocated for each team.

Instead all teams will be free to vote on posts on any subject.

We also want teams to look beyond communities. There are many good posts outside of any communities - just directly on people’s personal blogs.

Teams should seek these out.

We hope by dropping themes and tags, it will reduce the rather obvious tag content farming. There has been a considerable quantity of poor quality, often spun or plagiarized posts appearing over the last few months produced solely to chase votes from the Community Curators.

The Curation Teams in October should again allocate a portion of their voting power for voting on the best comments, since high-quality, relevant comments add a whole new richness to the Steem blogging ecosystem.

Good comments can be as interesting and valuable as good posts, and we want to encourage and reward them.

How to Apply as a Community Curator

If you would like to be considered as a Community Curator you should make a post including…

  • A brief summary of your history on Steem.

  • Details of any positions of responsibility you have held on Steem.

  • Details of specialist or professional skills or expertise you have in "real life".

  • What country do you live in and what languages you can read fluently.

  • Your key stats - own SP, CSI, Reputation, Delegations.

  • Any subjects you particularly enjoy curating.

  • The minimum team size you would be willing to serve in (1 - 7).

To apply to become a Community Curator you must have a reputation of at least 67 and you must have at least 3500 SP of your own (not delegated to you).

Previously selected Community Curators are welcome to apply again for October.

Keep posts brief and easy to follow. Include the tag #curatorapplication in the first four tags.

Applications can be made in any language.

Posts should be submitted by 11:59 pm UTC, on Saturday, September 24th, 2022.

How Community Curators will be rewarded

Every day the teams will be allowed to allocate one full vote to a member’s post - ideally in rotation. If a team has less than seven members, members can potentially receive more than one vote per week.

In total, no more than 10% of the account’s voting power should be used on team members each week.

Additionally, each week one member should post a report for the team in the Steem POD community with a list of their top 5 posts, with a brief note of why each post was chosen.

These posts should set beneficiaries to share the rewards with other members of the team.

The posts will be voted by @steemcurator01.

Thank you to this month’s Community Curators. You are all welcome to apply again for October.

We hope the new arrangements will again encourage many more people to apply to become Community Curators.

The selections for the Curation Teams will be announced by the end of September, with a view to starting at the beginning of October.

The Steemit Team

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That is a good opportunity for users to try their skills as curators. It is not easy and sometimes people think that it is something that everyone can easily do and do not realize how much time it take to be attentive reader and discover someone who is not known.

Having this opportunity of curating throughout communities and not been attached to tags is giving a chance of voting large number of users.

Voting commenters is good idea, but it is good to voted the different commenters and not the same ones that is often seen.

I wonder if anyone else from WOX would like to take part to be a Community Curator. We are a big community and sometimes users may not be aware about such a chance. Will try to check up with our users.

After your suggestion, I will try to apply to be a curator. Now I will need a lot of luck.
Thank you in any case @stef1

The engagement challenge, the community curators, I think are dying slowly. Too much of anything is not good, be it on steemit or anything else in general. We need something new. Something that attracts the users more and more. It's been a long time since we have been introduced to anything new by the Steemit team.

We must exert our minds and discover something new. And new initiatives don't always have to be from the Steemit team. The Steemit team will always support positive initiatives for the development of Steemit. And this Steemit Engagement challenge has made some Steemian more active in interacting.

We must exert our minds and discover something new.

Have you thought of something new?

I think we need to place emphasis to an extent on crypto education, trading, web3 development, and finance. Lifestyle should also be included but the other five is how I feel we can develop the platform.

Is it true? While writers on specific content are very few and it's impossible to explain in detail the topic you are talking about. I did a survey on the topic that discusses this. In fact, my expectations immediately dropped. It was not weighty at all and not a reference for educating. The reason why? I see that the creators are only after voting rewards from the curators. Therefore, the content of the post is not of any quality at all. I'm speaking of facts. And if you want to investigate further, the random selection of winners by the community jury is also below the standard for specific crypto content. Basically, Steemit has to imitate Quora and Medium if you want to grow. Then the content that is created must be of high quality and also specific. Sorry, this is a visible fact on steemit and this is sad for creators who have content who really write quality and useful content.

You have a point. But how do you suggest the platform ensure high quality content?

Like I said, first eliminate the contest about unclear diaries. Garbage contests are held by the community so that people don't compete in making posts that are not of high quality to get rewards. Each community has a main account, so choose selectively content with informative, interactive, and quality content and don't be careless, which is mostly seen today. And don't vote again for dolphins, because their uptake is high, but not with the quality of the content they display. It will make everyone compete competitively and can make this platform come back again to producing quality content.

Interesting. If you wouldn't mind, kindly tell, what topics do you think should replace diaries?

How do I post here? Plz help

You need to begin with your achievement 1 task. You should ask the person who introduced you to the platform on how to go about it. If you don't have anyone, kindly chat me up on telegram for guidance.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Creo que sería buena idea (digo para atraer usuario) hacer viral por las redes sociales. Sea Facebook o sea Twitter como lo esta haciendo @ pollito22 con su nueva iniciativa. Desde hace algunas días tuve un pensamiento: hay una poca cantidad de videos en YouTube hablando completamente de Steemit, la mayoría de los videos que se encuentran son videos de hace 2, 3 y 5 años. Sería genial motivar a los Steemians a crear videos para la plataforma de YouTube acerca de Steemit.

No deberían ser vídeos tan complicados, lo digo en manera de crear vlogs o solo podcast sobre los temas que generalmente se tratan aquí dentro de Steemit, esto con la intención de atraer a usuarios.

Se que suena un poquito complicado pero vale la pena intentarlo. Además el problema de la interacción no es solo por aquí, si no que hay muchas publicaciones en distintas redes sociales que no reciben comentarios genuinos. Me atrevo a decir que en Steemit existen más comentarios genuinos y de calidad que en todas las redes sociales que conozco.

It would be great to see the community make videos about Steem on YouTube.

It has been several years since I myself made a video about steem/steemit on youtube.

I will post a contest in WOX soon about this
But I believe that that competition should not be only for the local wox community, but that it is open to everyone in the entire steemit community.
The competition should have a duration of 14 days so that those who are going to make a video about steemit have time to make a quality video.
I will contribute prizes to the 3 best videos in the form of delegated SP for 3 weeks.
1st place 5000 SP
2nd place 3000 SP
3rd place 2000 SP
We also hope that we can bring in some sponsors so that the delegated SP can contribute to even bigger prizes.

I made a video on my youtube channel but it is not so easy to convince people

I did this Sir you can check this out, below is a dance video of me promoting steemit on YouTube.

Enjoy my Afro dance, with steem promotion.

Se ve divertido tu baile amigo 😳
Creo que lo podrías mejorar
¡¡Tu puedes!!

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

A ponerse las alpargatas que lo que viene es joropo 🤠

(Como dirían los Venezolanos jajaja)

Can any community organize this? The main thing is steemit promotion? If yes, then I will ask my community to come up with something too!

The idea of promoting steemit is a strong one but only when it is done in the right way. Now that you mentioned it, I looked up to a couple of videos on steemit and they seemed elaborative yet simple. The sad thing as you mentioned, is that these videos are of 3-5 years ago.

In any business, there's a whole budget allocated to the marketing team. The marketing team takes care of all the promotional activities and makes sure that their product reaches the right amount of consumers.

We probably need that here as well. We need good promoters who know what they're doing and are not just doing it for the sake of it. Ofcourse if the Steemit team could incentivize those users, it would only increase their efficiency.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Tienes la razón amigo, pero eso de un equipo de promoción fracaso hace algún tiempo. Mucho Steem llegaba a una cuenta destinada a hacer un centro promotor: el jefe terminó renunciando y apagando todo su poder (incluido en que estaba destinado para el centro). Esa información la leí en una publicación de @ pennsif.

Como dices, es muy difícil que una sola persona lleve toda esa promoción, todos deberíamos estar involucrados en la promoción.

Una idea para involucrar a todos los usuarios sería crear un concurso destinado a la creación de un video promocional y el ganador se llevaría un premio o recompensa.

Podría esa idea ligrarse con algún concurso de la semana en alguna comunidad seleccionada para el Steemit Engagement Challenge, sería entretenido escucharlos a todos como hablan de su "Experiencia dentro de la mejor red social" en su idioma natal.

Comparto esta idea deseando que esto pueda llegar a ojos de quien pueda materializarlo, nada perdemos con intentarlo.

Además, podría crearse un canal de telegram con la intención de recolectar publicaciones que ayuden a los recién llegados que se generen en la promoción. Pero eso sí, y como lo decía @ pennsif: Busquemos más comentaristas, escritores, profesores, pensadores críticos y creadores de contenido creativo que personas que ganen algo de dinero por crear y luego se vayan.

We really look forward to seeing ideas and actions from the community.

And we would most of all like to see initiatives that are self sustaining and not just reliant on getting votes from the steemcurators.

That would be new and exciting...


Hi @steemcurator01,

I noticed that you are offended by my comment which was nothing but constructive criticism and what I thought could help Steem. I don't need to justify my intentions becuase everyone here knows how sincerely I put my efforts in this platform all these years.

I might have been wrong but instead of giving me a convincing reply, you decided to ignore it and moreover didn't vote on my report. The latter I don't care but being a CR I think I deserved a reply atleast.

Thank you for considering me for the role of a country representative but I have decided to step down from this position. I request you to please remove your delegation. I prefer continuing as a normal blogger like before.

Thank you again for all the support. I just wish that you were a little more considerate.

I hope communities play their part in this. I am not seeing anything new on this platform lately and this bores me honestly. I know everyone reads your comments so it's more like a call for suggestions from everyone reading this.

You should know the predator who tops the food chain basically sets the rules and the rest just follow. At the moment Steemit team sits at the top. So when I say that Steemit team should come up with something interesting for the users, I mean it. Something less suffocating. Something that doesn't force them to leave this platform. Something that benefits both the users and the platform. If not, we might notice another massive powerdown soon.

That would be new and exiting...

I am sure you meant exciting.

If this bores you so, what are YOU going to do.

Please do give us your grand ideas...

It saddens me to see that a user like me who has been on this platform for almost two years, working with transparency, commitment and dedication being treated like this. I noticed that you removed the vote from my recent post, which infact was an interactive one, just because my opinions didn't allign with yours.

The new chess series that I started was infact due to the very reason that I have mentioned in the comments above; wanting to start something new and interactive. Removing the vote off that post just because you didn't like my opinion doesn't seem very professional to me.

You're talking about ideas? I had a lot of interactive ones, for instance starting a new competition of users from each and every country here on steemit. To complete my chess series and then to teach my other expertises. Even today, I had a chess game with @weisser-rabe, after I got in touch with her on my recent post.

The only reason of commenting my thoughts here was to engage leaders from all around the globe, so that they can pitch in their ideas as well, and it would have been easy for the steemit team as well to listen to those ideas and come up with something new for its users.

I think, users here should have the right of expressing their thoughts and opinions without the fear of not getting support, even if their opinions don't match with the Steemit team. It's the only way of improving things. Specially the experienced users. Users who have earned their reputation...

As you think what we do is so boring...

I hereby want to get rid of my steemcurator01-Votes as they are obviously nothing more but sugar cubes!

So, you'll remove your vote from my post that has already been curated due to it's content just because I gave my honest opinions for the betterment of this platform? As I said, this doesn't seem very professional to me...

They have to be a more sensible way you could interact with users than this... Appalling to say the least

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

With due respect, Yeah like all talented and committed users, I also one of them . showing my best by sharing quality contents , giving my quality time and serve my services as a mod and engagement challenges but seriously I disappointed to not receive support from you. Even everyone appreciate my efforts and qaulity content but you are not considering my posts from couple of times. @steemcurator01

I have input for the team in each community to consider. We can see content from 4-5 years ago on steemit.We know that everyone searches for information on Google about anything and everything, such as how to cook grilled chicken. Many articles appear on many article blogs and community forums such as Quora. And the article contains information and is also a place for social discussion. This is what I no longer see from Steemit. The lack of creators who provide quality, informative and quality content is a fact on steemit. Why is this happening? I see there are several reasons. 1. There is a contest that reduces quality and informative content. They make steemit too much of a diary for their daily activities, and this is boring and makes creators pay less attention to steemit as an informative and informative sharing and socializing platform 2. Giving votes to creators by curators to content creators who cannot create content that can boost the growth of Steemit. This is happening a lot. Thus, creators who see this choose not to create quality, informative, and interactive content. If you want to look in the mirror so that steemit is more developed, we can see the contents of each post from the medium platform, Quora, and others. I hope this is an input that can be considered.

I see sense in this. 🔥
The big question is; why are more reputable users and communities powering down?

The Steemit team finding out its root causes and bringing out tangible solutions will be of great relevance in times like this.

The platform seems to be less interesting of late.
I think it would be nice to re-introduce Crypto Academy, whiles the engagement challenge takes place in the other communities.
The truth is bitter, and only loyal users will be bold enough to draw the team's attention, and not be playing along like everything is right, whiles it is vice versa.

I wonder why positions requirements swiftly increases overtime 😒

We love the Team and Steemit, you have done well, but you have to sometimes consider our views, and not punish people by revoking upvotes made, just because of expressing their views.
Thank you.

I want the steemit engagement challenge to continue.But I want to tell you about one thing. The steemit team should review the posts of each contestant in the engagement challenge. I participate in at least two or three engagement challenges about a week. I get very good feedback from admin moderators. But I think steemit team doesn't check all entries. This is my opinion, sorry if I am wrong.

Always Love to the steemit team. ❤️

I also agree with you brother..I also participate at least three or four chellange every week but I also think they didn’t take care of every persons entry. I also think so.😔 If I do any mistake then forgive me. I love Steemit a lot.💗💗

My friend, the first thing to note here is that the Steemit team is made up of humans and not robots, as such they can't possibly review the post of every contestant in the engagement challenge, that's the reason we have moderators and admin of the various communities. Nevertheless, I sense some partialities on the part of most moderators in submitting the well-deserved posts to the curators.
What I would suggest for the team amongst others includes:

  • Continuation of the Engagement Challenge (As it increases
    & improves the manner of interaction among steemians)

  • Re-Introduction of the learn-earn session as it was in the crypto academy, where professors taught other steemians and gave them tasks to perform (This was one of the most interesting trends on this platform, and no matter what the rules were at that time, a huge number of steemians were happy)

  • More promotional activities and achievements should be made known to other social media platforms (As this will increase the amount of awareness and investors to this great platform).

You are correct. Thank you 😊

You are welcome my friends❤.

Please vote for us and help each other. I am new one steem.

You create beautiful content. Your posts are too short. You are regularly posting to get philpotg votes. Which is very insignificant. You make beautiful unique posts. Hope to get big support from steemit team.

You must post achievement 1 in the newcomers community to get verified on the Steemit platform. Any problem you can contract with me.

Thank you.

Yea you are quite right but I would still appreciate it if the engagement challenge continuous because it has really made a lot of people like me grow the habit of commenting, although I would love to see a new project that would make steemit keep booming. If a new project is to be brought, I would love it to run alongside engagement challenge.

That's true. Engagement Challenge has been a good initiative but there should be something new every once in a while.

Yes, there should be new ideas but these ideas shouldn't always be brought up by the team.

The team has really tried in bringing up awesome ideas which has been very effective.

The ball is also in our court, we can make beautiful and Interesting suggestions which will be thoroughly reviewed by the team before implementation.

The truth is we all need to work together to make steem great, we shouldn't always rely on the team for new ideas, we are free to contribute our ideas which will be reviewed by the team.

For example look at the #burnsteem25, it is a nice idea that was suggested by a steemian and was implemented.

our ideas is usually appreciated by the team, instead of judging them, we can support them with ideas.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Sorry to say, but as a newbie on this site when I see diary games taking the major share of the votes, I feel dejected and feel "Is this what we call blogging?" But that's how it is and I am looking forward to the new team that will find worthy posts.

Thank you steemit blog for update.

To apply to become a Community Curator you must have a reputation of at least 67 and you must have at least 3500 SP of your own (not delegated to you).

I hope this new rule give opportunity to more users and we get diversity of users from different countries. Best of luck to all. I will apply for sure.

god bless you

To apply to become a Community Curator you must have a reputation of at least 67 and you must have at least 3500 SP of your own (not delegated to you).

Not many people realize that for October there is no rule that users have to be in a club, it's the other way around from September which stipulates that a minimum of users must be #club5050.

I think this is a new way to provide an opportunity for all users to take this position and really grow on Steemit for the work they do. The Steemit team has made this publicly available to all users.

I don't know for sure, or maybe you forgot to add the rules about club ?

Thank you,

Please vote for us and help each other.i am new one on steem

A great update, and I'll make sure I apply this month..

Thanks to the team for a great job and kudos to the existing community curators

If I may, we newbies are actually finding it hard to get votes because we do not how articles are being curated, sometimes we talk to our allies to help us talk to the curators they know so that we can get support because the vote is being done randomly. Please I will suggest, if we can get tags that are accredited to certain topics it will go along way and most especially help the curators to get content through a tag which is in line with the needed topic please.

And also, I feel an engagement contest for newbies is needed because i have not seen a user with 50-59 rep who has emerged as a winner in the engagement contest due to our shallow knowledge about what the engagement contest is about. So an engagement for newbies probably from rep 50-59 should be organized. for with that, we don't get to compete with old users because we do not stand a chance to win if we are being merged with old users for they already know what we do not know. So an engagement contest for newbies with low reputation will go along way to help grow this platform and with that more users will gain interest to join this great family.

This is my thought on this, thank you all.

follow for followback

Google is paying $27485 to $29658 consistently for taking a shot at the web from home. I joined this action 2 months back and I have earned $31547 in my first month from this action. I can say my life has improved completely! Take a gander at what I do....

Well-done ideas

Hello am new do I make points?

You need to begin with your achievement 1 task. You should ask the person who introduced you to the platform on how to go about it. If you don't have anyone, kindly chat me up on telegram for guidance.

I am a steemit platform user since 5 years ago. but now I stop writing because I think steemit is in need of new, fresh things to expand the community and many people interact in it. Maybe steemit is not like a fair google adsense. fair in the sense of the word the highest content of interest, quality that will stay and last and earn high profits. because of such methods google remains the majority of the best choices for writing.

Now I want to invite you to think, why is this platform's fan statistic not significantly increasing? I know the answer, I feel it too. Previously I also understood that this steemit platform is not like writing platforms in general. we all must be aware that the quality of the articles here is not good, too much plagiarism, copypaste, unstructured and even many articles that worship the curators. I speak facts, because I also see firsthand the power of the curator is not used in the right way. those who have connections will get them, those who have big capital that will become lions. If the system is like this, what will happen to the new creators? How is the article competition? how about people who really work but go home with a vote of 0.01$

In my opinion if things like this are maintained, the next 3 years steemit will fall. I know, I'm not a creator who has a large SP, so no one will hear my voice and suggestions, is that right? A few years ago steemit would be a giant writing platform, when steemit collaborated with but I was wrong. all of this is just a business that is visible in the eyes of the creators. I'm not asking the creators to think about a crisis, I'm just annoyed with the voting system, the evaluation of articles, and the handing over of curator powers for each region. this method will be a boomerang for steemit itself.

We can all see from the reaction to the comments I wrote. If you agree with me and understand the advice, it definitely supports this comment. On the other hand, if this comment is true and many people are offended, this comment will be deleted, hide and many things will happen. I dare to speak like this because many things in my opinion will kill steemit's reputation. I have been using this platform for a long time. I don't want steemit to go into the abyss. Thank you to all of you. if anyone wants to discuss with me, just reply to this comment. let's think hard for better progress.

For the steemit team, please help support me to make everyone think. @steemitblog @steemcurator01

Monthly updates for curators provide equal opportunities and great opportunities for all Steemian around the world to take part in this prestigious event. :)

Soy nuevo usuario y necesito saber que es un curador para estar al día y como funciona

We have to settle down with our mind all together, and bring up new things and discover new things and make steemit a nice and interesting platform to blog in, the STEEMIT teams are working towards that and we appreciate that effort

Dear @steemitblog I am glad to have the opportunity to apply again. I wander within a rule,

To apply to become a Community Curator you must have a reputation of at least 67 and you must have at least 3500 SP of your own (not delegated to you).

My reputation is 67+ I have 5000+ SP in my account. But I have invested here about 2500 steem of my own money. So SP earned from steemit is 2500+. Am I eligible??

Thank you
@solaymann steem on...

  ·  2 years ago (edited)

Amigo eres elegible porque tienes más de 5000 Steem Power. Cuando dice "no delegados a usted" se refiere a que los Steem Power no deben provenir de una delegación, son tuyos es decir: están en tu cuenta.

Thank you 😊

  ·  2 years ago Reveal Comment

well this a good idea

Thanks to @steemitblog and @stef1 for the initiative and invitation.

I am not sure that it is necessary to give a link to the application here... But I'm doing it: